
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/HitPattern.h"
00002 #include "DataFormats/TrackingRecHit/interface/TrackingRecHit.h"
00003 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PXBDetId.h"
00004 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PXFDetId.h"
00005 #include "DataFormats/SiStripDetId/interface/TIBDetId.h"
00006 #include "DataFormats/SiStripDetId/interface/TIDDetId.h"
00007 #include "DataFormats/SiStripDetId/interface/TOBDetId.h"
00008 #include "DataFormats/SiStripDetId/interface/TECDetId.h"
00009 #include "DataFormats/MuonDetId/interface/DTLayerId.h"
00010 #include "DataFormats/MuonDetId/interface/CSCDetId.h"
00011 #include "DataFormats/MuonDetId/interface/RPCDetId.h"
00012 using namespace reco;
00015 uint32_t HitPattern::encode(const TrackingRecHit & hit, unsigned int i){
00017   // ignore the rec hit if the number of hit is larger than the max
00018   if (i >= 32 * PatternSize / HitSize) return 0;
00020   // get rec hit det id and rec hit type
00021   DetId id = hit.geographicalId();
00022   uint32_t detid = id.det();
00023   uint32_t hitType = (uint32_t) hit.getType();
00025   // init pattern of this hit to 0
00026   uint32_t pattern = 0;
00028   // adding tracker/muon detector bit
00029   pattern += ((detid)&SubDetectorMask)<<SubDetectorOffset;
00031   // adding substructure (PXB,PXF,TIB,TID,TOB,TEC, or DT,CSC,RPC) bits 
00032   uint32_t subdet = id.subdetId();
00033   pattern += ((subdet)&SubstrMask)<<SubstrOffset;
00035   // adding layer/disk/wheel bits
00036   uint32_t layer = 0;
00037   if (detid == DetId::Tracker) {
00038     if (subdet == PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel) 
00039       layer = PXBDetId(id).layer();
00040     else if (subdet == PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap)
00041       layer = PXFDetId(id).disk();
00042     else if (subdet == StripSubdetector::TIB)
00043       layer = TIBDetId(id).layer();
00044     else if (subdet == StripSubdetector::TID)
00045       layer = TIDDetId(id).wheel();
00046     else if (subdet == StripSubdetector::TOB)
00047       layer = TOBDetId(id).layer();
00048     else if (subdet == StripSubdetector::TEC)
00049       layer = TECDetId(id).wheel();
00050   } else if (detid == DetId::Muon) {
00051     if (subdet == (uint32_t) MuonSubdetId::DT) 
00052       layer = ((DTLayerId(id.rawId()).station()-1)<<2) + DTLayerId(id.rawId()).superLayer();
00053     else if (subdet == (uint32_t) MuonSubdetId::CSC)
00054       layer = ((CSCDetId(id.rawId()).station()-1)<<2) +  (CSCDetId(id.rawId()).ring()-1);
00055     else if (subdet == (uint32_t) MuonSubdetId::RPC) {
00056       RPCDetId rpcid(id.rawId());
00057       layer = ((rpcid.station()-1)<<2) + abs(rpcid.region());
00058       if (rpcid.station() <= 2) layer += 2*(rpcid.layer()-1);
00059     }
00060   }
00061   pattern += (layer&LayerMask)<<LayerOffset;
00063   // adding mono/stereo bit
00064   uint32_t side = 0;
00065   if (detid == DetId::Tracker) {
00066        side = isStereo(id);
00067   } else if (detid == DetId::Muon) {
00068        side = 0;
00069   }
00070   pattern += (side&SideMask)<<SideOffset;
00072   // adding hit type bits
00073   pattern += (hitType&HitTypeMask)<<HitTypeOffset;
00075   return pattern;
00076 }
00079 void HitPattern::setHitPattern(int position, uint32_t pattern) {
00080   int offset = position * HitSize;
00081   for (int i=0; i<HitSize; i++) {
00082     int pos = offset + i;
00083     uint32_t bit = (pattern >> i) & 0x1;
00084     hitPattern_[pos / 32] += bit << ((offset + i) % 32); 
00085   }
00086 }
00088 void HitPattern::appendHit(const TrackingRecHit & hit){
00090   // get rec hit det id and rec hit type
00091   DetId id = hit.geographicalId();
00092   uint32_t detid = id.det();
00093   uint32_t subdet = id.subdetId();
00095   std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*> hits;
00098   if (detid == DetId::Tracker)
00099     hits.push_back(&hit);
00101   if (detid == DetId::Muon) {
00103     if (subdet == (uint32_t) MuonSubdetId::DT){
00105       // DT rechit (granularity 2)
00106       if(hit.dimension() == 1)
00107         hits.push_back(&hit);
00109       // 4D segment (granularity 0) 
00110       else if(hit.dimension() > 1){ // Both 2 and 4 dim cases. MB4s have 2D, but formatted in 4D segments 
00111         std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*> seg2D = hit.recHits(); // 4D --> 2D
00112         // load 1D hits (2D --> 1D)
00113         for(std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*>::const_iterator it = seg2D.begin(); it != seg2D.end(); ++it){
