
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "CondFormats/SiStripObjects/interface/SiStripDetVOff.h"
00002 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00003 #include "CondFormats/SiStripObjects/interface/SiStripDetSummary.h"
00005 #include <algorithm>
00007 void SiStripDetVOff::setBits( uint32_t & enDetId, const int HVoff, const int LVoff )
00008 {
00009   if( LVoff != -1 ) {
00010     // LVonMask has all bits equal to 1 apart from the last one.
00011     if( LVoff == 0 ) enDetId &= LVonMask;
00012     if( LVoff == 1 ) enDetId |= LVmask;
00013   }
00014   if( HVoff != -1 ) {
00015     // HVonMask has all bits equal to 1 apart from the next to last one.
00016     if( HVoff == 0 ) enDetId &= HVonMask;
00017     if( HVoff == 1 ) enDetId |= HVmask;
00018   }
00019 }
00021 bool SiStripDetVOff::put(const uint32_t DetId, const int HVoff, const int LVoff)
00022 {
00023   // Shift the DetId number of 2 bits to the left to have it in the final format with
00024   // the two additional bits used for HV and LV.
00025   uint32_t enDetId = (DetId << bitShift) & eightBitMask;
00027   // Binary search to determine if the element is already in the vector
00028   vOffIterator p = std::lower_bound(v_Voff.begin(), v_Voff.end(), enDetId);
00029   if( p != v_Voff.end() && (*p >> bitShift) == DetId) {
00030     // Found a matching entry, insert the HV and LV information.
00031     setBits(*p, HVoff, LVoff);
00032     // Check if the detector has all on, in that case remove it from the list.
00033     if( (~(*p) & allOnMask) == allOnMask ) v_Voff.erase(p);
00034   }
00035   else {
00036     // Not found, insert a new entry only if it is not all on
00037     setBits(enDetId, HVoff, LVoff);
00038     if( (~enDetId & allOnMask) != allOnMask ) v_Voff.insert(p, enDetId);
00039   }
00040   return true;
00041 }
00043 bool SiStripDetVOff::put(std::vector<uint32_t>& DetId, std::vector<int>& HVoff, std::vector<int>& LVoff)
00044 {
00045   if( DetId.size() == HVoff.size() && DetId.size() == LVoff.size() ) {
00046     constVoffIterator detIdIt = DetId.begin();
00047     constVoffIterator detIdItEnd = DetId.end();
00048     constVboolIterator HVoffIt = HVoff.begin();
00049     constVboolIterator LVoffIt = LVoff.begin();
00050     for( ; detIdIt != detIdItEnd; ++detIdIt, ++HVoffIt, ++LVoffIt ) {
00051       put( *detIdIt, *HVoffIt, *LVoffIt );
00052     }
00053   }
00054   else {
00055     std::cout << "Error: inconsistent sizes of vectors:" << std::endl;
00056     std::cout << "DetId size = " << DetId.size() << ", HVoff size = " << HVoff.size() << ", LVoff size = " << LVoff.size() << std::endl;
00057     return false;
00058   }
00059   return true;
00060 }
00062 void SiStripDetVOff::getDetIds(std::vector<uint32_t>& DetIds_) const
00063 {
00064   // returns vector of DetIds in map
00065   DetIds_.clear();
00066   // Extract the detId from the bitSet and fill the vector
00067   constVoffIterator bitSetIt = v_Voff.begin();
00068   constVoffIterator bitSetItEnd = v_Voff.end();
00069   for( ; bitSetIt != bitSetItEnd; ++bitSetIt ) {
00070     DetIds_.push_back( (*bitSetIt) >> bitShift );
00071   }
00072 }
00074 bool SiStripDetVOff::IsModuleVOff(const uint32_t DetId) const
00075 {
00076   uint32_t enDetId = (DetId << bitShift) & eightBitMask;
