
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Package:     CommonAlignmentProducer
00003  * Class  :     AlignmentMonitorSegmentDifferences
00004  *
00005  * Original Author:  Jim Pivarski
00006  *         Created:  Mon Nov 12 13:30:14 CST 2007
00007  *
00008  * $Id:,v 1.6 2011/10/12 22:59:47 khotilov Exp $
00009  */
00011 #include "Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/interface/AlignmentMonitorPluginFactory.h"
00012 #include "Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/interface/AlignmentMonitorBase.h"
00013 #include "Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/interface/MuonResidualsFromTrack.h"
00014 #include "Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/interface/MuonResidualsPositionFitter.h"
00015 #include "Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/interface/MuonResidualsAngleFitter.h"
00016 #include "Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/interface/MuonResidualsTwoBin.h"
00018 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00019 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/InputTag.h"
00020 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00021 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
00022 #include "Geometry/CommonDetUnit/interface/GlobalTrackingGeometry.h"
00023 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/GlobalTrackingGeometryRecord.h"
00025 #include <sstream>
00028 class AlignmentMonitorSegmentDifferences: public AlignmentMonitorBase
00029 {
00030 public:
00031   AlignmentMonitorSegmentDifferences(const edm::ParameterSet& cfg);
00032   ~AlignmentMonitorSegmentDifferences() {}
00034   void book();
00036   void event(const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const ConstTrajTrackPairCollection& iTrajTracks);
00037   void processMuonResidualsFromTrack(MuonResidualsFromTrack &mrft);
00039   void afterAlignment(const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) {}
00041 private:
00043   edm::InputTag m_muonCollectionTag;
00044   double m_minTrackPt;
00045   double m_minTrackP;
00046   double m_maxDxy;
00047   int m_minTrackerHits;
00048   double m_maxTrackerRedChi2;
00049   bool m_allowTIDTEC;
00050   bool m_minNCrossedChambers;
00051   int m_minDT13Hits;
00052   int m_minDT2Hits;
00053   int m_minCSCHits;
00054   bool m_doDT;
00055   bool m_doCSC;
00057   // wheel, sector, stationdiff
00058   TProfile *m_dt13_resid[5][12][3];
00059   TProfile *m_dt13_slope[5][12][3];
00060   TProfile *m_dt2_resid[5][12][2];
00061   TProfile *m_dt2_slope[5][12][2];
00062   TH1F *m_posdt13_resid[5][12][3];
00063   TH1F *m_posdt13_slope[5][12][3];
00064   TH1F *m_posdt2_resid[5][12][2];
00065   TH1F *m_posdt2_slope[5][12][2];
00066   TH1F *m_negdt13_resid[5][12][3];
00067   TH1F *m_negdt13_slope[5][12][3];
00068   TH1F *m_negdt2_resid[5][12][2];
00069   TH1F *m_negdt2_slope[5][12][2];
00071   // endcap, chamber, stationdiff
00072   TProfile *m_cscouter_resid[2][36][2];
00073   TProfile *m_cscouter_slope[2][36][2];
00074   TProfile *m_cscinner_resid[2][18][3];
00075   TProfile *m_cscinner_slope[2][18][3];
00076   TH1F *m_poscscouter_resid[2][36][2];
00077   TH1F *m_poscscouter_slope[2][36][2];
00078   TH1F *m_poscscinner_resid[2][18][3];
00079   TH1F *m_poscscinner_slope[2][18][3];
00080   TH1F *m_negcscouter_resid[2][36][2];
00081   TH1F *m_negcscouter_slope[2][36][2];
00082   TH1F *m_negcscinner_resid[2][18][3];
00083   TH1F *m_negcscinner_slope[2][18][3];
00085   // cross-system segdiffs: // [endcap][dtsector]
00086   TH1F *m_x_pos_dt1_csc1_resid[2][12]; // tracks going through DT W+-2 St1 and CSC St1 Ring3
00087   TH1F *m_x_pos_dt1_csc2_resid[2][12]; // tracks going through DT W+-2 St1 and CSC St2 Ring2
00088   TH1F *m_x_pos_dt2_csc1_resid[2][12]; // tracks going through DT W+-2 St2 and CSC St1 Ring3
00089   TH1F *m_x_neg_dt1_csc1_resid[2][12];
00090   TH1F *m_x_neg_dt1_csc2_resid[2][12];
00091   TH1F *m_x_neg_dt2_csc1_resid[2][12];
00092 };
00094 //
00095 // constants, enums and typedefs
00096 //
00098 //
00099 // static data member definitions
00100 //
00102 //
00103 // member functions
00104 //
00106 AlignmentMonitorSegmentDifferences::AlignmentMonitorSegmentDifferences(const edm::ParameterSet& cfg)
