
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // $Id:,v 1.53 2011/11/02 09:37:36 fay Exp $
00003 // Created: 2 Mar 2006
00004 //          Shahram Rahatlou, University of Rome & INFN
00005 //
00006 #include <iostream>
00007 #include <fstream>
00009 #include "CalibCalorimetry/EcalTrivialCondModules/interface/EcalTrivialConditionRetriever.h"
00010 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00011 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
00013 #include "DataFormats/EcalDetId/interface/EBDetId.h"
00014 #include "DataFormats/EcalDetId/interface/EEDetId.h"
00015 #include "DataFormats/EcalDetId/interface/ESDetId.h"
00016 #include "DataFormats/EcalDetId/interface/EcalElectronicsId.h"
00017 #include "DataFormats/EcalDetId/interface/EcalTriggerElectronicsId.h"
00018 #include "DataFormats/EcalDetId/interface/EcalSubdetector.h"
00020 //#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/Timestamp.h"
00022 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00025 using namespace edm;
00027 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::EcalTrivialConditionRetriever( const edm::ParameterSet&  ps)
00028 {
00029   // initilize parameters used to produce cond DB objects
00030   adcToGeVEBConstant_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("adcToGeVEBConstant",0.035);
00031   adcToGeVEEConstant_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("adcToGeVEEConstant",0.060);
00033   intercalibConstantMeanMC_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("intercalibConstantMeanMC",1.0);
00034   intercalibConstantSigmaMC_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("intercalibConstantSigmaMC",0.0);
00036   intercalibConstantMean_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("intercalibConstantMean",1.0);
00037   intercalibConstantSigma_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("intercalibConstantSigma",0.0);
00038   intercalibErrorMean_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("IntercalibErrorMean",0.0);
00040   timeCalibConstantMean_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("timeCalibConstantMean",0.0);
00041   timeCalibConstantSigma_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("timeCalibConstantSigma",0.0);
00042   timeCalibErrorMean_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("timeCalibErrorMean",0.0);
00044   timeOffsetEBConstant_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("timeOffsetEBConstant",0.0);
00045   timeOffsetEEConstant_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("timeOffsetEEConstant",0.0);
00047   laserAlphaMean_  = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("laserAlphaMean",1.55);
00048   laserAlphaSigma_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("laserAlphaSigma",0);
00050   laserAPDPNTime1_ = (unsigned long)atoi( ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("laserAPDPNTime1","1").c_str());
00051   laserAPDPNTime2_= (unsigned long)atoi( ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("laserAPDPNTime2","0").c_str());
00052   laserAPDPNTime3_= (unsigned long)atoi( ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("laserAPDPNTime3","0").c_str());
00054   laserAPDPNRefMean_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("laserAPDPNRefMean",1.0);
00055   laserAPDPNRefSigma_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("laserAPDPNRefSigma",0.0);
00057   laserAPDPNMean_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("laserAPDPNMean",1.0);
00058   laserAPDPNSigma_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("laserAPDPNSigma",0.0);
00060   localContCorrParameters_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<double> >("localContCorrParameters", std::vector<double>(0) );
00061   crackCorrParameters_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<double> >("crackCorrParameters", std::vector<double>(0) );
00062   energyCorrectionParameters_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<double> >("energyCorrectionParameters", std::vector<double>(0) );
00063   energyUncertaintyParameters_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<double> >("energyUncertaintyParameters", std::vector<double>(0) );
00064   energyCorrectionObjectSpecificParameters_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<double> >("energyCorrectionObjectSpecificParameters", std::vector<double>(0) );
00066   EBpedMeanX12_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EBpedMeanX12", 200.);
00067   EBpedRMSX12_  = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EBpedRMSX12",  1.10);
00068   EBpedMeanX6_  = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EBpedMeanX6",  200.);
00069   EBpedRMSX6_   = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EBpedRMSX6",   0.90);
00070   EBpedMeanX1_  = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EBpedMeanX1",  200.);
00071   EBpedRMSX1_   = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EBpedRMSX1",   0.62);
00073   EEpedMeanX12_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EEpedMeanX12", 200.);
00074   EEpedRMSX12_  = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EEpedRMSX12",  2.50);
00075   EEpedMeanX6_  = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EEpedMeanX6",  200.);
00076   EEpedRMSX6_   = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EEpedRMSX6",   2.00);
00077   EEpedMeanX1_  = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EEpedMeanX1",  200.);
00078   EEpedRMSX1_   = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EEpedRMSX1",   1.40);
00080   gainRatio12over6_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("gainRatio12over6", 2.0);
00081   gainRatio6over1_  = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("gainRatio6over1",  6.0);
00083   getWeightsFromFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("getWeightsFromFile",false);
00085   nTDCbins_ = 1;
00087   std::cout << " EcalTrivialConditionRetriever " << std::endl;
00088   weightsForAsynchronousRunning_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("weightsForTB",false);
00090   if (weightsForAsynchronousRunning_)
00091     {
00092       getWeightsFromFile_ = true; //override user request 
00093       //nTDCbins_ = 25;
00094       nTDCbins_ = 50; //modif Alex-21-07-2006
00095     }
00097   std::string path="CalibCalorimetry/EcalTrivialCondModules/data/";
00098   std::string weightType;
00099   std::ostringstream str;
00101   if (!weightsForAsynchronousRunning_)
00102     str << "_CMS.txt" ;
00103   else
00104     str << "_TB.txt" ;
00106   weightType = str.str();
00108   amplWeightsFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("amplWeightsFile",path+"ampWeights"+weightType);
00109   amplWeightsAftFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("amplWeightsAftFile",path+"ampWeightsAfterGainSwitch"+weightType);
00110   pedWeightsFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("pedWeightsFile",path+"pedWeights"+weightType);
00111   pedWeightsAftFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("pedWeightsAftFile",path+"pedWeightsAfterGainSwitch"+weightType);
00112   jittWeightsFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("jittWeightsFile",path+"timeWeights"+weightType);
00113   jittWeightsAftFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("jittWeightsAftFile",path+"timeWeightsAfterGainSwitch"+weightType);
00114   chi2MatrixFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("chi2MatrixFile",path+"chi2Matrix"+weightType);
00115   chi2MatrixAftFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("chi2MatrixAftFile",path+"chi2MatrixAfterGainSwitch"+weightType);
00117   amplWeights_.resize(nTDCbins_);  
00118   amplWeightsAft_.resize(nTDCbins_); 
00119   pedWeights_.resize(nTDCbins_);  
00120   pedWeightsAft_.resize(nTDCbins_); 
00121   jittWeights_.resize(nTDCbins_);  
00122   jittWeightsAft_.resize(nTDCbins_); 
00123   chi2Matrix_.resize(nTDCbins_);
00124   chi2MatrixAft_.resize(nTDCbins_);
00126   // default weights for MGPA shape after pedestal subtraction
00127   getWeightsFromConfiguration(ps);
00129   producedEcalPedestals_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalPedestals",true);
00130   producedEcalWeights_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalWeights",true);
00132   producedEcalGainRatios_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalGainRatios",true);
00133   producedEcalADCToGeVConstant_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalADCToGeVConstant",true);
00135   producedEcalMappingElectronics_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalMappingElectronics",true);
00136   mappingFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("mappingFile","");
00138   if ( producedEcalMappingElectronics_ ) {
00139     if ( mappingFile_ != "" ) { // if file provided read channel map
00140       setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::getMappingFromConfiguration );
00141     } else { 
00142       setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalMappingElectronics );
00143     }
00144     findingRecord<EcalMappingElectronicsRcd>();
00145   }
00146   // Alignment from file
00147   getEBAlignmentFromFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("getEBAlignmentFromFile",false);
00148   if(getEBAlignmentFromFile_) {
00149     EBAlignmentFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("EBAlignmentFile",path+"EBAlignment.txt");
00150   }
00152   getEEAlignmentFromFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("getEEAlignmentFromFile",false);
00153   if(getEEAlignmentFromFile_) {
00154     EEAlignmentFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("EEAlignmentFile",path+"EEAlignment.txt");
00155   }
00157   getESAlignmentFromFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("getESAlignmentFromFile",false);
00158   if(getESAlignmentFromFile_)
00159     ESAlignmentFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("ESAlignmentFile",path+"ESAlignment.txt");
00161   verbose_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("verbose", 0);
00163   //Tell Producer what we produce
00164   //setWhatproduce(this);
00165   if (producedEcalPedestals_)
00166     setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalPedestals );
00168   if (producedEcalWeights_) {
00169       setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalWeightXtalGroups );
00170       setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalTBWeights );
00171     }
00173   if (producedEcalGainRatios_)
00174     setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalGainRatios );
00176   if (producedEcalADCToGeVConstant_)
00177     setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalADCToGeVConstant );
00179   // TimeOffsetConstant
00180   producedEcalTimeOffsetConstant_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalTimeOffsetConstant",true);
00181   //std::cout << " EcalTrivialConditionRetriever : producedEcalTimeOffsetConstant_" << producedEcalTimeOffsetConstant_ << std::endl;
00182   if (producedEcalTimeOffsetConstant_) {
00183     setWhatProduced(this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalTimeOffsetConstant );
00184     findingRecord<EcalTimeOffsetConstantRcd>();
00185   }
00187   // intercalibration constants
00188   producedEcalIntercalibConstants_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalIntercalibConstants",true);
00189   intercalibConstantsFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("intercalibConstantsFile","") ;
00191   if (producedEcalIntercalibConstants_) { // user asks to produce constants
00192     if(intercalibConstantsFile_ != "") {  // if file provided read constants
00193         setWhatProduced (this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::getIntercalibConstantsFromConfiguration ) ;
00194     } else { // set all constants to 1. or smear as specified by user
00195         setWhatProduced (this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalIntercalibConstants ) ;
00196     }
00197     findingRecord<EcalIntercalibConstantsRcd> () ;
00198   }
00199   // MC intercalibrations
00200   producedEcalIntercalibConstantsMC_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalIntercalibConstantsMC",true);
00202   if (producedEcalIntercalibConstantsMC_) { // user asks to produce constants
00203     setWhatProduced (this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalIntercalibConstantsMC ) ;
00204     findingRecord<EcalIntercalibConstantsMCRcd> () ;
00205   }
00207   // intercalibration constants
00208   producedEcalIntercalibErrors_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalIntercalibErrors",true);
00209   intercalibErrorsFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("intercalibErrorsFile","") ;
00211   if (producedEcalIntercalibErrors_) { // user asks to produce constants
00212     if(intercalibErrorsFile_ != "") {  // if file provided read constants
00213         setWhatProduced (this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::getIntercalibErrorsFromConfiguration ) ;
00214     } else { // set all constants to 1. or smear as specified by user
00215         setWhatProduced (this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalIntercalibErrors ) ;
00216     }
00217     findingRecord<EcalIntercalibErrorsRcd> () ;
00218   }
00220   // time calibration constants
00221   producedEcalTimeCalibConstants_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalTimeCalibConstants",true);
00222   timeCalibConstantsFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("timeCalibConstantsFile","") ;
00224   if (producedEcalTimeCalibConstants_) { // user asks to produce constants
00225     if(timeCalibConstantsFile_ != "") {  // if file provided read constants
00226         setWhatProduced (this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::getTimeCalibConstantsFromConfiguration ) ;
00227     } else { // set all constants to 1. or smear as specified by user
00228         setWhatProduced (this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalTimeCalibConstants ) ;
00229     }
00230     findingRecord<EcalTimeCalibConstantsRcd> () ;
00231   }
00233   // time calibration constants
00234   producedEcalTimeCalibErrors_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalTimeCalibErrors",true);
00235   timeCalibErrorsFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("timeCalibErrorsFile","") ;
00237   if (producedEcalTimeCalibErrors_) { // user asks to produce constants
00238     if(timeCalibErrorsFile_ != "") {  // if file provided read constants
00239         setWhatProduced (this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::getTimeCalibErrorsFromConfiguration ) ;
00240     } else { // set all constants to 1. or smear as specified by user
00241         setWhatProduced (this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalTimeCalibErrors ) ;
00242     }
00243     findingRecord<EcalTimeCalibErrorsRcd> () ;
00244   }
00246   // cluster corrections
00247   producedEcalClusterLocalContCorrParameters_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalClusterLocalContCorrParameters", false);
00248   producedEcalClusterCrackCorrParameters_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalClusterCrackCorrParameters", false);
00249   producedEcalClusterEnergyCorrectionParameters_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalClusterEnergyCorrectionParameters", false);
00250   producedEcalClusterEnergyUncertaintyParameters_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalClusterEnergyUncertaintyParameters", false);
00251   producedEcalClusterEnergyCorrectionObjectSpecificParameters_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalClusterEnergyCorrectionObjectSpecificParameters", false);
00252   if ( producedEcalClusterLocalContCorrParameters_ ) {
00253           setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalClusterLocalContCorrParameters );
00254           findingRecord<EcalClusterLocalContCorrParametersRcd>();
00255   }
00256   if ( producedEcalClusterCrackCorrParameters_ ) {
00257           setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalClusterCrackCorrParameters );
00258           findingRecord<EcalClusterCrackCorrParametersRcd>();
00259   }
00260   if ( producedEcalClusterEnergyCorrectionParameters_ ) {
00261           setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalClusterEnergyCorrectionParameters );
00262           findingRecord<EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionParametersRcd>();
00263   }
