
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Read the pixelFED setup parameters from an ASCII file
00002 // Will Johns & Danek Kotlinski 04/06.
00004 #include <iostream>
00006 #include "CalibFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/PixelFEDCard.h"
00007 #include "CalibFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/PixelTimeFormatter.h"
00009 #include <cassert>
00010 #include <sstream>
00011 #include <map>
00012 #include <stdexcept>
00014 using namespace std;
00016 using namespace pos;
00019 PixelFEDCard::PixelFEDCard(): 
00020   PixelConfigBase(" "," "," ")
00021 {
00022   clear();
00023 }
00025 // modified by MR on 24-04-2008 12:05:42
00026 // Read configuration from DB
00027 PixelFEDCard::PixelFEDCard(vector<vector<string> > &tableMat):PixelConfigBase(" "," "," ")
00028 {
00029   std::string mthn = "[PixelFEDCard::PixelFEDCard()]\t\t    " ;
00030   vector<string> ins = tableMat[0];
00031   map<string , int > colM;
00032   vector<string> colNames;
00033   bool first = true ;
00113   colNames.push_back("CONFIG_KEY"              );
00114   colNames.push_back("KEY_TYPE"                );
00115   colNames.push_back("KEY_ALIAS"               );
00116   colNames.push_back("VERSION"                 );
00117   colNames.push_back("KIND_OF_COND"            );
00118   colNames.push_back("CRATE_LABEL"             );
00119   colNames.push_back("CRATE_NUMBER"            );
00120   colNames.push_back("SLOT_NUMBER"             );
00121   colNames.push_back("VME_ADDRS_HEX"           );
00122   colNames.push_back("PIXEL_FED"               );
00123   colNames.push_back("CHANNEL_ID"              );
00124   colNames.push_back("NUM_ROCS"                );
00125   colNames.push_back("CHAN_OFFST_DAC"          );
00126   colNames.push_back("CHAN_DELAY"              );
00127   colNames.push_back("CHAN_BHIGH"              );
00128   colNames.push_back("CHAN_BLOW"               );
00129   colNames.push_back("CHAN_UB"                 );
00130   colNames.push_back("OPT1_CAP"                );
00131   colNames.push_back("OPT2_CAP"                );
00132   colNames.push_back("OPT3_CAP"                );
00133   colNames.push_back("OPT1_INP"                );
00134   colNames.push_back("OPT2_INP"                );
00135   colNames.push_back("OPT3_INP"                );
00136   colNames.push_back("OPT1_OUT"                );
00137   colNames.push_back("OPT2_OUT"                );
00138   colNames.push_back("OPT3_OUT"                );
00139   colNames.push_back("NORTH_CLKPHB"            );
00140   colNames.push_back("NORTHCENTER_CLKPHB"      );
00141   colNames.push_back("SOUTHCENTER_CLKPHB"      );
00142   colNames.push_back("SOUTH_CLKPHB"            );
00143   colNames.push_back("NORTH_CTRL"              );
00144   colNames.push_back("NORTHCENTER_CTRL"        );
00145   colNames.push_back("SOUTHCENTER_CTRL"        );
00146   colNames.push_back("SOUTH_CTRL"              );
00147   colNames.push_back("REG0_TTCRX_FDLA"         );
00148   colNames.push_back("REG1_TTCRX_FDLA"         );
00149   colNames.push_back("REG2_TTCRX_CDLA"         );
00150   colNames.push_back("REG3_TTCRX_CLKD2"        );
00151   colNames.push_back("CENTER_CTRL"             );
00152   colNames.push_back("CENTER_MODE"             );
00153   colNames.push_back("B1_ADCGN"                );
00154   colNames.push_back("B2_ADCGN"                );
00155   colNames.push_back("B3_ADCGN"                );
00156   colNames.push_back("B4_ADCGN"                );
00157   colNames.push_back("NORTH_BADJ"              );
00158   colNames.push_back("NORTHCENTER_BADJ"        );
00159   colNames.push_back("SOUTHCENTER_BADJ"        );
00160   colNames.push_back("SOUTH_BADJ"              );
00161   colNames.push_back("NORTH_TBMMASK"           );
00162   colNames.push_back("NORTHCENTER_TBMMASK"     );
00163   colNames.push_back("SOUTHCENTER_TBMMASK"     );
00164   colNames.push_back("SOUTH_TBMMASK"           );
00165   colNames.push_back("NORTH_PWORD"             );
00166   colNames.push_back("NORTHCENTER_PWORD"       );
00167   colNames.push_back("SOUTH_PWORD"             );
00168   colNames.push_back("SOUTHCENTER_PWORD"       );
00169   colNames.push_back("SPECDAC"                 );
00170   colNames.push_back("OOS_LVL"                 );
00171   colNames.push_back("ERR_LVL"                 );
00172   colNames.push_back("NORTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL"      );
00173   colNames.push_back("NORTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL");
00174   colNames.push_back("SOUTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL");
00175   colNames.push_back("SOUTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL"      );
00176   colNames.push_back("FIFO3_WRN_LVL"           );
00177   colNames.push_back("FED_MASTER_DELAY"        );
00178   colNames.push_back("NO_HITLIMIT"             );
00179   colNames.push_back("NC_HITLIMIT"             );
00180   colNames.push_back("SC_HITLIMIT"             );
00181   colNames.push_back("SO_HITLIMIT"             );
00182   colNames.push_back("NO_TESTREG"              );
00183   colNames.push_back("NC_TESTREG"              );
00184   colNames.push_back("SC_TESTREG"              );
00185   colNames.push_back("SO_TESTREG"              );
00187   for(unsigned int c = 0 ; c < ins.size() ; c++)
00188     {
00189       for(unsigned int n=0; n<colNames.size(); n++)
00190         {
00191           if(tableMat[0][c] == colNames[n]){
00192             colM[colNames[n]] = c;
00193             break;
00194           }
00195         }
00196     }//end for
00197   for(unsigned int n=0; n<colNames.size(); n++)
00198     {
00199       if(colM.find(colNames[n]) == colM.end())
00200         {
00201           std::cerr << "[PixelTBMSettings::PixelTBMSettings()]\tCouldn't find in the database the column with name " << colNames[n] << std::endl;
00202           assert(0);
00203         }
00204     }
00205   // disentagle different tables
00206   int size[3]   ;
00207   int indexsize = 0 ;   
00208   for(unsigned int r = 0 ; r < tableMat.size() ; r++){    //Goes to every row of the Matrix
00209     if(tableMat[r].size() == 0)
00210       {
00211 //        cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "__________________ NEW TABLE __________________"<< endl ;
00212         size[indexsize] = r ;
00213 //        cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "size[" << indexsize << "] = " << size[indexsize] << endl ;
00214         indexsize++ ;
00215         continue ;
00216       }
00217     for(vector<string>::iterator it = tableMat[r].begin() ; it != tableMat[r].end() ; it++)
00218       {
00219 //      cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << *it <<"["<<&*it<<"]\t"  ;
00220 //      cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << *it <<"\t"  ;
00221       }
00222 //    cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << endl ;
00223   }
00225   // Read below quantities pertaining to a single FED that are equal accross 36 channels
00226   if(first)
00227     {
00228       first = false ;
00229       //VME base address 
00230       //Fed Base Address
00231       sscanf(tableMat[1][colM["VME_ADDRS_HEX"]].c_str(),"%lx",&FEDBASE_0);
00232       //      sscanf(tableMat[1][colM["PIXEL_FED"]].c_str(), "PxlFED_%ld",&fedNumber);
00233       fedNumber    = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["PIXEL_FED"]].c_str()                ) ;
00234       //Settable optical input parameters (one for each 12-receiver)            
00235       opt_cap[0]   = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["OPT1_CAP"]].c_str()                 ) ;
00236       opt_cap[1]   = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["OPT2_CAP"]].c_str()                 ) ;
00237       opt_cap[2]   = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["OPT3_CAP"]].c_str()                 ) ;
00238       opt_inadj[0] = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["OPT1_INP"]].c_str()                 ) ;
00239       opt_inadj[1] = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["OPT2_INP"]].c_str()                 ) ;
00240       opt_inadj[2] = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["OPT3_INP"]].c_str()                 ) ;
00241       opt_ouadj[0] = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["OPT1_OUT"]].c_str()                 ) ;
00242       opt_ouadj[1] = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["OPT2_OUT"]].c_str()                 ) ;
00243       opt_ouadj[2] = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["OPT3_OUT"]].c_str()                 ) ;
00245       //clock phases, use bits 0-8, select the clock edged                      
00246       clkphs1_9    = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["NORTH_CLKPHB"]].c_str()             ) ; // TO BE VERIFIED
00247       clkphs10_18  = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["NORTHCENTER_CLKPHB"]].c_str()       ) ; // TO BE VERIFIED
00248       clkphs19_27  = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SOUTHCENTER_CLKPHB"]].c_str()       ) ; // TO BE VERIFIED
00249       clkphs28_36  = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SOUTH_CLKPHB"]].c_str()             ) ; // TO BE VERIFIED
00251       // Control register and delays for the TTCrx                              
00252       CoarseDel    = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["REG2_TTCRX_CDLA"]].c_str()          ) ;
00253       ClkDes2      = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["REG3_TTCRX_CLKD2"]].c_str()         ) ;
00254       FineDes2Del  = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["REG1_TTCRX_FDLA"]].c_str()          ) ;
00255       FineDes1Del  = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["REG0_TTCRX_FDLA"]].c_str()          ) ;
00257       Ccntrl       = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["CENTER_CTRL"]].c_str()              ) ;
00258       modeRegister = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["CENTER_MODE"]].c_str()              ) ;
00260       //data Regs adjustable fifo Almost Full levels
00261       Nfifo1Bzlvl  = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["NORTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL"]].c_str()       ) ;
00262       NCfifo1Bzlvl = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["NORTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL"]].c_str() ) ;
00263       SCfifo1Bzlvl = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SOUTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL"]].c_str() ) ;
00264       Sfifo1Bzlvl  = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SOUTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL"]].c_str()       ) ;
00266       //Bits (1st 8) used to mask TBM trailer bits
00267       N_TBMmask    = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["NORTH_TBMMASK"]].c_str()            ) ;
00268       NC_TBMmask   = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["NORTHCENTER_TBMMASK"]].c_str()      ) ;
00269       SC_TBMmask   = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SOUTHCENTER_TBMMASK"]].c_str()      ) ;
00270       S_TBMmask    = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SOUTH_TBMMASK"]].c_str()            ) ;
00272       //Bits (1st 8) used to set the Private Word in the gap and filler words
00273       N_Pword      = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["NORTH_PWORD"]].c_str()              ) ;
00274       NC_Pword     = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["NORTHCENTER_PWORD"]].c_str()        ) ;
00275       SC_Pword     = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SOUTHCENTER_PWORD"]].c_str()        ) ;
00276       S_Pword      = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SOUTH_PWORD"]].c_str()              ) ;
00278       Nbaseln      = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["NORTH_BADJ"]].c_str()               ) ;
00279       NCbaseln     = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["NORTHCENTER_BADJ"]].c_str()         ) ;
00280       SCbaseln     = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SOUTHCENTER_BADJ"]].c_str()         ) ;
00281       Sbaseln      = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SOUTH_BADJ"]].c_str()               ) ;
00283       Ncntrl       = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["NORTH_CTRL"]].c_str()               ) ;
00284       NCcntrl      = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["NORTHCENTER_CTRL"]].c_str()         ) ;
00285       SCcntrl      = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SOUTHCENTER_CTRL"]].c_str()         ) ;
00286       Scntrl       = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SOUTH_CTRL"]].c_str()               ) ;
00289        //These bit sets the special dac mode for random triggers 
00290       SpecialDac   = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SPECDAC"]].c_str()                  ) ;
00292       //These bits set the number of Out of consecutive out of sync events until a TTs OOs 
00293       Ooslvl       = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["OOS_LVL"]].c_str()                  ) ;
00294       //These bits set the number of Empty events until a TTs Error 
00295       Errlvl       = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["ERR_LVL"]].c_str()                  ) ;
00297       //Control Regs for setting ADC 1Vpp and 2Vpp
00298       Nadcg        = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["B1_ADCGN"]].c_str()                 ) ;
00299       NCadcg       = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["B2_ADCGN"]].c_str()                 ) ;
00300       SCadcg       = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["B3_ADCGN"]].c_str()                 ) ;
00301       Sadcg        = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["B4_ADCGN"]].c_str()                 ) ;
00302       fifo3Wrnlvl  = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["FIFO3_WRN_LVL"]].c_str()            ) ;
00303       FedTTCDelay  = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["FED_MASTER_DELAY"]].c_str()         ) ;
00304       N_hitlimit   = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["NO_HITLIMIT"]].c_str()              ) ;
00305       NC_hitlimit  = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["NC_HITLIMIT"]].c_str()              ) ;
00306       SC_hitlimit  = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SC_HITLIMIT"]].c_str()              ) ;
00307       S_hitlimit   = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SO_HITLIMIT"]].c_str()              ) ;
00308       N_testreg    = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["NO_TESTREG"]].c_str()               ) ;
00309       NC_testreg   = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["NC_TESTREG"]].c_str()               ) ;
00310       SC_testreg   = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SC_TESTREG"]].c_str()               ) ;
00311       S_testreg    = atoi(tableMat[1][colM["SO_TESTREG"]].c_str()               ) ;
00313     } // end of 'first' condition
00314   for(int r = 1 ; r < size[0] ; r++)    //Goes to every row of the FIRST Matrix (MUST BE 36, one for each FED channel)
00315     {
00316       //Number of ROCS per FED channel
00317       NRocs[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["CHANNEL_ID"]].c_str())-1]    = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["NUM_ROCS"]].c_str()       ) ; 
00318       //input offset dac (one for each channel)                                                                     
00319       offs_dac[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["CHANNEL_ID"]].c_str())-1] = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["CHAN_OFFST_DAC"]].c_str() ) ; 
00320       //Channel delays, one for each channel, 0=15                                                                  
00321       DelayCh[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["CHANNEL_ID"]].c_str())-1]  = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["CHAN_DELAY"]].c_str()     ) ; 
00322       //Blacks and Ultra-blacks, 3 limit per channel                                                                
00323       BlackHi[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["CHANNEL_ID"]].c_str())-1]  = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["CHAN_BHIGH"]].c_str()     ) ; 
00324       BlackLo[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["CHANNEL_ID"]].c_str())-1]  = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["CHAN_BLOW"]].c_str()      ) ; 
00325       Ublack[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["CHANNEL_ID"]].c_str())-1]   = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["CHAN_UB"]].c_str()        ) ; 
00326     }
00328   readDBTBMLevels(tableMat, size[0]+1, size[1]) ;
00329   readDBROCLevels(tableMat, size[1]+1, size[2]) ;
00330   Ccntrl_original=Ccntrl;
00331   modeRegister_original=modeRegister;
00334   Ncntrl_original=Ncntrl;
00335   NCcntrl_original=NCcntrl;
00336   SCcntrl_original=SCcntrl;
00337   Scntrl_original=Scntrl;
00339   Nbaseln_original=Nbaseln;
00340   NCbaseln_original=NCbaseln;
00341   SCbaseln_original=SCbaseln;
00342   Sbaseln_original=Sbaseln;
00344   // Modified by MR on 17-11-2008 
00345   // This new variable has to be read from DB!!!!!
