
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001  #ifndef HLTJetMETDQMSource_H
00002 #define HLTJetMETDQMSource_H
00003 // -*- C++ -*-
00004 //
00005 // Package:    HLTJetMETDQMSource
00006 // Class:      HLTJetMETDQMSource
00007 // Code for HLT JetMET DQ monitoring. Based on FourVectorOnline code.
00013 // system include files
00014 #include <memory>
00015 #include <unistd.h>
00018 // user include files
00019 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
00020 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EDAnalyzer.h"
00022 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
00023 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
00024 #include "DataFormats/HLTReco/interface/TriggerEvent.h"
00025 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/TriggerResults.h"
00026 #include "HLTrigger/HLTcore/interface/HLTConfigProvider.h"
00028 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
00029 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/MonitorElement.h"
00030 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
00031 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00032 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00034 #include <iostream>
00035 #include <fstream>
00036 #include <vector>
00038 class HLTJetMETDQMSource : public edm::EDAnalyzer {
00039    public:
00040       explicit HLTJetMETDQMSource(const edm::ParameterSet&);
00041       ~HLTJetMETDQMSource();
00044    private:
00045       virtual void beginJob() ;
00046       virtual void analyze(const edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&);
00047       virtual void endJob() ;
00049       // BeginRun
00050       void beginRun(const edm::Run& run, const edm::EventSetup& c);
00052       void histobooking( const edm::EventSetup& c);
00054       // EndRun
00055       void endRun(const edm::Run& run, const edm::EventSetup& c);
00058       void beginLuminosityBlock(const edm::LuminosityBlock& lumiSeg, 
00059                                 const edm::EventSetup& c) ;
00062         void endLuminosityBlock(const edm::LuminosityBlock& lumiSeg, 
00063                                 const edm::EventSetup& c);
00066       // ----------member data --------------------------- 
00067       int nev_;
00068       DQMStore * dbe_;
00070       MonitorElement* total_;
00072       bool plotAll_;
00073       bool plotEff_;
00074       bool plotwrtMu_;
00075       bool resetMe_;
00076       int currentRun_;
00077       int nhltcfg;
00078       bool hltconfigchanged;
00079       unsigned int nBins_; 
00080       double ptMin_ ;
00081       double ptMax_ ;
00084       double muonEtaMax_;
00085       double muonEtMin_;
00086       double muonDRMatch_;
00088       double jetEtaMax_;
00089       double jetEtMin_;
00090       double jetDRMatch_;
00092       double metMin_;
00093       double htMin_;
00094       double sumEtMin_;
00096       std::string  custompathnamemu_;
00097       std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > custompathnamepairs_;
00098       std::vector<int>  prescUsed_;
00101       std::string dirname_;
00102       std::string processname_;
00103       bool verbose_;
00104       bool monitorDaemon_;
00105       int theHLTOutputType;
00107       edm::InputTag triggerSummaryLabel_;
00108       edm::InputTag triggerResultsLabel_;
00109       HLTConfigProvider hltConfig_;
00110       // data across paths
00111       MonitorElement* scalersSelect;
00112       // helper class to store the data path
00114       class PathInfo {
00115         PathInfo():
00116           pathIndex_(-1), prescaleUsed_(-1),denomPathName_("unset"), pathName_("unset"), l1pathName_("unset"), filterName_("unset"), DenomfilterName_("unset"), processName_("unset"), objectType_(-1)
00117           {};
00118       public:
00119         void setHistos( 
00120                        MonitorElement* const N, 
00121                        MonitorElement* const Et, 
00122                        MonitorElement* const EtaPhi,  
