
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "FWCore/Framework/src/PrincipalCache.h"
00003 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventPrincipal.h"
00004 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/LuminosityBlockPrincipal.h"
00005 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/RunPrincipal.h"
00006 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDMException.h"
00007 #include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ProcessHistoryRegistry.h"
00009 namespace edm {
00011   PrincipalCache::PrincipalCache() :
00012     run_(0U),
00013     lumi_(0U) {
00014   }
00016   PrincipalCache::~PrincipalCache() { }
00018   RunPrincipal&
00019   PrincipalCache::runPrincipal(ProcessHistoryID const& phid, RunNumber_t run) const {
00020     if (phid != reducedInputProcessHistoryID_ ||
00021         run != run_ ||
00022         runPrincipal_.get() == 0) {
00023       throwRunMissing();
00024     }
00025     return *runPrincipal_.get();
00026   }
00028   boost::shared_ptr<RunPrincipal> const&
00029   PrincipalCache::runPrincipalPtr(ProcessHistoryID const& phid, RunNumber_t run) const {
00030     if (phid != reducedInputProcessHistoryID_ ||
00031         run != run_ ||
00032         runPrincipal_.get() == 0) {
00033       throwRunMissing();
00034     }
00035     return runPrincipal_;
00036   }
00038   RunPrincipal&
00039   PrincipalCache::runPrincipal() const {
00040     if (runPrincipal_.get() == 0) {
00041       throwRunMissing();
00042     }
00043     return *runPrincipal_.get();
00044   }
00046   boost::shared_ptr<RunPrincipal> const&
00047   PrincipalCache::runPrincipalPtr() const {
00048     if (runPrincipal_.get() == 0) {
00049       throwRunMissing();
00050     }
00051     return runPrincipal_;
00052   }
00054   LuminosityBlockPrincipal&
00055   PrincipalCache::lumiPrincipal(ProcessHistoryID const& phid, RunNumber_t run, LuminosityBlockNumber_t lumi) const {
00056     if (phid != reducedInputProcessHistoryID_ ||
00057         run != run_ ||
00058         lumi != lumi_ ||
00059         lumiPrincipal_.get() == 0) {
00060       throwLumiMissing();
00061     }
00062     return *lumiPrincipal_.get();
00063   }
00065   boost::shared_ptr<LuminosityBlockPrincipal> const&
00066   PrincipalCache::lumiPrincipalPtr(ProcessHistoryID const& phid, RunNumber_t run, LuminosityBlockNumber_t lumi) const {
00067     if (phid != reducedInputProcessHistoryID_ ||
00068         run != run_ ||
00069         lumi != lumi_ ||
00070         lumiPrincipal_.get() == 0) {
00071       throwLumiMissing();
00072     }
00073     return lumiPrincipal_;
00074   }
00076   LuminosityBlockPrincipal&
00077   PrincipalCache::lumiPrincipal() const {
00078     if (lumiPrincipal_.get() == 0) {
00079       throwLumiMissing();
00080     }
00081     return *lumiPrincipal_.get();
00082   }
00084   boost::shared_ptr<LuminosityBlockPrincipal> const&
00085   PrincipalCache::lumiPrincipalPtr() const {
00086     if (lumiPrincipal_.get() == 0) {
00087       throwLumiMissing();
00088     }
00089     return lumiPrincipal_;
00090   }
00092   void PrincipalCache::merge(boost::shared_ptr<RunAuxiliary> aux, boost::shared_ptr<ProductRegistry const> reg) {
00093     if (runPrincipal_.get() == 0) {
00094       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00095         << "PrincipalCache::merge\n"
00096         << "Illegal attempt to merge run into cache\n"
00097         << "There is no run in cache to merge with\n"
00098         << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00099     }
00100     if (inputProcessHistoryID_ != aux->processHistoryID()) {
00101       if (reducedInputProcessHistoryID_ != ProcessHistoryRegistry::instance()->extra().reduceProcessHistoryID(aux->processHistoryID())) {
00102         throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00103           << "PrincipalCache::insert\n"
00104           << "Illegal attempt to merge run into cache\n"
00105           << "Reduced ProcessHistoryID inconsistent with the one already in cache\n"
00106           << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00107       }
00108       inputProcessHistoryID_ = aux->processHistoryID();
00109     }
00110     if (aux->run() != run_) {
00111       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00112         << "PrincipalCache::insert\n"
00113         << "Illegal attempt to merge run into cache\n"
00114         << "Run number inconsistent with run number already in cache\n"
00115         << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00116     }
00117     bool runOK = runPrincipal_->adjustToNewProductRegistry(*reg);
00118     assert(runOK);
00119     runPrincipal_->mergeAuxiliary(*aux);
00120   }
00122   void PrincipalCache::merge(boost::shared_ptr<LuminosityBlockAuxiliary> aux, boost::shared_ptr<ProductRegistry const> reg) {
00123     if (lumiPrincipal_.get() == 0) {
00124       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00125         << "PrincipalCache::merge\n"
00126         << "Illegal attempt to merge luminosity block into cache\n"
00127         << "There is no luminosity block in the cache to merge with\n"
00128         << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00129     }
00130     if (inputProcessHistoryID_ != aux->processHistoryID()) {
00131       if (reducedInputProcessHistoryID_ != ProcessHistoryRegistry::instance()->extra().reduceProcessHistoryID(aux->processHistoryID())) {
00132         throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00133           << "PrincipalCache::insert\n"
00134           << "Illegal attempt to merge run into cache\n"
00135           << "Reduced ProcessHistoryID inconsistent with the one already in cache\n"
00136           << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00137       }
00138       inputProcessHistoryID_ = aux->processHistoryID();
00139     }
00140     if (aux->run() != run_ ||
00141         aux->luminosityBlock() != lumi_) {
00142       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00143         << "PrincipalCache::insert\n"
00144         << "Illegal attempt to merge lumi into cache\n"
00145         << "Run and lumi numbers are inconsistent with the ones already in the cache\n"
