00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 # 00004 # sequence to make photons from clusters in ECAL 00005 # $Id: photonSequence_CSA06_cff.py,v 1.2 2008/04/21 03:26:40 rpw Exp $ 00006 # 00007 # photon producer 00008 from RecoEgamma.EgammaPhotonProducers.photons_cfi import * 00009 # producer for photons after correction 00010 #include "RecoEgamma/EgammaPhotonProducers/data/correctedPhotons.cfi" 00011 # ShR 26 Sep: removed correction to prevent crash in CSA production in 101 00012 photonSequence = cms.Sequence(photons) 00013