00264   if ( producedEcalClusterEnergyUncertaintyParameters_ ) {
00265           setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalClusterEnergyUncertaintyParameters );
00266           findingRecord<EcalClusterEnergyUncertaintyParametersRcd>();
00267   }
00268   if ( producedEcalClusterEnergyCorrectionObjectSpecificParameters_ ) {
00269     setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalClusterEnergyCorrectionObjectSpecificParameters );
00270     findingRecord<EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionObjectSpecificParametersRcd>();
00271   }
00273   // laser correction
00274   producedEcalLaserCorrection_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalLaserCorrection",true);
00275   if (producedEcalLaserCorrection_) { // user asks to produce constants
00276     // set all constants to 1. or smear as specified by user
00277     setWhatProduced (this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalLaserAlphas ) ;
00278     findingRecord<EcalLaserAlphasRcd> () ;
00279     getLaserAlphaFromFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("getLaserAlphaFromFile",false);
00280     std::cout << " getLaserAlphaFromFile_ " <<  getLaserAlphaFromFile_ << std::endl;
00281     if(getLaserAlphaFromFile_) {
00282       EBLaserAlphaFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("EBLaserAlphaFile",path+"EBLaserAlpha.txt");
00283       EELaserAlphaFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("EELaserAlphaFile",path+"EELaserAlpha.txt");
00284       std::cout << " EELaserAlphaFile_ " <<  EELaserAlphaFile_.c_str() << std::endl;
00285     }
00286     setWhatProduced (this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalLaserAPDPNRatiosRef ) ;
00287     findingRecord<EcalLaserAPDPNRatiosRefRcd> () ;
00288     setWhatProduced (this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalLaserAPDPNRatios) ;
00289     findingRecord<EcalLaserAPDPNRatiosRcd> () ;
00290   }
00292   // channel status
00293   producedEcalChannelStatus_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalChannelStatus",true);
00294   channelStatusFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("channelStatusFile","");
00296   if ( producedEcalChannelStatus_ ) {
00297           if ( channelStatusFile_ != "" ) { // if file provided read channel map
00298                   setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::getChannelStatusFromConfiguration );
00299           } else { // set all channels to working -- FIXME might be changed
00300                   setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalChannelStatus );
00301           }
00302           findingRecord<EcalChannelStatusRcd>();
00303   }
00304   // DQM channel status
00305   producedEcalDQMChannelStatus_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalDQMChannelStatus",true);
00306   if ( producedEcalDQMChannelStatus_ ) {
00307     setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalDQMChannelStatus );
00308     findingRecord<EcalDQMChannelStatusRcd>();
00309   }
00310   // DCS Tower status
00311   producedEcalDCSTowerStatus_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalDCSTowerStatus",true);
00312   if ( producedEcalDCSTowerStatus_ ) {
00313     setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalDCSTowerStatus );
00314     findingRecord<EcalDCSTowerStatusRcd>();
00315   }
00316   // DAQ Tower status
00317   producedEcalDAQTowerStatus_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalDAQTowerStatus",true);
00318   if ( producedEcalDAQTowerStatus_ ) {
00319     setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalDAQTowerStatus );
00320     findingRecord<EcalDAQTowerStatusRcd>();
00321   }
00322   // DQM Tower status
00323   producedEcalDQMTowerStatus_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalDQMTowerStatus",true);
00324   if ( producedEcalDQMTowerStatus_ ) {
00325     setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalDQMTowerStatus );
00326     findingRecord<EcalDQMTowerStatusRcd>();
00327   }
00329   // trigger channel status
00330   producedEcalTrgChannelStatus_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalTrgChannelStatus",true);
00331   trgChannelStatusFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("trgChannelStatusFile","");
00333   if ( producedEcalTrgChannelStatus_ ) {
00334           if ( trgChannelStatusFile_ != "" ) { // if file provided read channel map
00335                   setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::getTrgChannelStatusFromConfiguration );
00336           } else { // set all channels to working -- FIXME might be changed
00337                   setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalTrgChannelStatus );
00338           }
00339           findingRecord<EcalTPGCrystalStatusRcd>();
00340   }
00342   // Alignment
00343   producedEcalAlignmentEB_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalAlignmentEB",true);
00344   if ( producedEcalAlignmentEB_ ) {
00345     setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalAlignmentEB );
00346     findingRecord<EBAlignmentRcd>();
00347   }
00348   producedEcalAlignmentEE_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalAlignmentEE",true);
00349   if ( producedEcalAlignmentEE_ ) {
00350     setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalAlignmentEE );
00351     findingRecord<EEAlignmentRcd>();
00352   }
00353   producedEcalAlignmentES_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("producedEcalAlignmentES",true);
00354   if ( producedEcalAlignmentES_ ) {
00355     setWhatProduced( this, &EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalAlignmentES );
00356     findingRecord<ESAlignmentRcd>();
00357   }
00358   //Tell Finder what records we find
00359   if (producedEcalPedestals_)  findingRecord<EcalPedestalsRcd>();
00361   if (producedEcalWeights_) {
00362       findingRecord<EcalWeightXtalGroupsRcd>();
00363       findingRecord<EcalTBWeightsRcd>();
00364     }
00366   if (producedEcalGainRatios_)  findingRecord<EcalGainRatiosRcd>();
00368   if (producedEcalADCToGeVConstant_)  findingRecord<EcalADCToGeVConstantRcd>();
00370 }
00372 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::~EcalTrivialConditionRetriever()
00373 {
00374 }
00376 //
00377 // member functions
00378 //
00379 void
00380 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::setIntervalFor( const edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordKey& rk,
00381                                                const edm::IOVSyncValue& iTime,
00382                                                edm::ValidityInterval& oValidity)
00383 {
00384   if(verbose_>=1) std::cout << "EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::setIntervalFor(): record key = " << << "\ttime: " << iTime.time().value() << std::endl;
00385   //For right now, we will just use an infinite interval of validity
00386   oValidity = edm::ValidityInterval( edm::IOVSyncValue::beginOfTime(),edm::IOVSyncValue::endOfTime() );
00387 }
00389 //produce methods
00390 std::auto_ptr<EcalPedestals>
00391 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalPedestals( const EcalPedestalsRcd& ) {
00392   std::auto_ptr<EcalPedestals>  peds = std::auto_ptr<EcalPedestals>( new EcalPedestals() );
00393   EcalPedestals::Item EBitem;
00394   EcalPedestals::Item EEitem;
00396   EBitem.mean_x1  = EBpedMeanX1_;
00397   EBitem.rms_x1   = EBpedRMSX1_;
00398   EBitem.mean_x6  = EBpedMeanX6_;
00399   EBitem.rms_x6   = EBpedRMSX6_;
00400   EBitem.mean_x12 = EBpedMeanX12_;
00401   EBitem.rms_x12  = EBpedRMSX12_;
00403   EEitem.mean_x1  = EEpedMeanX1_;
00404   EEitem.rms_x1   = EEpedRMSX1_;
00405   EEitem.mean_x6  = EEpedMeanX6_;
00406   EEitem.rms_x6   = EEpedRMSX6_;
00407   EEitem.mean_x12 = EEpedMeanX12_;
00408   EEitem.rms_x12  = EEpedRMSX12_;
00410   for(int iEta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; iEta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA ;++iEta) {
00411     if(iEta==0) continue;
00412     for(int iPhi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iPhi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iPhi) {
00413       // make an EBDetId since we need EBDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
00414       if (EBDetId::validDetId(iEta,iPhi))
00415         {
00416           EBDetId ebdetid(iEta,iPhi);
00417           peds->insert(std::make_pair(ebdetid.rawId(),EBitem));
00418         }
00419     }
00420   }
00422   for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
00423     for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
00424       // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
00425       if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1))
00426         {
00427           EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
00428           peds->insert(std::make_pair(eedetidpos.rawId(),EEitem));
00429         }
00430       if(EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1))
00431         {
00432           EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);
00433           peds->insert(std::make_pair(eedetidneg.rawId(),EEitem));
00434         }
00435     }
00436   }
00438   //return std::auto_ptr<EcalPedestals>( peds );
00439   return peds;
00440 }
00442 std::auto_ptr<EcalWeightXtalGroups>
00443 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalWeightXtalGroups( const EcalWeightXtalGroupsRcd& )
00444 {
00445   std::auto_ptr<EcalWeightXtalGroups> xtalGroups = std::auto_ptr<EcalWeightXtalGroups>( new EcalWeightXtalGroups() );
00446   EcalXtalGroupId defaultGroupId(1);
00447   for(int ieta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ieta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA ;++ieta) {
00448     if(ieta==0) continue;
00449     for(int iphi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iphi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iphi) {
00450       // make an EBDetId since we need EBDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
00451       if (EBDetId::validDetId(ieta,iphi))
00452         {
00453           EBDetId ebid(ieta,iphi);
00454           //      xtalGroups->setValue(ebid.rawId(), EcalXtalGroupId(ieta) ); // define rings in eta
00455           xtalGroups->setValue(ebid.rawId(), defaultGroupId ); // define rings in eta
00456         }
00457     }
00458   }
00460   for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
00461     for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
00462       // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
00463       if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1))
00464         {
00465           EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
00466           xtalGroups->setValue(eedetidpos.rawId(), defaultGroupId ); 
00467         }
00468       if(EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1))
00469         {
00470           EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);
00471           xtalGroups->setValue(eedetidneg.rawId(), defaultGroupId ); 
00472         }
00473     }
00474   }
00475   return xtalGroups;
00476 }
00478 std::auto_ptr<EcalIntercalibConstants>
00479 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalIntercalibConstants( const EcalIntercalibConstantsRcd& )
00480 {
00481   std::auto_ptr<EcalIntercalibConstants>  ical = std::auto_ptr<EcalIntercalibConstants>( new EcalIntercalibConstants() );
00483   for(int ieta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ieta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA ;++ieta) {
00484     if(ieta==0) continue;
00485     for(int iphi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iphi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iphi) {
00486       // make an EBDetId since we need EBDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
00487       if (EBDetId::validDetId(ieta,iphi))
00488         {
00489           EBDetId ebid(ieta,iphi);
00490           double r = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
00491           ical->setValue( ebid.rawId(), intercalibConstantMean_ + r*intercalibConstantSigma_ );
00492         }
00493     }
00494   }
00496   for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
00497     for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
00498       // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
00499       if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1))
00500         {
00501           double r = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
00502           EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
00503           ical->setValue( eedetidpos.rawId(), intercalibConstantMean_ + r*intercalibConstantSigma_ );
00504         }
00505       if(EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1))
00506         {
00507           double r1 = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
00508           EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);
00509           ical->setValue( eedetidneg.rawId(), intercalibConstantMean_ + r1*intercalibConstantSigma_ );
00510         }
00511     }
00512   }
00514   return ical;
00515 }
00517 std::auto_ptr<EcalIntercalibConstantsMC>
00518 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalIntercalibConstantsMC( const EcalIntercalibConstantsMCRcd& )
00519 {
00520   std::auto_ptr<EcalIntercalibConstantsMC>  ical = std::auto_ptr<EcalIntercalibConstantsMC>( new EcalIntercalibConstantsMC() );
00522   for(int ieta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ieta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA ;++ieta) {
00523     if(ieta==0) continue;
00524     for(int iphi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iphi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iphi) {
00525       // make an EBDetId since we need EBDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
00526       if (EBDetId::validDetId(ieta,iphi))
00527         {
00528           EBDetId ebid(ieta,iphi);
00529           double r = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
00530           ical->setValue( ebid.rawId(), intercalibConstantMeanMC_ + r*intercalibConstantSigmaMC_ );
00531         }
00532     }
00533   }
00535   for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
00536     for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
00537       // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
00538       if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1))
00539         {
00540           double r = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
00541           EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
00542           ical->setValue( eedetidpos.rawId(), intercalibConstantMeanMC_ + r*intercalibConstantSigmaMC_ );
00543         }
00544       if(EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1))
00545         {
00546           double r1 = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
00547           EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);
00548           ical->setValue( eedetidneg.rawId(), intercalibConstantMeanMC_ + r1*intercalibConstantSigmaMC_ );
00549         }
00550     }
00551   }
00553   return ical;
00554 }
00556 std::auto_ptr<EcalIntercalibErrors>
00557 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalIntercalibErrors( const EcalIntercalibErrorsRcd& )
00558 {
00559   std::auto_ptr<EcalIntercalibErrors>  ical = std::auto_ptr<EcalIntercalibErrors>( new EcalIntercalibErrors() );
00561   for(int ieta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ieta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA ;++ieta) {
00562     if(ieta==0) continue;
00563     for(int iphi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iphi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iphi) {
00564       // make an EBDetId since we need EBDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
00565       if (EBDetId::validDetId(ieta,iphi))
00566         {
00567           EBDetId ebid(ieta,iphi);
00568           ical->setValue( ebid.rawId(), intercalibErrorMean_);
00569         }
00570     }
00571   }
00573   for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
00574     for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
00575       // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
00576       if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1))
00577         {
00578           EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
00579           ical->setValue( eedetidpos.rawId(), intercalibErrorMean_ );
00580         }
00581       if(EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1))