00114           std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*> hits1D =  (*it)->recHits();
00115           copy(hits1D.begin(),hits1D.end(),back_inserter(hits));
00116         }
00117       }
00118     }
00120     else if (subdet == (uint32_t) MuonSubdetId::CSC){
00122       // CSC rechit (granularity 2)
00123       if(hit.dimension() == 2)
00124         hits.push_back(&hit);
00126       // 4D segment (granularity 0) 
00127       if(hit.dimension() == 4)
00128         hits = hit.recHits(); // load 2D hits (4D --> 1D)
00129     }
00131     else if (subdet == (uint32_t) MuonSubdetId::RPC) {
00132       hits.push_back(&hit);
00133     }
00134   }
00136   unsigned int i =  numberOfHits();
00137   for(std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*>::const_iterator it = hits.begin(); it != hits.end(); ++it)
00138     set(**it,i++);
00141 }
00144 uint32_t HitPattern::getHitPattern(int position) const {
00145 /* Note: you are not taking a consecutive sequence of HitSize bits starting from position*HitSize
00146          as the bit order in the words are reversed. 
00147          e.g. if position = 0 you take the lowest 10 bits of the first word.
00149          I hope this can clarify what is the memory layout of such thing
00151  straight 01234567890123456789012345678901 | 23456789012345678901234567890123 | 4567
00152  (global) 0         1         2         3  | 3       4         5         6    | 6  
00153  words    [--------------0---------------] | [--------------1---------------] | [---   
00154  word     01234567890123456789012345678901 | 01234567890123456789012345678901 | 0123
00155   (str)   0         1         2         3  | 0         1         2         3  | 0
00156           [--------------0---------------] | [--------------1---------------] | [---   
00157  word     10987654321098765432109876543210 | 10987654321098765432109876543210 | 1098
00158   (rev)   32         21        10        0 | 32         21        10        0 | 32  
00159  reverse  10987654321098765432109876543210 | 32109876543210987654321098765432 | 5432
00160           32         21        10        0 | 6  65        54        43      3   9
00162          ugly enough, but it's not my fault, I was not even in CMS at that time   [gpetrucc] */
00163   uint16_t bitEndOffset = (position+1) * HitSize;
00164   uint8_t secondWord   = (bitEndOffset >> 5);
00165   uint8_t secondWordBits = bitEndOffset & (32-1); // that is, bitEndOffset % 32
00166   if (secondWordBits >= HitSize) { // full block is in this word
00167       uint8_t lowBitsToTrash = secondWordBits - HitSize;
00168       uint32_t myResult = (hitPattern_[secondWord] >> lowBitsToTrash) & ((1 << HitSize)-1);
00169       return myResult;
00170   } else {
00171       uint8_t  firstWordBits   = HitSize - secondWordBits;
00172       uint32_t firstWordBlock  = hitPattern_[secondWord-1] >> (32-firstWordBits);
00173       uint32_t secondWordBlock = hitPattern_[secondWord] & ((1<<secondWordBits)-1);
00174       uint32_t myResult = firstWordBlock + (secondWordBlock << firstWordBits);
00175       return myResult;
00176   }
00177 }
00183 bool HitPattern::hasValidHitInFirstPixelBarrel() const {
00184   for (int i=0; i<(PatternSize * 32) / HitSize; i++) {
00185     uint32_t pattern = getHitPattern(i);
00186     if (pattern == 0) break;
00187     if (pixelBarrelHitFilter(pattern)) {
00188       if (getLayer(pattern) == 1) {
00189         if (validHitFilter(pattern)) {
00190           return true;
00191         }
00192       }
00193     }
00194   }
00195   return false;
00196 }
00198 bool HitPattern::hasValidHitInFirstPixelEndcap() const {
00199   for (int i=0; i<(PatternSize * 32) / HitSize; i++) {
00200     uint32_t pattern = getHitPattern(i);
00201     if (pattern == 0) break;
00202     if (pixelEndcapHitFilter(pattern)) {
00203       if (getLayer(pattern) == 1) {
00204         if (validHitFilter(pattern)) {
00205           return true;
00206         }
00207       }
00208     }
00209   }
00210   return false;
00211 }
00213 int HitPattern::numberOfHits() const {
00214   int count = 0;
00215   for (int i=0; i<(PatternSize * 32) / HitSize; i++) {
00216     uint32_t pattern = getHitPattern(i);
00217     if (pattern == 0) break;
00218     ++count;
00219   }
00220   return count;
00221 }
00224 int HitPattern::numberOfValidStripLayersWithMonoAndStereo () const {
00225   static const int nHits = (PatternSize * 32) / HitSize;
00226   bool hasMono[SubstrMask + 1][LayerMask + 1];
00227   //     printf("sizeof(hasMono) = %d\n", sizeof(hasMono));