00123                        MonitorElement* const Eta,  
00124                        MonitorElement* const Phi,  
00125                        MonitorElement* const NL1, 
00126                        MonitorElement* const l1Et, 
00127                        MonitorElement* const l1EtaPhi,
00128                        MonitorElement* const l1Eta,
00129                        MonitorElement* const l1Phi)
00131           {
00132           N_ = N;
00133           Et_ = Et;
00134           EtaPhi_ = EtaPhi;
00135           Eta_ = Eta;
00136           Phi_ = Phi;
00137           NL1_ = NL1;
00138           l1Et_ = l1Et;
00139           l1EtaPhi_ = l1EtaPhi;
00140           l1Eta_ = l1Eta;
00141           l1Phi_ = l1Phi;
00143         }
00144         void setHistosEff(
00145                           MonitorElement* const NEff, 
00146                           MonitorElement* const EtEff, 
00147                           MonitorElement* const EtaEff,
00148                           MonitorElement* const PhiEff,
00149                           MonitorElement* const NNum, 
00150                           MonitorElement* const EtNum, 
00151                           MonitorElement* const EtaNum,
00152                           MonitorElement* const PhiNum,
00153                           MonitorElement* const NDenom, 
00154                           MonitorElement* const EtDenom, 
00155                           MonitorElement* const EtaDenom,
00156                           MonitorElement* const PhiDenom)
00158           {
00159             NEff_ = NEff;
00160             EtEff_ = EtEff;
00161             EtaEff_ = EtaEff;
00162             PhiEff_ = PhiEff;
00163             NNum_ = NNum;
00164             EtNum_ = EtNum;
00165             EtaNum_ = EtaNum;
00166             PhiNum_ = PhiNum;
00167             NDenom_ = NDenom;
00168             EtDenom_ = EtDenom;
00169             EtaDenom_ = EtaDenom;
00170             PhiDenom_ = PhiDenom;
00171           }
00172         void setHistoswrtMu(
00173                             MonitorElement* const NwrtMu, 
00174                             MonitorElement* const EtwrtMu, 
00175                             MonitorElement* const EtaPhiwrtMu,
00176                             MonitorElement* const PhiwrtMu)
00179           {
00180             NwrtMu_ = NwrtMu;
00181           EtwrtMu_ = EtwrtMu;
00182           EtaPhiwrtMu_ = EtaPhiwrtMu;
00183           PhiwrtMu_ = PhiwrtMu;
00184           }
00185         MonitorElement * getNHisto() {
00186           return N_;
00187         }
00188         MonitorElement * getEtHisto() {
00189           return Et_;
00190         }
00191         MonitorElement * getEtaPhiHisto() {
00192           return EtaPhi_;
00193         }
00194         MonitorElement * getEtaHisto() {
00195           return Eta_;
00196         }
00197         MonitorElement * getPhiHisto() {
00198           return Phi_;
00199         }
00200         MonitorElement * getNL1Histo() {
00201           return NL1_;
00202         }
00203         MonitorElement * getL1EtHisto() {
00204           return l1Et_;
00205         }
00206         MonitorElement * getL1EtaHisto() {
00207           return l1Eta_;
00208         }
00209         MonitorElement * getL1EtaPhiHisto() {
00210           return l1EtaPhi_;
00211         }
00212         MonitorElement * getL1PhiHisto() {
00213           return l1Phi_;
00214         }
00215         MonitorElement * getNwrtMuHisto() {
00216           return NwrtMu_;
00217         }
00218         MonitorElement * getEtwrtMuHisto() {
00219           return EtwrtMu_;
00220         }
00221         MonitorElement * getEtaPhiwrtMuHisto() {
00222           return EtaPhiwrtMu_;
00223         }
00224         MonitorElement * getPhiwrtMuHisto() {
00225           return PhiwrtMu_;
00226         }
00227         MonitorElement * getNEffHisto() {
00228           return NEff_;
00229         }
00230         MonitorElement * getEtEffHisto() {
00231           return EtEff_;