00346   // We need to add a column in the DB. Talk to Umesh.
00347   FineDes1Del = 14 ;
00348 }
00350 void PixelFEDCard::readDBTBMLevels(std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > &tableMat, int firstRow, int lastRow)
00351 {
00352   string mthn = "[PixelFEDCard::readDBTBMLevels()] ";
00353   vector<string> ins = tableMat[firstRow];
00354   map<string , int > colM;
00355   vector<string> colNames;
00385   colNames.push_back("CONFIG_KEY"   );        
00386   colNames.push_back("KEY_TYPE"     );        
00387   colNames.push_back("KEY_ALIAS"    );        
00388   colNames.push_back("VERSION"      );        
00389   colNames.push_back("KIND_OF_COND" );        
00390   colNames.push_back("TBM_NAME"     );        
00391   colNames.push_back("PIXEL_FED"    );        
00392   colNames.push_back("FED_CHAN"     );        
00393   colNames.push_back("TBMA_HEAD_L0" );        
00394   colNames.push_back("TBMA_HEAD_L1" );        
00395   colNames.push_back("TBMA_HEAD_L2" );        
00396   colNames.push_back("TBMA_HEAD_L3" );        
00397   colNames.push_back("TBMA_HEAD_L4" );        
00398   colNames.push_back("TBMA_TRAIL_L0");        
00399   colNames.push_back("TBMA_TRAIL_L1");        
00400   colNames.push_back("TBMA_TRAIL_L2");        
00401   colNames.push_back("TBMA_TRAIL_L3");        
00402   colNames.push_back("TBMA_TRAIL_L4");        
00403   colNames.push_back("TBMA_HEAD_B"  );        
00404   colNames.push_back("TBMA_HEAD_UB" );        
00405   colNames.push_back("TBMA_TRAIL_B" );        
00406   colNames.push_back("TBMA_TRAIL_UB");        
00407 /*
00408   colNames.push_back("CONFIG_KEY_ID"           );
00409   colNames.push_back("CONFIG_KEY"              );
00410   colNames.push_back("VERSION"                 );
00411   colNames.push_back("CONDITION_DATA_SET_ID"   );
00412   colNames.push_back("KIND_OF_CONDITION_ID"    );
00413   colNames.push_back("KIND_OF_COND"            );
00414   colNames.push_back("PXLFED_NAME"             );
00415   colNames.push_back("FED_CHAN"                );
00416   colNames.push_back("TBM_PART_ID"             );
00417   colNames.push_back("TBM_SER_NUM"             );
00418   colNames.push_back("PANEL_NAME"              );
00419   colNames.push_back("HUB_ADDRS"               );
00420   colNames.push_back("TBMA_HEAD_L0"            );
00421   colNames.push_back("TBMA_HEAD_L1"            );
00422   colNames.push_back("TBMA_HEAD_L2"            );
00423   colNames.push_back("TBMA_HEAD_L3"            );
00424   colNames.push_back("TBMA_HEAD_L4"            );
00425   colNames.push_back("TBMA_TRAIL_L0"           );
00426   colNames.push_back("TBMA_TRAIL_L1"           );
00427   colNames.push_back("TBMA_TRAIL_L2"           );
00428   colNames.push_back("TBMA_TRAIL_L3"           );
00429   colNames.push_back("TBMA_TRAIL_L4"           );
00430 */
00431   // Retrieve header row and cross check that everyfield is there.
00432   for(unsigned int c = 0 ; c < ins.size() ; c++)
00433     {
00434       for(unsigned int n=0; n<colNames.size(); n++)
00435         {
00436           if(tableMat[firstRow][c] == colNames[n]){
00437             colM[colNames[n]] = c;
00438             break;
00439           }
00440         }
00441     }//end for
00442   for(unsigned int n=0; n<colNames.size(); n++)
00443     {
00444       if(colM.find(colNames[n]) == colM.end())
00445         {
00446           std::cerr << mthn << "\tCouldn't find in the database the column with name " << colNames[n] << std::endl;
00447           assert(0);
00448         }
00449     }
00450   for(int r = firstRow + 1 ; r < lastRow ; r++)    //Goes to every row of the Matrix (MUST BE 36, one for each FED channel)
00451     {
00452       //Signal levels for the TBM, one per channel
00453       TBM_L0[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_CHAN"]].c_str())-1] = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["TBMA_HEAD_L0"]].c_str()     ) ;
00454       TBM_L1[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_CHAN"]].c_str())-1] = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["TBMA_HEAD_L1"]].c_str()     ) ;
00455       TBM_L2[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_CHAN"]].c_str())-1] = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["TBMA_HEAD_L2"]].c_str()     ) ;
00456       TBM_L3[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_CHAN"]].c_str())-1] = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["TBMA_HEAD_L3"]].c_str()     ) ;
00457       TBM_L4[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_CHAN"]].c_str())-1] = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["TBMA_HEAD_L4"]].c_str()     ) ;
00458       TRL_L0[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_CHAN"]].c_str())-1] = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["TBMA_TRAIL_L0"]].c_str()    ) ;
00459       TRL_L1[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_CHAN"]].c_str())-1] = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["TBMA_TRAIL_L1"]].c_str()    ) ;
00460       TRL_L2[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_CHAN"]].c_str())-1] = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["TBMA_TRAIL_L2"]].c_str()    ) ;
00461       TRL_L3[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_CHAN"]].c_str())-1] = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["TBMA_TRAIL_L3"]].c_str()    ) ;
00462       TRL_L4[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_CHAN"]].c_str())-1] = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["TBMA_TRAIL_L4"]].c_str()    ) ;
00463     }
00464 }
00466 void PixelFEDCard::readDBROCLevels(std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > &tableMat, int firstRow, int lastRow)
00467 {
00468   string mthn = "[PixelFEDCard::readDBROCLevels()] ";
00469   map<string , int > colM;
00470   vector<string> colNames;
00494   colNames.push_back("CONFIG_KEY"  );
00495   colNames.push_back("KEY_TYPE"    );
00496   colNames.push_back("KEY_ALIAS"   );
00497   colNames.push_back("VERSION"     );
00498   colNames.push_back("KIND_OF_COND");
00499   colNames.push_back("ROC_NAME"    );
00500   colNames.push_back("FED_ROC_NUM" );
00501   colNames.push_back("PIXEL_FED"   );
00502   colNames.push_back("FED_CHAN"    );
00503   colNames.push_back("ROC_L0"      );
00504   colNames.push_back("ROC_L1"      );
00505   colNames.push_back("ROC_L2"      );
00506   colNames.push_back("ROC_L3"      );
00507   colNames.push_back("ROC_L4"      );
00508   colNames.push_back("ROC_B"       );
00509   colNames.push_back("ROC_UB"      );
00510 /*
00511   colNames.push_back("CONFIG_KEY_ID"    );
00512   colNames.push_back("CONFIG_KEY"       );
00513   colNames.push_back("VERSION"          );
00514   colNames.push_back("KIND_OF_COND"     );
00515   colNames.push_back("PXLFED_NAME"      );
00516   colNames.push_back("FED_CHAN"         );
00517   colNames.push_back("AOH_CHAN"         );
00518   colNames.push_back("ROC_NAME"         );
00519   colNames.push_back("HUB_ADDRS"        );
00520   colNames.push_back("PORT_NUMBER"      );
00521   colNames.push_back("ROC_I2C_ADDR"     );
00522   colNames.push_back("GEOM_ROC_NUM"     );
00523   colNames.push_back("FED_ROC_NUM"      );
00524   colNames.push_back("ROC_L0"           );
00525   colNames.push_back("ROC_L1"           );
00526   colNames.push_back("ROC_L2"           );
00527   colNames.push_back("ROC_L3"           );
00528   colNames.push_back("ROC_L4"           );
00529 */  
00530   // Retrieve header row and cross check that everyfield is there.
00531   for(unsigned int c = 0 ; c < tableMat[firstRow].size() ; c++)
00532     {
00533       for(unsigned int n=0; n<colNames.size(); n++)
00534         {
00535           if(tableMat[firstRow][c] == colNames[n]){
00536             colM[colNames[n]] = c;
00537             break;
00538           }
00539         }
00540     }//end for
00541   for(unsigned int n=0; n<colNames.size(); n++)
00542     {
00543       if(colM.find(colNames[n]) == colM.end())
00544         {
00545           std::cerr << mthn << "\tCouldn't find in the database the column with name " << colNames[n] << std::endl;
00546           assert(0);
00547         }
00548     }
00549   // Address levels 1 per channel (36) per roc(max=26)
00550 //   int ROC_L0[36][26],ROC_L1[36][26],ROC_L2[36][26],ROC_L3[36][26],ROC_L4[36][26];
00552   for(int r = firstRow + 1 ; r < lastRow ; r++)    //Goes to every row of the Matrix (MUST BE 36, one for each FED channel)
00553     {
00554       ROC_L0[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_CHAN"]].c_str())-1][atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_ROC_NUM"]].c_str())] = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["ROC_L0"]].c_str()) ;
00555       ROC_L1[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_CHAN"]].c_str())-1][atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_ROC_NUM"]].c_str())] = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["ROC_L1"]].c_str()) ;
00556       ROC_L2[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_CHAN"]].c_str())-1][atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_ROC_NUM"]].c_str())] = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["ROC_L2"]].c_str()) ;
00557       ROC_L3[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_CHAN"]].c_str())-1][atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_ROC_NUM"]].c_str())] = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["ROC_L3"]].c_str()) ;
00558       ROC_L4[atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_CHAN"]].c_str())-1][atoi(tableMat[r][colM["FED_ROC_NUM"]].c_str())] = atoi(tableMat[r][colM["ROC_L4"]].c_str()) ;
00559     }
00561 }
00564 // Read the configuration parameters from file
00565 PixelFEDCard::PixelFEDCard(string fileName):
00566   PixelConfigBase(" "," "," ")
00567 {
00569   std::string mthn = "]\t[PixelFEDCard::PixelFEDCard()]\t\t\t\t    " ;
00570   //const bool localDEBUG = true;
00571   const bool localDEBUG = false;
00573   // Added by Dario (March 26th, 2008): insure variables are all cleared before read-in
00574   clear() ;
00576   //  cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn <<" Get setup parameters from file "<<fileName<<endl;
00577   FILE *infile = fopen((fileName.c_str()),"r");
00578   if (infile == NULL)  throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open FED Card parameter file: "+fileName); 
00580   //Fed Base Address
00581   fscanf(infile,"FED Base address                         :%lx\n",
00582          &FEDBASE_0);
00583   fscanf(infile,"FEDID Number                             :%lx\n",
00584          &fedNumber);
00586 //  if(localDEBUG) cout << __LINE__ << mthn << "FED Base address, FED # : " << std::hex << FEDBASE_0 << std::dec << std::endl ;
00587 //  if(localDEBUG) printf("FED Base address, FED # :%lx\n",FEDBASE_0);
00588   //if(FEDBASE != FEDBASE_0) cout<< __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << " Inconsistent FED base address?"<<endl;
00589 //  if(localDEBUG) cout << __LINE__ << mthn << "FEDID #                 : " << std::hex << fedNumber << std::dec << std::endl ;
00590 //  if(localDEBUG) printf("FEDID # :%lx\n",fedNumber);
00592   // Number of ROCs
00593   int ijx=0;
00594   for(int i=0;i<36;i++){
00595   ijx=i+1;
00596     fscanf(infile,"Number of ROCs Chnl %d:%d \n",&ijx,&NRocs[i]);
00597     if(localDEBUG)printf("Number of ROCs per Chnl %d:%d \n",ijx,NRocs[i]);
00598   }
00600   //Settable optical input parameters
00601   fscanf(infile,"Optical reciever 1  Capacitor Adjust(0-3):%d\n",&opt_cap[0]);
00602   fscanf(infile,"Optical reciever 2  Capacitor Adjust(0-3):%d\n",&opt_cap[1]);
00603   fscanf(infile,"Optical reciever 3  Capacitor Adjust(0-3):%d\n",&opt_cap[2]);
00604   fscanf(infile,"Optical reciever 1  Input Offset (0-15)  :%d\n",&opt_inadj[0]);
00605   fscanf(infile,"Optical reciever 2  Input Offset (0-15)  :%d\n",&opt_inadj[1]);
00606   fscanf(infile,"Optical reciever 3  Input Offset (0-15)  :%d\n",&opt_inadj[2]);
00607   fscanf(infile,"Optical reciever 1 Output Offset (0-3)   :%d\n",&opt_ouadj[0]);
00608   fscanf(infile,"Optical reciever 2 Output Offset (0-3)   :%d\n",&opt_ouadj[1]);
00609   fscanf(infile,"Optical reciever 3 Output Offset (0-3)   :%d\n",&opt_ouadj[2]);
00611   if(localDEBUG) {
00612     printf("Optical reciever 1  Capacitor Adjust(0-3):%d\n",opt_cap[0]);
00613     printf("Optical reciever 2  Capacitor Adjust(0-3):%d\n",opt_cap[1]);
00614     printf("Optical reciever 3  Capacitor Adjust(0-3):%d\n",opt_cap[2]);
00615     printf("Optical reciever 1  Input Offset (0-15)  :%d\n",opt_inadj[0]);
00616     printf("Optical reciever 2  Input Offset (0-15)  :%d\n",opt_inadj[1]);
00617     printf("Optical reciever 3  Input Offset (0-15)  :%d\n",opt_inadj[2]);
00618     printf("Optical reciever 1 Output Offset (0-3)   :%d\n",opt_ouadj[0]);
00619     printf("Optical reciever 2 Output Offset (0-3)   :%d\n",opt_ouadj[1]);
00620     printf("Optical reciever 3 Output Offset (0-3)   :%d\n",opt_ouadj[2]);
00621   }
00623   //input offset dac
00624   for(int i=0;i<36;i++) {
00625     fscanf(infile,"Offset DAC channel %d:%d\n",&ijx,&offs_dac[i]);
00626     if(localDEBUG) printf("Offset DAC channel %d:%d\n",i+1,offs_dac[i]);
00627   }
00629   //clock phases
00630   fscanf(infile,"Clock Phase Bits ch   1-9:%x\n",& clkphs1_9 );
00631   fscanf(infile,"Clock Phase Bits ch 10-18:%x\n",&clkphs10_18);
00632   fscanf(infile,"Clock Phase Bits ch 19-27:%x\n",&clkphs19_27);
00633   fscanf(infile,"Clock Phase Bits ch 28-36:%x\n",&clkphs28_36);
00634   if(localDEBUG)printf("Clock Phase Bits ch    1-9:%x\n",clkphs1_9 );
00635   if(localDEBUG)printf("Clock Phase Bits ch  10-18:%x\n",clkphs10_18 );
00636   if(localDEBUG)printf("Clock Phase Bits ch  19-27:%x\n",clkphs19_27 );
00637   if(localDEBUG)printf("Clock Phase Bits ch  28-36:%x\n",clkphs28_36 );
00639   //Blacks 
00640   for(int i=0;i<36;i++){
00641     fscanf(infile,"Black HiThold ch %d:%d \n",&ijx,&BlackHi[i]);
00642     fscanf(infile,"Black LoThold ch %d:%d \n",&ijx,&BlackLo[i]);
00643     fscanf(infile,"ULblack Thold ch %d:%d \n",&ijx, &Ublack[i]);
00644     if(localDEBUG)printf("Black HiThold ch %d:%d\n",ijx,BlackHi[i]);
00645     if(localDEBUG)printf("Black LoThold ch %d:%d\n",ijx,BlackLo[i]);
00646     if(localDEBUG)printf("ULblack Thold ch %d:%d\n",ijx, Ublack[i]);
00647   }
00649   //Channel delays
00650   for(int i=0;i<36;i++) {
00651     fscanf(infile,"Delay channel %d(0-15):%d\n",&ijx,&DelayCh[i]);
00652     if(localDEBUG) 
00653       printf("Delay channel %d(0-15):%d\n",i+1,DelayCh[i]);
00654   }
00656   //Signal levels
00657   for(int i=0;i<36;i++) {