00107    : AlignmentMonitorBase(cfg, "AlignmentMonitorSegmentDifferences")
00108    , m_muonCollectionTag(cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("muonCollectionTag"))
00109    , m_minTrackPt(cfg.getParameter<double>("minTrackPt"))
00110    , m_minTrackP(cfg.getParameter<double>("minTrackP"))
00111    , m_maxDxy(cfg.getParameter<double>("maxDxy"))
00112    , m_minTrackerHits(cfg.getParameter<int>("minTrackerHits"))
00113    , m_maxTrackerRedChi2(cfg.getParameter<double>("maxTrackerRedChi2"))
00114    , m_allowTIDTEC(cfg.getParameter<bool>("allowTIDTEC"))
00115    , m_minNCrossedChambers(cfg.getParameter<int>("minNCrossedChambers"))
00116    , m_minDT13Hits(cfg.getParameter<int>("minDT13Hits"))
00117    , m_minDT2Hits(cfg.getParameter<int>("minDT2Hits"))
00118    , m_minCSCHits(cfg.getParameter<int>("minCSCHits"))
00119    , m_doDT(cfg.getParameter<bool>("doDT"))
00120    , m_doCSC(cfg.getParameter<bool>("doCSC"))
00121 {
00122 }
00124 void AlignmentMonitorSegmentDifferences::book() 
00125 {
00126   char name[222], pos[222], neg[222];
00128   double max_curv = 1./m_minTrackPt;
00130   if (m_doDT) for (int wheel = -2;  wheel <= +2;  wheel++) 
00131   {
00132     char wheel_label[][2]={"A","B","C","D","E"};
00133     for (int sector = 1;  sector <= 12;  sector++) 
00134     {
00135       char wheel_sector[50];
00136       sprintf(wheel_sector,"%s_%02d", wheel_label[wheel+2], sector );
00138       int nb = 100;
00139       double wnd = 25.;
00141       sprintf(name, "dt13_resid_%s_12", wheel_sector);
00142       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00143       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00144       m_dt13_resid[wheel+2][sector-1][0] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -100., 100., " ");
00145       m_posdt13_resid[wheel+2][sector-1][0] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00146       m_negdt13_resid[wheel+2][sector-1][0] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00148       sprintf(name, "dt13_resid_%s_23", wheel_sector);
00149       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00150       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00151       m_dt13_resid[wheel+2][sector-1][1] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -100., 100., " ");
00152       m_posdt13_resid[wheel+2][sector-1][1] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00153       m_negdt13_resid[wheel+2][sector-1][1] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00155       sprintf(name, "dt13_resid_%s_34", wheel_sector);
00156       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00157       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00158       m_dt13_resid[wheel+2][sector-1][2] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -100., 100., " ");
00159       m_posdt13_resid[wheel+2][sector-1][2] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00160       m_negdt13_resid[wheel+2][sector-1][2] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00162       sprintf(name, "dt2_resid_%s_12", wheel_sector);
00163       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00164       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00165       m_dt2_resid[wheel+2][sector-1][0] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -200., 200., " ");
00166       m_posdt2_resid[wheel+2][sector-1][0] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00167       m_negdt2_resid[wheel+2][sector-1][0] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00169       sprintf(name, "dt2_resid_%s_23", wheel_sector);
00170       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00171       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00172       m_dt2_resid[wheel+2][sector-1][1] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -200., 200., " ");
00173       m_posdt2_resid[wheel+2][sector-1][1] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00174       m_negdt2_resid[wheel+2][sector-1][1] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00176       sprintf(name, "dt13_slope_%s_12", wheel_sector);
00177       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00178       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00179       m_dt13_slope[wheel+2][sector-1][0] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -100., 100., " ");
