
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 import copy
00004 from RecoPixelVertexing.PixelTrackFitting.PixelTracks_cfi import *
00005 #   request Pixel track finding with very low pt threshold. Even if only high-pt tracks
00006 #   are selected, the low-Pt might be wanted to check isolation of the high-Pt track.
00007 #   otherwise the ptMin here can be increased.
00008 pixelTracksForMinBias = copy.deepcopy(pixelTracks)
00009 #include "RecoLocalTracker/Configuration/data/RecoLocalTracker.cff"
00010 from RecoPixelVertexing.PixelTrackFitting.PixelTracks_cff import *
00011 import copy
00012 from HLTrigger.special.TriggerTypeFilter_cfi import *
00013 #
00014 # TriggerType filter:
00015 #
00016 filterTriggerType = copy.deepcopy(triggerTypeFilter)
00017 #    alternative to the above. Seems to work (and be a bit more efficient due to ptMin=0.2->0.075), but not properly tested yet.
00018 #    module pixelTracksForMinBias = pixelLowPtTracksWithZPos from "RecoPixelVertexing/PixelLowPtUtilities/data/PixelLowPtTracksWithZPos.cfi"
00019 pixelTrackingForMinBias = cms.Sequence(pixelTracksForMinBias)
00020 pixelTrackingForIsol = cms.Sequence(pixelTracks)
00021 pixelTracksForMinBias.RegionFactoryPSet.RegionPSet.ptMin = 0.2
00022 filterTriggerType.InputLabel = 'rawDataCollector'