00658     fscanf(infile,"TBM level 0 Channel  %d:%d\n",&ijx,&TBM_L0[i]);
00659     fscanf(infile,"TBM level 1 Channel  %d:%d\n",&ijx,&TBM_L1[i]);
00660     fscanf(infile,"TBM level 2 Channel  %d:%d\n",&ijx,&TBM_L2[i]);
00661     fscanf(infile,"TBM level 3 Channel  %d:%d\n",&ijx,&TBM_L3[i]);
00662     fscanf(infile,"TBM level 4 Channel  %d:%d\n",&ijx,&TBM_L4[i]);
00663     if(localDEBUG)printf("TBM level 0 Channel  %d:%d\n",ijx,TBM_L0[i]);
00664     if(localDEBUG)printf("TBM level 1 Channel  %d:%d\n",ijx,TBM_L1[i]);
00665     if(localDEBUG)printf("TBM level 2 Channel  %d:%d\n",ijx,TBM_L2[i]);
00666     if(localDEBUG)printf("TBM level 3 Channel  %d:%d\n",ijx,TBM_L3[i]);
00667     if(localDEBUG)printf("TBM level 4 Channel  %d:%d\n",ijx,TBM_L4[i]);
00669     int ijy=0;
00670     for(int j=0;j<NRocs[i];j++) {
00671       fscanf(infile,"ROC%d level 0 Channel  %d :%d\n",
00672              &ijy,&ijx,&ROC_L0[i][j]);
00673       fscanf(infile,"ROC%d level 1 Channel  %d :%d\n",
00674              &ijy,&ijx,&ROC_L1[i][j]);
00675       fscanf(infile,"ROC%d level 2 Channel  %d :%d\n",
00676              &ijy,&ijx,&ROC_L2[i][j]);
00677       fscanf(infile,"ROC%d level 3 Channel  %d :%d\n",
00678              &ijy,&ijx,&ROC_L3[i][j]);
00679       fscanf(infile,"ROC%d level 4 Channel  %d :%d\n",
00680              &ijy,&ijx,&ROC_L4[i][j]);
00681       if(localDEBUG)
00682         printf("ROC%d level 0 Channel  %d :%d\n",ijy,ijx,ROC_L0[i][j]);
00683       if(localDEBUG)
00684         printf("ROC%d level 1 Channel  %d :%d\n",ijy,ijx,ROC_L1[i][j]);
00685       if(localDEBUG)
00686         printf("ROC%d level 2 Channel  %d :%d\n",ijy,ijx,ROC_L2[i][j]);
00687       if(localDEBUG)
00688         printf("ROC%d level 3 Channel  %d :%d\n",ijy,ijx,ROC_L3[i][j]);
00689       if(localDEBUG)
00690         printf("ROC%d level 4 Channel  %d :%d\n",ijy,ijx,ROC_L4[i][j]);
00691     }
00693     fscanf(infile,"TRLR level 0 Channel %d:%d\n",&ijx,&TRL_L0[i]);
00694     fscanf(infile,"TRLR level 1 Channel %d:%d\n",&ijx,&TRL_L1[i]);
00695     fscanf(infile,"TRLR level 2 Channel %d:%d\n",&ijx,&TRL_L2[i]);
00696     fscanf(infile,"TRLR level 3 Channel %d:%d\n",&ijx,&TRL_L3[i]);
00697     fscanf(infile,"TRLR level 4 Channel %d:%d\n",&ijx,&TRL_L4[i]);
00698     if(localDEBUG)printf("TRLR level 0 Channel %d:%d\n",ijx,TRL_L0[i]);
00699     if(localDEBUG)printf("TRLR level 1 Channel %d:%d\n",ijx,TRL_L1[i]);
00700     if(localDEBUG)printf("TRLR level 2 Channel %d:%d\n",ijx,TRL_L2[i]);
00701     if(localDEBUG)printf("TRLR level 3 Channel %d:%d\n",ijx,TRL_L3[i]);
00702     if(localDEBUG)printf("TRLR level 4 Channel %d:%d\n",ijx,TRL_L4[i]);
00703   }
00706   //These bits turn off(1) and on(0) channels
00707   fscanf(infile,"Channel Enbable bits chnls 1-9  (on = 0):%x\n",
00708          &Ncntrl);
00709   fscanf(infile,"Channel Enbable bits chnls 10-18(on = 0):%x\n",
00710          &NCcntrl);
00711   fscanf(infile,"Channel Enbable bits chnls 19-27(on = 0):%x\n",
00712          &SCcntrl);
00713   fscanf(infile,"Channel Enbable bits chnls 28-36(on = 0):%x\n",
00714          &Scntrl);
00715   if(localDEBUG)
00716     printf("Channel Enbable bits chnls 1-9  (on = 0):%x\n",Ncntrl);
00717   if(localDEBUG)
00718     printf("Channel Enbable bits chnls 10-18(on = 0):%x\n",NCcntrl);
00719   if(localDEBUG)
00720     printf("Channel Enbable bits chnls 19-27(on = 0):%x\n",SCcntrl);
00721   if(localDEBUG)
00722     printf("Channel Enbable bits chnls 28-36(on = 0):%x\n",Scntrl);
00724   //These are delays to the TTCrx
00725   fscanf(infile,"TTCrx Coarse Delay Register 2:%d\n",&CoarseDel);
00726   fscanf(infile,"TTCrc      ClkDes2 Register 3:%x\n",&ClkDes2);
00727   fscanf(infile,"TTCrc Fine Dlay ClkDes2 Reg 1:%d\n",&FineDes2Del);
00728   if(localDEBUG)printf("TTCrx Coarse Delay Register 2:%d\n",CoarseDel);
00729   if(localDEBUG)printf("TTCrc      ClkDes2 Register 3:%x\n",ClkDes2);
00730   if(localDEBUG)printf("TTCrc Fine Dlay ClkDes2 Reg 1:%d\n",FineDes2Del);
00732   // Control register
00733   fscanf(infile,"Center Chip Control Reg:%x\n",&Ccntrl);
00734   if(localDEBUG)printf("Control Reg:0x%x\n",Ccntrl);
00735   fscanf(infile,"Initial Slink DAQ mode:%d\n",&modeRegister);
00736   if(localDEBUG)printf("Mode Reg:%d\n",modeRegister);
00738    //These bits set ADC Gain/Range 1Vpp(0) and 2Vpp(1) for channels
00739   fscanf(infile,"Channel ADC Gain bits chnls  1-12(1Vpp = 0):%x\n",
00740          &Nadcg);
00741   fscanf(infile,"Channel ADC Gain bits chnls 13-20(1Vpp = 0):%x\n",
00742          &NCadcg);
00743   fscanf(infile,"Channel ADC Gain bits chnls 21-28(1Vpp = 0):%x\n",
00744          &SCadcg);
00745   fscanf(infile,"Channel ADC Gain bits chnls 29-36(1Vpp = 0):%x\n",
00746          &Sadcg);
00747   if(localDEBUG)
00748     printf("Channel ADC Gain bits chnls  1-12(1Vpp = 0):%x\n",Nadcg);
00749   if(localDEBUG)
00750     printf("Channel ADC Gain bits chnls 13-20(1Vpp = 0):%x\n",NCadcg);
00751   if(localDEBUG)
00752     printf("Channel ADC Gain bits chnls 21-28(1Vpp = 0):%x\n",SCadcg);
00753   if(localDEBUG)
00754     printf("Channel ADC Gain bits chnls 29-36(1Vpp = 0):%x\n",Sadcg);
00756        //These bits set Baseline adjustment value (common by FPGA)//can turn on by channel 
00757   fscanf(infile,"Channel Baseline Enbable chnls 1-9  (on = (0x1ff<<16)+):%x\n",
00758          &Nbaseln);
00759   fscanf(infile,"Channel Baseline Enbable chnls 10-18(on = (0x1ff<<16)+):%x\n",
00760          &NCbaseln);
00761   fscanf(infile,"Channel Baseline Enbable chnls 19-27(on = (0x1ff<<16)+):%x\n",
00762          &SCbaseln);
00763   fscanf(infile,"Channel Baseline Enbable chnls 28-36(on = (0x1ff<<16)+):%x\n",
00764          &Sbaseln);
00765   if(localDEBUG)
00766     printf("Channel Baseline Enbable chnls 1-9  (on = (0x1ff<<16)+):%x\n",Nbaseln);
00767   if(localDEBUG)
00768     printf("Channel Baseline Enbable chnls 10-18(on = (0x1ff<<16)+):%x\n",NCbaseln);
00769   if(localDEBUG)
00770     printf("Channel Baseline Enbable chnls 19-27(on = (0x1ff<<16)+):%x\n",SCbaseln);
00771   if(localDEBUG)
00772     printf("Channel Baseline Enbable chnls 28-36(on = (0x1ff<<16)+):%x\n",Sbaseln);
00774        //These bits set TBM trailer mask (common by FPGA) 
00775   fscanf(infile,"TBM trailer mask chnls 1-9  (0xff = all masked):%x\n",
00776          &N_TBMmask);
00777   fscanf(infile,"TBM trailer mask chnls 10-18(0xff = all masked):%x\n",
00778          &NC_TBMmask);
00779   fscanf(infile,"TBM trailer mask chnls 19-27(0xff = all masked):%x\n",
00780          &SC_TBMmask);
00781   fscanf(infile,"TBM trailer mask chnls 28-36(0xff = all masked):%x\n",
00782          &S_TBMmask);
00783   if(localDEBUG)
00784     printf("TBM trailer mask chnls 1-9  (0xff = all masked):%x\n",N_TBMmask);
00785   if(localDEBUG)
00786     printf("TBM trailer mask chnls 10-18(0xff = all masked):%x\n",NC_TBMmask);
00787   if(localDEBUG)
00788     printf("TBM trailer mask chnls 19-27(0xff = all masked):%x\n",SC_TBMmask);
00789   if(localDEBUG)
00790     printf("TBM trailer mask chnls 28-36(0xff = all masked):%x\n",S_TBMmask);
00792        //These bits set the Private fill/gap word value (common by FPGA) 
00793   fscanf(infile,"Private 8 bit word chnls 1-9  :%x\n",
00794          &N_Pword);
00795   fscanf(infile,"Private 8 bit word chnls 10-18:%x\n",
00796          &NC_Pword);
00797   fscanf(infile,"Private 8 bit word chnls 19-27:%x\n",
00798          &SC_Pword);
00799   fscanf(infile,"Private 8 bit word chnls 28-36:%x\n",
00800          &S_Pword);
00801   if(localDEBUG)
00802     printf("Private 8 bit word chnls 1-9  :%x\n",N_Pword);
00803   if(localDEBUG)
00804     printf("Private 8 bit word chnls 10-18:%x\n",NC_Pword);
00805   if(localDEBUG)
00806     printf("Private 8 bit word chnls 19-27:%x\n",SC_Pword);
00807   if(localDEBUG)
00808     printf("Private 8 bit word chnls 28-36:%x\n",S_Pword);
00810        //These bit sets the special dac mode for random triggers 
00811   fscanf(infile,"Special Random testDAC mode (on = 0x1, off=0x0):%x\n",
00812          &SpecialDac);
00813   if(localDEBUG)
00814     printf("Special Random testDAC mode (on = 0x1, off=0x0):%x\n",SpecialDac);
00817       //These bits set the number of Out of consecutive out of sync events until a TTs OOs 
00818   fscanf(infile,"Number of Consecutive (max 1023) Out of Syncs till TTs OOS set:%d\n",
00819          &Ooslvl);
00820   if(localDEBUG)
00821     printf("Number of Consecutive (max 1023) Out of Syncs till TTs OOS set:%d\n",Ooslvl);
00823       //These bits set the number of Empty events until a TTs Error 
00824   fscanf(infile,"Number of Consecutive (max 1023) Empty events till TTs ERR set:%d\n",
00825          &Errlvl);
00826   if(localDEBUG)
00827     printf("Number of Consecutive (max 1023) Empty events till TTs ERR set:%d\n",Errlvl);
00829       //These bits set the Almost Full level in fifo-1, Almost full = TTs BUSY in fifo-1 N
00830   fscanf(infile,"N Fifo-1 almost full level,sets TTs BUSY (max 1023):%d\n",
00831          &Nfifo1Bzlvl);
00832   if(localDEBUG)
00833     printf("N Fifo-1 almost full level,sets TTs BUSY (max 1023):%d\n",Nfifo1Bzlvl);
00835       //These bits set the Almost Full level in fifo-1, Almost full = TTs BUSY in fifo-1 NC
00836   fscanf(infile,"NC Fifo-1 almost full level,sets TTs BUSY (max 1023):%d\n",
00837          &NCfifo1Bzlvl);
00838   if(localDEBUG)
00839     printf("NC Fifo-1 almost full level,sets TTs BUSY (max 1023):%d\n",NCfifo1Bzlvl);
00841       //These bits set the Almost Full level in fifo-1, Almost full = TTs BUSY in fifo-1 SC
00842   fscanf(infile,"SC Fifo-1 almost full level,sets TTs BUSY (max 1023):%d\n",
00843          &SCfifo1Bzlvl);
00844   if(localDEBUG)
00845     printf("SC Fifo-1 almost full level,sets TTs BUSY (max 1023):%d\n",SCfifo1Bzlvl);
00847       //These bits set the Almost Full level in fifo-1, Almost full = TTs BUSY in fifo-1 S
00848   fscanf(infile,"S Fifo-1 almost full level,sets TTs BUSY (max 1023):%d\n",
00849          &Sfifo1Bzlvl);
00850   if(localDEBUG)
00851     printf("S Fifo-1 almost full level,sets TTs BUSY (max 1023):%d\n",Sfifo1Bzlvl);
00853       //These bits set the Almost Full level in fifo-3, Almost full = TTs WARN in fifo-3
00854   fscanf(infile,"Fifo-3 almost full level,sets TTs WARN (max 8191):%d\n",
00855          &fifo3Wrnlvl);
00856   if(localDEBUG)
00857     printf("Fifo-3 almost full level,sets TTs WARN (max 8191):%d\n",fifo3Wrnlvl);
00859   fscanf(infile,"FED Master delay 0=0,1=32,2=48,3=64:%d\n",
00860                            &FedTTCDelay);
00861   if(localDEBUG)
00862     printf("FED Master delay 0=0,1=32,2=48,3=64:%d\n",FedTTCDelay);
00864   fscanf(infile,"TTCrx Register 0 fine delay ClkDes1:%d\n",&FineDes1Del);
00865   if(localDEBUG)
00866     printf("TTCrx Register 0 fine delay ClkDes1:%d\n",FineDes1Del);
00868         int checkword=0;
00869   fscanf(infile,"Params FED file check word:%d\n",
00870                            &checkword);
00871         if(checkword!=90508&&checkword!=91509) cout << __LINE__  << "]\t"                             << mthn 
00872                                   << "FEDID: "                                      << fedNumber 
00873                                   << " Params FED File read error. Checkword read " << checkword
00874                                   <<" check word expected 090508 or 91509"          << endl;
00875         assert((checkword==90508)|(checkword==91509));
00877         if(localDEBUG)
00878          cout << __LINE__  << "]\t" << mthn << "Params FED file check word: " << checkword << endl;
00880       //These bits set the hit limit in fifo-1 for an event
00882         if(checkword==91509){
00883       //These bits set the hit limit in fifo-1 for an event
00884   fscanf(infile,"N fifo-1 hit limit (max 1023 (hard) 900 (soft):%d\n",&N_hitlimit);
00885   if(localDEBUG)
00886     printf("N fifo-1 hit limit (max 1023 (hard) 900 (soft):%d\n",N_hitlimit);    
00887   fscanf(infile,"NC fifo-1 hit limit (max 1023 (hard) 900 (soft):%d\n",&NC_hitlimit);
00888   if(localDEBUG)
00889     printf("NC fifo-1 hit limit (max 1023 (hard) 900 (soft):%d\n",NC_hitlimit);
00890   fscanf(infile,"SC fifo-1 hit limit (max 1023 (hard) 900 (soft):%d\n",&SC_hitlimit);
00891   if(localDEBUG)
00892     printf("SC fifo-1 hit limit (max 1023 (hard) 900 (soft):%d\n",SC_hitlimit);
00893   fscanf(infile,"S fifo-1 hit limit (max 1023 (hard) 900 (soft):%d\n",&S_hitlimit);
00894   if(localDEBUG)
00895     printf("S fifo-1 hit limit (max 1023 (hard) 900 (soft):%d\n",S_hitlimit);
00896       //These bits allow a ROC to be skipped (1/fpga)
00898   fscanf(infile,"Skip a ROC in ch 1-9, bits 10-5 chnl, bits 0-4 ROC-1:%d\n",&N_testreg);
00899   if(localDEBUG)
00900     printf("Skip a ROC in ch 1-9, bits 10-5 chnl, bits 0-4 ROC-1:%d\n",N_testreg);
00901   fscanf(infile,"Skip a ROC in ch 10-18, bits 10-5 chnl, bits 0-4 ROC-1:%d\n",&NC_testreg);
00902   if(localDEBUG)
00903     printf("Skip a ROC in ch 10-18, bits 10-5 chnl, bits 0-4 ROC-1:%d\n",NC_testreg);
00904   fscanf(infile,"Skip a ROC in ch 19-27, bits 10-5 chnl, bits 0-4 ROC-1:%d\n",&SC_testreg);
00905   if(localDEBUG)
00906     printf("Skip a ROC in ch 19-27, bits 10-5 chnl, bits 0-4 ROC-1:%d\n",SC_testreg);
00907   fscanf(infile,"Skip a ROC in ch 28-36, bits 10-5 chnl, bits 0-4 ROC-1:%d\n",&S_testreg);
00908   if(localDEBUG)
00909     printf("Skip a ROC in ch 28-36, bits 10-5 chnl, bits 0-4 ROC-1:%d\n",S_testreg);
00910          } else {
00912     N_hitlimit=192;     
00913     NC_hitlimit=192;
00914     SC_hitlimit=192;
00915     S_hitlimit=192;
00917     N_testreg=0;
00918     NC_testreg=0;
00919     SC_testreg=0;
00920     S_testreg=0;
00921          }
00923   fclose(infile);
00925   Ccntrl_original=Ccntrl;
00926   modeRegister_original=modeRegister;
00929   Ncntrl_original=Ncntrl;
00930   NCcntrl_original=NCcntrl;
00931   SCcntrl_original=SCcntrl;
00932   Scntrl_original=Scntrl;
00934   Nbaseln_original=Nbaseln;
00935   NCbaseln_original=NCbaseln;
00936   SCbaseln_original=SCbaseln;
00937   Sbaseln_original=Sbaseln;
00939   return;
00940 }
00942 //==================================================================================
00943 // Added by Dario (March 26th 2008)
00944 void PixelFEDCard::clear(void) 
00945 {
00946   FEDBASE_0 = 0 ;
00947   fedNumber = 999 ;
00948   for(int i=0;i<36;i++){
00949     NRocs[i]    = 0;
00950     offs_dac[i] = 0;
00951     BlackHi[i]  = 0;
00952     BlackLo[i]  = 0;
00953     Ublack[i]   = 0;
00954     DelayCh[i]  = 0;  
00955     TBM_L0[i]   = 0;               
00956     TBM_L1[i]   = 0;               
00957     TBM_L2[i]   = 0;               