00077   constVoffIterator p = std::lower_bound(v_Voff.begin(), v_Voff.end(), enDetId);
00078   if( p != v_Voff.end() && (*p >> bitShift) == DetId) return true;
00079   return false;
00080 }
00082 bool SiStripDetVOff::IsModuleLVOff(const uint32_t DetId) const
00083 {
00084   uint32_t enDetId = (DetId << bitShift) & eightBitMask;
00085   constVoffIterator p = std::lower_bound(v_Voff.begin(), v_Voff.end(), enDetId);
00086   if( p != v_Voff.end() && (*p >> bitShift) == DetId && (*p & LVmask) ) return true;
00087   return false;
00088 }
00090 bool SiStripDetVOff::IsModuleHVOff(const uint32_t DetId) const
00091 {
00092   uint32_t enDetId = (DetId << bitShift) & eightBitMask;
00093   constVoffIterator p = std::lower_bound(v_Voff.begin(), v_Voff.end(), enDetId);
00094   if( p != v_Voff.end() && (*p >> bitShift) == DetId && (*p & HVmask) ) return true;
00095   return false;
00096 }
00098 void SiStripDetVOff::printDebug(std::stringstream & ss) const
00099 {
00100   std::vector<uint32_t> detIds;
00101   getDetIds(detIds);
00102   constVoffIterator it = detIds.begin();
00103   ss << "DetId    \t HV \t LV" << std::endl;
00104   for( ; it!=detIds.end(); ++it ) {
00105     ss << *it << "\t";
00106     if( IsModuleHVOff(*it)) ss << "OFF\t";
00107     else ss << "ON \t";
00108     if( IsModuleLVOff(*it)) ss << "OFF" << std::endl;
00109     else ss << "ON" << std::endl;
00110   }
00111 }
00113 int SiStripDetVOff::getLVoffCounts() const
00114 {
00115   SiStripDetSummary summaryLV;
00116   std::vector<uint32_t> detIds;
00117   getDetIds(detIds);
00118   constVoffIterator it = detIds.begin();
00119   for( ; it!=detIds.end(); ++it ) {
00120     if( IsModuleLVOff(*it)) summaryLV.add(*it);
00121   }
00122   int totalCount = 0;
00123   std::map<unsigned int, SiStripDetSummary::Values> counts = summaryLV.getCounts();
00124   std::map<unsigned int, SiStripDetSummary::Values>::const_iterator mapIt = counts.begin();
00125   for( ; mapIt != counts.end(); ++mapIt ) {
00126     totalCount += mapIt->second.count;
00127   }
00128   return totalCount;
00129 }
00131 int SiStripDetVOff::getHVoffCounts() const
00132 {
00133   SiStripDetSummary summaryHV;
00134   std::vector<uint32_t> detIds;
00135   getDetIds(detIds);
00136   constVoffIterator it = detIds.begin();
00137   for( ; it!=detIds.end(); ++it ) {
00138     if( IsModuleHVOff(*it)) summaryHV.add(*it);
00139   }
00140   int totalCount = 0;
00141   std::map<unsigned int, SiStripDetSummary::Values> counts = summaryHV.getCounts();
00142   std::map<unsigned int, SiStripDetSummary::Values>::const_iterator mapIt = counts.begin();
00143   for( ; mapIt != counts.end(); ++mapIt ) {
00144     totalCount += mapIt->second.count;
00145   }
00146   return totalCount;
00147 }
00149 void SiStripDetVOff::printSummary(std::stringstream & ss) const
00150 {
00151   SiStripDetSummary summaryHV;
00152   SiStripDetSummary summaryLV;
00153   std::vector<uint32_t> detIds;
00154   getDetIds(detIds);
00155   constVoffIterator it = detIds.begin();
00156   for( ; it!=detIds.end(); ++it ) {
00157     if( IsModuleHVOff(*it)) summaryHV.add(*it);
00158     if( IsModuleLVOff(*it)) summaryLV.add(*it);
00159   }
00160   ss << "Summary of detectors with HV off:" << std::endl;
00161   summaryHV.print(ss, false);
00162   ss << "Summary of detectors with LV off:" << std::endl;
00163   summaryLV.print(ss, false);
00164 }