
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 #include "RootOutputTree.h"
00004 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/RefCoreStreamer.h"
00005 #include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/BranchDescription.h"
00006 #include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/WrapperInterfaceBase.h"
00007 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/JobReport.h"
00008 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00009 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
00010 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Algorithms.h"
00011 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDMException.h"
00012 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/RootHandlers.h"
00014 #include "TBranch.h"
00015 #include "TBranchElement.h"
00016 #include "TCollection.h"
00017 #include "TFile.h"
00018 #include "TTreeCloner.h"
00019 #include "Rtypes.h"
00020 #include "RVersion.h"
00022 #include "boost/bind.hpp"
00023 #include <limits>
00025 namespace edm {
00027     RootOutputTree::RootOutputTree(
00028                    boost::shared_ptr<TFile> filePtr,
00029                    BranchType const& branchType,
00030                    int splitLevel,
00031                    int treeMaxVirtualSize) :
00032       filePtr_(filePtr),
00033       tree_(makeTTree(filePtr.get(), BranchTypeToProductTreeName(branchType), splitLevel)),
00034       producedBranches_(),
00035       readBranches_(),
00036       auxBranches_(),
00037       unclonedReadBranches_(),
00038       clonedReadBranchNames_(),
00039       currentlyFastCloning_(),
00040       fastCloneAuxBranches_(false) {
00042     if(treeMaxVirtualSize >= 0) tree_->SetMaxVirtualSize(treeMaxVirtualSize);
00043   }
00045   TTree*
00046   RootOutputTree::assignTTree(TFile* filePtr, TTree* tree) {
00047     tree->SetDirectory(filePtr);
00048     // Turn off autosaving because it is such a memory hog and we are not using
00049     // this check-pointing feature anyway.
00050     tree->SetAutoSave(std::numeric_limits<Long64_t>::max());
00051     return tree;
00052   }
00054   TTree*
00055   RootOutputTree::makeTTree(TFile* filePtr, std::string const& name, int splitLevel) {
00056     TTree* tree = new TTree(name.c_str(), "", splitLevel);
00057     if(!tree) throw edm::Exception(errors::FatalRootError)
00058       << "Failed to create the tree: " << name << "\n";
00059     if(tree->IsZombie())
00060       throw edm::Exception(errors::FatalRootError)
00061         << "Tree: " << name << " is a zombie." << "\n";
00063     return assignTTree(filePtr, tree);
00064   }
00066   bool
00067   RootOutputTree::checkSplitLevelsAndBasketSizes(TTree* inputTree) const {
00069     assert (inputTree != 0);
00071     // Do the split level and basket size match in the input and output?
00072     for(std::vector<TBranch*>::const_iterator it = readBranches_.begin(), itEnd = readBranches_.end();
00073       it != itEnd; ++it) {
00075       TBranch* outputBranch = *it;
00076       if(outputBranch != 0) {
00077         TBranch* inputBranch = inputTree->GetBranch(outputBranch->GetName());
00079         if(inputBranch != 0) {
00080           if(inputBranch->GetSplitLevel() != outputBranch->GetSplitLevel() ||
00081               inputBranch->GetBasketSize() != outputBranch->GetBasketSize()) {
00082             return false;
00083           }
00084         }
00085       }
00086     }
00087     return true;
00088   }
00090   namespace {
00091     bool checkMatchingBranches(TBranchElement* inputBranch, TBranchElement* outputBranch) {
00092       if(inputBranch->GetStreamerType() != outputBranch->GetStreamerType()) {
00093         return false;
00094       }
00095       TObjArray* inputArray = inputBranch->GetListOfBranches();
00096       TObjArray* outputArray = outputBranch->GetListOfBranches();
00098       if(outputArray->GetSize() < inputArray->GetSize()) {
00099         return false;
00100       }
00101       TIter iter(outputArray);
00102       TObject* obj = 0;
00103       while((obj = iter.Next()) != 0) {
00104         TBranchElement* outBranch = dynamic_cast<TBranchElement*>(obj);
00105         if(outBranch) {
00106           TBranchElement* inBranch = dynamic_cast<TBranchElement*>(inputArray->FindObject(outBranch->GetName()));
00107           if(!inBranch) {
00108             return false;
00109           }
00110           if(!checkMatchingBranches(inBranch, outBranch)) {
00111             return false;
00112           }
00113         }
00114       }
00115       return true;
00116     }
00117   }
00119   bool RootOutputTree::checkIfFastClonable(TTree* inputTree) const {
00121     if(inputTree == 0) return false;
00123     // Do the sub-branches match in the input and output. Extra sub-branches in the input are OK for fast cloning, but not in the output.