00958     TBM_L3[i]   = 0;               
00959     TBM_L4[i]   = 0;
00960     TRL_L0[i]   = 0;
00961     TRL_L1[i]   = 0;
00962     TRL_L2[i]   = 0;
00963     TRL_L3[i]   = 0;
00964     TRL_L4[i]   = 0;
00965   }             
00966   for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
00967     opt_cap[i]   = 0;
00968     opt_inadj[i] = 0;
00969     opt_ouadj[i] = 0;
00970   }
00971   clkphs1_9   = 0;
00972   clkphs10_18 = 0;
00973   clkphs19_27 = 0;
00974   clkphs28_36 = 0;
00976   for(int i=0;i<36;i++) {
00977     for(int j=0;j<26;j++) {
00978       ROC_L0[i][j] = 0;
00979       ROC_L1[i][j] = 0;
00980       ROC_L2[i][j] = 0;
00981       ROC_L3[i][j] = 0;
00982       ROC_L4[i][j] = 0;
00983     }
00984   }
00985   Ncntrl       = 0;  
00986   NCcntrl      = 0;  
00987   SCcntrl      = 0;  
00988   Scntrl       = 0;  
00989   CoarseDel    = 0;
00990   ClkDes2      = 0;
00991   FineDes2Del  = 0;
00992   FineDes1Del  = 0;
00993   Ccntrl       = 0;
00994   modeRegister = 0;
00995   Nadcg        = 0;
00996   NCadcg       = 0;
00997   SCadcg       = 0;
00998   Sadcg        = 0;
00999   Nbaseln      = 0;
01000   NCbaseln     = 0;
01001   SCbaseln     = 0;
01002   Sbaseln      = 0;
01003   N_TBMmask    = 0;
01004   NC_TBMmask   = 0;
01005   SC_TBMmask   = 0;
01006   S_TBMmask    = 0;
01007   N_Pword      = 0;
01008   NC_Pword     = 0;
01009   SC_Pword     = 0;
01010   S_Pword      = 0;
01011   SpecialDac   = 0;
01012   Ooslvl       = 0;
01013   Errlvl       = 0;
01014   Nfifo1Bzlvl  = 0;
01015   NCfifo1Bzlvl = 0;
01016   SCfifo1Bzlvl = 0;
01017   Sfifo1Bzlvl  = 0;
01018   fifo3Wrnlvl  = 0;
01019 }
01020 //==================================================================================
01022 void PixelFEDCard::writeASCII(std::string dir) const{
01024   std::string mthn = "[PixelFEDCard::writeASCII()]\t\t\t\t    " ;
01026   ostringstream s1;
01027   s1<<fedNumber;
01028   std::string fedNum=s1.str();
01030   if (dir!="") dir+="/";
01032   std::string filename=dir+"params_fed_"+fedNum+".dat";
01034   FILE *outfile = fopen((filename.c_str()),"w");
01035   if (outfile == NULL) {
01036     cout<< __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Could not open file: " << filename << " for writing" << endl; 
01037     return;
01038   }
01040   //Fed Base Address
01041   fprintf(outfile,"FED Base address                         :0x%lx\n",
01042          FEDBASE_0);
01043   fprintf(outfile,"FEDID Number                             :0x%lx\n",
01044          fedNumber);
01046   // Number of ROCs
01047   int ijx=0;
01048   for(int i=0;i<36;i++){
01049   ijx=i+1;
01050     fprintf(outfile,"Number of ROCs Chnl %d:%d\n",ijx,NRocs[i]);
01051 }
01053   //Settable optical input parameters
01054   fprintf(outfile,"Optical reciever 1  Capacitor Adjust(0-3):%d\n",opt_cap[0]);
01055   fprintf(outfile,"Optical reciever 2  Capacitor Adjust(0-3):%d\n",opt_cap[1]);
01056   fprintf(outfile,"Optical reciever 3  Capacitor Adjust(0-3):%d\n",opt_cap[2]);
01057   fprintf(outfile,"Optical reciever 1  Input Offset (0-15)  :%d\n",opt_inadj[0]);
01058   fprintf(outfile,"Optical reciever 2  Input Offset (0-15)  :%d\n",opt_inadj[1]);
01059   fprintf(outfile,"Optical reciever 3  Input Offset (0-15)  :%d\n",opt_inadj[2]);
01060   fprintf(outfile,"Optical reciever 1 Output Offset (0-3)   :%d\n",opt_ouadj[0]);
01061   fprintf(outfile,"Optical reciever 2 Output Offset (0-3)   :%d\n",opt_ouadj[1]);
01062   fprintf(outfile,"Optical reciever 3 Output Offset (0-3)   :%d\n",opt_ouadj[2]);
01064   //input offset dac
01065   for(int i=0;i<36;i++) {
01066     fprintf(outfile,"Offset DAC channel %d:%d\n",i+1,offs_dac[i]);
01067   }
01069   //clock phases
01070   fprintf(outfile,"Clock Phase Bits ch   1-9:0x%x\n",clkphs1_9 );
01071   fprintf(outfile,"Clock Phase Bits ch 10-18:0x%x\n",clkphs10_18);
01072   fprintf(outfile,"Clock Phase Bits ch 19-27:0x%x\n",clkphs19_27);
01073   fprintf(outfile,"Clock Phase Bits ch 28-36:0x%x\n",clkphs28_36);
01075   //Blacks 
01076   for(int i=0;i<36;i++){
01077     fprintf(outfile,"Black HiThold ch %d:%d \n",i+1,BlackHi[i]);
01078     fprintf(outfile,"Black LoThold ch %d:%d \n",i+1,BlackLo[i]);
01079     fprintf(outfile,"ULblack Thold ch %d:%d \n",i+1,Ublack[i]);
01080   }
01082   //Channel delays
01083   for(int i=0;i<36;i++) {
01084     fprintf(outfile,"Delay channel %d(0-15):%d\n",i+1,DelayCh[i]);
01085   }
01087   //Signal levels
01088   for(int i=0;i<36;i++) {
01089     fprintf(outfile,"TBM level 0 Channel  %d:%d\n",i+1,TBM_L0[i]);
01090     fprintf(outfile,"TBM level 1 Channel  %d:%d\n",i+1,TBM_L1[i]);
01091     fprintf(outfile,"TBM level 2 Channel  %d:%d\n",i+1,TBM_L2[i]);
01092     fprintf(outfile,"TBM level 3 Channel  %d:%d\n",i+1,TBM_L3[i]);
01093     fprintf(outfile,"TBM level 4 Channel  %d:%d\n",i+1,TBM_L4[i]);
01095     for(int j=0;j<NRocs[i];j++) {
01096       fprintf(outfile,"ROC%d level 0 Channel  %d :%d\n",
01097              j,i+1,ROC_L0[i][j]);
01098       fprintf(outfile,"ROC%d level 1 Channel  %d :%d\n",
01099              j,i+1,ROC_L1[i][j]);
01100       fprintf(outfile,"ROC%d level 2 Channel  %d :%d\n",
01101              j,i+1,ROC_L2[i][j]);
01102       fprintf(outfile,"ROC%d level 3 Channel  %d :%d\n",
01103              j,i+1,ROC_L3[i][j]);
01104       fprintf(outfile,"ROC%d level 4 Channel  %d :%d\n",
01105              j,i+1,ROC_L4[i][j]);
01106     }
01108     fprintf(outfile,"TRLR level 0 Channel %d:%d\n",i+1,TRL_L0[i]);
01109     fprintf(outfile,"TRLR level 1 Channel %d:%d\n",i+1,TRL_L1[i]);
01110     fprintf(outfile,"TRLR level 2 Channel %d:%d\n",i+1,TRL_L2[i]);
01111     fprintf(outfile,"TRLR level 3 Channel %d:%d\n",i+1,TRL_L3[i]);
01112     fprintf(outfile,"TRLR level 4 Channel %d:%d\n",i+1,TRL_L4[i]);
01113   }
01116   //These bits turn off(1) and on(0) channels
01117   fprintf(outfile,"Channel Enbable bits chnls 1-9  (on = 0):0x%x\n",
01118          Ncntrl);
01119   fprintf(outfile,"Channel Enbable bits chnls 10-18(on = 0):0x%x\n",
01120          NCcntrl);
01121   fprintf(outfile,"Channel Enbable bits chnls 19-27(on = 0):0x%x\n",
01122          SCcntrl);
01123   fprintf(outfile,"Channel Enbable bits chnls 28-36(on = 0):0x%x\n",
01124          Scntrl);
01126   //These are delays to the TTCrx
01127   fprintf(outfile,"TTCrx Coarse Delay Register 2:%d\n",CoarseDel);
01128   fprintf(outfile,"TTCrc      ClkDes2 Register 3:0x%x\n",ClkDes2);
01129   fprintf(outfile,"TTCrc Fine Dlay ClkDes2 Reg 1:%d\n",FineDes2Del);
01131   // Control register
01132   fprintf(outfile,"Center Chip Control Reg:0x%x\n",Ccntrl);
01133   fprintf(outfile,"Initial Slink DAQ mode:%d\n",modeRegister);
01135    //These bits set ADC Gain/Range 1Vpp(0) and 2Vpp(1) for channels
01136   fprintf(outfile,"Channel ADC Gain bits chnls  1-12(1Vpp = 0):0x%x\n",
01137          Nadcg);
01138   fprintf(outfile,"Channel ADC Gain bits chnls 13-20(1Vpp = 0):0x%x\n",
01139          NCadcg);
01140   fprintf(outfile,"Channel ADC Gain bits chnls 21-28(1Vpp = 0):0x%x\n",
01141          SCadcg);
01142   fprintf(outfile,"Channel ADC Gain bits chnls 29-36(1Vpp = 0):0x%x\n",
01143          Sadcg);
01145        //These bits set Baseline adjustment value (common by FPGA)//can turn on by channel 
01146   fprintf(outfile,"Channel Baseline Enbable chnls 1-9  (on = (0x1ff<<16)+):0x%x\n",
01147          Nbaseln);
01148   fprintf(outfile,"Channel Baseline Enbable chnls 10-18(on = (0x1ff<<16)+):0x%x\n",
01149          NCbaseln);
01150   fprintf(outfile,"Channel Baseline Enbable chnls 19-27(on = (0x1ff<<16)+):0x%x\n",
01151          SCbaseln);
01152   fprintf(outfile,"Channel Baseline Enbable chnls 28-36(on = (0x1ff<<16)+):0x%x\n",
01153          Sbaseln);
01155        //These bits set TBM trailer mask (common by FPGA) 
01156   fprintf(outfile,"TBM trailer mask chnls 1-9  (0xff = all masked):0x%x\n",
01157          N_TBMmask);
01158   fprintf(outfile,"TBM trailer mask chnls 10-18(0xff = all masked):0x%x\n",
01159          NC_TBMmask);
01160   fprintf(outfile,"TBM trailer mask chnls 19-27(0xff = all masked):0x%x\n",
01161          SC_TBMmask);
01162   fprintf(outfile,"TBM trailer mask chnls 28-36(0xff = all masked):0x%x\n",
01163          S_TBMmask);
01165        //These bits set the Private fill/gap word value (common by FPGA) 
01166   fprintf(outfile,"Private 8 bit word chnls 1-9  :0x%x\n",
01167          N_Pword);
01168   fprintf(outfile,"Private 8 bit word chnls 10-18:0x%x\n",
01169          NC_Pword);
01170   fprintf(outfile,"Private 8 bit word chnls 19-27:0x%x\n",
01171          SC_Pword);
01172   fprintf(outfile,"Private 8 bit word chnls 28-36:0x%x\n",
01173          S_Pword);
01175        //These bit sets the special dac mode for random triggers 
01176   fprintf(outfile,"Special Random testDAC mode (on = 0x1, off=0x0):0x%x\n",
01177          SpecialDac);
01179       //These bits set the number of Out of consecutive out of sync events until a TTs OOs 
01180   fprintf(outfile,"Number of Consecutive (max 1023) Out of Syncs till TTs OOS set:%d\n",
01181          Ooslvl);
01183       //These bits set the number of Empty events until a TTs Error 
01184   fprintf(outfile,"Number of Consecutive (max 1023) Empty events till TTs ERR set:%d\n",
01185          Errlvl);
01187       //These bits set the Almost Full level in fifo-1, Almost full = TTs BUSY in fifo-1 N
01188   fprintf(outfile,"N Fifo-1 almost full level,sets TTs BUSY (max 1023):%d\n",
01189          Nfifo1Bzlvl);
01191       //These bits set the Almost Full level in fifo-1, Almost full = TTs BUSY in fifo-1 NC
01192   fprintf(outfile,"NC Fifo-1 almost full level,sets TTs BUSY (max 1023):%d\n",
01193          NCfifo1Bzlvl);
01195       //These bits set the Almost Full level in fifo-1, Almost full = TTs BUSY in fifo-1 SC
01196   fprintf(outfile,"SC Fifo-1 almost full level,sets TTs BUSY (max 1023):%d\n",
01197          SCfifo1Bzlvl);
01199       //These bits set the Almost Full level in fifo-1, Almost full = TTs BUSY in fifo-1 S
01200   fprintf(outfile,"S Fifo-1 almost full level,sets TTs BUSY (max 1023):%d\n",
01201          Sfifo1Bzlvl);
01203       //These bits set the Almost Full level in fifo-3, Almost full = TTs WARN in fifo-3
01204   fprintf(outfile,"Fifo-3 almost full level,sets TTs WARN (max 8191):%d\n",
01205          fifo3Wrnlvl);
01207   fprintf(outfile,"FED Master delay 0=0,1=32,2=48,3=64:%d\n",
01208           FedTTCDelay);
01210   fprintf(outfile,"TTCrx Register 0 fine delay ClkDes1:%d\n",
01211           FineDes1Del);
01213   int checkword=91509;
01215   fprintf(outfile,"Params FED file check word:%d\n",
01216                            checkword);
01219       //These bits set the hit limit in fifo-1 for an event
01220     fprintf(outfile,"N fifo-1 hit limit (max 1023 (hard) 900 (soft):%d\n",
01221     N_hitlimit); //ch 1-9
01223     fprintf(outfile,"NC fifo-1 hit limit (max 1023 (hard) 900 (soft):%d\n",
01224     NC_hitlimit); //ch 10-18
01226     fprintf(outfile,"SC fifo-1 hit limit (max 1023 (hard) 900 (soft):%d\n",
01227     SC_hitlimit); //ch 19-27
01229     fprintf(outfile,"S fifo-1 hit limit (max 1023 (hard) 900 (soft):%d\n",
01230     S_hitlimit); //ch 28-36
01233       //These bits allow a ROC to be skipped (1/fpga)      
01234     fprintf(outfile,"Skip a ROC in ch 1-9, bits 10-5 chnl, bits 0-4 ROC-1:%d\n",
01235     N_testreg);
01237     fprintf(outfile,"Skip a ROC in ch 10-18, bits 10-5 chnl, bits 0-4 ROC-1:%d\n",
01238     NC_testreg);
01240     fprintf(outfile,"Skip a ROC in ch 19-27, bits 10-5 chnl, bits 0-4 ROC-1:%d\n",
01241     SC_testreg);
01243     fprintf(outfile,"Skip a ROC in ch 28-36, bits 10-5 chnl, bits 0-4 ROC-1:%d\n",
01244     S_testreg);
01248   fclose(outfile);
01251 }
01254 //=============================================================================================
01255 void PixelFEDCard::writeXMLHeader(pos::PixelConfigKey key, 
01256                                   int version, 
01257                                   std::string path, 
01258                                   std::ofstream *fedstream,
01259                                   std::ofstream *rocstream,
01260                                   std::ofstream *tbmstream) const 
01261 {
01262   std::string mthn = "[PixelFEDCard::writeXMLHeader()]\t\t\t    " ;
01263   std::stringstream fedfullPath ;
01264   std::stringstream rocfullPath ;
01265   std::stringstream tbmfullPath ;
01267   // modified by MR on 05-08-2008 16:50:28
01268   // FED MAIN XML FILE
01269   fedfullPath << path << "/FedConfiguration_Template_" << PixelTimeFormatter::getmSecTime() << ".xml" ;
01270   std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Writing to: " << fedfullPath.str()  << "" << std::endl ;
01272   fedstream->open(fedfullPath.str().c_str()) ;
01274   *fedstream << "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>"                                 << std::endl ;
01275   *fedstream << "<ROOT xmlns:xsi=''>"                            << std::endl ;
01276   *fedstream << ""                                                                                        << std::endl ; 
01277   *fedstream << " <HEADER>"                                                                               << std::endl ; 
01278   *fedstream << "  <HINTS mode='load-as-group' /> "                                                       << std::endl ;   
01279   *fedstream << "  <TYPE>"                                                                                << std::endl ; 
01280   *fedstream << "   <EXTENSION_TABLE_NAME>FED_CONFIGURATION</EXTENSION_TABLE_NAME>"                       << std::endl ; 
01281   *fedstream << "   <NAME>Pixel FED Configuration</NAME>"                                                 << std::endl ; 
01282   *fedstream << "  </TYPE>"                                                                               << std::endl ; 
01283   *fedstream << "  <RUN>"                                                                                 << std::endl ; 
01284   *fedstream << "   <RUN_TYPE>Pixel FED Configuration</RUN_TYPE>"                                         << std::endl ; 
01285   *fedstream << "   <RUN_NUMBER>1</RUN_NUMBER>"                                                           << std::endl ; 
01286   *fedstream << "   <RUN_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP>" << PixelTimeFormatter::getTime() << "</RUN_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP>"   << std::endl ; 
01287   *fedstream << "   <LOCATION>CERN P5</LOCATION>"                                                         << std::endl ; 
01288   *fedstream << "  </RUN>"                                                                                << std::endl ; 