00232         }
00233         MonitorElement * getEtaEffHisto() {
00234           return EtaEff_;
00235         }
00236         MonitorElement * getPhiEffHisto() {
00237           return PhiEff_;
00238         }
00239         MonitorElement * getNNumHisto() {
00240           return NNum_;
00241         }
00242         MonitorElement * getEtNumHisto() {
00243           return EtNum_;
00244         }
00245         MonitorElement * getEtaNumHisto() {
00246           return EtaNum_;
00247         }
00248         MonitorElement * getPhiNumHisto() {
00249           return PhiNum_;
00250         }
00251         MonitorElement * getNDenomHisto() {
00252           return NDenom_;
00253         }
00254         MonitorElement * getEtDenomHisto() {
00255           return EtDenom_;
00256         }
00257         MonitorElement * getEtaDenomHisto() {
00258           return EtaDenom_;
00259         }
00260         MonitorElement * getPhiDenomHisto() {
00261           return PhiDenom_;
00262         }
00263         const std::string getLabel(void ) const {
00264           return filterName_;
00265         }
00266         const std::string getDenomLabel(void ) const {
00267           return DenomfilterName_;
00268         }
00270         void setLabel(std::string labelName){
00271           filterName_ = labelName;
00272           return;
00273         }
00274         void setDenomLabel(std::string labelName){
00275           DenomfilterName_ = labelName;
00276           return;
00277         }
00278         const std::string getPath(void ) const {
00279           return pathName_;
00280         }
00281         const std::string getl1Path(void ) const {
00282           return l1pathName_;
00283         }
00284         const std::string getDenomPath(void ) const {
00285           return denomPathName_;
00286         }
00287         const int getprescaleUsed(void) const {
00288           return prescaleUsed_;
00289         }
00290         const std::string getProcess(void ) const {
00291           return processName_;
00292         }
00293         const int getObjectType(void ) const {
00294           return objectType_;
00295         }
00297         const edm::InputTag getTag(void) const{
00298           edm::InputTag tagName(filterName_,"",processName_);
00299           return tagName;
00300         }
00301         const edm::InputTag getDenomTag(void) const{
00302           edm::InputTag tagName(DenomfilterName_,"",processName_);
00303           return tagName;
00304         }
00305         ~PathInfo() {};
00306         PathInfo(int prescaleUsed, std::string denomPathName, std::string pathName, std::string l1pathName, std::string filterName, std::string DenomfilterName, std::string processName, size_t type, float ptmin, 
00307                  float ptmax):
00308           prescaleUsed_(prescaleUsed),denomPathName_(denomPathName), pathName_(pathName), l1pathName_(l1pathName), filterName_(filterName), DenomfilterName_(DenomfilterName), processName_(processName), objectType_(type),
00309           N_(0), Et_(0), EtaPhi_(0),Eta_(0),
00310           NL1_(0), l1Et_(0), l1EtaPhi_(0),l1Eta_(0),l1Phi_(0),
00311           NwrtMu_(0), EtwrtMu_(0), EtaPhiwrtMu_(0),PhiwrtMu_(0),
00312           NEff_(0), EtEff_(0), EtaEff_(0),PhiEff_(0),
00313           NNum_(0), EtNum_(0), EtaNum_(0),PhiNum_(0),
00314           NDenom_(0), EtDenom_(0), EtaDenom_(0),PhiDenom_(0),
00315           ptmin_(ptmin), ptmax_(ptmax)
00316           {
00317           };
00318           PathInfo(int prescaleUsed, std::string denomPathName, std::string pathName, std::string l1pathName, std::string filterName, std::string DenomfilterName, std::string processName, size_t type,
00319                    MonitorElement *N,
00320                    MonitorElement *Et,
00321                    MonitorElement *EtaPhi,
00322                    MonitorElement *Eta,
00323                    MonitorElement *Phi,
00324                    MonitorElement *NL1,
00325                    MonitorElement *l1Et,