00180       m_posdt13_slope[wheel+2][sector-1][0] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00181       m_negdt13_slope[wheel+2][sector-1][0] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00183       sprintf(name, "dt13_slope_%s_23", wheel_sector);
00184       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00185       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00186       m_dt13_slope[wheel+2][sector-1][1] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -100., 100., " ");
00187       m_posdt13_slope[wheel+2][sector-1][1] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00188       m_negdt13_slope[wheel+2][sector-1][1] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00190       sprintf(name, "dt13_slope_%s_34", wheel_sector);
00191       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00192       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00193       m_dt13_slope[wheel+2][sector-1][2] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -100., 100., " ");
00194       m_posdt13_slope[wheel+2][sector-1][2] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00195       m_negdt13_slope[wheel+2][sector-1][2] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00197       sprintf(name, "dt2_slope_%s_12", wheel_sector);
00198       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00199       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00200       m_dt2_slope[wheel+2][sector-1][0] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -1000., 1000., " ");
00201       m_posdt2_slope[wheel+2][sector-1][0] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -100., 100.);
00202       m_negdt2_slope[wheel+2][sector-1][0] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -100., 100.);
00204       sprintf(name, "dt2_slope_%s_23", wheel_sector);
00205       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00206       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00207       m_dt2_slope[wheel+2][sector-1][1] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -1000., 1000., " ");
00208       m_posdt2_slope[wheel+2][sector-1][1] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -100., 100.);
00209       m_negdt2_slope[wheel+2][sector-1][1] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -100., 100.);
00210     }
00211   }
00213   if (m_doCSC) for (int endcap = 1;  endcap <= 2;  endcap++)
00214   {
00215     std::string endcapletter;
00216     if (endcap == 1) endcapletter = "p";
00217     else if (endcap == 2) endcapletter = "m";
00219     for (int chamber = 1;  chamber <= 36;  chamber++)
00220     {
00221       char ec_chamber[50];
00222       sprintf(ec_chamber,"%s_%02d", endcapletter.c_str(), chamber );
00224       int nb = 100;
00225       double wnd = 60.;
00227       sprintf(name, "cscouter_resid_%s_12",ec_chamber);
00228       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00229       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00230       m_cscouter_resid[endcap-1][chamber-1][0] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -100., 100., " ");
00231       m_poscscouter_resid[endcap-1][chamber-1][0] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00232       m_negcscouter_resid[endcap-1][chamber-1][0] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00234       sprintf(name, "cscouter_resid_%s_23",ec_chamber);
00235       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00236       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00237       m_cscouter_resid[endcap-1][chamber-1][1] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -100., 100., " ");
00238       m_poscscouter_resid[endcap-1][chamber-1][1] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00239       m_negcscouter_resid[endcap-1][chamber-1][1] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00241       sprintf(name, "cscouter_slope_%s_12",ec_chamber);
00242       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00243       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00244       m_cscouter_slope[endcap-1][chamber-1][0] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -100., 100., " ");
