
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 #                                                    
00004 # Full-scale Digitization of the simulated hits      
00005 # in all CMS subdets : Tracker, ECAL, HCAl, Muon's;  
00006 # MixingModule (at least in zero-pileup mode) needs  
00007 # to be included to make Digi's operational, since   
00008 # it's required for ECAL/HCAL & Muon's                
00009 # Defined in a separate fragment
00010 #                                                    
00011 # Tracker Digis (Pixel + SiStrips)
00012 # returns sequence "trDigi"
00013 #
00014 from SimTracker.Configuration.SimTracker_cff import *
00015 # Calorimetry Digis (Ecal + Hcal) - * unsuppressed *
00016 # returns sequence "calDigi"
00017 from SimCalorimetry.Configuration.SimCalorimetry_cff import *
00018 # Muon Digis (CSC + DT + RPC)
00019 # returns sequence "muonDigi"
00020 #
00021 from SimMuon.Configuration.SimMuon_cff import *
00022 #
00023 # include TrackingParticle Producer
00024 # NOTA BENE: it MUST be run here at the moment, since it depends 
00025 # of the availability of the CrossingFrame in the Event
00026 #
00027 from SimGeneral.Configuration.SimGeneral_cff import *
00028 doAllDigi = cms.Sequence(trDigi+calDigi+muonDigi)
00029 pdigi = cms.Sequence(cms.SequencePlaceholder("randomEngineStateProducer")*cms.SequencePlaceholder("mix")*doAllDigi*trackingParticles*addPileupInfo)