00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 L1GtTrigReport = cms.EDAnalyzer("L1GtTrigReport", 00004 00005 # boolean flag to select the input record 00006 # if true, it will use L1GlobalTriggerRecord 00007 UseL1GlobalTriggerRecord = cms.bool(False), 00008 00009 # input tag for GT record: 00010 # GT emulator: gtDigis (DAQ record) 00011 # GT unpacker: gtDigis (DAQ record) 00012 # GT lite record: l1GtRecord 00013 L1GtRecordInputTag = cms.InputTag("gtDigis"), 00014 00015 # print verbosity 00016 # Level 0 Physics Partition: TriggerKey, AlgorithmKey, Passed, Rejected, Error 00017 # Level 1 Physics Partition: Level 0 + PrescaleFactors + Mask 00018 # Level 2 Physics Partition: Level 0, Efficiency 00019 # 00020 # Level 10 Physics Partition: TriggerKey, AlgorithmKey, PrescaleFactors 00021 # Before masks: Passed, Rejected, 00022 # Mask 00023 # After masks: Passed, Rejected, 00024 # Error 00025 # 00026 # Level 100 All Partitions: TriggerKey, AlgorithmKey, Passed, Rejected, Error 00027 # Level 101 All Partitions: Level 100 + PrescaleFactors + Mask 00028 # ... 00029 PrintVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(10), 00030 00031 # print output 00032 # 0 std::cout 00033 # 1 LogTrace 00034 # 2 LogVerbatim 00035 # 3 LogInfo 00036 PrintOutput = cms.untracked.int32(3) 00037 00038 ) 00039 00040