01289   *fedstream << " </HEADER>"                                                                              << std::endl ; 
01290   *fedstream << ""                                                                                        << std::endl ; 
01291   *fedstream << " <DATA_SET>"                                                                             << std::endl ;
01292   *fedstream << ""                                                                                        << std::endl ;
01293   *fedstream << "  <VERSION>"             << version      << "</VERSION>"                                 << std::endl ;
01294   *fedstream << "  <COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>" << getComment() << "</COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>"                     << std::endl ;
01295   *fedstream << "  <CREATED_BY_USER>"     << getAuthor()  << "</CREATED_BY_USER>"                         << std::endl ;
01296   *fedstream << ""                                                                                        << std::endl ;
01297   *fedstream << "  <PART>"                                                                                << std::endl ;
01298   *fedstream << "   <NAME_LABEL>CMS-PIXEL-ROOT</NAME_LABEL>"                                              << std::endl ;      
01299   *fedstream << "   <KIND_OF_PART>Detector ROOT</KIND_OF_PART>"                                           << std::endl ;         
01300   *fedstream << "  </PART>"                                                                               << std::endl ;
01303   rocfullPath << path << "/Pixel_RocAnalogLevels_" << PixelTimeFormatter::getmSecTime() << ".xml" ;
01304   std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Writing to: " << rocfullPath.str()  << ""                    << std::endl ;
01306   rocstream->open(rocfullPath.str().c_str()) ;
01309   *rocstream << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>"                           << std::endl ;
01310   *rocstream << "<ROOT xmlns:xsi=\"\">"                          << std::endl ;
01311   *rocstream << ""                                                                                        << std::endl ;
01312   *rocstream << " <HEADER>"                                                                               << std::endl ;
01313   *rocstream << "  <HINTS mode='only-det-root,load-as-group'/>"                                           << std::endl ;
01314   *rocstream << "  <TYPE>"                                                                                << std::endl ;
01315   *rocstream << "   <EXTENSION_TABLE_NAME>ROC_ANALOG_LEVELS</EXTENSION_TABLE_NAME>"                       << std::endl ;
01316   *rocstream << "   <NAME>ROC Analog Levels</NAME>"                                                       << std::endl ;
01317   *rocstream << "  </TYPE>"                                                                               << std::endl ;
01318   *rocstream << "  <RUN>"                                                                                 << std::endl ;
01319   *rocstream << "   <RUN_TYPE>ROC Analog Levels</RUN_TYPE>"                                               << std::endl ;
01320   *rocstream << "   <RUN_NUMBER>1</RUN_NUMBER>                      "                                     << std::endl ;
01321   *rocstream << "   <RUN_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP>" << PixelTimeFormatter::getTime() << "</RUN_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP>"   << std::endl ;
01322   *rocstream << "   <CREATED_BY_USER>Umesh Joshi</CREATED_BY_USER> "                                  << std::endl ;
01323   *rocstream << "   <LOCATION>CERN</LOCATION> "                                                           << std::endl ;
01324   *rocstream << "   <COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>ROC Analog Levels Template</COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>"                << std::endl ;
01325   *rocstream << "  </RUN>"                                                                                << std::endl ;
01326   *rocstream << " </HEADER>"                                                                              << std::endl ;
01327   *rocstream << ""                                                                                        << std::endl ;
01328   *rocstream << "  <DATA_SET>"                                                                            << std::endl ;
01329   *rocstream << "   <COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>ROC Analog Levels Template</COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>"                << std::endl ;
01330   *rocstream << "   <VERSION>" << version << "</VERSION>"                                                 << std::endl ;
01331   *rocstream << "   "                                                                                     << std::endl ;
01332   *rocstream << "   <PART>"                                                                               << std::endl ;
01333   *rocstream << "           <SERIAL_NUMBER>CMS-PIXEL-ROOT</SERIAL_NUMBER>"                                << std::endl ;
01334   *rocstream << "           <KIND_OF_PART>Detector ROOT</KIND_OF_PART>"                                   << std::endl ;
01335   *rocstream << "   </PART>"                                                                              << std::endl ;
01338   tbmfullPath << path << "/Pixel_TbmAnalogLevels_" << PixelTimeFormatter::getmSecTime() << ".xml" ;
01339   std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Writing to: " << tbmfullPath.str()  << ""                    << std::endl ;
01341   tbmstream->open(tbmfullPath.str().c_str()) ;
01344   *tbmstream << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>"                           << std::endl ;
01345   *tbmstream << "<ROOT xmlns:xsi=\"\">"                          << std::endl ;
01346   *tbmstream << ""                                                                                        << std::endl ;
01347   *tbmstream << " <HEADER>"                                                                               << std::endl ;
01348   *tbmstream << "  <HINTS mode='only-det-root,load-as-group' />"                                          << std::endl ;
01349   *tbmstream << "  <TYPE>"                                                                                << std::endl ;
01350   *tbmstream << "   <EXTENSION_TABLE_NAME>TBM_ANALOG_LEVELS</EXTENSION_TABLE_NAME>"                       << std::endl ;
01351   *tbmstream << "   <NAME>TBM Analog Levels</NAME>"                                                       << std::endl ;
01352   *tbmstream << "  </TYPE>"                                                                               << std::endl ;
01353   *tbmstream << "  <RUN>"                                                                                 << std::endl ;
01354   *tbmstream << "   <RUN_TYPE>TBM Analog Levels</RUN_TYPE>"                                               << std::endl ;
01355   *tbmstream << "   <RUN_NUMBER>1</RUN_NUMBER>"                                                           << std::endl ;
01356   *tbmstream << "   <RUN_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP>" << PixelTimeFormatter::getTime() << "</RUN_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP>"   << std::endl ;
01357   *tbmstream << "   <CREATED_BY_USER>Umesh Joshi</CREATED_BY_USER> "                                  << std::endl ;
01358   *tbmstream << "   <LOCATION>CERN</LOCATION> "                                                           << std::endl ;
01359   *tbmstream << "   <COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>TBM Analog Levels</COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>"                         << std::endl ;
01360   *tbmstream << "  </RUN>"                                                                                << std::endl ;
01361   *tbmstream << " </HEADER>"                                                                              << std::endl ;
01362   *tbmstream << ""                                                                                        << std::endl ;
01363   *tbmstream << "  <DATA_SET>"                                                                            << std::endl ;
01364   *tbmstream << "   <VERSION>" << version << "</VERSION>"                                                 << std::endl ;
01365   *tbmstream << "   "                                                                                     << std::endl ;
01366   *tbmstream << "   <PART>"                                                                               << std::endl ;
01367   *tbmstream << "    <SERIAL_NUMBER>CMS-PIXEL-ROOT</SERIAL_NUMBER>"                                       << std::endl ;
01368   *tbmstream << "    <KIND_OF_PART>Detector ROOT</KIND_OF_PART>"                                          << std::endl ;
01369   *tbmstream << "   </PART>"                                                                              << std::endl ;
01371 }
01373 //=============================================================================================
01374 void PixelFEDCard::writeXMLHeader(pos::PixelConfigKey key, int version, std::string path, std::ofstream *out) const {
01375   std::string mthn = "[PixelFEDCard::writeXMLHeader()]\t\t\t    " ;
01376   std::stringstream fullPath ;
01378   fullPath << path << "/fedcard_" << PixelTimeFormatter::getmSecTime() << ".xml" ;
01379   std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Writing to: " << fullPath.str()  << ""                       << std::endl ;
01381   out->open(fullPath.str().c_str()) ;
01383   *out << "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>"                                       << std::endl ;
01384   *out << "<ROOT>"                                                                                        << std::endl ;
01385   *out << ""                                                                                              << std::endl ;
01386   *out << " <HEADER>"                                                                                     << std::endl ;
01387   *out << "  <TYPE>"                                                                                      << std::endl ;
01388   *out << "   <EXTENSION_TABLE_NAME>FED_CONFIGURATION</EXTENSION_TABLE_NAME>"                             << std::endl ;
01389   *out << "   <NAME>Pixel FED Configuration</NAME>"                                                       << std::endl ;
01390   *out << "  </TYPE>"                                                                                     << std::endl ;
01391   *out << "  <RUN>"                                                                                       << std::endl ;
01392   *out << "   <RUN_TYPE>Pixel FED Configuration</RUN_TYPE>"                                               << std::endl ;
01393   *out << "   <RUN_NUMBER>1</RUN_NUMBER>"                                                                 << std::endl ;
01394   *out << "   <RUN_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP>" << PixelTimeFormatter::getTime() << "</RUN_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP>"         << std::endl ;
01395   *out << "   <COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>Pixel FED Configuration</COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>"                         << std::endl ;
01396   *out << "   <LOCATION>CERN TAC</LOCATION>"                                                              << std::endl ;
01397   *out << "   <CREATED_BY_USER>Dario Menasce</CREATED_BY_USER>"                                           << std::endl ;
01398   *out << "  </RUN>"                                                                                      << std::endl ;
01399   *out << " </HEADER>"                                                                                    << std::endl ;
01400   *out << ""                                                                                              << std::endl ;
01401   *out << " <DATA_SET>"                                                                                   << std::endl ;
01402   *out << ""                                                                                              << std::endl ;
01403   *out << "  <VERSION>" << version << "</VERSION>"                                                        << std::endl ;
01404   *out << "  <COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>Pixel FED Configuration</COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>"                          << std::endl ;
01405   *out << ""                                                                                              << std::endl ;
01406   *out << "  <PART>"                                                                                      << std::endl ;
01407   *out << "   <NAME_LABEL>CMS-PIXEL-ROOT</NAME_LABEL>"                                                    << std::endl ;
01408   *out << "   <KIND_OF_PART>Detector ROOT</KIND_OF_PART>"                                                 << std::endl ; 
01409   *out << "  </PART>"                                                                                     << std::endl ;
01410 }
01411 //=============================================================================================
01412 void PixelFEDCard::writeXML( std::ofstream *out) const {
01413   std::string mthn = "[PixelFEDCard::writeXML()]\t\t\t    " ;
01415   *out << "  <DATA>"                                                                                      << std::endl ;
01416   *out << " "                                                                                             << std::endl ;
01417   *out << "   <PXLFED_NAME>PxlFED_" << fedNumber<< "</PXLFED_NAME>"                                       << std::endl ;
01418   *out << "   <VME_ADDRESS>268435456</VME_ADDRESS>"                                                       << std::endl ;
01419 //  *out << "   <CRATE_NUMBER>1</CRATE_NUMBER>"                                                           << std::endl ;
01420 //  *out << "   <SLOT_NUMBER>5</SLOT_NUMBER>      "                                                       << std::endl ;
01421 //  *out << "   <VME_ADDRESS>268435456</VME_ADDRESS>"                                                     << std::endl ;
