
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 particleFlowDisplacedVertex = cms.EDProducer("PFDisplacedVertexProducer",
00005     vertexCandidatesLabel = cms.InputTag("particleFlowDisplacedVertexCandidate"),
00007     # verbosity 
00008     verbose = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00010     # Debug flag
00011     debug = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00013     # maximum transverse distance between two points to be used in Seed                                   
00014     transvSize = cms.double(1.0),
00016     # maximum longitudinal distance between two points to be used in Seed                                   
00017     longSize = cms.double(5),
00019     # minimal radius below which we do not reconstruct interactions
00020     # typically the position of the first Pixel layer or beam pipe
00021     primaryVertexCut = cms.double(2.5),
00023     # radius below which we don't wamt to reconstruct displaced
00024     # vertices
00025     tobCut = cms.double(100),
00027     # z below which we don't want to reconstruct displaced
00028     # vertices
00029     tecCut = cms.double(220),
00031     # the minimal accepted weight for the tracks calculated in the 
00032     # adaptive vertex fitter to be associated to the displaced vertex
00033     # this correspond to the sigmacut of 6
00034     minAdaptWeight = cms.double(0.5),
00036     # this flag is designed to reduce the timing of the algorithm in the high pile-up conditions. 2 tracks
00037     # vertices are the most sensitives to the pile-ups.
00038     switchOff2TrackVertex = cms.untracked.bool(True),
00040     # ------------ Paramemeters for the track selection ------------
00042     # Primary vertex information used for dxy calculation
00043     mainVertexLabel = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices", ""),
00044     offlineBeamSpotLabel = cms.InputTag("offlineBeamSpot", ""),
00046     # Parameters used to apply cuts
00047     tracksSelectorParameters = cms.PSet(
00048         bSelectTracks = cms.bool(True),
00049         # If a track is high purity it is always kept
00050         quality = cms.string("HighPurity"),
00051         # Following cuts are applyed to non high purity tracks
00052         # nChi2_max and pt_min cuts are applyed to the primary and secondary tracks
00053         nChi2_max = cms.double(5.),
00054         pt_min = cms.double(.2),
00055         # nChi2_min applyed only to primary tracks which may be short
00056         # remove fake pixel triplets
00057         nChi2_min = cms.double(.5),
00058         # Cuts applyed to the secondary tracks long and displaced
00059         dxy_min = cms.double(.2),
00060         nHits_min = cms.int32(6),
00061         nOuterHits_max = cms.int32(9)
00062     ),
00064     # ------------ Paramemeters for the vertex identification ------------
00066     vertexIdentifierParameters = cms.PSet(
00067         bIdentifyVertices = cms.bool(True),
00068         # Minimal sum pt of secondary tracks for displaced vertices.
00069         # Below this value we find either loopers splitted in two parts eiter
00070         # fake vertices in forward direction
00071         pt_min = cms.double(0.5),
00072         # Minimal pT and log10(P_primary/P_secondary) for primary track in kinks (Primary+Secondary)
00073         # which are not identifier as K-+ decays
00074         pt_kink_min = cms.double(3.0),
00075         logPrimSec_min = cms.double(0.0),
00076         # maximum absoluta value of eta for loopers
00077         looper_eta_max = cms.double(0.1),
00078         # Masses cuts for selections
00079         #                    CVmin  K0min  K0max  K-min  K-max  Ldmin  Ldmax  Nuclmin_ee
00080         masses = cms.vdouble(0.050, 0.485, 0.515, 0.480, 0.520, 1.107, 1.125, 0.200),
00081         # Angle between the primaryVertex-secondaryVertex direction and secondary tracks direction
00082         # this angle means that the final system shall propagate in the same direction than initial system
00083         #                    all_max, CV and V0 max
00084         angles = cms.vdouble(15,      15)
00085     ),
00087     # Adaptive Vertex Fitter parameters identical to the default ones except sigmacut.
00088     # The default value is sigmacut = 3 too tight for displaced vertices
00089     # see CMS NOTE-2008/033 for more details
00090     avfParameters = cms.PSet(
00091         sigmacut = cms.double(6.),
00092         Tini = cms.double(256.),
00093         ratio = cms.double(0.25)
00094     )
00097 )