
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 TopDiLeptonOfflineDQM = cms.EDAnalyzer("TopDiLeptonOfflineDQM",
00004   ## ------------------------------------------------------
00005   ## SETUP
00006   ##
00007   ## configuration of the MonitoringEnsemble(s)
00008   ## [mandatory] : optional PSets may be omitted
00009   ##
00010   setup = cms.PSet(
00011     ## sub-directory to write the monitor histograms to
00012     ## [mandatory] : should not be changed w/o explicit 
00013     ## communication to TopCom!
00014     directory = cms.string("Physics/Top/TopDiLeptonDQM/"),
00016     ## [mandatory]
00017     sources = cms.PSet(
00018       muons = cms.InputTag("muons"),
00019       elecs = cms.InputTag("gsfElectrons"),
00020       jets  = cms.InputTag("ak5CaloJets"),
00021       mets  = cms.VInputTag("met", "tcMet", "pfMet")
00022     ),
00023     ## [optional] : when omitted the verbosity level is set to STANDARD
00024     monitoring = cms.PSet(
00025       verbosity = cms.string("DEBUG")
00026     ),
00027     ## [optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for electrons
00028     ## will be filled w/o extras
00029     elecExtras = cms.PSet(
00030       ## when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o cut on electronId
00031       electronId = cms.PSet(
00032         src     = cms.InputTag("eidRobustLoose"),
00033         pattern = cms.int32(1)
00034       ),
00035       ## when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o additional pre-
00036       ## selection of the electron candidates                                                 
00037       select = cms.string("pt>5 && abs(eta)<2.4 && abs(gsfTrack.d0)<1 && abs(<20"),
00038       ## when omitted isolated electron multiplicity plot will be equi-
00039       ## valent to inclusive electron multiplicity plot                                                
00040       isolation = cms.string("(dr03TkSumPt+dr03EcalRecHitSumEt+dr03HcalTowerSumEt)/pt<0.2"),
00041     ),
00042     ## [optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for muons
00043     ## will be filled w/o extras
00044     muonExtras = cms.PSet(
00045       ## when omitted muon plots will be filled w/o additional pre-
00046       ## selection of the muon candidates   
00047       select = cms.string("pt>1 && abs(eta)<2.4 && abs(globalTrack.d0)<1 && abs(<20"),
00048       ## when omitted isolated muon multiplicity plot will be equi-
00049       ## valent to inclusive muon multiplicity plot                                                  
00050       isolation = cms.string("(isolationR03.sumPt+isolationR03.emEt+isolationR03.hadEt)/pt<0.2"),
00051     ),
00052     ## [optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for jets will
00053     ## be filled from uncorrected jets
00054     jetExtras = cms.PSet(
00055       ## when omitted monitor plots for pt will be filled from uncorrected
00056       ## jets    
00057       jetCorrector = cms.string("ak5CaloL2L3"),
00058       ## when omitted monitor plots will be filled w/o additional cut on
00059       ## jetID                                                   
00060       jetID  = cms.PSet(
00061         label  = cms.InputTag("ak5JetID"),
00062         select = cms.string("fHPD < 0.98 & n90Hits>1 & restrictedEMF<1")
00063       ),
00064       ## when omitted no extra selection will be applied on jets before
00065       ## filling the monitor histograms; if jetCorrector is present the
00066       ## selection will be applied to corrected jets
00067       select = cms.string("pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.5 & emEnergyFraction>0.01"), 
00068     ),
00069     ## [optional] : when omitted no mass window will be applied
00070     ## for the same flavor lepton monitoring plots 
00071     massExtras = cms.PSet(
00072       lowerEdge = cms.double(3.0),
00073       upperEdge = cms.double(3.2)
00074     ),
00075     ## [optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for triggering
00076     ## will be empty
00077     triggerExtras = cms.PSet(
00078       src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"),
00079       pathsELECMU = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu9:HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R',
00080                                  'HLT_Mu15:HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R',
00081                                  'HLT_DoubleMu3:HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R',
00082                                  'HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R:HLT_Mu9',
00083                                  'HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R:HLT_DoubleMu3']),
00084       pathsDIMUON = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu15:HLT_Mu9',
00085                                  'HLT_DoubleMu3:HLT_Mu9',
00086                                  'HLT_Mu9:HLT_DoubleMu3',
00087                                  'HLT_Mu15:HLT_DoubleMu3'])
00088     )    
00089   ),
00091   ## ------------------------------------------------------
00093   ##
00094   ## setup of the event preselection, which will not
00095   ## be monitored
00096   ## [mandatory] : but may be empty
00097   ##
00098   preselection = cms.PSet(
00099     ## [optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied
00100     trigger = cms.PSet(
00101       src    = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"),
00102       select = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu9','HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R','HLT_DoubleMu3'])
00103     ),
00104     ## [optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied
00105     vertex = cms.PSet(
00106       src    = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices"),
00107       select = cms.string('abs(x)<1. && abs(y)<1. && abs(z)<20. && tracksSize>3 && !isFake')
00108     )
00109   ),
00111   ## ------------------------------------------------------    
00112   ## SELECTION
00113   ##
00114   ## monitor histrograms are filled after each selection
00115   ## step, the selection is applied in the order defined
00116   ## by this vector
00117   ## [mandatory] : may be empty or contain an arbitrary
00118   ## number of PSets as given below:
00119   ##
00120   selection = cms.VPSet(
00121     cms.PSet(
00122       ## [mandatory] : 'jets' defines the objects to
00123       ## select on, 'step0' labels the histograms;
00124       ## instead of 'step0' you can choose any label
00125       label  = cms.string("empty:step0")
00126     ),
00127   ),
00128 )