
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef PhysicsTools_PatAlgos_interface_SuperClusterHelper_h
00002 #define PhysicsTools_PatAlgos_interface_SuperClusterHelper_h
00004 #include "DataFormats/EgammaCandidates/interface/GsfElectron.h"
00005 #include "RecoEcal/EgammaCoreTools/interface/EcalClusterTools.h"
00006 #include "DataFormats/EcalRecHit/interface/EcalRecHitCollections.h"
00007 #include "DataFormats/EgammaReco/interface/BasicCluster.h"
00008 #include "DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/Electron.h"
00009 #include "RecoEgamma/EgammaTools/interface/EcalClusterLocal.h"
00010 #include "Geometry/CaloTopology/interface/CaloSubdetectorTopology.h"
00011 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloGeometry.h"
00014 class SuperClusterHelper {
00015  public:
00016   SuperClusterHelper(const reco::GsfElectron * electron, const EcalRecHitCollection * rechits, const CaloTopology*, const CaloGeometry* );
00017   SuperClusterHelper(const pat::Electron * electron, const EcalRecHitCollection * rechits, const CaloTopology*, const CaloGeometry* );
00018   ~SuperClusterHelper(){};
00020   float rawEnergy() const {return theSuperCluster_->rawEnergy();}
00021   float eta() const {return theSuperCluster_->eta();}
00022   float phi() const {return theSuperCluster_->phi();}
00023   float etaWidth() const {return theSuperCluster_->etaWidth();}
00024   float phiWidth() const {return theSuperCluster_->phiWidth();}
00025   float clustersSize() const {return theSuperCluster_->clustersSize();}
00026   float hadronicOverEm() const {return theElectron_->hadronicOverEm();}
00027   float sigmaIetaIeta() const {return theElectron_->sigmaIetaIeta();}
00028   float preshowerEnergy() const {return theSuperCluster_->preshowerEnergy();}
00029   float preshowerEnergyOverRaw() const {return theSuperCluster_->preshowerEnergy()/theSuperCluster_->rawEnergy();}
00030   float e3x3()      const { return EcalClusterTools::e3x3(*seedCluster_,rechits_,topology_); }
00031   float e5x5()      const { return EcalClusterTools::e5x5(*seedCluster_,rechits_,topology_); }  
00032   float eMax()      const { return EcalClusterTools::eMax(*seedCluster_,rechits_); }
00033   float e2nd()      const { return EcalClusterTools::e2nd(*seedCluster_,rechits_); }
00034   float eTop()      const { return EcalClusterTools::eTop(*seedCluster_,rechits_,topology_); }
00035   float eBottom()   const { return EcalClusterTools::eBottom(*seedCluster_,rechits_,topology_); }
00036   float eLeft()     const { return EcalClusterTools::eLeft(*seedCluster_,rechits_,topology_); }
00037   float eRight()    const { return EcalClusterTools::eRight(*seedCluster_,rechits_,topology_); }
00038   float e2x5Max()   const { return EcalClusterTools::e2x5Max(*seedCluster_,rechits_,topology_); }
00039   float e2x5Top()   const { return EcalClusterTools::e2x5Top(*seedCluster_,rechits_,topology_); }
00040   float e2x5Bottom()const { return EcalClusterTools::e2x5Bottom(*seedCluster_,rechits_,topology_); }
00041   float e2x5Left()  const { return EcalClusterTools::e2x5Left(*seedCluster_,rechits_,topology_); }
00042   float e2x5Right() const { return EcalClusterTools::e2x5Right(*seedCluster_,rechits_,topology_); } 
00043   float r9()        const { //std::cout << " E3x3 " << e3x3() << " raw "  << theSuperCluster_->rawEnergy() << std::endl;
00044     return e3x3()/theSuperCluster_->rawEnergy();}
00045   float spp();
00046   float sep();
00047   float seedEta()   const { return seedCluster_->eta(); }
00048   float seedPhi()   const { return seedCluster_->phi(); }
00049   float seedEnergy()const { return seedCluster_->energy();}
00050   int ietaSeed()  { localCoordinates(); return ietaSeed_;}
00051   int iphiSeed()  { localCoordinates(); return iphiSeed_;}
00052   float etaCrySeed()  { localCoordinates(); return etaCrySeed_;}
00053   float phiCrySeed()  { localCoordinates(); return phiCrySeed_;} 
00054   float thetaTilt() { localCoordinates(); return thetaTilt_;}
00055   float phiTilt() {localCoordinates(); return phiTilt_;}
00057   // i=1,2,3 (0 would be the seed)
00058   float subClusterEnergy(unsigned i) const;
00059   float subClusterEta(unsigned i) const;
00060   float subClusterPhi(unsigned i) const;
00061   float subClusterEmax(unsigned i) const;
00062   float subClusterE3x3(unsigned i) const;
00063   // does not include the seed energy
00064   float eSubClusters() const {return eSubClusters_;}
00066   float esClusterEnergy(unsigned i) const;
00067   float esClusterEta(unsigned i) const;
00068   float esClusterPhi(unsigned i) const;
00070   float nPreshowerClusters() const { return nESClusters_;}
00071   float eESClusters() const { return eESClusters_;}
00073  private:
00074   const reco::GsfElectron * theElectron_;
00075   const reco::SuperCluster * theSuperCluster_;
00076   std::vector<const reco::CaloCluster*> theBasicClusters_;
00077   std::vector<const reco::CaloCluster*> theESClusters_;
00078   const reco::CaloCluster * seedCluster_;
00079   const EcalRecHitCollection * rechits_;
00080   const CaloTopology* topology_;
00081   const CaloGeometry* geometry_;
00082   EcalClusterLocal local_;
00083   bool barrel_;
00088   bool covComputed_;
00089   std::vector<float> vCov_;
00090   float spp_;
00091   float sep_;
00093   bool localCoordinatesComputed_;
00094   int ietaSeed_; // ix in the endcaps
00095   int iphiSeed_; // iy in the endcaps
00096   float etaCrySeed_;
00097   float phiCrySeed_;
00098   float thetaTilt_;
00099   float phiTilt_;
00100   unsigned nBasicClusters_;
00101   unsigned nESClusters_;
00102   float eSubClusters_;
00103   float eESClusters_;
00105  private:
00106   void computeLocalCovariances();
00107   void localCoordinates();
00109   static bool sortClusters(const reco::CaloCluster* c1, const reco::CaloCluster* c2) 
00110   {
00111       return (c1->energy()>c2->energy());
00112   }
00113 };
00116 #endif