00124     for(std::vector<TBranch*>::const_iterator it = readBranches_.begin(), itEnd = readBranches_.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
00125       TBranchElement* outputBranch = dynamic_cast<TBranchElement*>(*it);
00126       if(outputBranch != 0) {
00127         TBranchElement* inputBranch = dynamic_cast<TBranchElement*>(inputTree->GetBranch(outputBranch->GetName()));
00128         if(inputBranch != 0) {
00129           // We have a matching top level branch. Do the recursive check on subbranches.
00130           if(!checkMatchingBranches(inputBranch, outputBranch)) {
00131             LogInfo("FastCloning")
00132               << "Fast Cloning disabled because a data member has been added to split branch: " << inputBranch->GetName() << "\n.";
00133             return false;
00134           }
00135         }
00136       }
00137     }
00138     return true;
00139   }
00141   bool RootOutputTree::checkEntriesInReadBranches(Long64_t expectedNumberOfEntries) const {
00142     for(std::vector<TBranch*>::const_iterator it = readBranches_.begin(), itEnd = readBranches_.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
00143       if((*it)->GetEntries() != expectedNumberOfEntries) {
00144         return false;
00145       }
00146     }
00147     return true;
00148   }
00150   void
00151   RootOutputTree::fastCloneTTree(TTree* in, std::string const& option) {
00152     if(in->GetEntries() != 0) {
00153       TObjArray* branches = tree_->GetListOfBranches();
00154       // If any products were produced (not just event products), the EventAuxiliary will be modified.
00155       // In that case, don't fast copy auxiliary branches. Remove them, and add back after fast copying.
00156       std::map<Int_t, TBranch *> auxIndexes;
00157       bool mustRemoveSomeAuxs = false;
00158       if(!fastCloneAuxBranches_) {
00159         for(std::vector<TBranch *>::const_iterator it = auxBranches_.begin(), itEnd = auxBranches_.end();
00160              it != itEnd; ++it) {
00161           int auxIndex = branches->IndexOf(*it);
00162           assert (auxIndex >= 0);
00163           auxIndexes.insert(std::make_pair(auxIndex, *it));
00164           branches->RemoveAt(auxIndex);
00165         }
00166         mustRemoveSomeAuxs = true;
00167       }
00169       //Deal with any aux branches which can never be cloned
00170       for(std::vector<TBranch *>::const_iterator it = unclonedAuxBranches_.begin(),
00171            itEnd = unclonedAuxBranches_.end();
00172            it != itEnd; ++it) {
00173         int auxIndex = branches->IndexOf(*it);
00174         assert (auxIndex >= 0);
00175         auxIndexes.insert(std::make_pair(auxIndex, *it));
00176         branches->RemoveAt(auxIndex);
00177         mustRemoveSomeAuxs = true;
00178       }
00180       if(mustRemoveSomeAuxs) {
00181         branches->Compress();
00182       }
00184       TTreeCloner cloner(in, tree_, option.c_str(), TTreeCloner::kNoWarnings|TTreeCloner::kIgnoreMissingTopLevel);
00186       if(!cloner.IsValid()) {
00187         // Let's check why
00188         static const char* okerror = "One of the export branch";
00189         if(strncmp(cloner.GetWarning(), okerror, strlen(okerror)) == 0) {
00190           // That's fine we will handle it;
00191         } else {
00192           throw edm::Exception(errors::FatalRootError)
00193             << "invalid TTreeCloner (" << cloner.GetWarning() << ")\n";
00194         }
00195       }
00196       tree_->SetEntries(tree_->GetEntries() + in->GetEntries());
00197       Service<RootHandlers> rootHandler;
00198       rootHandler->enableErrorHandlerWithoutWarnings();
00199       cloner.Exec();
00200       rootHandler->enableErrorHandler();
00201       if(mustRemoveSomeAuxs) {
00202         for(std::map<Int_t, TBranch *>::const_iterator it = auxIndexes.begin(), itEnd = auxIndexes.end();
00203              it != itEnd; ++it) {
00204           // Add the auxiliary branches back after fast copying the rest of the tree.