00582         {
00583           EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);
00584           ical->setValue( eedetidneg.rawId(), intercalibErrorMean_ );
00585         }
00586     }
00587   }
00589   return ical;
00590 }
00592 std::auto_ptr<EcalTimeCalibConstants>
00593 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalTimeCalibConstants( const EcalTimeCalibConstantsRcd& )
00594 {
00595   std::auto_ptr<EcalTimeCalibConstants>  ical = std::auto_ptr<EcalTimeCalibConstants>( new EcalTimeCalibConstants() );
00597   for(int ieta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ieta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA ;++ieta) {
00598     if(ieta==0) continue;
00599     for(int iphi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iphi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iphi) {
00600       // make an EBDetId since we need EBDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
00601       if (EBDetId::validDetId(ieta,iphi))
00602         {
00603           EBDetId ebid(ieta,iphi);
00604           double r = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
00605           ical->setValue( ebid.rawId(), timeCalibConstantMean_ + r*timeCalibConstantSigma_ );
00606         }
00607     }
00608   }
00610   for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
00611     for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
00612       // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
00613       if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1))
00614         {
00615           double r = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
00616           EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
00617           ical->setValue( eedetidpos.rawId(), timeCalibConstantMean_ + r*timeCalibConstantSigma_ );
00618         }
00619       if(EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1))
00620         {
00621           double r1 = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
00622           EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);
00623           ical->setValue( eedetidneg.rawId(), timeCalibConstantMean_ + r1*timeCalibConstantSigma_ );
00624         }
00625     }
00626   }
00628   return ical;
00629 }
00631 std::auto_ptr<EcalTimeCalibErrors>
00632 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalTimeCalibErrors( const EcalTimeCalibErrorsRcd& )
00633 {
00634   std::auto_ptr<EcalTimeCalibErrors>  ical = std::auto_ptr<EcalTimeCalibErrors>( new EcalTimeCalibErrors() );
00636   for(int ieta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ieta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA ;++ieta) {
00637     if(ieta==0) continue;
00638     for(int iphi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iphi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iphi) {
00639       // make an EBDetId since we need EBDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
00640       if (EBDetId::validDetId(ieta,iphi))
00641         {
00642           EBDetId ebid(ieta,iphi);
00643           ical->setValue( ebid.rawId(), timeCalibErrorMean_);
00644         }
00645     }
00646   }
00648   for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
00649     for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
00650       // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
00651       if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1))
00652         {
00653           EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
00654           ical->setValue( eedetidpos.rawId(), timeCalibErrorMean_ );
00655         }
00656       if(EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1))
00657         {
00658           EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);
00659           ical->setValue( eedetidneg.rawId(), timeCalibErrorMean_ );
00660         }
00661     }
00662   }
00664   return ical;
00665 }
00667 std::auto_ptr<EcalTimeOffsetConstant>
00668 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalTimeOffsetConstant( const EcalTimeOffsetConstantRcd& )
00669 {
00670   std::cout << " produceEcalTimeOffsetConstant: " << std::endl;
00671   std::cout << "  EB " << timeOffsetEBConstant_ << " EE " <<  timeOffsetEEConstant_<< std::endl;
00672   return std::auto_ptr<EcalTimeOffsetConstant>( new EcalTimeOffsetConstant(timeOffsetEBConstant_,timeOffsetEEConstant_) );
00673 }
00675 std::auto_ptr<EcalGainRatios>
00676 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalGainRatios( const EcalGainRatiosRcd& )
00677 {
00678   std::auto_ptr<EcalGainRatios> gratio = std::auto_ptr<EcalGainRatios>( new EcalGainRatios() );
00679   EcalMGPAGainRatio gr;
00680   gr.setGain12Over6( gainRatio12over6_ );
00681   gr.setGain6Over1( gainRatio6over1_ );
00683   for(int ieta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ieta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ++ieta) {
00684     if(ieta==0) continue;
00685     for(int iphi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iphi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iphi) {
00686       if (EBDetId::validDetId(ieta,iphi))
00687         {
00688           EBDetId ebid(ieta,iphi);
00689           gratio->setValue( ebid.rawId(), gr );
00690         }
00691     }
00692   }
00694   for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
00695     for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
00696       // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
00697       if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1))
00698         {
00699           EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
00700           gratio->setValue( eedetidpos.rawId(), gr );
00701         }
00702       if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1))
00703         {
00704           EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);
00705           gratio->setValue( eedetidneg.rawId(), gr );
00706         }
00707     }
00708   }
00710   return gratio;
00711 }
00713 std::auto_ptr<EcalADCToGeVConstant>
00714 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalADCToGeVConstant( const EcalADCToGeVConstantRcd& )
00715 {
00716   return std::auto_ptr<EcalADCToGeVConstant>( new EcalADCToGeVConstant(adcToGeVEBConstant_,adcToGeVEEConstant_) );
00717 }
00719 std::auto_ptr<EcalTBWeights>
00720 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalTBWeights( const EcalTBWeightsRcd& )
00721 {
00722   // create weights for the test-beam
00723   std::auto_ptr<EcalTBWeights> tbwgt = std::auto_ptr<EcalTBWeights>( new EcalTBWeights() );
00725   // create weights for each distinct group ID
00726   //  int nMaxTDC = 10;
00727 //   for(int igrp=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; igrp<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ++igrp) {
00728 //     if(igrp==0) continue; 
00729   int igrp=1;
00730   for(int itdc=1; itdc<=nTDCbins_; ++itdc) {
00731     // generate random number
00732     //    double r = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
00734     // make a new set of weights
00735     EcalWeightSet wgt;
00736     //typedef std::vector< std::vector<EcalWeight> > EcalWeightSet::EcalWeightMatrix;
00737     EcalWeightSet::EcalWeightMatrix& mat1 = wgt.getWeightsBeforeGainSwitch();
00738     EcalWeightSet::EcalWeightMatrix& mat2 = wgt.getWeightsAfterGainSwitch();
00740 //     if(verbose_>=1) {
00741 //       std::cout << "initial size of mat1: " << mat1.size() << std::endl;
00742 //       std::cout << "initial size of mat2: " << mat2.size() << std::endl;
00743 //     }
00745     // generate random numbers to use as weights
00760     // use values provided by user
00761     mat1.Place_in_row(amplWeights_[itdc-1],0,0);
00762     mat1.Place_in_row(pedWeights_[itdc-1],1,0);
00763     mat1.Place_in_row(jittWeights_[itdc-1],2,0);
00765     // wdights after gain switch 
00766     mat2.Place_in_row(amplWeightsAft_[itdc-1],0,0);
00767     mat2.Place_in_row(pedWeightsAft_[itdc-1],1,0);
00768     mat2.Place_in_row(jittWeightsAft_[itdc-1],2,0);
00770     // fill the chi2 matrcies with random numbers
00771     //    r = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
00772     EcalWeightSet::EcalChi2WeightMatrix& mat3 = wgt.getChi2WeightsBeforeGainSwitch();
00773     EcalWeightSet::EcalChi2WeightMatrix& mat4 = wgt.getChi2WeightsAfterGainSwitch();
00774     mat3=chi2Matrix_[itdc-1];
00775     mat4=chi2MatrixAft_[itdc-1];
00777     //     for(size_t i=0; i<10; ++i) 
00778     //       {
00779     //  mat3.push_back(chi2Matrix_[itdc-1][i]);
00780     //  mat4.push_back(chi2MatrixAft_[itdc-1][i]);
00781     //       }
00782     //       std::vector<EcalWeight> tv1, tv2;
00783     //       for(size_t j=0; j<10; ++j) {
00784     //  double ww = igrp*itdc*r + i*10. + j;
00785     //  tv1.push_back( EcalWeight(1000+ww) );
00786     //  tv2.push_back( EcalWeight(1000+100+ww) );
00787     //       }
00792 //     if(verbose_>=1) {
00793 //       std::cout << "group: " << igrp << " TDC: " << itdc 
00794 //              << " mat1: " << mat1.size() << " mat2: " << mat2.size()
00795 //              << " mat3: " << mat3.size() << " mat4: " << mat4.size()
00796 //              << std::endl;
00797 //     }
00799     // put the weight in the container
00800     tbwgt->setValue(std::make_pair(igrp,itdc), wgt);
00801   } 
00802   //   }
00803   return tbwgt;
00804 }
00807 // cluster functions/corrections
00808 std::auto_ptr<EcalClusterLocalContCorrParameters>
00809 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalClusterLocalContCorrParameters( const EcalClusterLocalContCorrParametersRcd &)
00810 {
00811         std::auto_ptr<EcalClusterLocalContCorrParameters> ipar = std::auto_ptr<EcalClusterLocalContCorrParameters>( new EcalClusterLocalContCorrParameters() );
00812         for (size_t i = 0; i < localContCorrParameters_.size(); ++i ) {
00813                 ipar->params().push_back( localContCorrParameters_[i] );
00814         }
00815         return ipar;
00816 }
00817 std::auto_ptr<EcalClusterCrackCorrParameters>
00818 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalClusterCrackCorrParameters( const EcalClusterCrackCorrParametersRcd &)
00819 {
00820         std::auto_ptr<EcalClusterCrackCorrParameters> ipar = std::auto_ptr<EcalClusterCrackCorrParameters>( new EcalClusterCrackCorrParameters() );
00821         for (size_t i = 0; i < crackCorrParameters_.size(); ++i ) {
00822                 ipar->params().push_back( crackCorrParameters_[i] );
00823         }
00824         return ipar;
00825 }
00826 std::auto_ptr<EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionParameters>
00827 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalClusterEnergyCorrectionParameters( const EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionParametersRcd &)
00828 {
00829         std::auto_ptr<EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionParameters> ipar = std::auto_ptr<EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionParameters>( new EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionParameters() );
00830         for (size_t i = 0; i < energyCorrectionParameters_.size(); ++i ) {
00831                 ipar->params().push_back( energyCorrectionParameters_[i] );
00832         }
00833         return ipar;
00834 }
00835 std::auto_ptr<EcalClusterEnergyUncertaintyParameters>
00836 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalClusterEnergyUncertaintyParameters( const EcalClusterEnergyUncertaintyParametersRcd &)
00837 {
00838         std::auto_ptr<EcalClusterEnergyUncertaintyParameters> ipar = std::auto_ptr<EcalClusterEnergyUncertaintyParameters>( new EcalClusterEnergyUncertaintyParameters() );
00839         for (size_t i = 0; i < energyUncertaintyParameters_.size(); ++i ) {
00840                 ipar->params().push_back( energyUncertaintyParameters_[i] );
00841         }
00842         return ipar;
00843 }
00844 std::auto_ptr<EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionObjectSpecificParameters>
00845 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalClusterEnergyCorrectionObjectSpecificParameters( const EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionObjectSpecificParametersRcd &)
00846 {
00847   std::auto_ptr<EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionObjectSpecificParameters> ipar = std::auto_ptr<EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionObjectSpecificParameters>( new EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionObjectSpecificParameters() );
00848   for (size_t i = 0; i < energyCorrectionObjectSpecificParameters_.size(); ++i ) {
00849     ipar->params().push_back( energyCorrectionObjectSpecificParameters_[i] );
00850   }
00851   return ipar;
00852 }
00855 // laser records
00856 std::auto_ptr<EcalLaserAlphas>
00857 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalLaserAlphas( const EcalLaserAlphasRcd& )
00858 {
00860   std::cout << " produceEcalLaserAlphas " << std::endl;
00861   std::auto_ptr<EcalLaserAlphas> ical = std::auto_ptr<EcalLaserAlphas>( new EcalLaserAlphas() );
00862   if(getLaserAlphaFromFile_) {
00863     std::ifstream fEB(edm::FileInPath(EBLaserAlphaFile_).fullPath().c_str());
00864     int SMpos[36] = {-10, 4, -7, -16, 6, -9, 11, -17, 5, 18, 3, -8, 1, -3, -13, 14, -6, 2,
00865                      15, -18, 8, 17, -2, 9, -1, 10, -5, 7, -12, -11, 16, -4, -15, -14, 12, 13};
00866     // check!
00867     int SMCal[36] = {12,17,10, 1, 8, 4,27,20,23,25, 6,34,35,15,18,30,21, 9,
00868                      24,22,13,31,26,16, 2,11, 5, 0,29,28,14,33,32, 3, 7,19};
00869     /*
00870   int slot_to_constr[37]={-1,12,17,10,1,8,4,27,20,23,25,6,34,35,15,18,30,21,9
00871                           ,24,22,13,31,26,16,2,11,5,0,29,28,14,33,32,3,7,19};
00872   int constr_to_slot[36]={28,4,25,34,6,27,11,35,5,18,3,26,1,21,31,14,24,2,15,
00873                           36,8,17,20,9,19,10,23,7,30,29,16,22,33,32,12,13  };
00874     */
00875     for(int SMcons = 0; SMcons < 36; SMcons++) {
00876       int SM = SMpos[SMcons];
00877       if(SM < 0) SM = 17 + abs(SM);
00878       else SM--;
00879       if(SMCal[SM] != SMcons)
00880          std::cout << " SM pb : read SM " <<  SMcons<< " SMpos " << SM
00881                    << " SMCal " << SMCal[SM] << std::endl;
00882     }
00883     // check
00884     std::string type, batch;
00885     int readSM, pos, bar, bar2;
00886     float alpha = 0;
00887     for(int SMcons = 0; SMcons < 36; SMcons++) {
00888       int SM = SMpos[SMcons];
00889       for(int ic = 0; ic < 1700; ic++) {
00890         fEB >> readSM >> pos >> bar >>  bar2 >> type >> batch;
00891         //      if(ic == 0) std::cout << readSM << " " << pos << " " << bar << " " << bar2 << " " 
00892         //                            << type << " " << batch << std::endl;
00893         if(readSM != SMcons || pos != ic + 1) 
00894           std::cout << " barrel read pb read SM " << readSM << " const SM " << SMcons
00895                     << " read pos " << pos << " ic " << ic << std::endl;
00896         if(SM < 0) SM = 18 + abs(SM);
00897         EBDetId ebdetid(SM, pos, EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);
00898         if(bar == 33101 || bar == 30301 )
00899           alpha = 1.52;
00900         else if(bar == 33106) {
00901           if(bar2 <= 2000)
00902             alpha = 1.0;
00903           else {
00904             std::cout << " problem with barcode first " << bar << " last " << bar2 
00905                       << " read SM " << readSM << " read pos " << pos << std::endl;
00906             alpha = 0.0;
00907           }
00908         }
00909         ical->setValue( ebdetid, alpha );
00910       }
00911     }  // loop over SMcons
00912   }   // laserAlpha from a file
00913   else {
00914     for(int ieta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ieta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ++ieta) {
00915       if(ieta==0) continue;
00916       for(int iphi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iphi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iphi) {
00917         if (EBDetId::validDetId(ieta,iphi)) {
00918           EBDetId ebid(ieta,iphi);
00919           double r = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
00920           ical->setValue( ebid, laserAlphaMean_ + r*laserAlphaSigma_ );
00921         }
00922       }  // loop over iphi
00923     }  // loop over ieta
00924   }   // do not read a file
00926   std::cout << " produceEcalLaserAlphas EE" << std::endl;
00927   if(getLaserAlphaFromFile_) {
00928     std::ifstream fEE(edm::FileInPath(EELaserAlphaFile_).fullPath().c_str());