00146         << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00147     }
00148     bool lumiOK = lumiPrincipal_->adjustToNewProductRegistry(*reg);
00149     assert(lumiOK);
00150     lumiPrincipal_->mergeAuxiliary(*aux);
00151   }
00153   void PrincipalCache::insert(boost::shared_ptr<RunPrincipal> rp) {
00154     if (runPrincipal_.get() != 0) {
00155       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00156         << "PrincipalCache::insert\n"
00157         << "Illegal attempt to insert run into cache\n"
00158         << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00159     }
00160     if (inputProcessHistoryID_ != rp->aux().processHistoryID()) {
00161       reducedInputProcessHistoryID_ = ProcessHistoryRegistry::instance()->extra().reduceProcessHistoryID(rp->aux().processHistoryID());
00162       inputProcessHistoryID_ = rp->aux().processHistoryID();
00163     }
00164     run_ = rp->run();
00165     runPrincipal_ = rp; 
00166   }
00168   void PrincipalCache::insert(boost::shared_ptr<LuminosityBlockPrincipal> lbp) {
00169     if (lumiPrincipal_.get() != 0) {
00170       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00171         << "PrincipalCache::insert\n"
00172         << "Illegal attempt to insert lumi into cache\n"
00173         << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00174     }
00175     if (runPrincipal_.get() == 0) {
00176       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00177         << "PrincipalCache::insert\n"
00178         << "Illegal attempt to insert lumi into cache\n"
00179         << "Run is invalid\n"
00180         << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00181     }
00182     if (inputProcessHistoryID_ != lbp->aux().processHistoryID()) {
00183       if (reducedInputProcessHistoryID_ != ProcessHistoryRegistry::instance()->extra().reduceProcessHistoryID(lbp->aux().processHistoryID())) {
00184         throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00185           << "PrincipalCache::insert\n"
00186           << "Illegal attempt to insert lumi into cache\n"
00187           << "luminosity block has ProcessHistoryID inconsistent with run\n"
00188           << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00189       }
00190       inputProcessHistoryID_ = lbp->aux().processHistoryID();
00191     }
00192     if (lbp->run() != run_) {
00193       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00194         << "PrincipalCache::insert\n"
00195         << "Illegal attempt to insert lumi into cache\n"
00196         << "luminosity block inconsistent with run number of run in cache\n"
00197         << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00198     }
00199     lumi_ = lbp->luminosityBlock();
00200     lumiPrincipal_ = lbp; 
00201   }
00203   void PrincipalCache::deleteRun(ProcessHistoryID const& phid, RunNumber_t run) {
00204     if (runPrincipal_.get() == 0) {
00205       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00206         << "PrincipalCache::deleteRun\n"
00207         << "Illegal attempt to delete run from cache\n"
00208         << "There is no run in cache to delete\n"
00209         << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00210     }
00211     if (reducedInputProcessHistoryID_ != phid ||
00212         run != run_) {
00213       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00214         << "PrincipalCache::deleteRun\n"
00215         << "Illegal attempt to delete run from cache\n"
00216         << "Run number or reduced ProcessHistoryID inconsistent with those in cache\n"
00217         << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00218     }
00219     runPrincipal_.reset();
00220   }
00222   void PrincipalCache::deleteLumi(ProcessHistoryID const& phid, RunNumber_t run, LuminosityBlockNumber_t lumi) {
00223     if (lumiPrincipal_.get() == 0) {
00224       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00225         << "PrincipalCache::deleteLumi\n"
00226         << "Illegal attempt to delete luminosity block from cache\n"
00227         << "There is no luminosity block in the cache to delete\n"
00228         << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00229     }
00230     if (reducedInputProcessHistoryID_ != phid ||
00231         run != run_ ||
00232         lumi != lumi_) {
00233       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00234         << "PrincipalCache::deleteLumi\n"
00235         << "Illegal attempt to delete luminosity block from cache\n"
00236         << "Run number, lumi numbers, or reduced ProcessHistoryID inconsistent with those in cache\n"
00237         << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00238     }
00239     lumiPrincipal_.reset();
00240   }
00242   void PrincipalCache::adjustEventToNewProductRegistry(boost::shared_ptr<ProductRegistry const> reg) {
00243     if (eventPrincipal_) {
00244       eventPrincipal_->adjustIndexesAfterProductRegistryAddition();
00245       bool eventOK = eventPrincipal_->adjustToNewProductRegistry(*reg);
00246       assert(eventOK);
00247     }
00248   }
00250   void PrincipalCache::adjustIndexesAfterProductRegistryAddition() {
00251     if (runPrincipal_) {
00252       runPrincipal_->adjustIndexesAfterProductRegistryAddition();
00253     }
00254     if (lumiPrincipal_) {
00255       lumiPrincipal_->adjustIndexesAfterProductRegistryAddition();
00256     }
00257   }
00259   void
00260   PrincipalCache::throwRunMissing() const {
00261     throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00262       << "PrincipalCache::runPrincipal\n"
00263       << "Requested a run that is not in the cache (should never happen)\n"
00264       << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00265   }
00267   void
00268   PrincipalCache::throwLumiMissing() const {
00269     throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
00270       << "PrincipalCache::lumiPrincipal or PrincipalCache::lumiPrincipalPtr\n"
00271       << "Requested a luminosity block that is not in the cache (should never happen)\n"
00272       << "Contact a Framework Developer\n";
00273   }
00274 }