
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 # parameters for CSC rechit building
00004 from RecoLocalMuon.CSCRecHitD.cscRecHitD_cff import *
00005 csc2DRecHits = cms.EDProducer("CSCRecHitDProducer",
00006     #
00007     #    Parameters for coordinate and uncertainty calculations
00008     #    Data and MC parameters are (still) different
00009     #    Needs tuning
00010     #
00011     cscRecHitDParameters,
00012     #
00013     #    Parameters for strip hits
00014     #
00015     CSCStripPeakThreshold = cms.double(10.0),
00016     CSCStripClusterChargeCut = cms.double(25.0),
00017     CSCStripxtalksOffset = cms.double(0.03),
00018     #
00019     #    How to find SCA peak time?
00020     #                              
00021     UseAverageTime = cms.bool(False),
00022     UseParabolaFit = cms.bool(False),
00023     UseFivePoleFit = cms.bool(True),                       
00024     #
00025     #    Parameters for wire hits
00026     CSCWireClusterDeltaT = cms.int32(1),
00027     #
00028     #    Calibration info:
00029     CSCUseCalibrations = cms.bool(True),
00030     #    Pedestal treatment
00031     CSCUseStaticPedestals = cms.bool(False),
00032     CSCNoOfTimeBinsForDynamicPedestal = cms.int32(2),
00033     #
00034     #    Which digis:
00035     #
00036     #  When using data from unpacker
00037     wireDigiTag = cms.InputTag("muonCSCDigis","MuonCSCWireDigi"),
00038     stripDigiTag = cms.InputTag("muonCSCDigis","MuonCSCStripDigi"),
00039     #  When using data from simulation
00040     #    wireDigiTag = cms.InputTag("simMuonCSCDigis","MuonCSCWireDigi"),
00041     #    stripDigiTag = cms.InputTag("simMuonCSCDigis","MuonCSCStripDigi"),
00042     #
00043     # Use dead channels information 
00044     readBadChannels = cms.bool(True),
00045     readBadChambers = cms.bool(True),
00046     #                          
00047     # Do we use the chip and chamber and L1A phase corrections when filling the recHit time?
00048     #
00049     CSCUseTimingCorrections = cms.bool(True),
00050     #
00051     # Do we correct the energy deposited for gas gains?
00052     CSCUseGasGainCorrections = cms.bool(True),
00053     #
00054     #    Parameters which are not used currently
00055     #
00056     CSCDebug = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00057     #  To be set once wire digis have proper timing info:
00058     CSCstripWireDeltaTime = cms.int32(8),
00059     # to be deleted
00060     CSCStripClusterSize = cms.untracked.int32(3)
00061 )