
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "PGeometricDetBuilder.h"
00003 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
00004 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00005 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
00006 #include "CondCore/DBOutputService/interface/PoolDBOutputService.h"
00007 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
00008 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESTransientHandle.h"
00009 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
00010 #include "CondFormats/GeometryObjects/interface/PGeometricDet.h"
00012 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/IdealGeometryRecord.h"
00013 #include "Geometry/TrackerNumberingBuilder/interface/GeometricDet.h"
00014 #include <DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDCompactView.h>
00015 #include <DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDExpandedView.h>
00016 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDExpandedNode.h"
00018 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/TrackerDigiGeometryRecord.h"
00020 #include "Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/GeomDetTypeIdToEnum.h"
00021 #include "Geometry/TrackerNumberingBuilder/interface/CmsTrackerStringToEnum.h"
00023 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00025 #include <iostream>
00026 #include <string>
00027 #include <vector>
00029 PGeometricDetBuilder::PGeometricDetBuilder(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig)
00030 {
00031 }
00033 PGeometricDetBuilder::~PGeometricDetBuilder()
00034 {
00035 }
00037 void
00038 PGeometricDetBuilder::beginRun( const edm::Run&, edm::EventSetup const& es) 
00039 {
00040   PGeometricDet* pgd = new PGeometricDet;
00041   edm::Service<cond::service::PoolDBOutputService> mydbservice;
00042   if( !mydbservice.isAvailable() ){
00043     edm::LogError("PGeometricDetBuilder")<<"PoolDBOutputService unavailable";
00044     return;
00045   }
00046   edm::ESTransientHandle<DDCompactView> pDD;
00047   edm::ESHandle<GeometricDet> rDD;
00048   es.get<IdealGeometryRecord>().get( pDD );
00049   es.get<IdealGeometryRecord>().get( rDD );
00050   const GeometricDet* tracker = &(*rDD);
00052   // so now I have the tracker itself. loop over all its components to store them.
00053   putOne(tracker, pgd, 0);
00054   std::vector<const GeometricDet*> tc = tracker->components();
00055   std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator git = tc.begin();
00056   std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator egit = tc.end();
00057   int count=0;
00058   int lev = 1;
00059   //  CmsTrackerStringToEnum ctste;
00060   for (; git!= egit; ++git) {  // one level below "tracker"
00061     putOne(*git, pgd, lev);
00062     std::vector<const GeometricDet*> inone = (*git)->components();
00063     //    <<*git)->type())
00064     //    std::cout << lev << " type " << (*git)->type() << " " << int((*git)->geographicalId()) << std::endl; // << " has " << inone.size() << " components." << std::endl;
00065     if ( inone.size() == 0 )  ++count;
00066     std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator git2 = inone.begin();
00067     std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator egit2 = inone.end();
00068     ++lev;
00069     for (; git2 != egit2; ++git2) { // level 2
00070       putOne(*git2, pgd, lev);
00071       std::vector<const GeometricDet*> intwo= (*git2)->components();
00072       //      std::cout << lev << "\ttype " << (*git2)->type() << " " << int((*git2)->geographicalId()) << std::endl; // << " has " << intwo.size() << " components." << std::endl;
00073       if ( intwo.size() == 0 )  ++count;
00074       std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator git3 = intwo.begin();
00075       std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator egit3 = intwo.end();
00076       ++lev;
00077       for (; git3 != egit3; ++git3) { // level 3
00078         putOne(*git3, pgd, lev);
00079         std::vector<const GeometricDet*> inthree= (*git3)->components();
00080         //      std::cout << lev << "\t\ttype " << (*git3)->type() << " " << int((*git3)->geographicalId()) << std::endl; // << " has " << inthree.size() << " components." << std::endl;
00081         if ( inthree.size() == 0 )  ++count;
00082         std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator git4 = inthree.begin();
00083         std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator egit4 = inthree.end();
00084         ++lev;
00085         for (; git4 != egit4; ++git4) { //level 4
00086           putOne(*git4, pgd, lev);
00087           std::vector<const GeometricDet*> infour= (*git4)->components();
00088           //      std::cout << lev << "\t\t\ttype " << (*git4)->type() << " " << int((*git4)->geographicalId()) << std::endl; // << " has " << infour.size() << " components." << std::endl;
00089           if ( infour.size() == 0 )  ++count;
00090           std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator git5 = infour.begin();
00091           std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator egit5 = infour.end();
