
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00002 from Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2starSettings_cfi import *
00004 Generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia6GeneratorFilter",
00005     pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00006     comEnergy = cms.double(13000.0),
00007     maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),
00008     pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(1),
00009     filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0),
00010     crossSection = cms.untracked.double(0.00002497),
00011     PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(
00012         # Default (mostly empty - to keep PYTHIA default) card file
00013         # Name of the set is "pythiaDefault"
00014         pythiaUESettingsBlock,
00015         # User cards - name is "myParameters"
00016         processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=0             ! User defined processes', 
00017             "MSUB(141)   = 1    ! ff -> gamma/Z0/Z\'", 
00018             'MSTP(44) = 3       ! only select the Z process', 
00019             "PMAS(32,1)  = 3000 ! Z\' mass (GeV)", 
00020             'CKIN(1)     = -1  ! lower invariant mass cutoff (GeV)', 
00021             'CKIN(2)     = -1   ! no upper invariant mass cutoff', 
00022             'PARU(121)=  0.        ! vd', 
00023             'PARU(122)=  0.506809  ! ad', 
00024             'PARU(123)=  0.        ! vu', 
00025             'PARU(124)=  0.506809  ! au', 
00026             'PARU(125)=  0.        ! ve', 
00027             'PARU(126)=  0.506809  ! ae', 
00028             'PARU(127)= -0.253405  ! vnu', 
00029             'PARU(128)=  0.253405  ! anu', 
00030             'PARJ(180)=  0.        ! vd', 
00031             'PARJ(181)=  0.506809  ! ad', 
00032             'PARJ(182)=  0.        ! vu', 
00033             'PARJ(183)=  0.506809  ! au', 
00034             'PARJ(184)=  0.        ! ve', 
00035             'PARJ(185)=  0.506809  ! ae', 
00036             'PARJ(186)= -0.253405  ! vnu', 
00037             'PARJ(187)=  0.253405  ! anu', 
00038             'PARJ(188)=  0.        ! vd', 
00039             'PARJ(189)=  0.506809  ! ad', 
00040             'PARJ(190)=  0.        ! vu', 
00041             'PARJ(191)=  0.506809  ! au', 
00042             'PARJ(192)=  0.        ! ve', 
00043             'PARJ(193)=  0.506809  ! ae', 
00044             'PARJ(194)= -0.253405  ! vnu', 
00045             'PARJ(195)=  0.253405  ! anu', 
00046             'MDME(289,1) = 0    ! d dbar', 
00047             'MDME(290,1) = 0    ! u ubar', 
00048             'MDME(291,1) = 0    ! s sbar', 
00049             'MDME(292,1) = 0    ! c cbar', 
00050             'MDME(293,1) = 0    ! b bar', 
00051             'MDME(294,1) = 0    ! t tbar', 
00052             'MDME(295,1) = -1   ! 4th gen q qbar', 
00053             'MDME(296,1) = -1   ! 4th gen q qbar', 
00054             'MDME(297,1) = 0    ! e-     e+', 
00055             'MDME(298,1) = 0    ! nu_e   nu_ebar', 
00056             'MDME(299,1) = 1    ! mu-    mu+', 
00057             'MDME(300,1) = 0    ! nu_mu  nu_mubar', 
00058             'MDME(301,1) = 0    ! tau    tau', 
00059             'MDME(302,1) = 0    ! nu_tau nu_taubar', 
00060             'MDME(303,1) = -1   ! 4th gen l- l+', 
00061             'MDME(304,1) = -1   ! 4th gen nu nubar', 
00062             'MDME(305,1) = -1   ! W+ W-', 
00063             'MDME(306,1) = -1   ! H+ H-', 
00064             'MDME(307,1) = -1   ! Z0 gamma', 
00065             'MDME(308,1) = -1   ! Z0 h0', 
00066             'MDME(309,1) = -1   ! h0 A0', 
00067             'MDME(310,1) = -1   ! H0 A0'),
00068         parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings','processParameters')
00069     )
00070 )
00073 ProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(Generator)