Go to the documentation of this file.00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 PythiaMSSMmhmax = cms.vstring(
00004 'RMSS(2)= 200. ! SU(2) gaugino mass ',
00005 'RMSS(3)= 800. ! SU(3) (gluino) mass ',
00006 'RMSS(4)= 200. ! higgsino mass parameter',
00007 'RMSS(6)= 1000. ! left slepton mass',
00008 'RMSS(7)= 1000. ! right slepton mass',
00009 'RMSS(8)= 1000. ! right slepton mass',
00010 'RMSS(9)= 1000. ! right squark mass',
00011 'RMSS(10)= 1000. ! left sq mass for 3th gen/heaviest stop mass',
00012 'RMSS(11)= 1000. ! right sbottom mass/lightest sbotoom mass',
00013 'RMSS(12)= 1000. ! right stop mass/lightest stop mass',
00014 'RMSS(13)= 1000. ! left stau mass',
00015 'RMSS(14)= 1000. ! right stau mass',
00016 'RMSS(15)= 2449. ! Ab',
00017 'RMSS(16)= 2449. ! At',
00018 'RMSS(17)= 2449. ! Atau'
00019 )