01422 //  *out << "   <CRATE_LABEL>S1G03e</CRATE_LABEL>"                                                        << std::endl ;
01423   *out << ""                                                                                              << std::endl ;
01424   *out << "   <CHANNEL_ID>1</CHANNEL_ID>"                                                                 << std::endl ;
01425   *out << "   <NUMBER_OF_ROCS>21</NUMBER_OF_ROCS>"                                                        << std::endl ;
01426   *out << "   <CHANNEL_OFFSET_DAC_SETTINGS>0</CHANNEL_OFFSET_DAC_SETTINGS>"                               << std::endl ;
01427   *out << "   <CHANNEL_DELAY_SETTINGS>3</CHANNEL_DELAY_SETTINGS>"                                         << std::endl ;
01428   *out << "   <CHANNEL_BLACK_HIGH>400</CHANNEL_BLACK_HIGH>"                                               << std::endl ;
01429   *out << "   <CHANNEL_BLACK_LOW>150</CHANNEL_BLACK_LOW>"                                                 << std::endl ;
01430   *out << "   <CHANNEL_ULTRA_BLACK>120</CHANNEL_ULTRA_BLACK>"                                             << std::endl ;
01431   *out << ""                                                                                              << std::endl ;
01432   *out << "   <OPT1_CAP>0</OPT1_CAP>"                                                                     << std::endl ;
01433   *out << "   <OPT2_CAP>0</OPT2_CAP>"                                                                     << std::endl ;
01434   *out << "   <OPT3_CAP>0</OPT3_CAP>"                                                                     << std::endl ;
01435   *out << "   <OPT1_INP>0</OPT1_INP>"                                                                     << std::endl ;
01436   *out << "   <OPT2_INP>0</OPT2_INP>"                                                                     << std::endl ;
01437   *out << "   <OPT3_INP>0</OPT3_INP>"                                                                     << std::endl ;
01438   *out << "   <OPT1_OUT>0</OPT1_OUT>"                                                                     << std::endl ;
01439   *out << "   <OPT2_OUT>0</OPT2_OUT>"                                                                     << std::endl ;
01440   *out << "   <OPT3_OUT>0</OPT3_OUT>"                                                                     << std::endl ;
01441   *out << "   <NORTH_CLKPHB>511</NORTH_CLKPHB>"                                                           << std::endl ;
01442   *out << "   <NORTHCENTER_CLKPHB>511</NORTHCENTER_CLKPHB>"                                               << std::endl ;
01443   *out << "   <SOUTHCENTER_CLKPHB>511</SOUTHCENTER_CLKPHB>"                                               << std::endl ;
01444   *out << "   <SOUTH_CLKPHB>511</SOUTH_CLKPHB>"                                                           << std::endl ;
01445   *out << "   <NORTH_CTRL>0</NORTH_CTRL> "                                                                << std::endl ;
01446   *out << "   <NORTHCENTER_CTRL>0</NORTHCENTER_CTRL>"                                                     << std::endl ;
01447   *out << "   <SOUTHCENTER_CTRL>0</SOUTHCENTER_CTRL>"                                                     << std::endl ;
01448   *out << "   <SOUTH_CTRL>0</SOUTH_CTRL>"                                                                 << std::endl ;
01449   *out << "   <REG1_TTCRX_FDLA>5</REG1_TTCRX_FDLA>"                                                       << std::endl ;
01450   *out << "   <REG2_TTCRX_CDLA>0</REG2_TTCRX_CDLA>"                                                       << std::endl ;
01451   *out << "   <REG3_TTCRX_CLKD2>155</REG3_TTCRX_CLKD2>"                                                   << std::endl ;
01452   *out << "   <CENTER_CTRL>0</CENTER_CTRL>"                                                               << std::endl ;
01453   *out << "   <CENTER_MODE>0</CENTER_MODE>"                                                               << std::endl ;
01454   *out << "   <B1_ADCGN>0</B1_ADCGN>"                                                                     << std::endl ;
01455   *out << "   <B2_ADCGN>0</B2_ADCGN>"                                                                     << std::endl ;
01456   *out << "   <B3_ADCGN>0</B3_ADCGN>"                                                                     << std::endl ;
01457   *out << "   <B4_ADCGN>0</B4_ADCGN>"                                                                     << std::endl ;
01458   *out << "   <NORTH_BADJ>330</NORTH_BADJ>"                                                               << std::endl ;
01459   *out << "   <NORTHCENTER_BADJ>330</NORTHCENTER_BADJ>"                                                   << std::endl ;
01460   *out << "   <SOUTHCENTER_BADJ>330</SOUTHCENTER_BADJ>"                                                   << std::endl ;
01461   *out << "   <SOUTH_BADJ>330</SOUTH_BADJ>"                                                               << std::endl ;
01462   *out << "   <NORTH_TBMMASK>2</NORTH_TBMMASK>"                                                           << std::endl ;
01463   *out << "   <NORTHCENTER_TBMMASK>2</NORTHCENTER_TBMMASK>"                                               << std::endl ;
01464   *out << "   <SOUTHCENTER_TBMMASK>2</SOUTHCENTER_TBMMASK>"                                               << std::endl ;
01465   *out << "   <SOUTH_TBMMASK>2</SOUTH_TBMMASK>"                                                           << std::endl ;
01466   *out << "   <NORTH_PWORD>177</NORTH_PWORD>"                                                             << std::endl ;
01467   *out << "   <NORTHCENTER_PWORD>178</NORTHCENTER_PWORD>"                                                 << std::endl ;
01468   *out << "   <SOUTHCENTER_PWORD>179</SOUTHCENTER_PWORD>"                                                 << std::endl ;
01469   *out << "   <SOUTH_PWORD>180</SOUTH_PWORD>"                                                             << std::endl ;
01470   *out << "   <SPECDAC>0</SPECDAC>"                                                                       << std::endl ;
01471   *out << "   <OOS_LVL>0</OOS_LVL>"                                                                       << std::endl ;
01472   *out << "   <ERR_LVL>0</ERR_LVL>"                                                                       << std::endl ;
01473   *out << "   <NORTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>900</NORTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>"                                               << std::endl ;
01474   *out << "   <NORTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>900</NORTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>"                                   << std::endl ;
01475   *out << "   <SOUTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>900</SOUTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>"                                   << std::endl ;
01476   *out << "   <SOUTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>900</SOUTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>"                                               << std::endl ;
01477   *out << "   <FIFO3_WRN_LVL>7680</FIFO3_WRN_LVL> "                                                       << std::endl ;
01478   *out << "   <FED_MASTER_DELAY>0</FED_MASTER_DELAY>"                                                     << std::endl ;
01479   *out << "   <NO_HITLIMIT>0</NO_HITLIMIT>"                                                               << std::endl ;
01480   *out << "   <NC_HITLIMIT>0</NC_HITLIMIT>"                                                               << std::endl ;
01481   *out << "   <SC_HITLIMIT>0</SC_HITLIMIT>"                                                               << std::endl ;
01482   *out << "   <SO_HITLIMIT>0</SO_HITLIMIT>"                                                               << std::endl ;
01483   *out << "   <NO_TESTREG>0</NO_TESTREG>"                                                                 << std::endl ;
01484   *out << "   <NC_TESTREG>0</NC_TESTREG>"                                                                 << std::endl ;
01485   *out << "   <SC_TESTREG>0</SC_TESTREG>"                                                                 << std::endl ;
01486   *out << "   <SO_TESTREG>0</SO_TESTREG>"                                                                 << std::endl ;
01487   *out << " "                                                                                             << std::endl ;
01488   *out << "  </DATA>"                                                                                     << std::endl ;
01489   *out << " "                                                                                             << std::endl ;
01490 }
01492 //=============================================================================================
01493 void PixelFEDCard::writeXML( std::ofstream *fedstream,
01494                              std::ofstream *rocstream,
01495                              std::ofstream *tbmstream) const 
01496 {
01497   std::string mthn = "[PixelFEDCard::writeXML()]\t\t\t    " ;
01499   for(int i=0;i<36;i++)
01500     {
01501       *fedstream << "  <DATA>"                                                                              << std::endl ;
01502       *fedstream << " "                                                                                     << std::endl ;
01503       *fedstream << "   <PIXEL_FED>"                << fedNumber           << "</PIXEL_FED>"                << std::endl ;
01504       *fedstream << "   <VME_ADDRS_HEX>0x" << hex   << FEDBASE_0    << dec << "</VME_ADDRS_HEX>"            << std::endl ;
01505       *fedstream << ""                                                                                      << std::endl ;
01506       *fedstream << "   <CHANNEL_ID>"               << i+1                 << "</CHANNEL_ID>"               << std::endl ;
01507       *fedstream << "   <NUM_ROCS>"                 << NRocs[i]            << "</NUM_ROCS>"                 << std::endl ;
01508       *fedstream << "   <CHAN_OFFST_DAC>"           << offs_dac[i]         << "</CHAN_OFFST_DAC>"           << std::endl ;
01509       *fedstream << "   <CHAN_DELAY>"               << DelayCh[i]          << "</CHAN_DELAY>"               << std::endl ;
01510       *fedstream << "   <CHAN_BHIGH>"               << BlackHi[i]          << "</CHAN_BHIGH>"               << std::endl ;
01511       *fedstream << "   <CHAN_BLOW>"                << BlackLo[i]          << "</CHAN_BLOW>"                << std::endl ;
01512       *fedstream << "   <CHAN_UB>"                  << Ublack[i]           << "</CHAN_UB>"                  << std::endl ;
01513       *fedstream << ""                                                                                      << std::endl ;
01514       *fedstream << "   <OPT1_CAP>"                 << opt_cap[0]          << "</OPT1_CAP>"                 << std::endl ;
01515       *fedstream << "   <OPT2_CAP>"                 << opt_cap[1]          << "</OPT2_CAP>"                 << std::endl ;
01516       *fedstream << "   <OPT3_CAP>"                 << opt_cap[2]          << "</OPT3_CAP>"                 << std::endl ;
01517       *fedstream << "   <OPT1_INP>"                 << opt_inadj[0]        << "</OPT1_INP>"                 << std::endl ;
01518       *fedstream << "   <OPT2_INP>"                 << opt_inadj[1]        << "</OPT2_INP>"                 << std::endl ;
01519       *fedstream << "   <OPT3_INP>"                 << opt_inadj[2]        << "</OPT3_INP>"                 << std::endl ;
01520       *fedstream << "   <OPT1_OUT>"                 << opt_ouadj[0]        << "</OPT1_OUT>"                 << std::endl ;
01521       *fedstream << "   <OPT2_OUT>"                 << opt_ouadj[1]        << "</OPT2_OUT>"                 << std::endl ;
01522       *fedstream << "   <OPT3_OUT>"                 << opt_ouadj[2]        << "</OPT3_OUT>"                 << std::endl ;
01523       *fedstream << "   <NORTH_CLKPHB>"             << clkphs1_9           << "</NORTH_CLKPHB>"             << std::endl ;
01524       *fedstream << "   <NORTHCENTER_CLKPHB>"       << clkphs10_18         << "</NORTHCENTER_CLKPHB>"       << std::endl ;
01525       *fedstream << "   <SOUTHCENTER_CLKPHB>"       << clkphs19_27         << "</SOUTHCENTER_CLKPHB>"       << std::endl ;
01526       *fedstream << "   <SOUTH_CLKPHB>"             << clkphs28_36         << "</SOUTH_CLKPHB>"             << std::endl ;
01527       *fedstream << "   <NORTH_CTRL>"               << Ncntrl              << "</NORTH_CTRL> "              << std::endl ;
01528       *fedstream << "   <NORTHCENTER_CTRL>"         << NCcntrl             << "</NORTHCENTER_CTRL>"         << std::endl ;
01529       *fedstream << "   <SOUTHCENTER_CTRL>"         << SCcntrl             << "</SOUTHCENTER_CTRL>"         << std::endl ;
01530       *fedstream << "   <SOUTH_CTRL>"               << Scntrl              << "</SOUTH_CTRL>"               << std::endl ;
01531       *fedstream << "   <REG0_TTCRX_FDLA>"          << FineDes1Del         << "</REG0_TTCRX_FDLA>"          << std::endl ;
01532       *fedstream << "   <REG1_TTCRX_FDLA>"          << FineDes2Del         << "</REG1_TTCRX_FDLA>"          << std::endl ;
01533       *fedstream << "   <REG2_TTCRX_CDLA>"          << CoarseDel           << "</REG2_TTCRX_CDLA>"          << std::endl ;
01534       *fedstream << "   <REG3_TTCRX_CLKD2>"         << ClkDes2             << "</REG3_TTCRX_CLKD2>"         << std::endl ;
01535       *fedstream << "   <CENTER_CTRL>"              << Ccntrl              << "</CENTER_CTRL>"              << std::endl ;
01536       *fedstream << "   <CENTER_MODE>"              << modeRegister        << "</CENTER_MODE>"              << std::endl ;
01537       *fedstream << "   <B1_ADCGN>"                 << Nadcg               << "</B1_ADCGN>"                 << std::endl ;
01538       *fedstream << "   <B2_ADCGN>"                 << NCadcg              << "</B2_ADCGN>"                 << std::endl ;
01539       *fedstream << "   <B3_ADCGN>"                 << SCadcg              << "</B3_ADCGN>"                 << std::endl ;
01540       *fedstream << "   <B4_ADCGN>"                 << Sadcg               << "</B4_ADCGN>"                 << std::endl ;
01541 //       std::cout << "PixelFEDCard::WriteXML()\tNbaseln:" << Nbaseln << std::endl ;