00245       m_poscscouter_slope[endcap-1][chamber-1][0] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00246       m_negcscouter_slope[endcap-1][chamber-1][0] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00248       sprintf(name, "cscouter_slope_%s_23",ec_chamber);
00249       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00250       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00251       m_cscouter_slope[endcap-1][chamber-1][1] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -100., 100., " ");
00252       m_poscscouter_slope[endcap-1][chamber-1][1] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00253       m_negcscouter_slope[endcap-1][chamber-1][1] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00254     }
00256     for (int chamber = 1;  chamber <= 18;  chamber++) 
00257     {
00258       char ec_chamber[50];
00259       sprintf(ec_chamber,"%s_%02d", endcapletter.c_str(), chamber );
00261       int nb = 100;
00262       double wnd = 40.;
00264       sprintf(name, "cscinner_resid_%s_12",ec_chamber);
00265       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00266       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00267       m_cscinner_resid[endcap-1][chamber-1][0] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -100., 100., " ");
00268       m_poscscinner_resid[endcap-1][chamber-1][0] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00269       m_negcscinner_resid[endcap-1][chamber-1][0] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00271       sprintf(name, "cscinner_resid_%s_23",ec_chamber);
00272       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00273       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00274       m_cscinner_resid[endcap-1][chamber-1][1] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -100., 100., " ");
00275       m_poscscinner_resid[endcap-1][chamber-1][1] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00276       m_negcscinner_resid[endcap-1][chamber-1][1] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00278       sprintf(name, "cscinner_resid_%s_34",ec_chamber);
00279       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00280       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00281       m_cscinner_resid[endcap-1][chamber-1][2] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -100., 100., " ");
00282       m_poscscinner_resid[endcap-1][chamber-1][2] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00283       m_negcscinner_resid[endcap-1][chamber-1][2] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00285       sprintf(name, "cscinner_slope_%s_12",ec_chamber);
00286       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00287       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00288       m_cscinner_slope[endcap-1][chamber-1][0] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -100., 100., " ");
00289       m_poscscinner_slope[endcap-1][chamber-1][0] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00290       m_negcscinner_slope[endcap-1][chamber-1][0] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00292       sprintf(name, "cscinner_slope_%s_23",ec_chamber);
00293       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00294       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00295       m_cscinner_slope[endcap-1][chamber-1][1] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -100., 100., " ");
00296       m_poscscinner_slope[endcap-1][chamber-1][1] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00297       m_negcscinner_slope[endcap-1][chamber-1][1] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00299       sprintf(name, "cscinner_slope_%s_34",ec_chamber);
00300       sprintf(pos,"pos%s", name);
00301       sprintf(neg,"neg%s", name);
00302       m_cscinner_slope[endcap-1][chamber-1][2] = bookProfile("/iterN/", name, name, 20, -max_curv, max_curv, 1, -100., 100., " ");
00303       m_poscscinner_slope[endcap-1][chamber-1][2] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00304       m_negcscinner_slope[endcap-1][chamber-1][2] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00305     }
00306   }
00308   // cross-system
00309   for (int e = 1; e<=2; e++)