00228   memset(hasMono, 0, sizeof(hasMono));
00229   bool hasStereo[SubstrMask + 1][LayerMask + 1];
00230   memset(hasStereo, 0, sizeof(hasStereo));
00231   // mark which layers have mono/stereo hits
00232   for (int i = 0; i < nHits; i++) {
00233     uint32_t pattern = getHitPattern(i);
00234     if (pattern == 0) break;
00235     if (validHitFilter(pattern) && stripHitFilter(pattern)) {
00236       switch (getSide(pattern)) {
00237       case 0: // mono
00238         hasMono[getSubStructure(pattern)][getLayer(pattern)] 
00239           = true;
00240         break;
00241       case 1: // stereo
00242         hasStereo[getSubStructure(pattern)][getLayer(pattern)]
00243           = true;
00244         break;
00245       default:
00246         break;
00247       }
00248     }
00250   }
00251   // count how many layers have mono and stereo hits
00252   int count = 0;
00253   for (int i = 0; i < SubstrMask + 1; ++i) 
00254     for (int j = 0; j < LayerMask + 1; ++j)
00255       if (hasMono[i][j] && hasStereo[i][j])
00256         count++;
00257   return count;
00258 }
00260 uint32_t HitPattern::getTrackerLayerCase(uint32_t substr, uint32_t layer) const {
00261   uint32_t tk_substr_layer = 
00262     (1 << SubDetectorOffset) +
00263     ((substr & SubstrMask) << SubstrOffset) +
00264     ((layer & LayerMask) << LayerOffset);
00266   uint32_t mask =
00267     (SubDetectorMask << SubDetectorOffset) +
00268     (SubstrMask << SubstrOffset) +
00269     (LayerMask << LayerOffset);
00271   // crossed
00272   //   layer case 0: valid + (missing, off, bad) ==> with measurement
00273   //   layer case 1: missing + (off, bad) ==> without measurement
00274   //   layer case 2: off, bad ==> totally off or bad, cannot say much
00275   // not crossed
00276   //   layer case 999999: track outside acceptance or in gap ==> null
00278   uint32_t layerCase = 999999;
00279   for (int i=0; i<(PatternSize * 32) / HitSize; i++)
00280   {
00281     uint32_t pattern = getHitPattern(i);
00282     if (pattern == 0) break;
00283     if ((pattern & mask) == tk_substr_layer) {
00284       uint32_t hitType = (pattern >> HitTypeOffset) & HitTypeMask; // 0,1,2,3
00285       if (hitType < layerCase) {
00286         layerCase = hitType;
00287         if (hitType == 3) layerCase = 2;
00288       }
00289     }
00290   }
00291   return layerCase;
00292 }
00294 uint32_t HitPattern::getTrackerMonoStereo (uint32_t substr, uint32_t layer) const
00295 {
00296   uint32_t tk_substr_layer = 
00297     (1 << SubDetectorOffset) +
00298     ((substr & SubstrMask) << SubstrOffset) +
00299     ((layer & LayerMask) << LayerOffset);
00301   uint32_t mask =
00302     (SubDetectorMask << SubDetectorOffset) +
00303     (SubstrMask << SubstrOffset) +
00304     (LayerMask << LayerOffset);
00306   //    0:              neither a valid mono nor a valid stereo hit
00307   //    MONO:           valid mono hit
00308   //    STEREO:         valid stereo hit
00309   //    MONO | STEREO:  both
00310   uint32_t monoStereo = 0;
00311   for (int i=0; i<(PatternSize * 32) / HitSize; i++)
00312   {
00313     uint32_t pattern = getHitPattern(i);
00314     if (pattern == 0) break;
00315     if ((pattern & mask) == tk_substr_layer)
00316     {
00317       uint32_t hitType = (pattern >> HitTypeOffset) & HitTypeMask; // 0,1,2,3
00318       if (hitType == 0) { // valid hit
00319            switch (getSide(pattern)) {
00320            case 0: // mono
00321                 monoStereo |= MONO;
00322                 break;
00323            case 1: // stereo
00324                 monoStereo |= STEREO;
00325                 break;
00326            default:
00327                 break;
00328            }
00329       }
00330     }
00331   }
00332   return monoStereo;
00333 }
00337 int HitPattern::pixelBarrelLayersWithMeasurement() const {
00338   int count = 0;
00339   uint32_t substr = PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel;
00340   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=3; layer++) {
00341     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 0) count++;
00342   }
00343   return count;
00344 }
00346 int HitPattern::pixelEndcapLayersWithMeasurement() const {
00347   int count = 0;
00348   uint32_t substr = PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap;
00349   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=2; layer++) {
00350     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 0) count++;
00351   }
00352   return count;
00353 }
00355 int HitPattern::stripTIBLayersWithMeasurement() const {
