
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <DataFormats/CSCRecHit/interface/CSCRecHit2D.h>
00002 #include <iostream>
00004 CSCRecHit2D::CSCRecHit2D() :
00005   theTpeak( -999. ),  
00006   thePositionWithinStrip(-999.),
00007   theErrorWithinStrip(-999.),
00008   theEnergyDeposit( -994. ),
00009   theQuality( 0 ), 
00010   theScaledWireTime( 0 ),
00011   theBadStrip( 0 ), 
00012   theBadWireGroup( 0 ),
00013   nStrips_(0),
00014   nWireGroups_(0),
00015   nTimeBins_(0),
00016   theLocalPosition(0.,0.), 
00017   theLocalError(0.,0.,0.)
00018 {
00019   for ( unsigned int i=0; i< MAXSTRIPS; i++) theStrips_[i]=0;
00020   for ( unsigned int i=0; i< MAXSTRIPS; i++) 
00021     for ( unsigned int j=0; j< MAXTIMEBINS; j++) 
00022       theADCs_[i*MAXTIMEBINS+j]=0;
00023 }
00025 CSCRecHit2D::CSCRecHit2D( const CSCDetId& id, 
00026                           const LocalPoint& pos, 
00027                           const LocalError& err, 
00028                           const ChannelContainer& channels, 
00029                           const ADCContainer& adcs,
00030                           const ChannelContainer& wgroups,
00031                           float tpeak, 
00032                           float posInStrip, 
00033                           float errInStrip,
00034                           int quality, short int badStrip, short int badWireGroup,
00035                           int scaledWireTime,
00036                           float energyDeposit):
00037   RecHit2DLocalPos( id ), 
00038   theTpeak( tpeak ),
00039   thePositionWithinStrip( posInStrip ),
00040   theErrorWithinStrip( errInStrip ),
00041   theEnergyDeposit( energyDeposit ),
00042   theQuality( quality ), 
00043   theScaledWireTime ( scaledWireTime ),
00044   theBadStrip( badStrip ), theBadWireGroup( badWireGroup ),
00045   theLocalPosition( pos ), 
00046   theLocalError( err )
00047 {
00048   nStrips_=channels.size();
00049   nWireGroups_=wgroups.size();
00051   if ( nStrips_ > MAXSTRIPS ) {
00052     std::cout << "CSCRecHit2D: not enough strips in DataFormat! " << unsigned(nStrips_) <<  std::endl;
00053     nStrips_=MAXSTRIPS;
00054   }
00056   for ( unsigned int i=0; i< MAXSTRIPS; i++) theStrips_[i]=0;
00057   for ( unsigned int i=0; i< MAXSTRIPS; i++) theL1APhaseBits_[i]=0;
00058   for ( unsigned int i=0; i< MAXSTRIPS; i++) 
00059     for ( unsigned int j=0; j< MAXTIMEBINS; j++) 
00060       theADCs_[i*MAXTIMEBINS+j]=0;
00063   for ( unsigned int i=0; i<nStrips_; i++) {
00064     theStrips_[i]=channels[i] & 0x000000FF;
00065     theL1APhaseBits_[i]=channels[i] & 0x0000FF00;
00066   }
00067   if (nWireGroups_>0) {
00068     //take only the low bits
00069     hitWire_=wgroups[nWireGroups_/2] & 0x0000FFFF;
00070     theWGroupsBX_= (wgroups[nWireGroups_/2] >> 16)& 0x0000FFFF;
00071   }
00072   else {
00073     hitWire_=0;
00074     theWGroupsBX_=0;
00075   }
00076   ADCContainer tmp(adcs); //must be a bug in RangeMap!!!???
00077   nTimeBins_=tmp.size()/nStrips_;
00078   unsigned int k=0;
00079   for ( unsigned int i=0; i<nStrips_; i++)
00080     for ( unsigned int j=0; j<nTimeBins_; j++) {
00081       theADCs_[i*MAXTIMEBINS+j]=tmp[k];
00082       k++;
00083     }
00084 }
00086 CSCRecHit2D::~CSCRecHit2D() {}
00088 bool CSCRecHit2D::sharesInput(const TrackingRecHit *other, TrackingRecHit::SharedInputType what) const {
00090   // This is to satisfy the base class virtual function
00092   // @@ Cast the enum (!) But what if the TRH::SIT changes?!
00093   CSCRecHit2D::SharedInputType cscWhat = static_cast<CSCRecHit2D::SharedInputType>(what);
00094   return sharesInput(other, cscWhat);
00095 }
00097 bool CSCRecHit2D::sharesInput(const TrackingRecHit *other, CSCRecHit2D::SharedInputType what) const {
00099   // Check to see if the TrackingRecHit is actually a CSCRecHit2D.