00929     int check[101][101];
00930     for(int x = 1; x < 101; x++)
00931       for(int y = 1; y < 101; y++)
00932         check[x][y] = -1;
00933     for(int crystal = 0; crystal < 14648; crystal++) {
00934       int x, y ,z, bid, bar, bar2;
00935       float LY, alpha = 0;
00936       fEE >> z >> x >> y >> LY >> bid >> bar >> bar2;
00937       if(x < 1 || x > 100 || y < 1 || y > 100)
00938         std::cout << " wrong coordinates for barcode " << bar 
00939                   << " x " << x << " y " << y << " z " << z << std::endl;
00940       else {
00941         if(z == 1) check[x][y] = 1;
00942         else check[x][y] = 0;
00943         if(bar == 33201 || (bar == 30399 && bar2 < 568))
00944           alpha = 1.52;
00945         else if((bar == 33106 && bar2 > 2000 && bar2 < 4669) 
00946                 || (bar == 30399 && bar2 > 567))
00947           alpha = 1.0;
00948         else {
00949           std::cout << " problem with barcode " << bar << " " << bar2 
00950                     << " x " << x << " y " << y << " z " << z << std::endl;
00951           alpha = 0.0;
00952         }
00953       } 
00954       if (EEDetId::validDetId(x, y, z)) {
00955         EEDetId eedetidpos(x, y, z);
00956         ical->setValue( eedetidpos, alpha );
00957       }
00958       else // should not occur
00959         std::cout << " problem with EEDetId " << " x " << x << " y " << y << " z " << z << std::endl;
00960     }  // loop over crystal in file
00961     for(int x = 1; x < 101; x++)
00962       for(int y = 1; y < 101; y++)
00963         if(check[x][y] == 1) std::cout << " missing x " << x << " y " << y << std::endl;
00964   }  // laserAlpha from a file
00965   else {
00966     for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
00967       for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
00968         // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
00969         if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1)) {
00970           double r = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
00971           EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
00972           ical->setValue( eedetidpos, laserAlphaMean_ + r*laserAlphaSigma_ );
00973         }
00975         if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1)) {
00976           double r1 = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
00977           EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);
00978           ical->setValue( eedetidneg, laserAlphaMean_ + r1*laserAlphaSigma_ );
00979         }
00980       } // loop over iY
00981     } // loop over iX
00982   }  // do not read a file
00984   return ical;
00985 }
00988 std::auto_ptr<EcalLaserAPDPNRatiosRef>
00989 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalLaserAPDPNRatiosRef( const EcalLaserAPDPNRatiosRefRcd& )
00990 {
00991   std::auto_ptr<EcalLaserAPDPNRatiosRef>  ical = std::auto_ptr<EcalLaserAPDPNRatiosRef>( new EcalLaserAPDPNRatiosRef() );
00992   for(int ieta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ieta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ++ieta) {
00993     if(ieta==0) continue;
00994     for(int iphi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iphi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iphi) {
00995       if (EBDetId::validDetId(ieta,iphi)) {
00996           EBDetId ebid(ieta,iphi);
00997           double r = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
00998           ical->setValue( ebid, laserAPDPNRefMean_ + r*laserAPDPNRefSigma_ );
00999       }
01000     }
01001   }
01003    for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
01004      for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
01005        // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
01006        if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1)) {
01007           double r = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
01008           EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
01009           ical->setValue( eedetidpos, laserAPDPNRefMean_ + r*laserAPDPNRefSigma_ );
01010        }
01012        if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1)) {
01013           double r1 = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
01014           EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);
01015           ical->setValue( eedetidneg, laserAPDPNRefMean_ + r1*laserAPDPNRefSigma_ );
01016        }
01017      }
01018    }
01020   return ical;
01021 }
01024 std::auto_ptr<EcalLaserAPDPNRatios>
01025 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalLaserAPDPNRatios( const EcalLaserAPDPNRatiosRcd& )
01026 {
01028   std::auto_ptr<EcalLaserAPDPNRatios>  ical = std::auto_ptr<EcalLaserAPDPNRatios>( new EcalLaserAPDPNRatios() );
01029   for(int ieta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ieta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ++ieta) {
01030     if(ieta==0) continue;
01031     for(int iphi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iphi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iphi) {
01032       if (EBDetId::validDetId(ieta,iphi)) {
01033           EBDetId ebid(ieta,iphi);
01034           double r = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
01036           EcalLaserAPDPNRatios::EcalLaserAPDPNpair pairAPDPN;
01037           pairAPDPN.p1 = laserAPDPNMean_ + r*laserAPDPNSigma_;
01038           pairAPDPN.p2 = laserAPDPNMean_ + r*laserAPDPNSigma_;
01039           pairAPDPN.p3 = laserAPDPNMean_ + r*laserAPDPNSigma_;
01040           ical->setValue( ebid, pairAPDPN );
01041       }
01042      }
01043   }
01045    for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
01046      for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
01047        // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
01048        if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1)) {
01049           double r = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
01050           EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
01052           EcalLaserAPDPNRatios::EcalLaserAPDPNpair pairAPDPN;
01053           pairAPDPN.p1 = laserAPDPNMean_ + r*laserAPDPNSigma_;
01054           pairAPDPN.p2 = laserAPDPNMean_ + r*laserAPDPNSigma_;
01055           pairAPDPN.p3 = laserAPDPNMean_ + r*laserAPDPNSigma_;
01056           ical->setValue( eedetidpos, pairAPDPN );
01057        }
01059        if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1)) {
01060           double r1 = (double)std::rand()/( double(RAND_MAX)+double(1) );
01061           EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);
01063           EcalLaserAPDPNRatios::EcalLaserAPDPNpair pairAPDPN;
01064           pairAPDPN.p1 = laserAPDPNMean_ + r1*laserAPDPNSigma_;
01065           pairAPDPN.p2 = laserAPDPNMean_ + r1*laserAPDPNSigma_;
01066           pairAPDPN.p3 = laserAPDPNMean_ + r1*laserAPDPNSigma_;
01067           ical->setValue( eedetidneg, pairAPDPN );
01068        }
01069      }
01070    }
01072   EcalLaserAPDPNRatios::EcalLaserTimeStamp TimeStamp;
01073   //  for(int i=1; i<=92; i++){
01074   for(int i=0; i<92; i++){
01075     TimeStamp.t1 = Timestamp(laserAPDPNTime1_);
01076     if(laserAPDPNTime2_ == 0 ){ 
01077       TimeStamp.t2 = Timestamp(edm::Timestamp::endOfTime().value());
01078     } else {
01079       TimeStamp.t2 = Timestamp(laserAPDPNTime2_);
01080     }
01081     if(laserAPDPNTime3_ == 0 ){ 
01082       TimeStamp.t3 = Timestamp(edm::Timestamp::endOfTime().value());
01083     } else {
01084       TimeStamp.t3 = Timestamp(laserAPDPNTime3_);
01085     }
01087     ical->setTime( i, TimeStamp );
01088   }
01090   return ical;
01092 }
01095 void EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::getWeightsFromConfiguration(const edm::ParameterSet& ps)
01096 {
01098   std::vector < std::vector<double> > amplwgtv(nTDCbins_);
01100   if (!getWeightsFromFile_ && nTDCbins_ == 1)
01101     {
01102       std::vector<double> vampl;
01103       //As default using simple 3+1 weights
01104       vampl.push_back( -0.33333 );
01105       vampl.push_back( -0.33333 );
01106       vampl.push_back( -0.33333 );
01107       vampl.push_back(  0. );
01108       vampl.push_back(  0. );
01109       vampl.push_back(  1. );
01110       vampl.push_back(  0. );
01111       vampl.push_back(  0. );
01112       vampl.push_back(  0. );
01113       vampl.push_back(  0. );
01114       amplwgtv[0]= ps.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<double> >("amplWeights", vampl);
01115     }
01116   else if (getWeightsFromFile_)
01117     {
01118       edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Reading amplitude weights from file " << edm::FileInPath(amplWeightsFile_).fullPath().c_str() ;
01119       std::ifstream amplFile(edm::FileInPath(amplWeightsFile_).fullPath().c_str());
01120       int tdcBin=0;
01121       while (!amplFile.eof() && tdcBin < nTDCbins_) 
01122         {
01123           for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {
01124             float ww;
01125             amplFile >> ww;
01126             amplwgtv[tdcBin].push_back(ww);
01127           }
01128           ++tdcBin;
01129         }
01130       assert (tdcBin == nTDCbins_);
01131       //Read from file
01132     }
01133   else
01134     {
01135       //Not supported
01136       edm::LogError("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Configuration not supported. Exception is raised ";
01137       throw cms::Exception("WrongConfig");
01138     }
01141   for (int i=0;i<nTDCbins_;i++)
01142     {
01143       assert(amplwgtv[i].size() == 10);
01144       int j=0;
01145       for(std::vector<double>::const_iterator it = amplwgtv[i].begin(); it != amplwgtv[i].end(); ++it) 
01146         {
01147           (amplWeights_[i])[j]=*it;
01148           j++;
01149         }
01150     }
01153   std::vector < std::vector<double> > amplwgtvAftGain(nTDCbins_);
01155   if (!getWeightsFromFile_ && nTDCbins_ == 1 )
01156     {
01157       std::vector<double> vamplAftGain;
01158       vamplAftGain.push_back(  0. );
01159       vamplAftGain.push_back(  0. );
01160       vamplAftGain.push_back(  0. );
01161       vamplAftGain.push_back(  0. );
01162       vamplAftGain.push_back(  0. );
01163       vamplAftGain.push_back(  1. );
01164       vamplAftGain.push_back(  0. );
01165       vamplAftGain.push_back(  0. );
01166       vamplAftGain.push_back(  0. );
01167       vamplAftGain.push_back(  0. );
01168       amplwgtvAftGain[0] = ps.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<double> >("amplWeightsAftGain", vamplAftGain);
01169     }
01170   else if (getWeightsFromFile_)
01171     {
01172       //Read from file
01173       edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Reading amplitude weights aftre gain switch from file " << edm::FileInPath(amplWeightsAftFile_).fullPath().c_str() ;
01174       std::ifstream amplFile(edm::FileInPath(amplWeightsAftFile_).fullPath().c_str());
01175       int tdcBin=0;
01176       while (!amplFile.eof() && tdcBin < nTDCbins_) 
01177         {
01178           for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {
01179             float ww;
01180             amplFile >> ww;
01181             amplwgtvAftGain[tdcBin].push_back(ww);
01182           }
01183           ++tdcBin;
01184         }
01185       assert (tdcBin == nTDCbins_);
01186     }
01187   else
01188     {
01189       //Not supported
01190       edm::LogError("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Configuration not supported. Exception is raised ";
01191       throw cms::Exception("WrongConfig");
01192     }
01194   for (int i=0;i<nTDCbins_;i++)
01195     {
01196       assert(amplwgtvAftGain[i].size() == 10);
01197       int j=0;
01198       for(std::vector<double>::const_iterator it = amplwgtvAftGain[i].begin(); it != amplwgtvAftGain[i].end(); ++it) {
01199         (amplWeightsAft_[i])[j]=*it;
01200         j++;
01201       }
01202     }
01204   // default weights to reco amplitude w/o pedestal subtraction
01206   std::vector< std::vector<double> > pedwgtv(nTDCbins_);
01208   if (!getWeightsFromFile_ && nTDCbins_ == 1)
01209     {
01210       std::vector<double> vped;
01211       vped.push_back( 0.33333 );
01212       vped.push_back( 0.33333 );
01213       vped.push_back( 0.33333 );
01214       vped.push_back( 0. );
01215       vped.push_back( 0. );
01216       vped.push_back( 0. );
01217       vped.push_back( 0. );
01218       vped.push_back( 0. );
01219       vped.push_back( 0. );
01220       vped.push_back( 0. );
01221       pedwgtv[0] = ps.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<double> >("pedWeights", vped);
01222     }
01223   else if (getWeightsFromFile_)
01224     {
01225       //Read from file
01226       edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Reading pedestal weights from file " << edm::FileInPath(pedWeightsFile_).fullPath().c_str() ;
01227       std::ifstream pedFile(edm::FileInPath(pedWeightsFile_).fullPath().c_str());
01228       int tdcBin=0;
01229       while (!pedFile.eof() && tdcBin < nTDCbins_) 
01230         {
01231           for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {
01232             float ww;
01233             pedFile >> ww;
01234             pedwgtv[tdcBin].push_back(ww);
01235           }
01236           ++tdcBin;
01237         }
01238       assert (tdcBin == nTDCbins_);
01239     }
01240   else
01241     {
01242       //Not supported
01243       edm::LogError("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Configuration not supported. Exception is raised ";
01244       throw cms::Exception("WrongConfig");
01245     }
01247   for (int i=0;i<nTDCbins_;i++)
01248     {
01249       assert(pedwgtv[i].size() == 10);
01250       int j=0;
01251       for(std::vector<double>::const_iterator it = pedwgtv[i].begin(); it != pedwgtv[i].end(); ++it) {
01252         (pedWeights_[i])[j] = *it;
01253         j++;
01254       }
01255     }
01257   std::vector< std::vector<double> > pedwgtvaft(nTDCbins_);
01259   if (!getWeightsFromFile_ && nTDCbins_ == 1)
01260     {
01261       std::vector<double> vped;
01262       vped.push_back( 0. );
01263       vped.push_back( 0. );
01264       vped.push_back( 0. );
01265       vped.push_back( 0. );
01266       vped.push_back( 0. );
01267       vped.push_back( 0. );
01268       vped.push_back( 0. );
01269       vped.push_back( 0. );
01270       vped.push_back( 0. );
01271       vped.push_back( 0. );
01272       pedwgtvaft[0] = ps.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<double> >("pedWeightsAft", vped);
01273     }
01274   else if (getWeightsFromFile_)
01275     {
01276       //Read from file
01277       edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Reading pedestal after gain switch weights from file " << edm::FileInPath(pedWeightsAftFile_).fullPath().c_str() ;
01278       std::ifstream pedFile(edm::FileInPath(pedWeightsAftFile_).fullPath().c_str());
01279       int tdcBin=0;
01280       while (!pedFile.eof() && tdcBin < nTDCbins_) 
01281         {
01282           for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {
01283             float ww;
01284             pedFile >> ww;
01285             pedwgtvaft[tdcBin].push_back(ww);
01286           }
01287           ++tdcBin;
01288         }
01289       assert (tdcBin == nTDCbins_);
01290     }
01291   else
01292     {
01293       //Not supported
01294       edm::LogError("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Configuration not supported. Exception is raised ";
01295       throw cms::Exception("WrongConfig");
01296     }
01298   for (int i=0;i<nTDCbins_;i++)
01299     {
01300       assert(pedwgtvaft[i].size() == 10);
01301       int j=0;
01302       for(std::vector<double>::const_iterator it = pedwgtvaft[i].begin(); it != pedwgtvaft[i].end(); ++it) {
01303         (pedWeightsAft_[i])[j]=*it;
01304         j++;
01305       }
01306     }
01310   // default weights to reco jitter
01312   std::vector< std::vector<double> > jittwgtv(nTDCbins_);
01314   if (!getWeightsFromFile_  && nTDCbins_ == 1 )
01315     {
01316       std::vector<double> vjitt;
01317       vjitt.push_back( 0.04066309 );
01318       vjitt.push_back( 0.04066309 );
01319       vjitt.push_back( 0.04066309 );
01320       vjitt.push_back( 0.000 );
01321       vjitt.push_back( 1.325176 );
01322       vjitt.push_back( -0.04997078 );
01323       vjitt.push_back( -0.504338 );
01324       vjitt.push_back( -0.5024844 );
01325       vjitt.push_back( -0.3903718 );
01326       vjitt.push_back( 0.000 );