00310   for (int s = 1; s <= 12; s++)
00311   {
00312     char endcap_sector[50];
00313     if (e == 1) sprintf(endcap_sector,"Wp2S%02d", s);
00314     if (e == 2) sprintf(endcap_sector,"Wm2S%02d", s);
00316     int nb = 200;
00317     double wnd = 100.;
00319     sprintf(pos,"pos_x_dt1_csc1_%s", endcap_sector);
00320     sprintf(neg,"neg_x_dt1_csc1_%s", endcap_sector);
00321     m_x_pos_dt1_csc1_resid[e-1][s-1] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00322     m_x_neg_dt1_csc1_resid[e-1][s-1] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00324     sprintf(pos,"pos_x_dt1_csc2_%s", endcap_sector);
00325     sprintf(neg,"neg_x_dt1_csc2_%s", endcap_sector);
00326     m_x_pos_dt1_csc2_resid[e-1][s-1] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00327     m_x_neg_dt1_csc2_resid[e-1][s-1] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00329     sprintf(pos,"pos_x_dt2_csc1_%s", endcap_sector);
00330     sprintf(neg,"neg_x_dt2_csc1_%s", endcap_sector);
00331     m_x_pos_dt2_csc1_resid[e-1][s-1] = book1D("/iterN/", pos, pos, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00332     m_x_neg_dt2_csc1_resid[e-1][s-1] = book1D("/iterN/", neg, neg, nb, -wnd, wnd);
00333   }
00335 }
00338 void AlignmentMonitorSegmentDifferences::event(const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const ConstTrajTrackPairCollection& trajtracks)
00339 {
00340   edm::ESHandle<GlobalTrackingGeometry> globalGeometry;
00341   iSetup.get<GlobalTrackingGeometryRecord>().get(globalGeometry);
00343   edm::Handle<reco::BeamSpot> beamSpot;
00344   iEvent.getByLabel(m_beamSpotTag, beamSpot);
00346   if (m_muonCollectionTag.label().empty()) // use trajectories
00347   {
00348     for (ConstTrajTrackPairCollection::const_iterator trajtrack = trajtracks.begin();  trajtrack != trajtracks.end();  ++trajtrack)
00349     {
00350       const Trajectory* traj = (*trajtrack).first;
00351       const reco::Track* track = (*trajtrack).second;
00353       if (track->pt() > m_minTrackPt && track->p() > m_minTrackP && fabs(track->dxy(beamSpot->position())) < m_maxDxy )
00354       {
00355         MuonResidualsFromTrack muonResidualsFromTrack(globalGeometry, traj, track, pNavigator(), 1000.);
00356         processMuonResidualsFromTrack(muonResidualsFromTrack);
00357       }
00358     } // end loop over tracks
00359   }
00360   else
00361   {
00362     edm::Handle<reco::MuonCollection> muons;
00363     iEvent.getByLabel(m_muonCollectionTag, muons);
00365     for (reco::MuonCollection::const_iterator muon = muons->begin();  muon != muons->end();  ++muon)
00366     {
00367       if ( !(muon->isTrackerMuon() && muon->innerTrack().isNonnull() ) ) continue;
00369       if (m_minTrackPt < muon->pt()  &&  m_minTrackP < muon->p() && fabs(muon->innerTrack()->dxy(beamSpot->position())) < m_maxDxy)
00370       {
00371         MuonResidualsFromTrack muonResidualsFromTrack(globalGeometry, &(*muon), pNavigator(), 100.);
00372         processMuonResidualsFromTrack(muonResidualsFromTrack);
00373       }
00374     }
00375   }
00376 }
00379 void AlignmentMonitorSegmentDifferences::processMuonResidualsFromTrack(MuonResidualsFromTrack &mrft)
00380 {
00381   if (mrft.trackerNumHits() < m_minTrackerHits) return;
00382   if (!m_allowTIDTEC  && mrft.contains_TIDTEC()) return;
00383   if (mrft.normalizedChi2() > m_maxTrackerRedChi2) return;
00385   int nMuChambers = 0;
00386   std::vector<DetId> chamberIds = mrft.chamberIds();
00387   for (unsigned ch=0; ch < chamberIds.size(); ch++)  if (chamberIds[ch].det() == DetId::Muon)  nMuChambers++;
00388   if (nMuChambers < m_minNCrossedChambers ) return;
00390   double qoverpt = (mrft.getTrack()->charge() > 0 ? 1. : -1.) / mrft.getTrack()->pt();
00391   double qoverpz = 0.;
00392   if (fabs(mrft.getTrack()->pz()) > 0.01) qoverpz = mrft.getTrack()->charge() / fabs(mrft.getTrack()->pz());
00394   for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator chamberId = chamberIds.begin();  chamberId != chamberIds.end();  ++chamberId)
00395   {
00396     if (chamberId->det() != DetId::Muon  ) continue;
00398     // **************** DT ****************
00399     if (m_doDT  &&  chamberId->subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::DT)
00400     {