00356   int count = 0;
00357   uint32_t substr = StripSubdetector::TIB;
00358   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=4; layer++) {
00359     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 0) count++;
00360   }
00361   return count;
00362 }
00364 int HitPattern::stripTIDLayersWithMeasurement() const {
00365   int count = 0;
00366   uint32_t substr = StripSubdetector::TID;
00367   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=3; layer++) {
00368     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 0) count++;
00369   }
00370   return count;
00371 }
00373 int HitPattern::stripTOBLayersWithMeasurement() const {
00374   int count = 0;
00375   uint32_t substr = StripSubdetector::TOB;
00376   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=6; layer++) {
00377     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 0) count++;
00378   }
00379   return count;
00380 }
00382 int HitPattern::stripTECLayersWithMeasurement() const {
00383   int count = 0;
00384   uint32_t substr = StripSubdetector::TEC;
00385   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=9; layer++) {
00386     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 0) count++;
00387   }
00388   return count;
00389 }
00392 int HitPattern::pixelBarrelLayersWithoutMeasurement() const {
00393   int count = 0;
00394   uint32_t substr = PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel;
00395   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=3; layer++) {
00396     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 1) count++;
00397   }
00398   return count;
00399 }
00401 int HitPattern::pixelEndcapLayersWithoutMeasurement() const {
00402   int count = 0;
00403   uint32_t substr = PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap;
00404   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=2; layer++) {
00405     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 1) count++;
00406   }
00407   return count;
00408 }
00410 int HitPattern::stripTIBLayersWithoutMeasurement() const {
00411   int count = 0;
00412   uint32_t substr = StripSubdetector::TIB;
00413   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=4; layer++) {
00414     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 1) count++;
00415   }
00416   return count;
00417 }
00419 int HitPattern::stripTIDLayersWithoutMeasurement() const {
00420   int count = 0;
00421   uint32_t substr = StripSubdetector::TID;
00422   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=3; layer++) {
00423     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 1) count++;
00424   }
00425   return count;
00426 }
00428 int HitPattern::stripTOBLayersWithoutMeasurement() const {
00429   int count = 0;
00430   uint32_t substr = StripSubdetector::TOB;
00431   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=6; layer++) {
00432     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 1) count++;
00433   }
00434   return count;
00435 }
00437 int HitPattern::stripTECLayersWithoutMeasurement() const {
00438   int count = 0;
00439   uint32_t substr = StripSubdetector::TEC;
00440   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=9; layer++) {
00441     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 1) count++;
00442   }
00443   return count;
00444 }
00447 int HitPattern::pixelBarrelLayersTotallyOffOrBad() const {
00448   int count = 0;
00449   uint32_t substr = PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel;
00450   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=3; layer++) {
00451     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 2) count++;
00452   }
00453   return count;
00454 }
00456 int HitPattern::pixelEndcapLayersTotallyOffOrBad() const {
00457   int count = 0;
00458   uint32_t substr = PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap;
00459   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=2; layer++) {
00460     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 2) count++;
00461   }
00462   return count;
00463 }
00465 int HitPattern::stripTIBLayersTotallyOffOrBad() const {
00466   int count = 0;
00467   uint32_t substr = StripSubdetector::TIB;
00468   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=4; layer++) {
00469     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 2) count++;
00470   }
00471   return count;
00472 }
00474 int HitPattern::stripTIDLayersTotallyOffOrBad() const {
00475   int count = 0;
00476   uint32_t substr = StripSubdetector::TID;
00477   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=3; layer++) {