01327       jittwgtv[0] = ps.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<double> >("jittWeights", vjitt);
01328     }
01329   else if (getWeightsFromFile_)
01330     {
01331       //Read from file
01332       edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Reading jitter weights from file " << edm::FileInPath(jittWeightsFile_).fullPath().c_str() ;
01333       std::ifstream jittFile(edm::FileInPath(jittWeightsFile_).fullPath().c_str());
01334       int tdcBin=0;
01335       while (!jittFile.eof() && tdcBin < nTDCbins_) 
01336         {
01337           for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {
01338             float ww;
01339             jittFile >> ww;
01340             jittwgtv[tdcBin].push_back(ww);
01341           }
01342           ++tdcBin;
01343         }
01344       assert (tdcBin == nTDCbins_);
01345     }
01346   else
01347     {
01348       //Not supported
01349       edm::LogError("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Configuration not supported. Exception is raised ";
01350       throw cms::Exception("WrongConfig");
01351     }
01353   for (int i=0;i<nTDCbins_;i++)
01354     {
01355       assert(jittwgtv[i].size() == 10);
01356       int j=0;
01357       for(std::vector<double>::const_iterator it = jittwgtv[i].begin(); it != jittwgtv[i].end(); ++it) {
01358         (jittWeights_[i])[j]= *it;
01359         j++;
01360       }
01361     }
01363   std::vector< std::vector<double> > jittwgtvaft(nTDCbins_);
01365   if (!getWeightsFromFile_ && nTDCbins_ == 1)
01366     {
01367       std::vector<double> vjitt;
01368       vjitt.push_back( 0. );
01369       vjitt.push_back( 0. );
01370       vjitt.push_back( 0. );
01371       vjitt.push_back( 0. );
01372       vjitt.push_back( 1.097871 );
01373       vjitt.push_back( -0.04551035 );
01374       vjitt.push_back( -0.4159156 );
01375       vjitt.push_back( -0.4185352 );
01376       vjitt.push_back( -0.3367127 );
01377       vjitt.push_back( 0. );
01378       jittwgtvaft[0] = ps.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<double> >("jittWeightsAft", vjitt);
01379     }
01380   else if (getWeightsFromFile_)
01381     {
01382       //Read from file
01383       edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Reading jitter after gain switch weights from file " << edm::FileInPath(jittWeightsAftFile_).fullPath().c_str() ;
01384       std::ifstream jittFile(edm::FileInPath(jittWeightsAftFile_).fullPath().c_str());
01385       int tdcBin=0;
01386       while (!jittFile.eof() && tdcBin < nTDCbins_) 
01387         {
01388           for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {
01389             float ww;
01390             jittFile >> ww;
01391             jittwgtvaft[tdcBin].push_back(ww);
01392           }
01393           ++tdcBin;
01394         }
01395       assert (tdcBin == nTDCbins_);
01396     }
01397   else
01398     {
01399       //Not supported
01400       edm::LogError("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Configuration not supported. Exception is raised ";
01401       throw cms::Exception("WrongConfig");
01402     }
01404   for (int i=0;i<nTDCbins_;i++)
01405     {
01406       assert(jittwgtvaft[i].size() == 10);
01407       int j=0;
01408       for(std::vector<double>::const_iterator it = jittwgtvaft[i].begin(); it != jittwgtvaft[i].end(); ++it) {
01409         (jittWeightsAft_[i])[j]= *it;
01410         j++;
01411       }
01412     }
01415    std::vector<  EcalWeightSet::EcalChi2WeightMatrix > chi2Matrix(nTDCbins_);
01416    if (!getWeightsFromFile_  && nTDCbins_ == 1 )
01417      {
01418        //        chi2Matrix[0].resize(10);
01419        //        for (int i=0;i<10;i++)
01420          //      chi2Matrix[0][i].resize(10);
01422        chi2Matrix[0](0,0) = 0.694371;
01423        chi2Matrix[0](0,1) = -0.305629;  
01424        chi2Matrix[0](0,2) = -0.305629;
01425        chi2Matrix[0](0,3) = 0.;
01426        chi2Matrix[0](0,4) = 0.;
01427        chi2Matrix[0](0,5) = 0.;
01428        chi2Matrix[0](0,6) = 0.;
01429        chi2Matrix[0](0,7) = 0.;
01430        chi2Matrix[0](0,8) = 0.;
01431        chi2Matrix[0](0,9) = 0.;
01432        chi2Matrix[0](1,0) = -0.305629;
01433        chi2Matrix[0](1,1) = 0.694371;
01434        chi2Matrix[0](1,2) = -0.305629;
01435        chi2Matrix[0](1,3) = 0.;
01436        chi2Matrix[0](1,4) = 0.;
01437        chi2Matrix[0](1,5) = 0.;
01438        chi2Matrix[0](1,6) = 0.;
01439        chi2Matrix[0](1,7) = 0.;
01440        chi2Matrix[0](1,8) = 0.;
01441        chi2Matrix[0](1,9) = 0.;
01442        chi2Matrix[0](2,0) = -0.305629;
01443        chi2Matrix[0](2,1) = -0.305629;
01444        chi2Matrix[0](2,2) = 0.694371;
01445        chi2Matrix[0](2,3) = 0.;
01446        chi2Matrix[0](2,4) = 0.;
01447        chi2Matrix[0](2,5) = 0.;
01448        chi2Matrix[0](2,6) = 0.;
01449        chi2Matrix[0](2,7) = 0.;
01450        chi2Matrix[0](2,8) = 0.;
01451        chi2Matrix[0](2,9) = 0.;
01452        chi2Matrix[0](3,0) = 0.;
01453        chi2Matrix[0](3,1) = 0.;
01454        chi2Matrix[0](3,2) = 0.;
01455        chi2Matrix[0](3,3) = 0.;
01456        chi2Matrix[0](3,4) = 0.;
01457        chi2Matrix[0](3,5) = 0.;
01458        chi2Matrix[0](3,6) = 0.;
01459        chi2Matrix[0](3,7) = 0.;
01460        chi2Matrix[0](3,8) = 0.;
01461        chi2Matrix[0](3,9) = 0.; 
01462        chi2Matrix[0](4,0) = 0.;
01463        chi2Matrix[0](4,1) = 0.;
01464        chi2Matrix[0](4,2) = 0.;
01465        chi2Matrix[0](4,3) = 0.;
01466        chi2Matrix[0](4,4) = 0.8027116;
01467        chi2Matrix[0](4,5) = -0.2517103;
01468        chi2Matrix[0](4,6) = -0.2232882;
01469        chi2Matrix[0](4,7) = -0.1716192;
01470        chi2Matrix[0](4,8) = -0.1239006;
01471        chi2Matrix[0](4,9) = 0.; 
01472        chi2Matrix[0](5,0) = 0.;
01473        chi2Matrix[0](5,1) = 0.;
01474        chi2Matrix[0](5,2) = 0.;
01475        chi2Matrix[0](5,3) = 0.;
01476        chi2Matrix[0](5,4) = -0.2517103;
01477        chi2Matrix[0](5,5) = 0.6528964;
01478        chi2Matrix[0](5,6) = -0.2972839;
01479        chi2Matrix[0](5,7) = -0.2067162;
01480        chi2Matrix[0](5,8) = -0.1230729;
01481        chi2Matrix[0](5,9) = 0.;
01482        chi2Matrix[0](6,0) = 0.;
01483        chi2Matrix[0](6,1) = 0.;
01484        chi2Matrix[0](6,2) = 0.;
01485        chi2Matrix[0](6,3) = 0.;
01486        chi2Matrix[0](6,4) = -0.2232882;
01487        chi2Matrix[0](6,5) = -0.2972839;
01488        chi2Matrix[0](6,6) = 0.7413607;
01489        chi2Matrix[0](6,7) = -0.1883866;
01490        chi2Matrix[0](6,8) = -0.1235052;
01491        chi2Matrix[0](6,9) = 0.; 
01492        chi2Matrix[0](7,0) = 0.;
01493        chi2Matrix[0](7,1) = 0.;
01494        chi2Matrix[0](7,2) = 0.;
01495        chi2Matrix[0](7,3) = 0.;
01496        chi2Matrix[0](7,4) = -0.1716192;
01497        chi2Matrix[0](7,5) = -0.2067162;
01498        chi2Matrix[0](7,6) = -0.1883866;
01499        chi2Matrix[0](7,7) = 0.844935;
01500        chi2Matrix[0](7,8) = -0.124291;
01501        chi2Matrix[0](7,9) = 0.; 
01502        chi2Matrix[0](8,0) = 0.;
01503        chi2Matrix[0](8,1) = 0.;
01504        chi2Matrix[0](8,2) = 0.;
01505        chi2Matrix[0](8,3) = 0.;
01506        chi2Matrix[0](8,4) = -0.1239006;
01507        chi2Matrix[0](8,5) = -0.1230729;
01508        chi2Matrix[0](8,6) = -0.1235052;
01509        chi2Matrix[0](8,7) = -0.124291;
01510        chi2Matrix[0](8,8) = 0.8749833;
01511        chi2Matrix[0](8,9) = 0.;
01512        chi2Matrix[0](9,0) = 0.;
01513        chi2Matrix[0](9,1) = 0.;
01514        chi2Matrix[0](9,2) = 0.;
01515        chi2Matrix[0](9,3) = 0.;
01516        chi2Matrix[0](9,4) = 0.;
01517        chi2Matrix[0](9,5) = 0.;
01518        chi2Matrix[0](9,6) = 0.;
01519        chi2Matrix[0](9,7) = 0.;
01520        chi2Matrix[0](9,8) = 0.;
01521        chi2Matrix[0](9,9) = 0.; 
01522      }
01523    else if (getWeightsFromFile_)
01524     {
01525       //Read from file
01526       edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Reading chi2Matrix from file " << edm::FileInPath(chi2MatrixFile_).fullPath().c_str() ;
01527       std::ifstream chi2MatrixFile(edm::FileInPath(chi2MatrixFile_).fullPath().c_str());
01528       int tdcBin=0;
01529       while (!chi2MatrixFile.eof() && tdcBin < nTDCbins_) 
01530         {
01531           //      chi2Matrix[tdcBin].resize(10);
01532           for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {
01533             for(int l = 0; l < 10; ++l) {
01534               float ww;
01535               chi2MatrixFile >> ww;
01536               chi2Matrix[tdcBin](j,l)=ww;
01537             }
01538           }
01539           ++tdcBin;
01540         }
01541       assert (tdcBin == nTDCbins_);
01542     }
01543   else
01544     {
01545       //Not supported
01546       edm::LogError("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Configuration not supported. Exception is raised ";
01547       throw cms::Exception("WrongConfig");
01548     }
01550 //    for (int i=0;i<nTDCbins_;i++)
01551 //      {
01552        //       assert(chi2Matrix[i].size() == 10);
01553    chi2Matrix_ =  chi2Matrix;
01554 //      }
01556    std::vector< EcalWeightSet::EcalChi2WeightMatrix > chi2MatrixAft(nTDCbins_);
01557    if (!getWeightsFromFile_  && nTDCbins_ == 1 )
01558      {
01559        //       chi2MatrixAft[0].resize(10);
01560        //       for (int i=0;i<10;i++)
01561          //      chi2MatrixAft[0][i].resize(10);
01563        chi2MatrixAft[0](0,0) = 0.;
01564        chi2MatrixAft[0](0,1) = 0.;  
01565        chi2MatrixAft[0](0,2) = 0.;
01566        chi2MatrixAft[0](0,3) = 0.;
01567        chi2MatrixAft[0](0,4) = 0.;
01568        chi2MatrixAft[0](0,5) = 0.;
01569        chi2MatrixAft[0](0,6) = 0.;
01570        chi2MatrixAft[0](0,7) = 0.;
01571        chi2MatrixAft[0](0,8) = 0.;
01572        chi2MatrixAft[0](0,9) = 0.;
01573        chi2MatrixAft[0](1,0) = 0.;
01574        chi2MatrixAft[0](1,1) = 0.;
01575        chi2MatrixAft[0](1,2) = 0.;
01576        chi2MatrixAft[0](1,3) = 0.;
01577        chi2MatrixAft[0](1,4) = 0.;
01578        chi2MatrixAft[0](1,5) = 0.;
01579        chi2MatrixAft[0](1,6) = 0.;
01580        chi2MatrixAft[0](1,7) = 0.;
01581        chi2MatrixAft[0](1,8) = 0.;
01582        chi2MatrixAft[0](1,9) = 0.;
01583        chi2MatrixAft[0](2,0) = 0.;
01584        chi2MatrixAft[0](2,1) = 0.;
01585        chi2MatrixAft[0](2,2) = 0.;
01586        chi2MatrixAft[0](2,3) = 0.;
01587        chi2MatrixAft[0](2,4) = 0.;
01588        chi2MatrixAft[0](2,5) = 0.;
01589        chi2MatrixAft[0](2,6) = 0.;
01590        chi2MatrixAft[0](2,7) = 0.;
01591        chi2MatrixAft[0](2,8) = 0.;
01592        chi2MatrixAft[0](2,9) = 0.;
01593        chi2MatrixAft[0](3,0) = 0.;
01594        chi2MatrixAft[0](3,1) = 0.;
01595        chi2MatrixAft[0](3,2) = 0.;
01596        chi2MatrixAft[0](3,3) = 0.;
01597        chi2MatrixAft[0](3,4) = 0.;
01598        chi2MatrixAft[0](3,5) = 0.;
01599        chi2MatrixAft[0](3,6) = 0.;
01600        chi2MatrixAft[0](3,7) = 0.;
01601        chi2MatrixAft[0](3,8) = 0.;
01602        chi2MatrixAft[0](3,9) = 0.; 
01603        chi2MatrixAft[0](4,0) = 0.;
01604        chi2MatrixAft[0](4,1) = 0.;
01605        chi2MatrixAft[0](4,2) = 0.;
01606        chi2MatrixAft[0](4,3) = 0.;
01607        chi2MatrixAft[0](4,4) = 0.8030884;
01608        chi2MatrixAft[0](4,5) = -0.2543541;
01609        chi2MatrixAft[0](4,6) = -0.2243544;
01610        chi2MatrixAft[0](4,7) = -0.1698177;
01611        chi2MatrixAft[0](4,8) = -0.1194506;
01612        chi2MatrixAft[0](4,9) = 0.; 
01613        chi2MatrixAft[0](5,0) = 0.;
01614        chi2MatrixAft[0](5,1) = 0.;
01615        chi2MatrixAft[0](5,2) = 0.;
01616        chi2MatrixAft[0](5,3) = 0.;
01617        chi2MatrixAft[0](5,4) = -0.2543541;
01618        chi2MatrixAft[0](5,5) = 0.6714465;
01619        chi2MatrixAft[0](5,6) = -0.2898025;
01620        chi2MatrixAft[0](5,7) = -0.2193564;
01621        chi2MatrixAft[0](5,8) = -0.1542964;
01622        chi2MatrixAft[0](5,9) = 0.;
01623        chi2MatrixAft[0](6,0) = 0.;
01624        chi2MatrixAft[0](6,1) = 0.;
01625        chi2MatrixAft[0](6,2) = 0.;
01626        chi2MatrixAft[0](6,3) = 0.;
01627        chi2MatrixAft[0](6,4) = -0.2243544;
01628        chi2MatrixAft[0](6,5) = -0.2898025;
01629        chi2MatrixAft[0](6,6) = 0.7443781;
01630        chi2MatrixAft[0](6,7) = -0.1934846;
01631        chi2MatrixAft[0](6,8) = -0.136098;
01632        chi2MatrixAft[0](6,9) = 0.; 
01633        chi2MatrixAft[0](7,0) = 0.;
01634        chi2MatrixAft[0](7,1) = 0.;
01635        chi2MatrixAft[0](7,2) = 0.;
01636        chi2MatrixAft[0](7,3) = 0.;
01637        chi2MatrixAft[0](7,4) = -0.1698177;
01638        chi2MatrixAft[0](7,5) = -0.2193564;
01639        chi2MatrixAft[0](7,6) = -0.1934846;
01640        chi2MatrixAft[0](7,7) = 0.8535482;
01641        chi2MatrixAft[0](7,8) = -0.1030149;
01642        chi2MatrixAft[0](7,9) = 0.; 
01643        chi2MatrixAft[0](8,0) = 0.;
01644        chi2MatrixAft[0](8,1) = 0.;
01645        chi2MatrixAft[0](8,2) = 0.;
01646        chi2MatrixAft[0](8,3) = 0.;
01647        chi2MatrixAft[0](8,4) = -0.1194506;
01648        chi2MatrixAft[0](8,5) = -0.1542964;
01649        chi2MatrixAft[0](8,6) = -0.136098;
01650        chi2MatrixAft[0](8,7) = -0.1030149;
01651        chi2MatrixAft[0](8,8) = 0.9275388;
01652        chi2MatrixAft[0](8,9) = 0.;
01653        chi2MatrixAft[0](9,0) = 0.;
01654        chi2MatrixAft[0](9,1) = 0.;
01655        chi2MatrixAft[0](9,2) = 0.;
01656        chi2MatrixAft[0](9,3) = 0.;
01657        chi2MatrixAft[0](9,4) = 0.;
01658        chi2MatrixAft[0](9,5) = 0.;
01659        chi2MatrixAft[0](9,6) = 0.;
01660        chi2MatrixAft[0](9,7) = 0.;
01661        chi2MatrixAft[0](9,8) = 0.;
01662        chi2MatrixAft[0](9,9) = 0.; 
01663      }
01664    else if (getWeightsFromFile_)
01665     {
01666       //Read from file
01667       edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Reading chi2MatrixAft from file " << edm::FileInPath(chi2MatrixAftFile_).fullPath().c_str() ;
01668       std::ifstream chi2MatrixAftFile(edm::FileInPath(chi2MatrixAftFile_).fullPath().c_str());
01669       int tdcBin=0;
01670       while (!chi2MatrixAftFile.eof() && tdcBin < nTDCbins_) 
01671         {
01672           //      chi2MatrixAft[tdcBin].resize(10);
01673           for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {
01674             for(int l = 0; l < 10; ++l) {
01675               float ww;
01676               chi2MatrixAftFile >> ww;
01677               chi2MatrixAft[tdcBin](j,l)=ww;
01678             }
01679           }
01680           ++tdcBin;
01681         }
01682       assert (tdcBin == nTDCbins_);
01683     }
01684   else
01685     {
01686       //Not supported
01687       edm::LogError("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Configuration not supported. Exception is raised ";
01688       throw cms::Exception("WrongConfig");
01689     }
01691 //    for (int i=0;i<nTDCbins_;i++)
01692 //      {
01693        //       assert(chi2MatrixAft[i].size() == 10);
01694    chi2MatrixAft_ =  chi2MatrixAft;
01695    //      }
01697 }
01700 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01702 std::auto_ptr<EcalChannelStatus>
01703 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::getChannelStatusFromConfiguration (const EcalChannelStatusRcd&)
01704 {
01705   std::auto_ptr<EcalChannelStatus> ecalStatus = std::auto_ptr<EcalChannelStatus>( new EcalChannelStatus() );
01708   // start by setting all statuses to 0
01710   // barrel
01711   for(int ieta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ieta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ++ieta) {
01712     if(ieta==0) continue;
01713     for(int iphi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iphi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iphi) {
01714       if (EBDetId::validDetId(ieta,iphi)) {
01715         EBDetId ebid(ieta,iphi);
01716         ecalStatus->setValue( ebid, 0 );
01717       }
01718     }
01719   }
01720   // endcap
01721   for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
01722     for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
01723       // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
01724       if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1)) {
01725         EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
01726         ecalStatus->setValue( eedetidpos, 0 );
01727       }
01728       if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1)) {
01729         EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);
01730         ecalStatus->setValue( eedetidneg, 0 );
01731       }
01732     }
01733   }
