
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 allConversions = cms.EDProducer('ConversionProducer',
00004     AlgorithmName = cms.string('mixed'),
00005     #src = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("generalTracks")),
00006     src = cms.InputTag("gsfGeneralInOutOutInConversionTrackMerger"),
00007     convertedPhotonCollection = cms.string(''), ## or empty
00009     bcEndcapCollection = cms.InputTag("multi5x5SuperClusters","multi5x5EndcapBasicClusters"),
00010     bcBarrelCollection = cms.InputTag("hybridSuperClusters","hybridBarrelBasicClusters"),
00011     scBarrelProducer = cms.InputTag("correctedHybridSuperClusters"),
00012     scEndcapProducer = cms.InputTag("correctedMulti5x5SuperClustersWithPreshower"),
00014     primaryVertexProducer = cms.string('offlinePrimaryVerticesWithBS'),
00016     deltaEta = cms.double(0.4), #track pair search range in eta (applied even in case of preselection bypass)
00018     HalfwayEta = cms.double(.1),# Track-bc matching search range on Eta
00019     maxNumOfTrackInPU =  cms.int32(999999),
00020     maxTrackRho =  cms.double(120.),
00021     maxTrackZ =  cms.double(300.),                                    
00022     minSCEt = cms.double(10.0),
00023     dEtacutForSCmatching = cms.double(0.03),
00024     dPhicutForSCmatching = cms.double(0.05),                                       
00025     dEtaTrackBC = cms.double(.2), # Track-Basic cluster matching, position diff on eta
00026     dPhiTrackBC = cms.double(1.), # Track-Basic cluster matching, position diff on phi
00027     EnergyBC = cms.double(0.3), # Track-Basic cluster matching, BC energy lower cut
00028     EnergyTotalBC = cms.double(.3), # Track-Basic cluster matching, two BC energy summation cut
00029     #tight cuts
00030     d0 = cms.double(0.), #d0*charge cut
00031     MaxChi2Left = cms.double(10.), #Track quality
00032     MaxChi2Right = cms.double(10.),
00033     MinHitsLeft = cms.int32(4),
00034     MinHitsRight = cms.int32(2),
00035     DeltaCotTheta = cms.double(0.1), #Track pair opening angle on R-Z
00036     DeltaPhi = cms.double(.2), #Track pair opening angle on X-Y (not a final selection cut)
00037     vtxChi2 = cms.double(0.0005),
00038     MinApproachLow = cms.double(-.25), #Track pair min distance at approaching point on X-Y      
00039     MinApproachHigh = cms.double(1.0), #Track pair min distance at approaching point on X-Y
00040     rCut = cms.double(2.0),#analytical track cross point
00041     dz = cms.double(5.0),#track pair inner position difference
00043 # kinematic vertex fit parameters
00044     maxDelta = cms.double(0.01),#delta of parameters
00045     maxReducedChiSq = cms.double(225.),#maximum chi^2 per degree of freedom before fit is terminated
00046     minChiSqImprovement = cms.double(50.),#threshold for "significant improvement" in the fit termination logic
00047     maxNbrOfIterations = cms.int32(40),#maximum number of convergence iterations
00049     UsePvtx = cms.bool(True),
00051     AllowD0 = cms.bool(True), #Allow d0*charge cut
00052     AllowDeltaPhi = cms.bool(False),
00053     AllowTrackBC = cms.bool(False), #Allow to match track-basic cluster
00054     AllowDeltaCot = cms.bool(True), #Allow pairing using delta cot theta cut
00055     AllowMinApproach = cms.bool(True), #Allow pairing using min approach cut
00056     AllowOppCharge = cms.bool(True), #use opposite charge tracks to pair
00057     AllowVertex = cms.bool(True),
00058     bypassPreselGsf = cms.bool(True), #bypass preselection for gsf + X pairs
00059     bypassPreselEcal = cms.bool(False), #bypass preselection for ecal-seeded + X pairs
00060     bypassPreselEcalEcal = cms.bool(True), #bypass preselection for ecal-seeded + ecal-seeded pairs    
00061     AllowSingleLeg = cms.bool(False), #Allow single track conversion
00062     AllowRightBC = cms.bool(False) #Require second leg matching basic cluster
00063 )