00478     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 2) count++;
00479   }
00480   return count;
00481 }
00483 int HitPattern::stripTOBLayersTotallyOffOrBad() const {
00484   int count = 0;
00485   uint32_t substr = StripSubdetector::TOB;
00486   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=6; layer++) {
00487     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 2) count++;
00488   }
00489   return count;
00490 }
00492 int HitPattern::stripTECLayersTotallyOffOrBad() const {
00493   int count = 0;
00494   uint32_t substr = StripSubdetector::TEC;
00495   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=9; layer++) {
00496     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 2) count++;
00497   }
00498   return count;
00499 }
00502 int HitPattern::pixelBarrelLayersNull() const {
00503   int count = 0;
00504   uint32_t substr = PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel;
00505   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=3; layer++) {
00506     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 999999) count++;
00507   }
00508   return count;
00509 }
00511 int HitPattern::pixelEndcapLayersNull() const {
00512   int count = 0;
00513   uint32_t substr = PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap;
00514   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=2; layer++) {
00515     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 999999) count++;
00516   }
00517   return count;
00518 }
00520 int HitPattern::stripTIBLayersNull() const {
00521   int count = 0;
00522   uint32_t substr = StripSubdetector::TIB;
00523   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=4; layer++) {
00524     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 999999) count++;
00525   }
00526   return count;
00527 }
00529 int HitPattern::stripTIDLayersNull() const {
00530   int count = 0;
00531   uint32_t substr = StripSubdetector::TID;
00532   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=3; layer++) {
00533     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 999999) count++;
00534   }
00535   return count;
00536 }
00538 int HitPattern::stripTOBLayersNull() const {
00539   int count = 0;
00540   uint32_t substr = StripSubdetector::TOB;
00541   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=6; layer++) {
00542     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 999999) count++;
00543   }
00544   return count;
00545 }
00547 int HitPattern::stripTECLayersNull() const {
00548   int count = 0;
00549   uint32_t substr = StripSubdetector::TEC;
00550   for (uint32_t layer=1; layer<=9; layer++) {
00551     if (getTrackerLayerCase(substr, layer) == 999999) count++;
00552   }
00553   return count;
00554 }
00556 void HitPattern::printHitPattern (int position, std::ostream &stream) const
00557 {
00558      uint32_t pattern = getHitPattern(position);
00559      stream << "\t";
00560      if (muonHitFilter(pattern))
00561           stream << "muon";
00562      if (trackerHitFilter(pattern))
00563           stream << "tracker";
00564      stream << "\tsubstructure " << getSubStructure(pattern);
00565      if (muonHitFilter(pattern)) {
00566          stream << "\tstation " << getMuonStation(pattern);
00567          if (muonDTHitFilter(pattern)) { 
00568             stream << "\tdt superlayer " << getDTSuperLayer(pattern); 
00569          } else if (muonCSCHitFilter(pattern)) { 
00570             stream << "\tcsc ring " << getCSCRing(pattern); 
00571          } else if (muonRPCHitFilter(pattern)) {
00572             stream << "\trpc " << (getRPCregion(pattern) ? "endcaps" : "barrel") << ", layer " << getRPCLayer(pattern); 
00573          } else {
00574             stream << "(UNKNOWN Muon SubStructure!) \tsubsubstructure " << getSubStructure(pattern);
00575          }
00576      } else {
00577          stream << "\tlayer " << getLayer(pattern);
00578      }
00579      stream << "\thit type " << getHitType(pattern);
00580      stream << std::endl;
00581 }
00583 void HitPattern::print (std::ostream &stream) const
00584 {
00585      stream << "HitPattern" << std::endl;
00586      for (int i = 0; i < numberOfHits(); i++) 
00587           printHitPattern(i, stream);
00588      std::ios_base::fmtflags flags = stream.flags();
00589      stream.setf ( std::ios_base::hex, std::ios_base::basefield );  
00590      stream.setf ( std::ios_base::showbase );               
00591      for (int i = 0; i < numberOfHits(); i++) {
00592           uint32_t pattern = getHitPattern(i);
00593           stream << pattern << std::endl;
