
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "CommonTools/RecoAlgos/interface/TrackWithVertexSelector.h"
00002 //
00003 // constructors and destructor
00004 //
00006 TrackWithVertexSelector::TrackWithVertexSelector(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig) :
00007   numberOfValidHits_(iConfig.getParameter<uint32_t>("numberOfValidHits")),
00008   numberOfValidPixelHits_(iConfig.getParameter<uint32_t>("numberOfValidPixelHits")),
00009   numberOfLostHits_(iConfig.getParameter<uint32_t>("numberOfLostHits")),
00010   normalizedChi2_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("normalizedChi2")),
00011   ptMin_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("ptMin")),
00012   ptMax_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("ptMax")),
00013   etaMin_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("etaMin")),
00014   etaMax_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("etaMax")),
00015   dzMax_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("dzMax")),
00016   d0Max_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("d0Max")),
00017   ptErrorCut_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("ptErrorCut")),
00018   quality_(iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("quality")),
00019   nVertices_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("useVtx") ? iConfig.getParameter<uint32_t>("nVertices") : 0),
00020   vertexTag_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("vertexTag")),
00021   vtxFallback_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("vtxFallback")),
00022   zetaVtx_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("zetaVtx")),
00023   rhoVtx_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("rhoVtx")) {
00024 } 
00026 TrackWithVertexSelector::~TrackWithVertexSelector() {  }
00028 bool TrackWithVertexSelector::testTrack(const reco::Track &t) const {
00029   using std::abs;
00030   if ((t.numberOfValidHits() >= numberOfValidHits_) &&
00031       (static_cast<unsigned int>(t.hitPattern().numberOfValidPixelHits()) >= numberOfValidPixelHits_) &&
00032       (t.numberOfLostHits() <= numberOfLostHits_) &&
00033       (t.normalizedChi2()    <= normalizedChi2_) &&
00034       (t.ptError()/*std::max(1.,t.normalizedChi2()) <= ptErrorCut_) &&
00035       (t.quality(t.qualityByName(quality_))) &&
00036       (         >= ptMin_)      &&
00037       (         <= ptMax_)      &&
00038       (abs(t.eta())   <= etaMax_)     &&
00039       (abs(t.eta())   >= etaMin_)     &&
00040       (abs(    <= dzMax_)      &&
00041       (abs(t.d0())    <= d0Max_)  ) {
00042     return true;
00043   }
00044   return false;
00045 }
00047 bool TrackWithVertexSelector::testVertices(const reco::Track &t, const reco::VertexCollection &vtxs) const {
00048   bool ok = false;
00049   if (vtxs.size() > 0) {
00050     unsigned int tested = 1;
00051     for (reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator it = vtxs.begin(), ed = vtxs.end();
00052          it != ed; ++it) {
00053       if ((std::abs(t.dxy(it->position())) < rhoVtx_) && 
00054           (std::abs(>position())) < zetaVtx_)) {
00055         ok = true; break; 
00056       }
00057       if (tested++ >= nVertices_) break;
00058     }
00059   } else if (vtxFallback_) {
00060     return ( (std::abs(t.vertex().z()) < 15.9) && (t.vertex().Rho() < 0.2) );
00061   }
00062   return ok;
00063 } 
00065 bool TrackWithVertexSelector::operator()(const reco::Track &t, const edm::Event &evt) const {
00066   if (!testTrack(t)) return false;
00067   if (nVertices_ == 0) return true;
00068   edm::Handle<reco::VertexCollection> hVtx;
00069   evt.getByLabel(vertexTag_, hVtx);
00070   return testVertices(t, *hVtx);
00071 } 
00073 bool TrackWithVertexSelector::operator()(const reco::Track &t, const reco::VertexCollection &vtxs) const {
00074   if (!testTrack(t)) return false;
00075   if (nVertices_ == 0) return true;
00076   return testVertices(t, vtxs);
00077 }