00100   if (other->geographicalId().subdetId() != MuonSubdetId::CSC) return false;
00102   // Now I can static cast, because the previous guarantees that this is a CSCRecHit2D
00103   const CSCRecHit2D *otherRecHit = static_cast<const CSCRecHit2D *>(other);
00105   return sharesInput(otherRecHit, what);
00106 }
00109 bool CSCRecHit2D::sharesInput(const  CSCRecHit2D *otherRecHit, CSCRecHit2D::SharedInputType what) const {
00111   // Check to see if the geographical ID of the two are the same
00112   if (geographicalId() != otherRecHit->geographicalId()) return false;
00114   // Trivial cases
00115   if (nStrips() == 0 && otherRecHit->nStrips() == 0 && nWireGroups() == 0 && otherRecHit->nWireGroups() == 0) return true;
00116   if ((what == allWires || what == someWires) && nWireGroups() == 0 && otherRecHit->nWireGroups() == 0) return true;
00117   if ((what == allStrips || what == someStrips) && nStrips() == 0 && otherRecHit->nStrips() == 0) return true;
00119   // Check to see if the wire containers are the same length
00120   if ((what == all || what == allWires) && nWireGroups() != otherRecHit->nWireGroups()) return false;
00122   // Check to see if the strip containers are the same length
00123   if ((what == all || what == allStrips) && nStrips() != otherRecHit->nStrips()) return false;
00125   bool foundWire = false;
00126   // Check to see if the wires are the same
00127   if (what != allStrips && what != someStrips) {
00128     //can we do better here?
00129     if ( hitWire() != otherRecHit->hitWire() )  return false;
00130   }
00132   // Check to see if the wires are the same
00133   bool foundStrip = false;
00134   if (what != allWires && what != someWires) {
00135     for (unsigned int i=0; i< nStrips(); i++) {
00136       bool found = false;
00137       for (unsigned int j=0; j< nStrips(); j++) {
00138         //a strip is a channel for all but ME1/1a chambers (where 3 ganged strips are a channel)
00139         if(cscDetId().channel(channels(i))==otherRecHit->cscDetId().channel(otherRecHit->channels(j))){
00140           if (what == some || what == someStrips) return true;
00141           else {
00142             found = true;
00143             foundStrip = true;
00144             break;
00145           }
00146         }
00147       }
00148       if ((what == all || what == allStrips) && !found) return false;
00149     }
00150     if (what == someStrips && !foundStrip) return false;
00151   }
00153   // In case we were looking for "some" and found absolutely nothing.
00154   if (!foundWire && !foundStrip) return false;
00156   // If we made it this far, then:
00157   //  1) the detector IDs are the same
00158   //  2) the channel containers have the same number of entries
00159   //  3) for each entry in my channel container, I can find the same value in the other RecHit's corresponding channel container
00160   // I think that means we are the same.
00161   return true;
00162 }
00165 void CSCRecHit2D::print() const {
00166   std::cout << "CSCRecHit in CSC Detector: " << cscDetId() << std::endl;
00167   std::cout << "  local x = " << localPosition().x() << " +/- " << sqrt( localPositionError().xx() ) <<  " y = " << localPosition().y() << " +/- " << sqrt( localPositionError().yy() ) << std::endl;
00169   std::cout << " tpeak " << theTpeak << " psoInStrip " << thePositionWithinStrip << " errorinstrip " << theErrorWithinStrip << " " << " qual " << theQuality << " wiretime " << theScaledWireTime << " tbs " << theBadStrip << " bwg " << theBadWireGroup << std::endl; 
00171   std::cout << "  Channels: ";
00172   for (unsigned int i=0; i<nStrips(); i++) {std::cout << std::dec << channels(i) << " "
00173                                                       << " (" << "HEX: " << std::hex << channels(i) << ")" << " ";
00174   }
00175   std::cout << std::endl;
00179   std::cout << "  L1APhase: ";
00180   for (int i=0; i<(int)nStrips(); i++) {
00181     std::cout << "|";
00182     for (int k=0; k<8 ; k++){ 
00183       std::cout << ((channelsl1a(i) >> (15-k)) & 0x1) << " ";}
00184     std::cout << "| ";       
00185   }           
00186   std::cout << std::endl;
00188   std::cout << "nWireGroups " << (int)nWireGroups() << " central wire " << hitWire_ <<std::endl;
00189 }
00192 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CSCRecHit2D& rh) {
00193   os << "CSCRecHit2D: local x = " << rh.localPosition().x() << " +/- " << sqrt( rh.localPositionError().xx() ) <<
00194     " y = " << rh.localPosition().y() << " +/- " << sqrt( rh.localPositionError().yy() ) <<
00195     " in strip X = " << rh.positionWithinStrip() << " +/-  = " << rh.errorWithinStrip()<<" quality = "<<rh.quality()<<"\n";
00196   os << "             strip # : ";
00197   for(size_t iS =0;iS< rh.nStrips();++iS){
00198     os <<rh.channels(iS)<<"  ";
00199   }
00200 os << "\n             wire # : ";
00202  os << "nWireGroups " << (int)rh.nWireGroups() << " central wire " << rh.hitWire() <<std::endl;
00204  return os;
00205 }