00594      }
00595      stream.flags(flags);
00596 }
00598 uint32_t HitPattern::isStereo (DetId i) 
00599 {
00600      switch (i.det()) {
00601      case DetId::Tracker:
00602           switch (i.subdetId()) {
00603           case PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel:
00604           case PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap:
00605                return 0;
00606           case StripSubdetector::TIB:
00607           {
00608                TIBDetId id = i;
00609                return id.isStereo();
00610           }
00611           case StripSubdetector::TID:
00612           {
00613                TIDDetId id = i;
00614                return id.isStereo();
00615           }
00616           case StripSubdetector::TOB:
00617           {
00618                TOBDetId id = i;
00619                return id.isStereo();
00620           }
00621           case StripSubdetector::TEC:
00622           {
00623                TECDetId id = i;
00624                return id.isStereo();
00625           }
00626           default:
00627                return 0;
00628           }
00629           break;
00630      default:
00631           return 0;
00632      }
00633 }
00635 int  HitPattern::muonStations(int subdet, int hitType) const {
00636   int stations[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };
00637   for (int i=0; i<(PatternSize * 32) / HitSize; i++) {
00638     uint32_t pattern = getHitPattern(i);
00639     if (pattern == 0) break;
00640     if (muonHitFilter(pattern) &&
00641         (subdet  == 0  || int(getSubStructure(pattern)) == subdet) &&
00642         (hitType == -1 || int(getHitType(pattern))      == hitType)) {
00643         stations[getMuonStation(pattern)-1] = 1;
00644     }
00645   }
00646   return stations[0]+stations[1]+stations[2]+stations[3];
00647 }
00650 int HitPattern::innermostMuonStationWithHits(int hitType) const {
00651   int ret = 0;
00652   for (int i=0; i<(PatternSize * 32) / HitSize; i++) {
00653     uint32_t pattern = getHitPattern(i);
00654     if (pattern == 0) break;
00655     if (muonHitFilter(pattern) &&
00656         (hitType == -1 || int(getHitType(pattern)) == hitType)) {
00657         int stat = getMuonStation(pattern);
00658         if (ret == 0 || stat < ret) ret = stat;
00659     }
00660   }
00661   return ret;
00662 }
00664 int HitPattern::outermostMuonStationWithHits(int hitType) const {
00665   int ret = 0;
00666   for (int i=0; i<(PatternSize * 32) / HitSize; i++) {
00667     uint32_t pattern = getHitPattern(i);
00668     if (pattern == 0) break;
00669     if (muonHitFilter(pattern) &&
00670         (hitType == -1 || int(getHitType(pattern)) == hitType)) {
00671         int stat = getMuonStation(pattern);
00672         if (ret == 0 || stat > ret) ret = stat;
00673     }
00674   }
00675   return ret;
00676 }
00679 int HitPattern::numberOfDTStationsWithRPhiView() const {
00680   int stations[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };
00681   for (int i=0; i<(PatternSize * 32) / HitSize; i++) {
00682     uint32_t pattern = getHitPattern(i);
00683     if (pattern == 0) break;
00684     if (muonDTHitFilter(pattern) && validHitFilter(pattern) && getDTSuperLayer(pattern) != 2) {
00685         stations[getMuonStation(pattern)-1] = 1;
00686     }
00687   }
00688   return stations[0]+stations[1]+stations[2]+stations[3];
00689 }
00691 int HitPattern::numberOfDTStationsWithRZView() const {
00692   int stations[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };
00693   for (int i=0; i<(PatternSize * 32) / HitSize; i++) {
00694     uint32_t pattern = getHitPattern(i);
00695     if (pattern == 0) break;
00696     if (muonDTHitFilter(pattern) && validHitFilter(pattern) && getDTSuperLayer(pattern) == 2) {
00697         stations[getMuonStation(pattern)-1] = 1;
00698     }
00699   }
00700   return stations[0]+stations[1]+stations[2]+stations[3];
00701 }
00703 int HitPattern::numberOfDTStationsWithBothViews() const {
00704   int stations[4][2] = { {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0}, {0,0} };
00705   for (int i=0; i<(PatternSize * 32) / HitSize; i++) {
00706     uint32_t pattern = getHitPattern(i);
00707     if (pattern == 0) break;
00708     if (muonDTHitFilter(pattern) && validHitFilter(pattern)) {
00709         stations[getMuonStation(pattern)-1][getDTSuperLayer(pattern) == 2] = 1;
00710     }
00711   }
00712   return stations[0][0]*stations[0][1] + stations[1][0]*stations[1][1] + stations[2][0]*stations[2][1] + stations[3][0]*stations[3][1];
00713 }