00326                    MonitorElement *l1EtaPhi,
00327                    MonitorElement *l1Eta,
00328                    MonitorElement *l1Phi,
00329                    MonitorElement *NwrtMu,
00330                    MonitorElement *EtwrtMu,
00331                    MonitorElement *EtaPhiwrtMu,
00332                    MonitorElement *PhiwrtMu,
00333                    MonitorElement *NEff,
00334                    MonitorElement *EtEff,
00335                    MonitorElement *EtaEff,
00336                    MonitorElement *PhiEff,
00337                    MonitorElement *NNum,
00338                    MonitorElement *EtNum,
00339                    MonitorElement *EtaNum,
00340                    MonitorElement *PhiNum,
00341                    MonitorElement *NDenom,
00342                    MonitorElement *EtDenom,
00343                    MonitorElement *EtaDenom,
00344                    MonitorElement *PhiDenom,
00345                    float ptmin, float ptmax
00346                    ):
00347              prescaleUsed_(prescaleUsed), denomPathName_(denomPathName), pathName_(pathName), l1pathName_(l1pathName), filterName_(filterName), DenomfilterName_(DenomfilterName), processName_(processName), objectType_(type),
00348             N_(N), Et_(Et), EtaPhi_(EtaPhi),Eta_(Eta), Phi_(Phi),
00349             NL1_(NL1), l1Et_(l1Et), l1EtaPhi_(l1EtaPhi),l1Eta_(l1Eta),l1Phi_(l1Phi),
00350             NwrtMu_(NwrtMu), EtwrtMu_(EtwrtMu), EtaPhiwrtMu_(EtaPhiwrtMu),PhiwrtMu_(PhiwrtMu),
00351             NEff_(NEff), EtEff_(EtEff), EtaEff_(EtaEff), PhiEff_(PhiEff),
00352             NNum_(NNum), EtNum_(EtNum), EtaNum_(EtaNum), PhiNum_(PhiNum),
00353             NDenom_(NDenom), EtDenom_(EtDenom), EtaDenom_(EtaDenom),PhiDenom_(PhiDenom),
00354             ptmin_(ptmin), ptmax_(ptmax)
00355             {};
00356             bool operator==(const std::string v) 
00357             {
00358               return v==filterName_;
00359             }
00360       private:
00361           int pathIndex_;
00362           int prescaleUsed_;
00363           std::string denomPathName_;
00364           std::string pathName_;
00365           std::string l1pathName_;
00366           std::string filterName_;
00367           std::string DenomfilterName_;
00368           std::string processName_;
00369           int objectType_;
00371           // we don't own this data
00372           MonitorElement *N_, *Et_, *EtaPhi_, *Eta_, *Phi_;
00373           MonitorElement *NL1_, *l1Et_, *l1EtaPhi_ ,*l1Eta_ , *l1Phi_;
00374           MonitorElement *NwrtMu_, *EtwrtMu_, *EtaPhiwrtMu_, *PhiwrtMu_;
00375           MonitorElement *NEff_, *EtEff_, *EtaEff_, *PhiEff_;
00376           MonitorElement *NNum_, *EtNum_, *EtaNum_, *PhiNum_;
00377           MonitorElement *NDenom_, *EtDenom_, *EtaDenom_, *PhiDenom_;
00379           float ptmin_, ptmax_;
00381           const int index() { 
00382             return pathIndex_;
00383           }
00384           const int type() { 
00385             return objectType_;
00386           }
00387       public:
00388           float getPtMin() const { return ptmin_; }
00389           float getPtMax() const { return ptmax_; }
00390       };
00392       // simple collection - just 
00393       class PathInfoCollection: public std::vector<PathInfo> {
00394       public:
00395         PathInfoCollection(): std::vector<PathInfo>() 
00396           {};
00397           std::vector<PathInfo>::iterator find(std::string pathName) {
00398             return std::find(begin(), end(), pathName);
00399           }
00400       };
00401       PathInfoCollection hltPathsAll_;
00402       PathInfoCollection hltPathsEff_;
00403       PathInfoCollection hltPathswrtMu_;
00404       MonitorElement* rate_All;
00405       MonitorElement* rate_All_L1;
00406       MonitorElement* rate_Eff;
00407       MonitorElement* rate_Denom;
00408       MonitorElement* rate_Num;
00409       MonitorElement* rate_wrtMu;
00412 };
00413 #endif