01542 //       std::cout << "PixelFEDCard::WriteXML()\tNbaseln:" << std::hex << Nbaseln << std::dec << std::endl ;
01543       *fedstream << "   <NORTH_BADJ>"               << Nbaseln             << "</NORTH_BADJ>"               << std::endl ;
01544       *fedstream << "   <NORTHCENTER_BADJ>"         << NCbaseln            << "</NORTHCENTER_BADJ>"         << std::endl ;
01545       *fedstream << "   <SOUTHCENTER_BADJ>"         << SCbaseln            << "</SOUTHCENTER_BADJ>"         << std::endl ;
01546       *fedstream << "   <SOUTH_BADJ>"               << Sbaseln             << "</SOUTH_BADJ>"               << std::endl ;
01547       *fedstream << "   <NORTH_TBMMASK>"            << N_TBMmask           << "</NORTH_TBMMASK>"            << std::endl ;
01548       *fedstream << "   <NORTHCENTER_TBMMASK>"      << NC_TBMmask          << "</NORTHCENTER_TBMMASK>"      << std::endl ;
01549       *fedstream << "   <SOUTHCENTER_TBMMASK>"      << SC_TBMmask          << "</SOUTHCENTER_TBMMASK>"      << std::endl ;
01550       *fedstream << "   <SOUTH_TBMMASK>"            << S_TBMmask           << "</SOUTH_TBMMASK>"            << std::endl ;
01551       *fedstream << "   <NORTH_PWORD>"              << N_Pword             << "</NORTH_PWORD>"              << std::endl ;
01552       *fedstream << "   <NORTHCENTER_PWORD>"        << NC_Pword            << "</NORTHCENTER_PWORD>"        << std::endl ;
01553       *fedstream << "   <SOUTHCENTER_PWORD>"        << SC_Pword            << "</SOUTHCENTER_PWORD>"        << std::endl ;
01554       *fedstream << "   <SOUTH_PWORD>"              << S_Pword             << "</SOUTH_PWORD>"              << std::endl ;
01555       *fedstream << "   <SPECDAC>"                  << SpecialDac          << "</SPECDAC>"                  << std::endl ;
01556       *fedstream << "   <OOS_LVL>"                  << Ooslvl              << "</OOS_LVL>"                  << std::endl ;
01557       *fedstream << "   <ERR_LVL>"                  << Errlvl              << "</ERR_LVL>"                  << std::endl ;
01558       *fedstream << "   <NORTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>"       << Nfifo1Bzlvl         << "</NORTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>"       << std::endl ;
01559       *fedstream << "   <NORTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>" << NCfifo1Bzlvl        << "</NORTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>" << std::endl ;
01560       *fedstream << "   <SOUTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>" << SCfifo1Bzlvl        << "</SOUTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>" << std::endl ;
01561       *fedstream << "   <SOUTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>"       << Sfifo1Bzlvl         << "</SOUTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>"       << std::endl ;
01562       *fedstream << "   <FIFO3_WRN_LVL>"            << fifo3Wrnlvl         << "</FIFO3_WRN_LVL>"            << std::endl ;
01563       *fedstream << "   <FED_MASTER_DELAY>"         << FedTTCDelay         << "</FED_MASTER_DELAY>"         << std::endl ;
01564       *fedstream << "   <NO_HITLIMIT>"              << N_hitlimit          << "</NO_HITLIMIT>"              << std::endl ;
01565       *fedstream << "   <NC_HITLIMIT>"              << NC_hitlimit         << "</NC_HITLIMIT>"              << std::endl ;
01566       *fedstream << "   <SC_HITLIMIT>"              << SC_hitlimit         << "</SC_HITLIMIT>"              << std::endl ;
01567       *fedstream << "   <SO_HITLIMIT>"              << S_hitlimit          << "</SO_HITLIMIT>"              << std::endl ;
01568       *fedstream << "   <NO_TESTREG>"               << N_testreg           << "</NO_TESTREG>"               << std::endl ;
01569       *fedstream << "   <NC_TESTREG>"               << NC_testreg          << "</NC_TESTREG>"               << std::endl ;
01570       *fedstream << "   <SC_TESTREG>"               << SC_testreg          << "</SC_TESTREG>"               << std::endl ;
01571       *fedstream << "   <SO_TESTREG>"               << S_testreg           << "</SO_TESTREG>"               << std::endl ;
01573       *fedstream << " "                                                                                     << std::endl ;
01574       *fedstream << "  </DATA>"                                                                             << std::endl ;
01575       *fedstream << " "                                                                                     << std::endl ;
01576     }
01578   //ROC & TBM LEVELS 
01579   for(int i=0;i<36;i++) 
01580     {
01581       for(int j=0;j<NRocs[i];j++) 
01582         {
01583           *rocstream << ""                                                                                  << std::endl ;
01584           *rocstream << "   <DATA>"                                                                         << std::endl ;
01585           *rocstream << "    <PIXEL_FED>"           << fedNumber           << "</PIXEL_FED>"                << std::endl ;
01586           *rocstream << "    <FED_CHAN>"            << i+1                 << "</FED_CHAN>"                 << std::endl ;
01587           *rocstream << "    <FED_ROC_NUM>"         << j                   << "</FED_ROC_NUM>"              << std::endl ;
01588           *rocstream << "    <ROC_L0>"              << ROC_L0[i][j]        << "</ROC_L0>"                   << std::endl ;
01589           *rocstream << "    <ROC_L1>"              << ROC_L1[i][j]        << "</ROC_L1>"                   << std::endl ;
01590           *rocstream << "    <ROC_L2>"              << ROC_L2[i][j]        << "</ROC_L2>"                   << std::endl ;
01591           *rocstream << "    <ROC_L3>"              << ROC_L3[i][j]        << "</ROC_L3>"                   << std::endl ;
01592           *rocstream << "    <ROC_L4>"              << ROC_L4[i][j]        << "</ROC_L4>"                   << std::endl ;
01593           *rocstream << "   </DATA>"                                       << std::endl                     << std::endl ;
01594           *rocstream << " "                                                                                 << std::endl ;
01595         }
01597       *tbmstream << ""                                                                                      << std::endl ;
01598       *tbmstream << "  <DATA>"                                                                              << std::endl ;
01599       *tbmstream << "   <PIXEL_FED>"                << fedNumber           << "</PIXEL_FED>"                << std::endl ;
01600       *tbmstream << "   <FED_CHAN>"                 << i+1                 << "</FED_CHAN>"                 << std::endl ;
01601       *tbmstream << "   <TBMA_HEAD_L0>"             << TBM_L0[i]           << "</TBMA_HEAD_L0>"             << std::endl ;
01602       *tbmstream << "   <TBMA_HEAD_L1>"             << TBM_L1[i]           << "</TBMA_HEAD_L1>"             << std::endl ;
01603       *tbmstream << "   <TBMA_HEAD_L2>"             << TBM_L2[i]           << "</TBMA_HEAD_L2>"             << std::endl ;
01604       *tbmstream << "   <TBMA_HEAD_L3>"             << TBM_L3[i]           << "</TBMA_HEAD_L3>"             << std::endl ;
01605       *tbmstream << "   <TBMA_HEAD_L4>"             << TBM_L4[i]           << "</TBMA_HEAD_L4>"             << std::endl ;
01606       *tbmstream << "   <TBMA_TRAIL_L0>"            << TRL_L0[i]           << "</TBMA_TRAIL_L0>"            << std::endl ;
01607       *tbmstream << "   <TBMA_TRAIL_L1>"            << TRL_L1[i]           << "</TBMA_TRAIL_L1>"            << std::endl ;
01608       *tbmstream << "   <TBMA_TRAIL_L2>"            << TRL_L2[i]           << "</TBMA_TRAIL_L2>"            << std::endl ;
01609       *tbmstream << "   <TBMA_TRAIL_L3>"            << TRL_L3[i]           << "</TBMA_TRAIL_L3>"            << std::endl ;
01610       *tbmstream << "   <TBMA_TRAIL_L4>"            << TRL_L4[i]           << "</TBMA_TRAIL_L4>"            << std::endl ;
01611       *tbmstream << "  </DATA>"                                            << std::endl                     << std::endl ;
01612       *tbmstream << ""                                                                                      << std::endl ;
01613     }
01614 }
01616 //=============================================================================================
01617 void PixelFEDCard::writeXMLTrailer(std::ofstream *fedstream,
01618                                    std::ofstream *rocstream,
01619                                    std::ofstream *tbmstream ) const 
01620 {
01621   std::string mthn = "[PixelFEDCard::writeXMLTrailer()]\t\t\t    " ;
01623   // Main FED
01624   *fedstream << " </DATA_SET>"                                                                              << std::endl ;
01625   *fedstream << "</ROOT>"                                                                                   << std::endl ;
01627   fedstream->close() ;
01628   std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Data written for main fed"                                     << std::endl ;
01630   // ROC LVLS
01631   *rocstream << " </DATA_SET>"                                                                              << std::endl ;
01632   *rocstream << "</ROOT>"                                                                                   << std::endl ;
01634   rocstream->close() ;
01635   std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Data written for roc analog levels"                            << std::endl ;
01637   // TBM LVLS
01638   *tbmstream << " </DATA_SET>"                                                                              << std::endl ;
01639   *tbmstream << "</ROOT>"                                                                                   << std::endl ;
01641   tbmstream->close() ;
01642   std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Data written for tbm analog levels"                            << std::endl ;
01643 }
01645 //=============================================================================================
01646 void PixelFEDCard::writeXMLTrailer(std::ofstream *out) const {
01647   std::string mthn = "[PixelFEDCard::writeXMLTrailer()]\t\t\t    " ;
01649   *out << " </DATA_SET>"                                                                                    << std::endl ;
01650   *out << "</ROOT>"                                                                                         << std::endl ;
01652   out->close() ;
01653   std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Data written"                                                  << std::endl ;
01654 }
01656 //=============================================================================================
01657 void PixelFEDCard::writeXML(pos::PixelConfigKey key, int version, std::string path) const {
01658   std::string mthn = "[PixelFEDCard::writeXML()]\t\t\t    " ;
01659   std::stringstream fullPath ;
01661   fullPath << path << "/fedcard.xml" ;
01662   std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Writing to: |" << fullPath.str()  << "|"            << std::endl ;
01664   std::ofstream out(fullPath.str().c_str()) ;
01666   out << "<ROOT>"                                                                                << std::endl ; 
01667   out << ""                                                                                      << std::endl ; 
01668   out << " <HEADER>"                                                                             << std::endl ; 
01669   out << "  <TYPE>"                                                                              << std::endl ; 
01670   out << "   <EXTENSION_TABLE_NAME>FED_CONFIGURATION</EXTENSION_TABLE_NAME>"                     << std::endl ; 
01671   out << "   <NAME>Pixel FED Configuration</NAME>"                                               << std::endl ; 
01672   out << "  </TYPE>"                                                                             << std::endl ; 
01673   out << "  <RUN>"                                                                               << std::endl ; 
01674   out << "   <RUN_TYPE>Pixel FED Configuration</RUN_TYPE>"                                       << std::endl ; 
01675   out << "   <RUN_NUMBER>1</RUN_NUMBER>"                                                         << std::endl ; 
01676   out << "   <RUN_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP>" << PixelTimeFormatter::getTime() << "</RUN_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP>" << std::endl ; 
01677   out << "   <COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>Pixel FED Configuration</COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>"                 << std::endl ; 
01678   out << "   <LOCATION>CERN TAC</LOCATION>"                                                      << std::endl ; 
01679   out << "   <CREATED_BY_USER>Dario Menasce</CREATED_BY_USER>"                                   << std::endl ; 
01680   out << "  </RUN>"                                                                              << std::endl ; 
01681   out << " </HEADER>"                                                                            << std::endl ; 
01682   out << ""                                                                                      << std::endl ; 
01683   out << " <DATA_SET>"                                                                           << std::endl ;
01684   out << ""                                                                                      << std::endl ;
01685   out << "  <VERSION>T_E_S_T</VERSION>"                                                          << std::endl ;
01686   out << "  <COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>Pixel FED Configuration</COMMENT_DESCRIPTION>"                  << std::endl ;
01687   out << ""                                                                                      << std::endl ;
01688   out << "  <PART>"                                                                              << std::endl ;
01689   out << "   <NAME_LABEL>CMS-PIXEL-ROOT</NAME_LABEL>"                                            << std::endl ;
01690   out << "   <KIND_OF_PART>Detector ROOT</KIND_OF_PART>"                                         << std::endl ;
01691   out << "  </PART>"                                                                             << std::endl ;