00205           Int_t last = branches->GetLast();
00206           if(last >= 0) {
00207             branches->AddAtAndExpand(branches->At(last), last+1);
00208             for(Int_t ind = last-1; ind >= it->first; --ind) {
00209               branches->AddAt(branches->At(ind), ind+1);
00210             };
00211             branches->AddAt(it->second, it->first);
00212           } else {
00213             branches->Add(it->second);
00214           }
00215         }
00216       }
00217     }
00218   }
00220   void
00221   RootOutputTree::writeTTree(TTree* tree) {
00222     if(tree->GetNbranches() != 0) {
00223       tree->SetEntries(-1);
00224     }
00225     setRefCoreStreamer(true);
00226     tree->AutoSave("FlushBaskets");
00227   }
00229   void
00230   RootOutputTree::fillTTree(std::vector<TBranch*> const& branches) {
00231     for_all(branches, boost::bind(&TBranch::Fill, _1));
00232   }
00234   void
00235   RootOutputTree::writeTree() const {
00236     writeTTree(tree_);
00237   }
00239   void
00240   RootOutputTree::maybeFastCloneTree(bool canFastClone, bool canFastCloneAux, TTree* tree, std::string const& option) {
00241     unclonedReadBranches_.clear();
00242     clonedReadBranchNames_.clear();
00243     currentlyFastCloning_ = canFastClone && !readBranches_.empty();
00244     if(currentlyFastCloning_) {
00245       fastCloneAuxBranches_ = canFastCloneAux;
00246       fastCloneTTree(tree, option);
00247       for(std::vector<TBranch*>::const_iterator it = readBranches_.begin(), itEnd = readBranches_.end();
00248           it != itEnd; ++it) {
00249         if((*it)->GetEntries() == tree_->GetEntries()) {
00250           clonedReadBranchNames_.insert(std::string((*it)->GetName()));
00251         } else {
00252           unclonedReadBranches_.push_back(*it);
00253         }
00254       }
00255       Service<JobReport> reportSvc;
00256       reportSvc->reportFastClonedBranches(clonedReadBranchNames_, tree_->GetEntries());
00257     }
00258   }
00260   void
00261   RootOutputTree::fillTree() const {
00262     if(currentlyFastCloning_) {
00263       if(!fastCloneAuxBranches_)fillTTree(auxBranches_);
00264       fillTTree(unclonedAuxBranches_);
00265       fillTTree(producedBranches_);
00266       fillTTree(unclonedReadBranches_);
00267     } else {
00268       tree_->Fill();
00269     }
00270   }
00272   void
00273   RootOutputTree::addBranch(std::string const& branchName,
00274                             std::string const& className,
00275                             WrapperInterfaceBase const* interface,
00276                             void const*& pProd,
00277                             int splitLevel,
00278                             int basketSize,
00279                             bool produced) {
00280       assert(splitLevel != BranchDescription::invalidSplitLevel);
00281       assert(basketSize != BranchDescription::invalidBasketSize);
00282       TBranch* branch = tree_->Branch(branchName.c_str(),
00283                  className.c_str(),
00284                  &pProd,
00285                  basketSize,
00286                  splitLevel);
00287       assert(branch != 0);
00288       if(pProd != 0) {
00289         // Delete the product that ROOT has allocated.
00290         interface->deleteProduct(pProd);
00291         pProd = 0;
00292       }
00293       if(produced) {
00294         producedBranches_.push_back(branch);
00295       } else {
00296         readBranches_.push_back(branch);
00297       }
00298   }
00300   void
00301   RootOutputTree::close() {
00302     // The TFile was just closed.
00303     // Just to play it safe, zero all pointers to quantities in the file.
00304     auxBranches_.clear();
00305     unclonedAuxBranches_.clear();
00306     producedBranches_.clear();
00307     readBranches_.clear();
00308     unclonedReadBranches_.clear();
00309     tree_ = 0;
00310     filePtr_.reset();
00311   }
00312 }