
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 # A set of quality cuts used for the PFTaus.  Note that the quality cuts are
00004 # different for the signal and isolation regions.  (Currently, only in Nhits)
00006 PFTauQualityCuts = cms.PSet(
00007     signalQualityCuts = cms.PSet(
00008         minTrackPt                   = cms.double(0.5),  # filter PFChargedHadrons below given pt
00009         maxTrackChi2                 = cms.double(100.), # require track Chi2
00010         maxTransverseImpactParameter = cms.double(0.03), # w.r.t. PV
00011         maxDeltaZ                    = cms.double(0.2),  # w.r.t. PV
00012         #minTrackVertexWeight         = cms.double(10e-4), # Tracks weight in vertex
00013         minTrackVertexWeight         = cms.double(-1), # Tracks weight in vertex
00014         minTrackPixelHits            = cms.uint32(0),    # pixel-only hits (note that these cuts are turned off,
00015         # the tracking cuts might be higher)
00016         minTrackHits                 = cms.uint32(3),    # total track hits
00017         minGammaEt                   = cms.double(0.5),  # filter PFgammas below given Pt
00018         #useTracksInsteadOfPFHadrons  = cms.bool(False),  # if true, use generalTracks, instead of PFChargedHadrons
00019     ),
00020     isolationQualityCuts = cms.PSet(
00021         minTrackPt                   = cms.double(1.0),
00022         maxTrackChi2                 = cms.double(100.),
00023         maxTransverseImpactParameter = cms.double(0.03),
00024         maxDeltaZ                    = cms.double(0.2),
00025         minTrackVertexWeight         = cms.double(-1), # Tracks weight in vertex
00026         minTrackPixelHits            = cms.uint32(0),
00027         minTrackHits                 = cms.uint32(8),
00028         minGammaEt                   = cms.double(1.5),
00029         #useTracksInsteadOfPFHadrons  = cms.bool(False),
00030     ),
00031     # The central definition of primary vertex source.
00032     primaryVertexSrc = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices"),
00033     # Possible algorithms are: highestPtInEvent, closestInDeltaZ,
00034     # highestWeightForLeadTrack
00035     pvFindingAlgo = cms.string("highestWeightForLeadTrack"),
00036 )