01692   out << ""                                                                                      << std::endl ;
01693   out << "  <DATA>"                                                                              << std::endl ;
01694   out << "   <PXLFED_NAME>PxlFED_32</PXLFED_NAME>"                                               << std::endl ;
01695   out << "   <CRATE_NUMBER>1</CRATE_NUMBER>"                                                     << std::endl ;
01696   out << "   <SLOT_NUMBER>5</SLOT_NUMBER>        "                                               << std::endl ;
01697   out << "   <VME_ADDRESS>268435456</VME_ADDRESS>"                                               << std::endl ;
01698   out << "   <CRATE_LABEL>S1G03e</CRATE_LABEL>"                                                  << std::endl ;
01699   out << ""                                                                                      << std::endl ;
01700   out << "   <CHANNEL_ID>1</CHANNEL_ID>"                                                         << std::endl ;
01701   out << "   <NUMBER_OF_ROCS>21</NUMBER_OF_ROCS>"                                                << std::endl ;
01702   out << "   <CHANNEL_OFFSET_DAC_SETTINGS>0</CHANNEL_OFFSET_DAC_SETTINGS>"                       << std::endl ;
01703   out << "   <CHANNEL_DELAY_SETTINGS>3</CHANNEL_DELAY_SETTINGS>"                                 << std::endl ;
01704   out << "   <CHANNEL_BLACK_HIGH>400</CHANNEL_BLACK_HIGH>"                                       << std::endl ;
01705   out << "   <CHANNEL_BLACK_LOW>150</CHANNEL_BLACK_LOW>"                                         << std::endl ;
01706   out << "   <CHANNEL_ULTRA_BLACK>120</CHANNEL_ULTRA_BLACK>"                                     << std::endl ;
01707   out << ""                                                                                      << std::endl ;
01708   out << "   <OPT1_CAP>0</OPT1_CAP>"                                                             << std::endl ;
01709   out << "   <OPT2_CAP>0</OPT2_CAP>"                                                             << std::endl ;
01710   out << "   <OPT3_CAP>0</OPT3_CAP>"                                                             << std::endl ;
01711   out << "   <OPT1_INP>0</OPT1_INP>"                                                             << std::endl ;
01712   out << "   <OPT2_INP>0</OPT2_INP>"                                                             << std::endl ;
01713   out << "   <OPT3_INP>0</OPT3_INP>"                                                             << std::endl ;
01714   out << "   <OPT1_OUT>0</OPT1_OUT>"                                                             << std::endl ;
01715   out << "   <OPT2_OUT>0</OPT2_OUT>"                                                             << std::endl ;
01716   out << "   <OPT3_OUT>0</OPT3_OUT>"                                                             << std::endl ;
01717   out << "   <NORTH_CLKPHB>511</NORTH_CLKPHB>"                                                   << std::endl ;
01718   out << "   <NORTHCENTER_CLKPHB>511</NORTHCENTER_CLKPHB>"                                       << std::endl ;
01719   out << "   <SOUTHCENTER_CLKPHB>511</SOUTHCENTER_CLKPHB>"                                       << std::endl ;
01720   out << "   <SOUTH_CLKPHB>511</SOUTH_CLKPHB>"                                                   << std::endl ;
01721   out << "   <NORTH_CTRL>0</NORTH_CTRL> "                                                        << std::endl ;
01722   out << "   <NORTHCENTER_CTRL>0</NORTHCENTER_CTRL>"                                             << std::endl ;
01723   out << "   <SOUTHCENTER_CTRL>0</SOUTHCENTER_CTRL>"                                             << std::endl ;
01724   out << "   <SOUTH_CTRL>0</SOUTH_CTRL>"                                                         << std::endl ;
01725   out << "   <REG1_TTCRX_FDLA>5</REG1_TTCRX_FDLA>"                                               << std::endl ;
01726   out << "   <REG2_TTCRX_CDLA>0</REG2_TTCRX_CDLA>"                                               << std::endl ;
01727   out << "   <REG3_TTCRX_CLKD2>155</REG3_TTCRX_CLKD2>"                                           << std::endl ;
01728   out << "   <CENTER_CTRL>0</CENTER_CTRL>"                                                       << std::endl ;
01729   out << "   <CENTER_MODE>0</CENTER_MODE>"                                                       << std::endl ;
01730   out << "   <B1_ADCGN>0</B1_ADCGN>"                                                             << std::endl ;
01731   out << "   <B2_ADCGN>0</B2_ADCGN>"                                                             << std::endl ;
01732   out << "   <B3_ADCGN>0</B3_ADCGN>"                                                             << std::endl ;
01733   out << "   <B4_ADCGN>0</B4_ADCGN>"                                                             << std::endl ;
01734   out << "   <NORTH_BADJ>330</NORTH_BADJ>"                                                       << std::endl ;
01735   out << "   <NORTHCENTER_BADJ>330</NORTHCENTER_BADJ>"                                           << std::endl ;
01736   out << "   <SOUTHCENTER_BADJ>330</SOUTHCENTER_BADJ>"                                           << std::endl ;
01737   out << "   <SOUTH_BADJ>330</SOUTH_BADJ>"                                                       << std::endl ;
01738   out << "   <NORTH_TBMMASK>2</NORTH_TBMMASK>"                                                   << std::endl ;
01739   out << "   <NORTHCENTER_TBMMASK>2</NORTHCENTER_TBMMASK>"                                       << std::endl ;
01740   out << "   <SOUTHCENTER_TBMMASK>2</SOUTHCENTER_TBMMASK>"                                       << std::endl ;
01741   out << "   <SOUTH_TBMMASK>2</SOUTH_TBMMASK>"                                                   << std::endl ;
01742   out << "   <NORTH_PWORD>177</NORTH_PWORD>"                                                     << std::endl ;
01743   out << "   <NORTHCENTER_PWORD>178</NORTHCENTER_PWORD>"                                         << std::endl ;
01744   out << "   <SOUTHCENTER_PWORD>179</SOUTHCENTER_PWORD>"                                         << std::endl ;
01745   out << "   <SOUTH_PWORD>180</SOUTH_PWORD>"                                                     << std::endl ;
01746   out << "   <SPECDAC>0</SPECDAC>"                                                               << std::endl ;
01747   out << "   <OOS_LVL>0</OOS_LVL>"                                                               << std::endl ;
01748   out << "   <ERR_LVL>0</ERR_LVL>"                                                               << std::endl ;
01749   out << "   <NORTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>900</NORTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>"                                       << std::endl ;
01750   out << "   <NORTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>900</NORTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>"                           << std::endl ;
01751   out << "   <SOUTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>900</SOUTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>"                           << std::endl ;
01752   out << "   <SOUTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>900</SOUTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>"                                       << std::endl ;
01753   out << "   <FIFO3_WRN_LVL>7680</FIFO3_WRN_LVL> "                                               << std::endl ;
01754   out << "   <FED_MASTER_DELAY>0</FED_MASTER_DELAY>"                                             << std::endl ;
01755   out << "   <NO_HITLIMIT>0</NO_HITLIMIT>"                                                       << std::endl ;
01756   out << "   <NC_HITLIMIT>0</NC_HITLIMIT>"                                                       << std::endl ;
01757   out << "   <SC_HITLIMIT>0</SC_HITLIMIT>"                                                       << std::endl ;
01758   out << "   <SO_HITLIMIT>0</SO_HITLIMIT>"                                                       << std::endl ;
01759   out << "   <NO_TESTREG>0</NO_TESTREG>"                                                         << std::endl ;
01760   out << "   <NC_TESTREG>0</NC_TESTREG>"                                                         << std::endl ;
01761   out << "   <SC_TESTREG>0</SC_TESTREG>"                                                         << std::endl ;
01762   out << "   <SO_TESTREG>0</SO_TESTREG>"                                                         << std::endl ;
01763   out << "  </DATA>"                                                                             << std::endl ;
01764 /*                                                                                              
01765   out<< "  <DATA>                                                                               
01766                 <OPT1_CAP>0</OPT1_CAP>                                                          
01767                 <OPT2_CAP>0</OPT2_CAP>                                                          
01768                 <OPT3_CAP>0</OPT3_CAP>                                                          
01769                 <OPT1_INP>0</OPT1_INP>                                                          
01770                 <OPT2_INP>0</OPT2_INP>                                                          
01771                 <OPT3_INP>0</OPT3_INP>
01772                 <OPT1_OUT>0</OPT1_OUT>
01773                 <OPT2_OUT>0</OPT2_OUT>
01774                 <OPT3_OUT>0</OPT3_OUT>
01775                 <NORTH_CLKPHB>511</NORTH_CLKPHB>
01778                 <SOUTH_CLKPHB>511</SOUTH_CLKPHB>
01779                 <NORTH_CTRL>0</NORTH_CTRL> 
01780                 <NORTHCENTER_CTRL>0</NORTHCENTER_CTRL>
01781                 <SOUTHCENTER_CTRL>0</SOUTHCENTER_CTRL>
01782                 <SOUTH_CTRL>0</SOUTH_CTRL>
01783                 <REG1_TTCRX_FDLA>5</REG1_TTCRX_FDLA>
01784                 <REG2_TTCRX_CDLA>0</REG2_TTCRX_CDLA>
01785                 <REG3_TTCRX_CLKD2>155</REG3_TTCRX_CLKD2>
01786                 <CENTER_CTRL>0</CENTER_CTRL>
01787                 <CENTER_MODE>0</CENTER_MODE> 
01788                 <B1_ADCGN>0</B1_ADCGN>
01789                 <B2_ADCGN>0</B2_ADCGN>
01790                 <B3_ADCGN>0</B3_ADCGN>
01791                 <B4_ADCGN>0</B4_ADCGN>
01792                 <NORTH_BADJ>330</NORTH_BADJ>
01793                 <NORTHCENTER_BADJ>330</NORTHCENTER_BADJ>
01794                 <SOUTHCENTER_BADJ>330</SOUTHCENTER_BADJ>
01795                 <SOUTH_BADJ>330</SOUTH_BADJ>            
01796                 <NORTH_TBMMASK>2</NORTH_TBMMASK>
01797                 <NORTHCENTER_TBMMASK>2</NORTHCENTER_TBMMASK>            
01798                 <SOUTHCENTER_TBMMASK>2</SOUTHCENTER_TBMMASK>            
01799                 <SOUTH_TBMMASK>2</SOUTH_TBMMASK>                
01800                 <NORTH_PWORD>177</NORTH_PWORD>
01801                 <NORTHCENTER_PWORD>178</NORTHCENTER_PWORD>
01802                 <SOUTHCENTER_PWORD>179</SOUTHCENTER_PWORD>
01803                 <SOUTH_PWORD>180</SOUTH_PWORD>          
01804                 <SPECDAC>0</SPECDAC>            
01805                 <OOS_LVL>0</OOS_LVL>
01806                 <ERR_LVL>0</ERR_LVL>
01807                 <NORTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>900</NORTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>
01808                 <NORTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>900</NORTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>                        
01809                 <SOUTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>900</SOUTHCENTER_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>        
01810                 <SOUTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>900</SOUTH_FIFO1_BZ_LVL>            
01811                 <FIFO3_WRN_LVL>7680</FIFO3_WRN_LVL>                             
01812         </DATA>
01814   </DATA_SET>  
01815   out << " </DATA_SET>"                                                                          << std::endl ;
01816   out << "</ROOT>"                                                                               << std::endl ;
01818   out.close() ;
01819 */  
01820   std::cout << __LINE__ << "]\t" << mthn << "Data written"                                       << std::endl ;
01821 }
01823 //=============================================================================================
01824 unsigned long long PixelFEDCard::enabledChannels() {
01825   unsigned long long channels=0;
01826 // return a 64-bit word with low 36 bits set if a channel is enabled
01827 // if bits are set in the control registers, transfer of data from 
01828 // fifo1 to fifo 2 is not done, meaning the channel is disabled.
01829   channels  = (Ncntrl  & 0x1ffLL);  // Add LL for SLC4, d.k. 12/07
01830   channels += (NCcntrl & 0x1ffLL) << 9;
01831   channels += (SCcntrl & 0x1ffLL) << 18;
01832   channels += (Scntrl  & 0x1ffLL) << 27;
01833   return ~channels;  //bitwise complement to get enabled channels
01834 }
01836 bool PixelFEDCard::useChannel(unsigned int iChannel){
01837   assert(iChannel>0&&iChannel<37);
01838   return (enabledChannels()>>(iChannel-1))&0x1LL;
01839 } 
01841 void PixelFEDCard::setChannel(unsigned int iChannel, bool mode){
01842   assert(iChannel>0&&iChannel<37);
01843   long long mask=enabledChannels();
01844   long long bit=0x1LL<<(iChannel-1);
01845   if (mode) {
01846     mask=mask|bit;
01847   }
01848   else{
01849     bit=~bit;
01850     mask=mask&bit;
01851   }
01852   mask=~mask;
01853   Ncntrl=mask & 0x1ffLL;
01854   mask=mask>>9;
01855   NCcntrl=mask & 0x1ffLL;
01856   mask=mask>>9;
01857   SCcntrl=mask & 0x1ffLL;
01858   mask=mask>>9;
01859   Scntrl=mask & 0x1ffLL;
01861 }  
01863 void PixelFEDCard::restoreBaselinAndChannelMasks(){
01865   Ncntrl=Ncntrl_original;
01866   NCcntrl=NCcntrl_original;
01867   SCcntrl=SCcntrl_original;
01868   Scntrl=Scntrl_original;
01870   Nbaseln=Nbaseln_original;
01871   NCbaseln=NCbaseln_original;
01872   SCbaseln=SCbaseln_original;
01873   Sbaseln=Sbaseln_original;
01876 }
01879 void PixelFEDCard::restoreControlAndModeRegister(){
01881   Ccntrl=Ccntrl_original;
01882   modeRegister=modeRegister_original;
01884 }
01886 /* Emacs specific customization
01887    ;;; Local Variables:     ***
01888    ;;; indent-tabs-mode:nil ***
01889    ;;; c-set-style:gnu      ***
01890    ;;; End:                 ***
01891 */