
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef COND_DBCommon_DbConnectionConfiguration_h
00002 #define COND_DBCommon_DbConnectionConfiguration_h
00003 //
00004 // Package:    CondCore/DBCommon
00005 // Class:      DbConnectionConfiguration
00006 //
00010 //
00011 //
00012 #include <string>
00013 // coral includes
00014 #include "CoralBase/MessageStream.h"
00015 #include "RelationalAccess/IMonitoring.h"
00017 namespace coral {
00018   class IConnectionServiceConfiguration;
00019 }
00021 namespace edm{
00022   class ParameterSet;
00023 }
00025 namespace cond{
00026   class CoralServiceManager;
00028   enum DbConfigurationDefaults { CoralDefaults, CmsDefaults, ProdDefaults, ToolDefaults, WebDefaults};
00030   enum DbAuthenticationSystem { UndefinedAuthentication=0,CondDbKey, CoralXMLFile };
00032   class DbConnectionConfiguration{
00033   public:
00034     static std::vector<DbConnectionConfiguration>& defaultConfigurations();
00035   public:
00036     DbConnectionConfiguration();
00037     DbConnectionConfiguration( bool connectionSharing,
00038                                int connectionTimeOut,
00039                                bool readOnlySessionOnUpdateConnections,
00040                                int connectionRetrialPeriod,
00041                                int connectionRetrialTimeOut,
00042                                bool poolAutomaticCleanUp,
00043                                const std::string& authenticationPath,
00044                                const std::string& transactionId,        
00045                                coral::MsgLevel msgLev,
00046                                coral::monitor::Level monitorLev,
00047                                bool SQLMonitoring );
00049     DbConnectionConfiguration( const DbConnectionConfiguration& rhs);
00050     ~DbConnectionConfiguration();
00051     DbConnectionConfiguration& operator=( const DbConnectionConfiguration& rhs);
00052     // configuration from edm parameter set
00053     void setParameters( const edm::ParameterSet& connectionPset );
00054     // configuration for individual connection parameters
00055     void setConnectionSharing( bool flag );
00056     void setConnectionTimeOut( int timeOut );
00057     void setReadOnlySessionOnUpdateConnections( bool flag );
00058     void setConnectionRetrialPeriod( int period );
00059     void setConnectionRetrialTimeOut( int timeout );
00060     void setPoolAutomaticCleanUp( bool flag );
00061     // authentication 
00062     void setAuthenticationPath( const std::string& p );
00063     void setAuthenticationSystem( int authSysCode );
00064     // transaction Id for multijob (used by frontier)
00065     void setTransactionId( std::string const & tid);
00066     // message level
00067     void setMessageLevel( coral::MsgLevel l );
00068     // monitoring level
00069     void setMonitoringLevel( coral::monitor::Level l );    
00070     // SQL monitoring
00071     void setSQLMonitoring( bool flag );
00072     // force the coral configuration
00073     void configure( coral::IConnectionServiceConfiguration& coralConfig) const;
00074     // getters
00075     bool isConnectionSharingEnabled() const;
00076     int connectionTimeOut() const;
00077     bool isReadOnlySessionOnUpdateConnectionEnabled() const;
00078     int connectionRetrialPeriod() const;
00079     int connectionRetrialTimeOut() const;
00080     bool isPoolAutomaticCleanUpEnabled() const;
00081     const std::string& authenticationPath() const;
00082     const std::string& transactionId() const;
00083     coral::MsgLevel messageLevel() const;
00084     bool isSQLMonitoringEnabled() const;
00085     private:
00086     std::pair<bool,bool> m_connectionSharing;
00087     std::pair<bool,int> m_connectionTimeOut;
00088     std::pair<bool,bool> m_readOnlySessionOnUpdateConnections;
00089     std::pair<bool,int> m_connectionRetrialPeriod;
00090     std::pair<bool,int> m_connectionRetrialTimeOut;
00091     std::pair<bool,bool> m_poolAutomaticCleanUp;
00092     std::string m_authPath;
00093     int m_authSys;
00094     std::string m_transactionId;
00095     coral::MsgLevel m_messageLevel;
00096     coral::monitor::Level m_monitoringLevel;  
00097     //int m_idleConnectionCleanupPeriod;
00099     bool m_SQLMonitoring;
00100     CoralServiceManager* m_pluginManager;    
00101   };
00102 }
00103 #endif