01737   // overwrite the statuses which are in the file
01739   edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Reading channel statuses from file " << edm::FileInPath(channelStatusFile_).fullPath().c_str() ;
01740   std::ifstream statusFile(edm::FileInPath(channelStatusFile_).fullPath().c_str());
01741   if ( !statusFile.good() ) {
01742     edm::LogError ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") 
01743       << "*** Problems opening file: " << channelStatusFile_ ;
01744     throw cms::Exception ("Cannot open ECAL channel status file") ;
01745   }
01747   std::string EcalSubDet;
01748   std::string str;
01749   int hashIndex(0);
01750   int status(0);
01752   while (!statusFile.eof()) 
01753     {
01754       statusFile >> EcalSubDet;
01755       if (EcalSubDet!=std::string("EB") && EcalSubDet!=std::string("EE"))
01756         {
01757           std::getline(statusFile,str);
01758           continue;
01759         }
01760       else
01761         {
01762           statusFile>> hashIndex >> status;
01763         }
01764       // std::cout << EcalSubDet << " " << hashIndex << " " << status;
01766       if(EcalSubDet==std::string("EB"))
01767         {
01768           EBDetId ebid = EBDetId::unhashIndex(hashIndex);
01769           ecalStatus->setValue( ebid, status );
01770         }
01771       else if(EcalSubDet==std::string("EE"))
01772         {
01773           EEDetId eedetid = EEDetId::unhashIndex(hashIndex);
01774           ecalStatus->setValue( eedetid, status );
01775         }
01776       else
01777         {
01778           edm::LogError ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") 
01779             << " *** " << EcalSubDet << " is neither EB nor EE ";
01780         }
01782     }
01783   // the file is supposed to be in the form  -- FIXME
01786   statusFile.close();
01787   return ecalStatus;
01788 }
01792 std::auto_ptr<EcalChannelStatus>
01793 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalChannelStatus( const EcalChannelStatusRcd& )
01794 {
01796         std::auto_ptr<EcalChannelStatus>  ical = std::auto_ptr<EcalChannelStatus>( new EcalChannelStatus() );
01797         // barrel
01798         for(int ieta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ieta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ++ieta) {
01799                 if(ieta==0) continue;
01800                 for(int iphi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iphi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iphi) {
01801                         if (EBDetId::validDetId(ieta,iphi)) {
01802                                 EBDetId ebid(ieta,iphi);
01803                                 ical->setValue( ebid, 0 );
01804                         }
01805                 }
01806         }
01807         // endcap
01808         for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
01809                 for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
01810                         // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
01811                         if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1)) {
01812                                 EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
01813                                 ical->setValue( eedetidpos, 0 );
01814                         }
01815                         if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1)) {
01816                                 EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);
01817                                 ical->setValue( eedetidneg, 0 );
01818                         }
01819                 }
01820         }
01821         return ical;
01822 }
01824 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01825 std::auto_ptr<EcalDQMChannelStatus>
01826 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalDQMChannelStatus( const EcalDQMChannelStatusRcd& )
01827 {
01828   uint32_t sta(0);
01830         std::auto_ptr<EcalDQMChannelStatus>  ical = std::auto_ptr<EcalDQMChannelStatus>( new EcalDQMChannelStatus() );
01831         // barrel
01832         for(int ieta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ieta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ++ieta) {
01833                 if(ieta==0) continue;
01834                 for(int iphi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iphi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iphi) {
01835                         if (EBDetId::validDetId(ieta,iphi)) {
01836                                 EBDetId ebid(ieta,iphi);
01837                                 ical->setValue( ebid, sta );
01838                         }
01839                 }
01840         }
01841         // endcap
01842         for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
01843                 for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
01844                         // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
01845                         if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1)) {
01846                                 EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
01847                                 ical->setValue( eedetidpos, sta );
01848                         }
01849                         if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1)) {
01850                                 EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);
01851                                 ical->setValue( eedetidneg, sta );
01852                         }
01853                 }
01854         }
01855         return ical;
01856 }
01857 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01859 std::auto_ptr<EcalDQMTowerStatus>
01860 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalDQMTowerStatus( const EcalDQMTowerStatusRcd& )
01861 {
01863         std::auto_ptr<EcalDQMTowerStatus>  ical = std::auto_ptr<EcalDQMTowerStatus>( new EcalDQMTowerStatus() );
01865         uint32_t sta(0);
01867         // barrel
01868         int iz=0;
01869         for(int k=0 ; k<2; k++ ) {
01870           if(k==0) iz=-1;
01871           if(k==1) iz=+1;
01872           for(int i=1 ; i<73; i++) {
01873             for(int j=1 ; j<18; j++) {
01874               if (EcalTrigTowerDetId::validDetId(iz,EcalBarrel,j,i )){
01875                 EcalTrigTowerDetId ebid(iz,EcalBarrel,j,i);
01877                 ical->setValue( ebid, sta );
01878               }
01879             }
01880           }
01881         }
01884         // endcap
01885         for(int k=0 ; k<2; k++ ) {
01886           if(k==0) iz=-1;
01887           if(k==1) iz=+1;
01888           for(int i=1 ; i<21; i++) {
01889             for(int j=1 ; j<21; j++) {
01890               if (EcalScDetId::validDetId(i,j,iz )){
01891                 EcalScDetId eeid(i,j,iz);
01892                 ical->setValue( eeid, sta );
01893               }
01894             }
01895           }
01896         }
01898         return ical;
01899 }
01901 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01902 std::auto_ptr<EcalDCSTowerStatus>
01903 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalDCSTowerStatus( const EcalDCSTowerStatusRcd& )
01904 {
01906         std::auto_ptr<EcalDCSTowerStatus>  ical = std::auto_ptr<EcalDCSTowerStatus>( new EcalDCSTowerStatus() );
01908         int status(0);
01910         // barrel
01911         int iz=0;
01912         for(int k=0 ; k<2; k++ ) {
01913           if(k==0) iz=-1;
01914           if(k==1) iz=+1;
01915           for(int i=1 ; i<73; i++) {
01916             for(int j=1 ; j<18; j++) {
01917               if (EcalTrigTowerDetId::validDetId(iz,EcalBarrel,j,i )){
01918                 EcalTrigTowerDetId ebid(iz,EcalBarrel,j,i);
01920                 ical->setValue( ebid, status );
01921               }
01922             }
01923           }
01924         }
01927         // endcap
01928         for(int k=0 ; k<2; k++ ) {
01929           if(k==0) iz=-1;
01930           if(k==1) iz=+1;
01931           for(int i=1 ; i<21; i++) {
01932             for(int j=1 ; j<21; j++) {
01933               if (EcalScDetId::validDetId(i,j,iz )){
01934                 EcalScDetId eeid(i,j,iz);
01935                 ical->setValue( eeid, status );
01936               }
01937             }
01938           }
01939         }
01941         return ical;
01942 }
01943 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01945 std::auto_ptr<EcalDAQTowerStatus>
01946 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalDAQTowerStatus( const EcalDAQTowerStatusRcd& )
01947 {
01949         std::auto_ptr<EcalDAQTowerStatus>  ical = std::auto_ptr<EcalDAQTowerStatus>( new EcalDAQTowerStatus() );
01951         int status(0);
01953         // barrel
01954         int iz=0;
01955         for(int k=0 ; k<2; k++ ) {
01956           if(k==0) iz=-1;
01957           if(k==1) iz=+1;
01958           for(int i=1 ; i<73; i++) {
01959             for(int j=1 ; j<18; j++) {
01960               if (EcalTrigTowerDetId::validDetId(iz,EcalBarrel,j,i )){
01961                 EcalTrigTowerDetId ebid(iz,EcalBarrel,j,i);
01963                 ical->setValue( ebid, status );
01964               }
01965             }
01966           }
01967         }
01970         // endcap
01971         for(int k=0 ; k<2; k++ ) {
01972           if(k==0) iz=-1;
01973           if(k==1) iz=+1;
01974           for(int i=1 ; i<21; i++) {
01975             for(int j=1 ; j<21; j++) {
01976               if (EcalScDetId::validDetId(i,j,iz )){
01977                 EcalScDetId eeid(i,j,iz);
01978                 ical->setValue( eeid, status );
01979               }
01980             }
01981           }
01982         }
01984         return ical;
01985 }
01986 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01988 std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGCrystalStatus>
01989 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::getTrgChannelStatusFromConfiguration (const EcalTPGCrystalStatusRcd&)
01990 {
01991   std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGCrystalStatus> ecalStatus = std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGCrystalStatus>( new EcalTPGCrystalStatus() );
01994   // start by setting all statuses to 0
01996   // barrel
01997   for(int ieta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ieta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ++ieta) {
01998     if(ieta==0) continue;
01999     for(int iphi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iphi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iphi) {
02000       if (EBDetId::validDetId(ieta,iphi)) {
02001         EBDetId ebid(ieta,iphi);
02002         ecalStatus->setValue( ebid, 0 );
02003       }
02004     }
02005   }
02006   // endcap
02007   for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
02008     for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
02009       // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
02010       if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1)) {
02011         EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
02012         ecalStatus->setValue( eedetidpos, 0 );
02013       }
02014       if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1)) {
02015         EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);
02016         ecalStatus->setValue( eedetidneg, 0 );
02017       }
02018     }
02019   }
02023   // overwrite the statuses which are in the file
02025   edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Reading channel statuses from file " << edm::FileInPath(channelStatusFile_).fullPath().c_str() ;
02026   std::ifstream statusFile(edm::FileInPath(channelStatusFile_).fullPath().c_str());
02027   if ( !statusFile.good() ) {
02028     edm::LogError ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") 
02029       << "*** Problems opening file: " << channelStatusFile_ ;
02030     throw cms::Exception ("Cannot open ECAL channel status file") ;
02031   }
02033   std::string EcalSubDet;
02034   std::string str;
02035   int hashIndex(0);
02036   int status(0);
02038   while (!statusFile.eof()) 
02039     {
02040       statusFile >> EcalSubDet;
02041       if (EcalSubDet!=std::string("EB") && EcalSubDet!=std::string("EE"))
02042         {
02043           std::getline(statusFile,str);
02044           continue;
02045         }
02046       else
02047         {
02048           statusFile>> hashIndex >> status;
02049         }
02050       // std::cout << EcalSubDet << " " << hashIndex << " " << status;
02052       if(EcalSubDet==std::string("EB"))
02053         {
02054           EBDetId ebid = EBDetId::unhashIndex(hashIndex);
02055           ecalStatus->setValue( ebid, status );
02056         }
02057       else if(EcalSubDet==std::string("EE"))
02058         {
02059           EEDetId eedetid = EEDetId::unhashIndex(hashIndex);
02060           ecalStatus->setValue( eedetid, status );
02061         }
02062       else
02063         {
02064           edm::LogError ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") 
02065             << " *** " << EcalSubDet << " is neither EB nor EE ";
02066         }
02068     }
02069   // the file is supposed to be in the form  -- FIXME
02072   statusFile.close();
02073   return ecalStatus;
02074 }
02078 std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGCrystalStatus>
02079 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalTrgChannelStatus( const EcalTPGCrystalStatusRcd& )
02080 {
02082         std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGCrystalStatus>  ical = std::auto_ptr<EcalTPGCrystalStatus>( new EcalTPGCrystalStatus() );
02083         // barrel
02084         for(int ieta=-EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ieta<=EBDetId::MAX_IETA; ++ieta) {
02085                 if(ieta==0) continue;
02086                 for(int iphi=EBDetId::MIN_IPHI; iphi<=EBDetId::MAX_IPHI; ++iphi) {
02087                         if (EBDetId::validDetId(ieta,iphi)) {
02088                                 EBDetId ebid(ieta,iphi);
02089                                 ical->setValue( ebid, 0 );
02090                         }
02091                 }
02092         }
02093         // endcap
02094         for(int iX=EEDetId::IX_MIN; iX<=EEDetId::IX_MAX ;++iX) {
02095                 for(int iY=EEDetId::IY_MIN; iY<=EEDetId::IY_MAX; ++iY) {
02096                         // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId() to be used as the key for the pedestals
02097                         if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,1)) {
02098                                 EEDetId eedetidpos(iX,iY,1);
02099                                 ical->setValue( eedetidpos, 0 );
02100                         }
02101                         if (EEDetId::validDetId(iX,iY,-1)) {
02102                                 EEDetId eedetidneg(iX,iY,-1);
02103                                 ical->setValue( eedetidneg, 0 );
02104                         }
02105                 }
02106         }
02107         return ical;
02108 }
02112 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02115 std::auto_ptr<EcalIntercalibConstants> 
02116 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::getIntercalibConstantsFromConfiguration 
02117 ( const EcalIntercalibConstantsRcd& )
02118 {
02119   std::auto_ptr<EcalIntercalibConstants>  ical = 
02120       std::auto_ptr<EcalIntercalibConstants>( new EcalIntercalibConstants() );
02122   // Read the values from a txt file
02123   // -------------------------------
02125   edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Reading intercalibration constants from file "
02126                                                 << intercalibConstantsFile_.c_str() ;
02128   FILE *inpFile ;
02129   inpFile = fopen (intercalibConstantsFile_.c_str (),"r") ;
02130   if (!inpFile) 
02131     {
02132       edm::LogError ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") 
02133          << "*** Can not open file: " << intercalibConstantsFile_ ;
02134       throw cms::Exception ("Cannot open inter-calibration coefficients txt file") ;
02135     }
02137   char line[256] ;
02138   std::ostringstream str ;
02139   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02140   int sm_number=atoi (line) ;
02141   str << "sm: " << sm_number ;  
02143   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02144   //int nevents=atoi (line) ; // not necessary here just for online conddb
02146   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02147   std::string gen_tag = line ;
02148   str << "gen tag: " << gen_tag ;  // should I use this? 
