
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 TrackerOfflineValidation = cms.EDAnalyzer("TrackerOfflineValidation",
00004     useInDqmMode              = cms.bool(False),  # Switch between Standalone tool (using TFileService) and DQM-based version (using DQMStore)
00005     moduleDirectoryInOutput   = cms.string(""),   # at present adopted only in DQM mode (TFileService attaches the ModuleName as directory automatically)
00006     Tracks                    = cms.InputTag("TrackRefitter"),
00007     trajectoryInput           = cms.string('TrackRefitter'),  # Only needed in DQM mode
00008     localCoorHistosOn         = cms.bool(False),
00009     moduleLevelHistsTransient = cms.bool(False),  # Do not switch on in DQM mode, TrackerOfflineValidationSummary needs it
00010     moduleLevelProfiles       = cms.bool(False),  # Do not switch on in DQM mode
00011     localCoorProfilesOn       = cms.bool(False),
00012     stripYResiduals           = cms.bool(False),                                        
00013     useFwhm                   = cms.bool(True),
00014     useFit                    = cms.bool(False),  # Unused in DQM mode, where it has to be specified in TrackerOfflineValidationSummary
00015     useCombinedTrajectory     = cms.bool(False),
00016     useOverflowForRMS         = cms.bool(False),
00017     # Normalized X Residuals, normal local coordinates (Strip)
00018     TH1NormXResStripModules = cms.PSet(
00019         Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-5.0), xmax = cms.double(5.0)
00020     ),
00022     # X Residuals, normal local coordinates (Strip)
00023     TH1XResStripModules = cms.PSet(
00024         Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-0.5), xmax = cms.double(0.5)
00025     ),
00027     # Normalized X Residuals, native coordinates (Strip)
00028     TH1NormXprimeResStripModules = cms.PSet(
00029         Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-5.0), xmax = cms.double(5.0)
00030     ),
00032     # X Residuals, native coordinates (Strip)
00033     TH1XprimeResStripModules = cms.PSet(
00034         Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-0.5), xmax = cms.double(0.5)
00035     ),
00037     # Normalized Y Residuals, native coordinates (Strip -> hardly defined)
00038     TH1NormYResStripModules = cms.PSet(
00039         Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-5.0), xmax = cms.double(5.0)
00040     ),
00041     # -> very broad distributions expected                                         
00042     TH1YResStripModules = cms.PSet(
00043         Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-11.0), xmax = cms.double(11.0)
00044     ),
00046     # Normalized X residuals normal local coordinates (Pixel)                                        
00047     TH1NormXResPixelModules = cms.PSet(
00048         Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-5.0), xmax = cms.double(5.0)
00049     ),
00050     # X residuals normal local coordinates (Pixel)                                        
00051     TH1XResPixelModules = cms.PSet(
00052         Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-0.5), xmax = cms.double(0.5)
00053     ),
00054     # Normalized X residuals native coordinates (Pixel)                                        
00055     TH1NormXprimeResPixelModules = cms.PSet(
00056         Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-5.0), xmax = cms.double(5.0)
00057     ),
00058     # X residuals native coordinates (Pixel)                                        
00059     TH1XprimeResPixelModules = cms.PSet(
00060         Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-0.5), xmax = cms.double(0.5)
00061     ),                                        
00062     # Normalized Y residuals native coordinates (Pixel)                                         
00063     TH1NormYResPixelModules = cms.PSet(
00064         Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-5.0), xmax = cms.double(5.0)
00065     ),
00066     # Y residuals native coordinates (Pixel)                                         
00067     TH1YResPixelModules = cms.PSet(
00068         Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-0.5), xmax = cms.double(0.5)
00069     ),
00070     # X Residuals vs reduced local coordinates (Strip)                      
00071     TProfileXResStripModules = cms.PSet(
00072         Nbinx = cms.int32(20), xmin = cms.double(-1.0), xmax = cms.double(1.0)
00073     ),
00074     # X Residuals vs reduced local coordinates (Strip)                      
00075     TProfileYResStripModules = cms.PSet(
00076         Nbinx = cms.int32(20), xmin = cms.double(-1.0), xmax = cms.double(1.0)
00077     ),
00078     # X Residuals vs reduced local coordinates (Pixel)                      
00079     TProfileXResPixelModules = cms.PSet(
00080         Nbinx = cms.int32(20), xmin = cms.double(-1.0), xmax = cms.double(1.0)
00081     ),
00082     # X Residuals vs reduced local coordinates (Pixel)                      
00083     TProfileYResPixelModules = cms.PSet(
00084         Nbinx = cms.int32(20), xmin = cms.double(-1.0), xmax = cms.double(1.0)
00085     )
00086 )