00092           ++lev;
00093           for (; git5 != egit5; ++git5) { // level 5
00094             putOne(*git5, pgd, lev);
00095             std::vector<const GeometricDet*> infive= (*git5)->components();
00096             //      std::cout << lev << "\t\t\t\ttype " << (*git5)->type() << " " << int((*git5)->geographicalId()) << std::endl; // << " has " << infive.size() << " components." << std::endl;
00097             if ( infive.size() == 0 )  ++count;
00098             std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator git6 = infive.begin();
00099             std::vector<const GeometricDet*>::const_iterator egit6 = infive.end();
00100             ++lev;
00101             for (; git6 != egit6; ++git6) { //level 6
00102               putOne(*git6, pgd, lev);
00103               std::vector<const GeometricDet*> insix= (*git6)->components();
00104               //              std::cout << lev << "\t\t\t\t\ttype " << (*git6)->type() << " " << int((*git6)->geographicalId()) << std::endl; // << " has " << insix.size() << " components." << std::endl;
00105               if ( insix.size() == 0 )  ++count;
00106             } // level 6
00107             --lev;
00108           } // level 5
00109           --lev;
00110         } // level 4
00111         --lev;
00112       } //level 3
00113       --lev;
00114     } // level 2
00115     --lev;
00116   }
00117   std::vector<const GeometricDet*> modules =  tracker->deepComponents();
00118   if ( mydbservice->isNewTagRequest("IdealGeometryRecord") ) {
00119     mydbservice->createNewIOV<PGeometricDet>( pgd,mydbservice->beginOfTime(),mydbservice->endOfTime(),"IdealGeometryRecord");
00120   } else {
00121     edm::LogError("PGeometricDetBuilder")<<"PGeometricDetBuilder Tag already present";
00122   }
00123 }
00125 void PGeometricDetBuilder::putOne ( const GeometricDet* gd, PGeometricDet* pgd, int lev ) {
00127   PGeometricDet::Item item;
00128   DDTranslation tran = gd->translation();
00129   DDRotationMatrix rot = gd->rotation();
00130   DD3Vector x, y, z;
00131   rot.GetComponents(x, y, z);
00132   item._name           = gd->name().name();
00133   item._ns             = gd->name().ns();
00134   item._level          = lev;
00135   item._x              = tran.X();
00136   item._y              = tran.Y();
00137   item._z              = tran.Z();
00138   item._phi            = gd->phi();
00139   item._rho            = gd->rho();
00140   item._a11            = x.X();
00141   item._a12            = y.X();
00142   item._a13            = z.X();
00143   item._a21            = x.Y();
00144   item._a22            = y.Y();
00145   item._a23            = z.Y();
00146   item._a31            = x.Z();
00147   item._a32            = y.Z();
00148   item._a33            = z.Z();
00149   item._shape          = gd->shape();
00150   item._type           = gd->type();
00151   if(gd->shape()==1){
00152     item._params0=gd->params()[0];
00153     item._params1=gd->params()[1];
00154     item._params2=gd->params()[2];
00155     item._params3=0;
00156     item._params4=0;
00157     item._params5=0;
00158     item._params6=0;
00159     item._params7=0;
00160     item._params8=0;
00161     item._params9=0;
00162     item._params10=0;
00163   }else if(gd->shape()==3){
00164     item._params0=gd->params()[0];
00165     item._params1=gd->params()[1];
00166     item._params2=gd->params()[2];
00167     item._params3=gd->params()[3];
00168     item._params4=gd->params()[4];
00169     item._params5=gd->params()[5];
00170     item._params6=gd->params()[6];
00171     item._params7=gd->params()[7];
00172     item._params8=gd->params()[8];
00173     item._params9=gd->params()[9];
00174     item._params10=gd->params()[10];
00175   }else{
00176     item._params0=0;
00177     item._params1=0;
00178     item._params2=0;
00179     item._params3=0;
00180     item._params4=0;
00181     item._params5=0;
00182     item._params6=0;
00183     item._params7=0;
00184     item._params8=0;
00185     item._params9=0;
00186     item._params10=0;
00187   } 
00188   item._geographicalID = gd->geographicalID();
00189   item._radLength      = gd->radLength();
00190   item._xi             = gd->xi();
00191   item._pixROCRows     = gd->pixROCRows();
00192   item._pixROCCols     = gd->pixROCCols();
00193   item._pixROCx        = gd->pixROCx();
00194   item._pixROCy        = gd->pixROCy();
00195   item._stereo         = gd->stereo();
00196   item._siliconAPVNum = gd->siliconAPVNum();
00198   GeometricDet::nav_type const & nt = gd->navType();
00199   size_t nts = nt.size();
00200   item._numnt = nts;
00201   std::vector<int> tempnt(nt.begin(),nt.end());
00202   for ( size_t extrant = nt.size(); extrant < 11; ++extrant ) {
00203     tempnt.push_back(-1);
00204   } 
00205   item._nt0 = tempnt[0];
00206   item._nt1 = tempnt[1];
00207   item._nt2 = tempnt[2];
00208   item._nt3 = tempnt[3];
00209   item._nt4 = tempnt[4];
00210   item._nt5 = tempnt[5];
00211   item._nt6 = tempnt[6];
00212   item._nt7 = tempnt[7];
00213   item._nt8 = tempnt[8];
00214   item._nt9 = tempnt[9];
00215   item._nt10 = tempnt[10];
00217   pgd->pgeomdets_.push_back ( item );
00218 }