02150   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02151   std::string cali_method = line ;
02152   str << "cali method: " << cali_method << std::endl ; // not important 
02154   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02155   std::string cali_version = line ;
02156   str << "cali version: " << cali_version << std::endl ; // not important 
02158   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02159   std::string cali_type = line ;
02160   str << "cali type: " << cali_type ; // not important
02162   edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever")
02163             << "[PIETRO] Intercalibration file - " 
02164             << str.str () << std::endl ;
02166   float calib[1700]={1} ;
02167   int calib_status[1700]={0} ;
02169   int ii = 0 ;
02171   while (fgets (line,255,inpFile)) 
02172     {
02173       ii++;
02174       int dmy_num = 0 ;
02175       float dmy_calib = 0. ;
02176       float dmy_RMS = 0. ;
02177       int dmy_events = 0 ;
02178       int dmy_status = 0 ;
02179       sscanf (line, "%d %f %f %d %d", &dmy_num, &dmy_calib,
02180                                       &dmy_RMS, &dmy_events,
02181                                       &dmy_status) ;
02182       assert (dmy_num >= 1) ;
02183       assert (dmy_num <= 1700) ;
02184       calib[dmy_num-1] = dmy_calib ; 
02185       calib_status[dmy_num-1] = dmy_status ;
02187 //       edm::LogInfo ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever")
02188 //                 << "[PIETRO] cry = " << dmy_num 
02189 //                 << " calib = " << calib[dmy_num-1] 
02190 //                 << " RMS = " << dmy_RMS
02191 //                 << " events = " << dmy_events
02192 //                 << " status = " << calib_status[dmy_num-1] 
02193 //                 << std::endl ;
02194     }
02196   fclose (inpFile) ;           // close inp. file
02197   edm::LogInfo ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Read intercalibrations for " << ii << " xtals " ; 
02198   if (ii!=1700) edm::LogWarning ("StoreEcalCondition") 
02199                 << "Some crystals missing, set to 1" << std::endl ;
02201   // Transfer the data to the inter-calibration coefficients container
02202   // -----------------------------------------------------------------
02204   // DB supermodule always set to 1 for the TestBeam FIXME
02205   int sm_db=1 ;
02206   // loop over channels 
02207   for (int i=0 ; i<1700 ; i++)
02208     {
02209       //if (EBDetId::validDetId(iEta,iPhi)) {
02210       // CANNOT be used -- validDetId only checks ETA PHI method
02211       // doing a check by hand, here is the only place in CMSSW 
02212       // outside TB code and EcalRawToDigi where needed
02213       // => no need for changing the DetId interface
02214       //
02215       // checking only sm_db -- guess can change with the above FIXME
02216       if (sm_db >= EBDetId::MIN_SM && sm_db <= EBDetId::MAX_SM) {
02217         EBDetId ebid (sm_db,i+1,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE) ;
02218         if (calib_status[i]) ical->setValue (ebid.rawId (), calib[i]) ;
02219         else ical->setValue (ebid.rawId (), 1.) ;
02220       }
02221       //}
02222     } // loop over channels 
02224 //  edm::LogInfo ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "INTERCALIBRATION DONE" ; 
02225   return ical;
02226 }
02229 std::auto_ptr<EcalIntercalibErrors> 
02230 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::getIntercalibErrorsFromConfiguration 
02231 ( const EcalIntercalibErrorsRcd& )
02232 {
02233   std::auto_ptr<EcalIntercalibErrors>  ical = 
02234       std::auto_ptr<EcalIntercalibErrors>( new EcalIntercalibErrors() );
02236   // Read the values from a txt file
02237   // -------------------------------
02239   edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Reading intercalibration constants from file "
02240                                                 << intercalibErrorsFile_.c_str() ;
02242   FILE *inpFile ;
02243   inpFile = fopen (intercalibErrorsFile_.c_str (),"r") ;
02244   if (!inpFile) 
02245     {
02246       edm::LogError ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") 
02247          << "*** Can not open file: " << intercalibErrorsFile_ ;
02248       throw cms::Exception ("Cannot open inter-calibration coefficients txt file") ;
02249     }
02251   char line[256] ;
02252   std::ostringstream str ;
02253   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02254   int sm_number=atoi (line) ;
02255   str << "sm: " << sm_number ;  
02257   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02258   //int nevents=atoi (line) ; // not necessary here just for online conddb
02260   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02261   std::string gen_tag = line ;
02262   str << "gen tag: " << gen_tag ;  // should I use this? 
02264   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02265   std::string cali_method = line ;
02266   str << "cali method: " << cali_method << std::endl ; // not important 
02268   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02269   std::string cali_version = line ;
02270   str << "cali version: " << cali_version << std::endl ; // not important 
02272   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02273   std::string cali_type = line ;
02274   str << "cali type: " << cali_type ; // not important
02276   edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever")
02277             << "[PIETRO] Intercalibration file - " 
02278             << str.str () << std::endl ;
02280   float calib[1700]={1} ;
02281   int calib_status[1700]={0} ;
02283   int ii = 0 ;
02285   while (fgets (line,255,inpFile)) 
02286     {
02287       ii++;
02288       int dmy_num = 0 ;
02289       float dmy_calib = 0. ;
02290       float dmy_RMS = 0. ;
02291       int dmy_events = 0 ;
02292       int dmy_status = 0 ;
02293       sscanf (line, "%d %f %f %d %d", &dmy_num, &dmy_calib,
02294                                       &dmy_RMS, &dmy_events,
02295                                       &dmy_status) ;
02296       assert (dmy_num >= 1) ;
02297       assert (dmy_num <= 1700) ;
02298       calib[dmy_num-1] = dmy_calib ; 
02299       calib_status[dmy_num-1] = dmy_status ;
02301 //       edm::LogInfo ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever")
02302 //                 << "[PIETRO] cry = " << dmy_num 
02303 //                 << " calib = " << calib[dmy_num-1] 
02304 //                 << " RMS = " << dmy_RMS
02305 //                 << " events = " << dmy_events
02306 //                 << " status = " << calib_status[dmy_num-1] 
02307 //                 << std::endl ;
02308     }
02310   fclose (inpFile) ;           // close inp. file
02311   edm::LogInfo ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Read intercalibrations for " << ii << " xtals " ; 
02312   if (ii!=1700) edm::LogWarning ("StoreEcalCondition") 
02313                 << "Some crystals missing, set to 1" << std::endl ;
02315   // Transfer the data to the inter-calibration coefficients container
02316   // -----------------------------------------------------------------
02318   // DB supermodule always set to 1 for the TestBeam FIXME
02319   int sm_db=1 ;
02320   // loop over channels 
02321   for (int i=0 ; i<1700 ; i++)
02322     {
02323       //if (EBDetId::validDetId(iEta,iPhi)) {
02324       // CANNOT be used -- validDetId only checks ETA PHI method
02325       // doing a check by hand, here is the only place in CMSSW 
02326       // outside TB code and EcalRawToDigi where needed
02327       // => no need for changing the DetId interface
02328       //
02329       // checking only sm_db -- guess can change with the above FIXME
02330       if (sm_db >= EBDetId::MIN_SM && sm_db <= EBDetId::MAX_SM) {
02331         EBDetId ebid (sm_db,i+1,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE) ;
02332         if (calib_status[i]) ical->setValue (ebid.rawId (), calib[i]) ;
02333         else ical->setValue (ebid.rawId (), 1.) ;
02334       }
02335       //}
02336     } // loop over channels 
02338 //  edm::LogInfo ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "INTERCALIBRATION DONE" ; 
02339   return ical;
02340 }
02342 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02345 std::auto_ptr<EcalTimeCalibConstants> 
02346 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::getTimeCalibConstantsFromConfiguration 
02347 ( const EcalTimeCalibConstantsRcd& )
02348 {
02349   std::auto_ptr<EcalTimeCalibConstants>  ical = 
02350       std::auto_ptr<EcalTimeCalibConstants>( new EcalTimeCalibConstants() );
02352   // Read the values from a txt file
02353   // -------------------------------
02355   edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Reading time calibration constants from file "
02356                                                 << timeCalibConstantsFile_.c_str() ;
02358   FILE *inpFile ;
02359   inpFile = fopen (timeCalibConstantsFile_.c_str (),"r") ;
02360   if (!inpFile) 
02361     {
02362       edm::LogError ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") 
02363          << "*** Can not open file: " << timeCalibConstantsFile_ ;
02364       throw cms::Exception ("Cannot open inter-calibration coefficients txt file") ;
02365     }
02367   char line[256] ;
02368   std::ostringstream str ;
02369   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02370   int sm_number=atoi (line) ;
02371   str << "sm: " << sm_number ;  
02373   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02374   //int nevents=atoi (line) ; // not necessary here just for online conddb
02376   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02377   std::string gen_tag = line ;
02378   str << "gen tag: " << gen_tag ;  // should I use this? 
