
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef GSUtilities_h
00002 #define GSUtilities_h
00008 class GSUtilities {
00009 public:
00011   GSUtilities (const unsigned nComp, const float* weights,
00012                const float* parameters, const float* errors) :
00013     theNComp(nComp),
00014     theWeights(0),
00015     theParameters(0),
00016     theErrors(0)
00017   {
00018     if ( theNComp ) {
00019       theWeights = new float[theNComp];
00020       theParameters = new float[theNComp];
00021       theErrors = new float[theNComp];
00022     }
00023     const float* wPtr1(weights);
00024     const float* pPtr1(parameters);
00025     const float* ePtr1(errors);
00026     float* wPtr2(theWeights);
00027     float* pPtr2(theParameters);
00028     float* ePtr2(theErrors);
00029     for ( unsigned i=0; i<theNComp; i++ ) {
00030       *(wPtr2++) = weights ? *(wPtr1++) : 1.;
00031       *(pPtr2++) = *(pPtr1++);
00032       *(ePtr2++) = *(ePtr1++);
00033     }
00034   } 
00035   ~GSUtilities () 
00036   {
00037     delete [] theWeights;
00038     delete [] theParameters;
00039     delete [] theErrors;
00040   }
00044   float quantile (const float) const;
00046   float mode () const;
00048   double pdf (const double&) const;
00050   double cdf (const double&) const;
00052   double dpdf1 (const double&) const;
00054   double dpdf2 (const double&) const;
00057   double combinedMean() const;
00058   //  mean value of errors 
00059   double errorCombinedMean() const;
00060   //  error for the highest weight
00061   float errorHighestWeight() const;
00062   // max weight component - chiara
00063   float maxWeight() const;
00064   // mode error + some utilities functions
00065   float errorMode();
00066   float getMax(float);
00067   float getMin(float);
00069 private:
00071   double gauss (const double&, const double&, const double&) const;
00073   double gaussInt (const double&, const double&, const double&) const;
00077   double findMode (const double) const;
00079 private:
00080   unsigned theNComp;
00081   float* theWeights;
00082   float* theParameters;
00083   float* theErrors;
00084 };
00085 #endif