00401       MuonChamberResidual *dt13 = mrft.chamberResidual(*chamberId, MuonChamberResidual::kDT13);
00402       MuonChamberResidual *dt2 = mrft.chamberResidual(*chamberId, MuonChamberResidual::kDT2);
00404       if (dt13 != NULL  &&  dt13->numHits() >= m_minDT13Hits)
00405       {
00406         DTChamberId thisid(chamberId->rawId());
00407         for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator otherId = chamberIds.begin();  otherId != chamberIds.end();  ++otherId)
00408         {
00409           if (otherId->det() == DetId::Muon  &&  otherId->subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::DT)
00410           {
00411             DTChamberId thatid(otherId->rawId());
00412             if (thisid.rawId() != thatid.rawId()  &&  thisid.wheel() == thatid.wheel()  &&  thisid.sector() == thatid.sector())
00413             {
00414               MuonChamberResidual *dt13other = mrft.chamberResidual(*otherId, MuonChamberResidual::kDT13);
00415               if (dt13other != NULL  &&  dt13other->numHits() >= m_minDT13Hits)
00416               {
00417                 double slopediff = 1000. * (dt13->global_resslope() - dt13other->global_resslope());
00418                 //double length = dt13->chamberAlignable()->surface().toGlobal(align::LocalPoint(0,0,0)).perp() -
00419                 //                dt13other->chamberAlignable()->surface().toGlobal(align::LocalPoint(0,0,0)).perp();
00420                 //double residdiff = 10. * (dt13->global_residual() + length*dt13->global_resslope() - dt13other->global_residual());
00421                 double residdiff = 10. * (dt13->global_residual() - dt13other->global_residual());
00423                 int st = 0;
00424                 if (thatid.station() - thisid.station() == 1) st = thisid.station();
00425                 if (st>0)
00426                 {
00427                   m_dt13_resid[thisid.wheel()+2][thisid.sector()-1][st-1]->Fill(qoverpt, residdiff);
00428                   m_dt13_slope[thisid.wheel()+2][thisid.sector()-1][st-1]->Fill(qoverpt, slopediff);
00429                   if (qoverpt > 0)
00430                   {
00431                     m_posdt13_resid[thisid.wheel()+2][thisid.sector()-1][st-1]->Fill(residdiff);
00432                     m_posdt13_slope[thisid.wheel()+2][thisid.sector()-1][st-1]->Fill(slopediff);
00433                   }
00434                   else
00435                   {
00436                     m_negdt13_resid[thisid.wheel()+2][thisid.sector()-1][st-1]->Fill(residdiff);
00437                     m_negdt13_slope[thisid.wheel()+2][thisid.sector()-1][st-1]->Fill(slopediff);
00438                   }
00439                 }
00440               } // end other numhits
00441             } // end this near other
00442           } // end other is DT
00444           // cross-system: other is CSC
00445           // only do it for DT stubs in W+-2 St1&2:
00446           if ( !(abs(thisid.wheel()) == 2 && (thisid.station() == 1 || thisid.station() == 2)) ) continue;
00447           if (otherId->det() == DetId::Muon  &&  otherId->subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::CSC)
00448           {
00449             CSCDetId thatid(otherId->rawId());
00450             //only do it for CSC stubs in St1R3 or St2R2:
00451             if ( !( (thatid.station()==1 && thatid.ring()==3) || (thatid.station()==2 && thatid.ring()==2) ) ) continue;
00453             MuonChamberResidual *cscother = mrft.chamberResidual(*otherId, MuonChamberResidual::kCSC);
00454             if (cscother != NULL  &&  cscother->numHits() >= m_minCSCHits)
00455             {
00456               // scale to adjust the csc residual size to be comparabe to dt's one
00457               double csc_scale = dt13->chamberAlignable()->surface().toGlobal(align::LocalPoint(dt13->trackx(), dt13->tracky(),0)).perp() /
00458                                  cscother->chamberAlignable()->surface().toGlobal(align::LocalPoint(cscother->trackx(), cscother->tracky(),0)).perp();
00459               double residdiff = 10. * (dt13->global_residual() - cscother->global_residual() * csc_scale);
00460               if (thisid.station() == 1 && thatid.station()==1)
00461               {
