
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 # The main purpose of this cfi is test that the validation will insert
00003 # missing parameters that are required by the ParameterSetDescription.
00005 # It also tests many other things that cannot be tested in an
00006 # autogenerated cfi file that are related to the ParameterSetDescription
00007 # infrastructure.
00009 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00011 testProducerWithPsetDesc = cms.EDProducer('ProducerWithPSetDesc',
00012   testingAutoGeneratedCfi = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00013   p_int_opt_nd = cms.int32(11),
00014   p_int_optuntracked_nd = cms.untracked.int32(12),
00015   wildcardPset = cms.PSet(
00016     a = cms.int32(1)
00017     , b = cms.untracked.double(1.0)
00018   ),
00019   switchPset = cms.PSet(
00020     iswitch = cms.int32(2),
00021     ivalue = cms.string('102'),
00022     addTeVRefits = cms.bool(False)
00023   ),
00024   xorPset = cms.PSet(
00025     name = cms.uint32(11)
00026   ),
00027   orPset = cms.PSet(
00028     x2 = cms.uint32(11),
00029     y1 = cms.string('11'),
00030     y2 = cms.uint32(11)
00031   ),
00032   andPset = cms.PSet(
00033     x1 = cms.string('11'),
00034     y2 = cms.uint32(11),
00035     a2 = cms.uint32(11),
00036     b3 = cms.uint32(11)
00037   ),
00038   ifExistsPset = cms.PSet(
00039     x1 = cms.uint32(11),
00040     y1 = cms.uint32(11),
00041     z2 = cms.string('11')
00042   ),
00043   allowedLabelsPset = cms.PSet(
00044     testAllowedLabels = cms.vstring('i1', 'i2', 'i3'),
00045     i1 = cms.int32(1),
00046     i2 = cms.int32(2),
00047     i3 = cms.int32(3),
00048     testAllowedLabelsUntracked = cms.untracked.vstring('u1', 'u2', 'u3'),
00049     u1 = cms.untracked.uint32(1),
00050     u3 = cms.untracked.uint32(3),
00051     testOptAllowedLabels = cms.vstring('oi1', 'oi2', 'oi3'),
00052     oi1 = cms.int32(1),
00053     oi2 = cms.int32(2),
00054     oi3 = cms.int32(3),
00055     testOptAllowedLabelsUntracked = cms.untracked.vstring('ou1', 'ou2', 'ou3'),
00056     ou1 = cms.untracked.uint32(1),
00057     ou2 = cms.untracked.uint32(2)
00058   )
00059   #, bars = cms.VPSet(
00060   #  cms.PSet(
00061   #    ndouDrinks = cms.untracked.uint32(5)
00062   #  ),
00063   #  cms.PSet(
00064   #  )
00065   #)
00066 )