00001 00002 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00003 00004 00005 #============================================================================== 00006 # corrected pat electrons 00007 #============================================================================== 00008 00009 calibratedPatElectrons = cms.EDProducer("CalibratedPatElectronProducer", 00010 00011 # input collections 00012 inputPatElectronsTag = cms.InputTag("eleRegressionEnergy"), 00013 #inputPatElectronsTag = cms.InputTag("cleanPatElectrons"), 00014 00015 # data or MC corrections 00016 # if isMC is false, data corrections are applied 00017 isMC = cms.bool(False), 00018 00019 # set to True to get more printout 00020 verbose = cms.bool(False), 00021 00022 # set to True to get special "fake" smearing for synchronization. Use JUST in case of synchronization 00023 synchronization = cms.bool(False), 00024 00025 updateEnergyError = cms.bool(True), 00026 00027 # define the type of the scale corrections 00028 # described in details here: 00029 # https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/EgammaElectronEnergyScale#Electron_energy_scale_and_resolu 00030 correctionsType = cms.int32(2), 00031 # Apply or not the linearity correction on data 00032 # Can only be applied with combinationType = 3 00033 applyLinearityCorrection = cms.bool(True), 00034 # define the type of the E-p combination 00035 # described in details here: 00036 # https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/EgammaElectronEnergyScale#Electron_energy_scale_and_resolu 00037 combinationType = cms.int32(3), 00038 00039 # this variable is used only for Moriond 2013 analysis with old regression 00040 # see https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/EgammaElectronEnergyScale#Electron_energy_scale_and_re_AN1 00041 # for the meaning 00042 lumiRatio = cms.double(0.0), 00043 00044 # input datasets 00045 # Prompt means May10+Promptv4+Aug05+Promptv6 for 2011 00046 # ReReco means Jul05+Aug05+Oct03 for 2011 00047 # Jan16ReReco means Jan16 for 2011 00048 # Summer11 means summer11 MC 00049 # etc. 00050 inputDataset = cms.string("22Jan2013ReReco"), 00051 00052 # input pathes should be set accordingly to the combinationType and regressionType 00053 combinationRegressionInputPath = cms.string("EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools/data/eleEnergyRegWeights_WithSubClusters_VApr15.root"), 00054 scaleCorrectionsInputPath = cms.string("EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools/data/scalesNewReg-May2013.csv"), 00055 linearityCorrectionsInputPath = cms.string("EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools/data/linearityNewReg-May2013.csv") 00056 ) 00057 00058