02380   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02381   std::string cali_method = line ;
02382   str << "cali method: " << cali_method << std::endl ; // not important 
02384   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02385   std::string cali_version = line ;
02386   str << "cali version: " << cali_version << std::endl ; // not important 
02388   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02389   std::string cali_type = line ;
02390   str << "cali type: " << cali_type ; // not important
02392   edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever")
02393             << "TimeCalibration file - " 
02394             << str.str () << std::endl ;
02396   float calib[1700]={1} ;
02397   int calib_status[1700]={0} ;
02399   int ii = 0 ;
02401   while (fgets (line,255,inpFile)) 
02402     {
02403       ii++;
02404       int dmy_num = 0 ;
02405       float dmy_calib = 0. ;
02406       float dmy_RMS = 0. ;
02407       int dmy_events = 0 ;
02408       int dmy_status = 0 ;
02409       sscanf (line, "%d %f %f %d %d", &dmy_num, &dmy_calib,
02410                                       &dmy_RMS, &dmy_events,
02411                                       &dmy_status) ;
02412       assert (dmy_num >= 1) ;
02413       assert (dmy_num <= 1700) ;
02414       calib[dmy_num-1] = dmy_calib ; 
02415       calib_status[dmy_num-1] = dmy_status ;
02417 //       edm::LogInfo ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever")
02418 //                 << "[PIETRO] cry = " << dmy_num 
02419 //                 << " calib = " << calib[dmy_num-1] 
02420 //                 << " RMS = " << dmy_RMS
02421 //                 << " events = " << dmy_events
02422 //                 << " status = " << calib_status[dmy_num-1] 
02423 //                 << std::endl ;
02424     }
02426   fclose (inpFile) ;           // close inp. file
02427   edm::LogInfo ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Read timeCalibrations for " << ii << " xtals " ; 
02428   if (ii!=1700) edm::LogWarning ("StoreEcalCondition") 
02429                 << "Some crystals missing, set to 1" << std::endl ;
02431   // Transfer the data to the inter-calibration coefficients container
02432   // -----------------------------------------------------------------
02434   // DB supermodule always set to 1 for the TestBeam FIXME
02435   int sm_db=1 ;
02436   // loop over channels 
02437   for (int i=0 ; i<1700 ; i++)
02438     {
02439       //if (EBDetId::validDetId(iEta,iPhi)) {
02440       // CANNOT be used -- validDetId only checks ETA PHI method
02441       // doing a check by hand, here is the only place in CMSSW 
02442       // outside TB code and EcalRawToDigi where needed
02443       // => no need for changing the DetId interface
02444       //
02445       // checking only sm_db -- guess can change with the above FIXME
02446       if (sm_db >= EBDetId::MIN_SM && sm_db <= EBDetId::MAX_SM) {
02447         EBDetId ebid (sm_db,i+1,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE) ;
02448         if (calib_status[i]) ical->setValue (ebid.rawId (), calib[i]) ;
02449         else ical->setValue (ebid.rawId (), 1.) ;
02450       }
02451       //}
02452     } // loop over channels 
02454 //  edm::LogInfo ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "INTERCALIBRATION DONE" ; 
02455   return ical;
02456 }
02459 std::auto_ptr<EcalTimeCalibErrors> 
02460 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::getTimeCalibErrorsFromConfiguration 
02461 ( const EcalTimeCalibErrorsRcd& )
02462 {
02463   std::auto_ptr<EcalTimeCalibErrors>  ical = 
02464       std::auto_ptr<EcalTimeCalibErrors>( new EcalTimeCalibErrors() );
02466   // Read the values from a txt file
02467   // -------------------------------
02469   edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Reading timeCalibration constants from file "
02470                                                 << timeCalibErrorsFile_.c_str() ;
02472   FILE *inpFile ;
02473   inpFile = fopen (timeCalibErrorsFile_.c_str (),"r") ;
02474   if (!inpFile) 
02475     {
02476       edm::LogError ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") 
02477          << "*** Can not open file: " << timeCalibErrorsFile_ ;
02478       throw cms::Exception ("Cannot open inter-calibration coefficients txt file") ;
02479     }
02481   char line[256] ;
02482   std::ostringstream str ;
02483   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02484   int sm_number=atoi (line) ;
02485   str << "sm: " << sm_number ;  
02487   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02488   //int nevents=atoi (line) ; // not necessary here just for online conddb
02490   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02491   std::string gen_tag = line ;
02492   str << "gen tag: " << gen_tag ;  // should I use this? 
02494   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02495   std::string cali_method = line ;
02496   str << "cali method: " << cali_method << std::endl ; // not important 
02498   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02499   std::string cali_version = line ;
02500   str << "cali version: " << cali_version << std::endl ; // not important 
02502   fgets (line,255,inpFile) ;
02503   std::string cali_type = line ;
02504   str << "cali type: " << cali_type ; // not important
02506   edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever")
02507             << "TimeCalibration file - " 
02508             << str.str () << std::endl ;
02510   float calib[1700]={1} ;
02511   int calib_status[1700]={0} ;
02513   int ii = 0 ;
02515   while (fgets (line,255,inpFile)) 
02516     {
02517       ii++;
02518       int dmy_num = 0 ;
02519       float dmy_calib = 0. ;
02520       float dmy_RMS = 0. ;
02521       int dmy_events = 0 ;
02522       int dmy_status = 0 ;
02523       sscanf (line, "%d %f %f %d %d", &dmy_num, &dmy_calib,
02524                                       &dmy_RMS, &dmy_events,
02525                                       &dmy_status) ;
02526       assert (dmy_num >= 1) ;
02527       assert (dmy_num <= 1700) ;
02528       calib[dmy_num-1] = dmy_calib ; 
02529       calib_status[dmy_num-1] = dmy_status ;
02531 //       edm::LogInfo ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever")
02532 //                 << "[PIETRO] cry = " << dmy_num 
02533 //                 << " calib = " << calib[dmy_num-1] 
02534 //                 << " RMS = " << dmy_RMS
02535 //                 << " events = " << dmy_events
02536 //                 << " status = " << calib_status[dmy_num-1] 
02537 //                 << std::endl ;
02538     }
02540   fclose (inpFile) ;           // close inp. file
02541   edm::LogInfo ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Read time calibrations for " << ii << " xtals " ; 
02542   if (ii!=1700) edm::LogWarning ("StoreEcalCondition") 
02543                 << "Some crystals missing, set to 1" << std::endl ;
02545   // Transfer the data to the inter-calibration coefficients container
02546   // -----------------------------------------------------------------
02548   // DB supermodule always set to 1 for the TestBeam FIXME
02549   int sm_db=1 ;
02550   // loop over channels 
02551   for (int i=0 ; i<1700 ; i++)
02552     {
02553       //if (EBDetId::validDetId(iEta,iPhi)) {
02554       // CANNOT be used -- validDetId only checks ETA PHI method
02555       // doing a check by hand, here is the only place in CMSSW 
02556       // outside TB code and EcalRawToDigi where needed
02557       // => no need for changing the DetId interface
02558       //
02559       // checking only sm_db -- guess can change with the above FIXME
02560       if (sm_db >= EBDetId::MIN_SM && sm_db <= EBDetId::MAX_SM) {
02561         EBDetId ebid (sm_db,i+1,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE) ;
02562         if (calib_status[i]) ical->setValue (ebid.rawId (), calib[i]) ;
02563         else ical->setValue (ebid.rawId (), 1.) ;
02564       }
02565       //}
02566     } // loop over channels 
02568 //  edm::LogInfo ("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "INTERCALIBRATION DONE" ; 
02569   return ical;
02570 }
02572 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02574 std::auto_ptr<EcalMappingElectronics>
02575 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::getMappingFromConfiguration (const EcalMappingElectronicsRcd&)
02576 {
02577   std::auto_ptr<EcalMappingElectronics> mapping = std::auto_ptr<EcalMappingElectronics>( new EcalMappingElectronics() );
02578   edm::LogInfo("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "Reading mapping from file " << edm::FileInPath(mappingFile_).fullPath().c_str() ;
02580   std::ifstream f(edm::FileInPath(mappingFile_).fullPath().c_str());
02581   if (!f.good())
02582     {
02583       edm::LogError("EcalTrivialConditionRetriever") << "File not found";
02584       throw cms::Exception("FileNotFound");
02585     }
02587   // uint32_t detid, elecid, triggerid;
02589   int ix, iy, iz, CL;
02590   // int dccid, towerid, stripid, xtalid;
02591   // int tccid, tower, ipseudostrip, xtalinps;
02592   int dccid, towerid, pseudostrip_in_SC, xtal_in_pseudostrip;
02593   int tccid, tower, pseudostrip_in_TCC, pseudostrip_in_TT;
02595   while ( ! f.eof()) 
02596     {
02597       // f >> detid >> elecid >> triggerid; 
02598       f >> ix >> iy >> iz >> CL >> dccid >> towerid >> pseudostrip_in_SC >> xtal_in_pseudostrip >> tccid >> tower >> 
02599         pseudostrip_in_TCC >> pseudostrip_in_TT ;
02601 //       if (!EEDetId::validDetId(ix,iy,iz))
02602 //        continue;
02604       EEDetId detid(ix,iy,iz,EEDetId::XYMODE);
02605       // std::cout << " dcc tower ps_in_SC xtal_in_ps " << dccid << " " << towerid << " " << pseudostrip_in_SC << " " << xtal_in_pseudostrip << std::endl;
02606       EcalElectronicsId elecid(dccid,towerid, pseudostrip_in_SC, xtal_in_pseudostrip);
02607       // std::cout << " tcc tt ps_in_TT xtal_in_ps " << tccid << " " << tower << " " << pseudostrip_in_TT << " " << xtal_in_pseudostrip << std::endl;
02608       EcalTriggerElectronicsId triggerid(tccid, tower, pseudostrip_in_TT, xtal_in_pseudostrip);
02609       EcalMappingElement aElement;
02610       aElement.electronicsid = elecid.rawId();
02611       aElement.triggerid = triggerid.rawId();
02612       (*mapping).setValue(detid, aElement);
02613     }
02615   f.close();
02616   return mapping;
02617 }
02621 std::auto_ptr<EcalMappingElectronics>
02622 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalMappingElectronics( const EcalMappingElectronicsRcd& )
02623 {
02625         std::auto_ptr<EcalMappingElectronics>  ical = std::auto_ptr<EcalMappingElectronics>( new EcalMappingElectronics() );
02626         return ical;
02627 }
02629 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02631 std::auto_ptr<Alignments>
02632 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalAlignmentEB( const EBAlignmentRcd& ) {
02633   double mytrans[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
02634   double myeuler[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
02635   std::ifstream f(edm::FileInPath(EBAlignmentFile_).fullPath().c_str());
02636   std::vector<AlignTransform> my_align;
02637   int ieta = 1;
02638   int iphi = 0;
02639   for(int SM = 1 ; SM < 37; SM++ ) {
02640     // make an EBDetId since we need EBDetId::rawId()
02641     if(SM > 18) { 
02642       iphi = 1 + (SM - 19) * 20;
02643       ieta = -1;
02644     }
02645     else
02646       iphi = SM * 20;
02647     EBDetId ebdetId(ieta,iphi);
02648     if(getEBAlignmentFromFile_) {
02649       f >> myeuler[0] >> myeuler[1] >> myeuler[2] >> mytrans[0] >> mytrans[1] >> mytrans[2];
02650       std::cout << " translation " << mytrans[0] << " " << mytrans[1] << " " << mytrans[2] << "\n" 
02651            << " euler " << myeuler[0] << " " << myeuler[1] << " " << myeuler[2] << std::endl;
02652     }
02653     CLHEP::Hep3Vector translation( mytrans[0], mytrans[1], mytrans[2]);
02654     CLHEP::HepEulerAngles euler( myeuler[0], myeuler[1], myeuler[2]);
02655     AlignTransform transform( translation, euler, ebdetId );
02656     my_align.push_back(transform);
02657   }
02658   /*
02659   // check
02660   uint32_t m_rawid;
02661   double m_x, m_y, m_z;
02662   double m_phi, m_theta, m_psi;
02663   int SM = 0;
02664   for (std::vector<AlignTransform>::const_iterator i = my_align.begin(); i != my_align.end(); ++i){     
02665     m_rawid = i->rawId();
02666     CLHEP::Hep3Vector translation = i->translation();
02667     m_x = translation.x();
02668     m_y = translation.y();
02669     m_z = translation.z();
02670     CLHEP::HepRotation rotation = i->rotation();
02671     m_phi = rotation.getPhi();
02672     m_theta = rotation.getTheta();
02673     m_psi = rotation.getPsi();
02674     SM++;
02675     std::cout << " SM " << SM << " Id " << m_rawid << " x " << m_x << " y " << m_y << " z " << m_z
02676               << " phi " << m_phi << " theta " << m_theta << " psi " << m_psi << std::endl;
02677   }
02678   */
02679   Alignments a; 
02680   a.m_align = my_align; 
02682   std::auto_ptr<Alignments> ical = std::auto_ptr<Alignments>( new Alignments(a) );
02683   return ical;
02684 }
02686 std::auto_ptr<Alignments>
02687 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalAlignmentEE( const EEAlignmentRcd& ) {
02688   double mytrans[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
02689   double myeuler[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
02690   std::ifstream f(edm::FileInPath(EEAlignmentFile_).fullPath().c_str());
02691   std::vector<AlignTransform> my_align;
02692   int ix = 20;
02693   int iy = 50;
02694   int side = -1;
02695   for(int Dee = 0 ; Dee < 4; Dee++ ) {
02696     // make an EEDetId since we need EEDetId::rawId()
02697     if(Dee == 1 || Dee == 3) 
02698       ix = 70;
02699     else ix = 20;
02700     if(Dee == 2)
02701       side = 1;
02702     EEDetId eedetId(ix, iy, side);
02703     if(getEEAlignmentFromFile_) {
02704       f >> myeuler[0] >> myeuler[1] >> myeuler[2] >> mytrans[0] >> mytrans[1] >> mytrans[2];
02705       std::cout << " translation " << mytrans[0] << " " << mytrans[1] << " " << mytrans[2] << "\n" 
02706            << " euler " << myeuler[0] << " " << myeuler[1] << " " << myeuler[2] << std::endl;
02707     }
02708     CLHEP::Hep3Vector translation( mytrans[0], mytrans[1], mytrans[2]);
02709     CLHEP::HepEulerAngles euler( myeuler[0], myeuler[1], myeuler[2]);
02710     AlignTransform transform( translation, euler, eedetId );
02711     my_align.push_back(transform);
02712   }
02713   Alignments a; 
02714   a.m_align = my_align; 
02715   std::auto_ptr<Alignments> ical = std::auto_ptr<Alignments>( new Alignments(a) );
02716   return ical;
02717 }
02719 std::auto_ptr<Alignments>
02720 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalAlignmentES( const ESAlignmentRcd& ) {
02721   double mytrans[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
02722   double myeuler[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
02723   std::ifstream f(edm::FileInPath(ESAlignmentFile_).fullPath().c_str());
02724   std::vector<AlignTransform> my_align;
02725   //  int ix_vect[10] = {10, 30, 30, 50, 10, 30, 10, 30};
02726   int pl_vect[10] = {2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2};
02727   int iy = 10;
02728   int side = -1;
02729   int strip = 1;
02730   for(int layer = 0 ; layer < 8; layer++ ) {
02731     // make an ESDetId since we need ESDetId::rawId()
02732     int ix = 10 + (layer%2) * 20;
02733     int plane = pl_vect[layer];
02734     if(layer > 3) side = 1;
02735     ESDetId esdetId(strip, ix, iy, plane, side);
02736     if(getESAlignmentFromFile_) {
02737       f >> myeuler[0] >> myeuler[1] >> myeuler[2] >> mytrans[0] >> mytrans[1] >> mytrans[2];
02738       std::cout << " translation " << mytrans[0] << " " << mytrans[1] << " " << mytrans[2] << "\n" 
02739                 << " euler " << myeuler[0] << " " << myeuler[1] << " " << myeuler[2] << std::endl;
02740     }
02741     CLHEP::Hep3Vector translation( mytrans[0], mytrans[1], mytrans[2]);
02742     CLHEP::HepEulerAngles euler( myeuler[0], myeuler[1], myeuler[2]);
02743     AlignTransform transform( translation, euler, esdetId );
02744     my_align.push_back(transform);
02745   }
02746   Alignments a; 
02747   a.m_align = my_align; 
02748   std::auto_ptr<Alignments> ical = std::auto_ptr<Alignments>( new Alignments(a) );
02749   return ical;
02750 }