00462                 if (qoverpt > 0) m_x_pos_dt1_csc1_resid[thatid.endcap()-1][thisid.sector()-1]->Fill(residdiff);
00463                 else             m_x_neg_dt1_csc1_resid[thatid.endcap()-1][thisid.sector()-1]->Fill(residdiff);
00464               }
00465               else if (thisid.station() == 1 && thatid.station()==2)
00466               {
00467                 if (qoverpt > 0) m_x_pos_dt1_csc2_resid[thatid.endcap()-1][thisid.sector()-1]->Fill(residdiff);
00468                 else             m_x_neg_dt1_csc2_resid[thatid.endcap()-1][thisid.sector()-1]->Fill(residdiff);
00469               }
00470               else if (thisid.station() == 2 && thatid.station()==1)
00471               {
00472                 if (qoverpt > 0) m_x_pos_dt2_csc1_resid[thatid.endcap()-1][thisid.sector()-1]->Fill(residdiff);
00473                 else             m_x_neg_dt2_csc1_resid[thatid.endcap()-1][thisid.sector()-1]->Fill(residdiff);
00474               }
00475             }
00476           } // end other is CSC
00477         } // end loop over other
00478       } // end if DT13
00480       // z-direction
00481       if (dt2 != NULL  &&  dt2->numHits() >= m_minDT2Hits)
00482       {
00483         DTChamberId thisid(chamberId->rawId());
00484         for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator otherId = chamberIds.begin();  otherId != chamberIds.end();  ++otherId)
00485         {
00486           if (otherId->det() == DetId::Muon  &&  otherId->subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::DT)
00487           {
00488             DTChamberId thatid(otherId->rawId());
00489             if (thisid.rawId() != thatid.rawId()  &&  thisid.wheel() == thatid.wheel()  &&  thisid.sector() == thatid.sector())
00490             {
00491               MuonChamberResidual *dt2other = mrft.chamberResidual(*otherId, MuonChamberResidual::kDT2);
00492               if (dt2other != NULL  &&  dt2other->numHits() >= m_minDT2Hits)
00493               {
00494                 double slopediff = 1000. * (dt2->global_resslope() - dt2other->global_resslope());
00495                 //double length = dt2->chamberAlignable()->surface().toGlobal(align::LocalPoint(0,0,0)).perp() -
00496                 //                dt2other->chamberAlignable()->surface().toGlobal(align::LocalPoint(0,0,0)).perp();
00497                 //double residdiff = 10. * (dt2->global_residual() + length*dt2->global_resslope() - dt2other->global_residual());
00498                 double residdiff = 10. * (dt2->global_residual() - dt2other->global_residual());
00500                 int st = 0;
00501                 if (thatid.station() - thisid.station() == 1) st = thisid.station();
00502                 if (st>0)
00503                 {
00504                   m_dt2_resid[thisid.wheel()+2][thisid.sector()-1][st-1]->Fill(qoverpt, residdiff);
00505                   m_dt2_slope[thisid.wheel()+2][thisid.sector()-1][st-1]->Fill(qoverpt, slopediff);
00506                   if (qoverpt > 0)
00507                   {
00508                     m_posdt2_resid[thisid.wheel()+2][thisid.sector()-1][st-1]->Fill(residdiff);
00509                     m_posdt2_slope[thisid.wheel()+2][thisid.sector()-1][st-1]->Fill(slopediff);
00510                   }
00511                   else
00512                   {
00513                     m_negdt2_resid[thisid.wheel()+2][thisid.sector()-1][st-1]->Fill(residdiff);
00514                     m_negdt2_slope[thisid.wheel()+2][thisid.sector()-1][st-1]->Fill(slopediff);
00515                   }
00516                 }
00517               } // end other numhits
00518             } // end this near other
00519           } // end other is DT
00520         } // end loop over other
00521       } // end if DT2
00522     } // end if DT
00524     // **************** CSC ****************
00525     else if (m_doCSC  &&  chamberId->subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::CSC)
00526     {
00527       MuonChamberResidual *csc = mrft.chamberResidual(*chamberId, MuonChamberResidual::kCSC);
00528       if (csc->numHits() >= m_minCSCHits)
00529       {
00530         CSCDetId thisid(chamberId->rawId());
00531         for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator otherId = chamberIds.begin();  otherId != chamberIds.end();  ++otherId)
