
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 combinedMVA = cms.ESProducer("CombinedMVAJetTagESProducer",
00004         useCategories = cms.bool(False),
00005         calibrationRecord = cms.string('CombinedMVA'),
00006         jetTagComputers = cms.VPSet(
00007                 cms.PSet(
00008                         discriminator = cms.bool(True),
00009                         variables = cms.bool(False),
00010                         jetTagComputer = cms.string('jetProbability')
00011                 ),
00012                 cms.PSet(
00013                         discriminator = cms.bool(True),
00014                         variables = cms.bool(False),
00015                         jetTagComputer = cms.string('combinedSecondaryVertex')
00016                 ),
00017                 cms.PSet(
00018                         discriminator = cms.bool(True),
00019                         variables = cms.bool(False),
00020                         jetTagComputer = cms.string('softPFMuon')
00021                 ),
00022                 cms.PSet(
00023                         discriminator = cms.bool(True),
00024                         variables = cms.bool(False),
00025                         jetTagComputer = cms.string('softPFElectron')
00026                 )
00027         )
00028 )
00030 combinedSecondaryVertexSoftPFLeptonV1 = cms.ESProducer("CombinedMVAJetTagESProducer",
00031         useCategories = cms.bool(False),
00032         calibrationRecord = cms.string('CombinedCSVSL'),
00033         jetTagComputers = cms.VPSet(
00034                 cms.PSet(
00035                         discriminator = cms.bool(True),
00036                         variables = cms.bool(False),
00037                         jetTagComputer = cms.string('jetProbability')
00038                 ),
00039                 cms.PSet(
00040                         discriminator = cms.bool(True),
00041                         variables = cms.bool(False),
00042                         jetTagComputer = cms.string('combinedSecondaryVertexV1')
00043                 ),
00044                 cms.PSet(
00045                         discriminator = cms.bool(True),
00046                         variables = cms.bool(False),
00047                         jetTagComputer = cms.string('softPFMuon')
00048                 ),
00049                 cms.PSet(
00050                         discriminator = cms.bool(True),
00051                         variables = cms.bool(False),
00052                         jetTagComputer = cms.string('softPFElectron')
00053                 )
00054         )
00055 )