00532         {
00533           if (otherId->det() == DetId::Muon  &&  otherId->subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::CSC)
00534           {
00535             CSCDetId thatid(otherId->rawId());
00536             if (thisid.rawId() != thatid.rawId()  &&  thisid.endcap() == thatid.endcap())
00537             {
00538               MuonChamberResidual *cscother = mrft.chamberResidual(*otherId, MuonChamberResidual::kCSC);
00539               if (cscother != NULL  &&  cscother->numHits() >= m_minCSCHits)
00540               {
00541                 double slopediff = 1000. * (csc->global_resslope() - cscother->global_resslope());
00542                 //double length = csc->chamberAlignable()->surface().toGlobal(align::LocalPoint(0,0,0)).z() -
00543                 //                cscother->chamberAlignable()->surface().toGlobal(align::LocalPoint(0,0,0)).z();
00544                 //double residdiff = 10. * (csc->global_residual() + length*csc->global_resslope() - cscother->global_residual());
00545                 double residdiff = 10. * (csc->global_residual() - cscother->global_residual());
00547                 int thischamber = thisid.chamber();
00548                 int thisring = thisid.ring();
00549                 if (thisid.station() == 1  &&  (thisring == 1  ||  thisring == 4))
00550                 {
00551                   thischamber = (thischamber - 1) / 2 + 1;
00552                   thisring = 1;
00553                 }
00555                 if (thisring == thatid.ring()  &&  thischamber == thatid.chamber())
00556                 {
00557                   bool inner = (thisring == 1);
00558                   bool outer = (thisring == 2);
00559                   int st = 0;
00560                   if (thatid.station() - thisid.station() == 1 && (inner || thisid.station()<3) ) st = thisid.station();
00562                   if (outer && st>0)
00563                   {
00564                     m_cscouter_resid[thisid.endcap()-1][thischamber-1][st-1]->Fill(qoverpz, residdiff);
00565                     m_cscouter_slope[thisid.endcap()-1][thischamber-1][st-1]->Fill(qoverpz, slopediff);
00566                     if (qoverpz > 0)
00567                     {
00568                       m_poscscouter_resid[thisid.endcap()-1][thischamber-1][st-1]->Fill(residdiff);
00569                       m_poscscouter_slope[thisid.endcap()-1][thischamber-1][st-1]->Fill(slopediff);
00570                     }
00571                     else
00572                     {
00573                       m_negcscouter_resid[thisid.endcap()-1][thischamber-1][st-1]->Fill(residdiff);
00574                       m_negcscouter_slope[thisid.endcap()-1][thischamber-1][st-1]->Fill(slopediff);
00575                     }
00576                   }
00577                   if (inner && st>0)
00578                   {
00579                     m_cscinner_resid[thisid.endcap()-1][thischamber-1][st-1]->Fill(qoverpz, residdiff);
00580                     m_cscinner_slope[thisid.endcap()-1][thischamber-1][st-1]->Fill(qoverpz, slopediff);
00581                     if (qoverpz > 0)
00582                     {
00583                       m_poscscinner_resid[thisid.endcap()-1][thischamber-1][st-1]->Fill(residdiff);
00584                       m_poscscinner_slope[thisid.endcap()-1][thischamber-1][st-1]->Fill(slopediff);
00585                     }
00586                     else
00587                     {
00588                       m_negcscinner_resid[thisid.endcap()-1][thischamber-1][st-1]->Fill(residdiff);
00589                       m_negcscinner_slope[thisid.endcap()-1][thischamber-1][st-1]->Fill(slopediff);
00590                     }
00591                   }
00592                 } // end of same ring&chamber
00593               } // end other min numhits
00594             } // end this near other
00595           } // end other is CSC
00596         } // end loop over other
00598       } // end if this min numhits
00599     } // end if CSC
00601   } // end loop over chamberIds
00602 }
00605 DEFINE_EDM_PLUGIN(AlignmentMonitorPluginFactory, AlignmentMonitorSegmentDifferences, "AlignmentMonitorSegmentDifferences");