
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "RecoMuon/MuonIdentification/interface/MuonHOAcceptance.h"
00003 #include <iostream>
00004 #include <algorithm>
00005 #include <cmath>
00007 //#include "TTree.h"
00008 #include "TMultiGraph.h"
00009 #include "TGraph.h"
00011 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h"
00013 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalChannelQuality.h"
00014 #include "CondFormats/DataRecord/interface/HcalChannelQualityRcd.h"
00016 #include "RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecAlgos/interface/HcalSeverityLevelComputer.h"
00017 #include "RecoLocalCalo/HcalRecAlgos/interface/HcalSeverityLevelComputerRcd.h"
00019 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
00021 std::vector<uint32_t> MuonHOAcceptance::deadIds;
00022 std::vector<MuonHOAcceptance::deadRegion> MuonHOAcceptance::deadRegions;
00023 std::vector<uint32_t> MuonHOAcceptance::SiPMIds;
00024 std::vector<MuonHOAcceptance::deadRegion> MuonHOAcceptance::SiPMRegions;
00025 bool MuonHOAcceptance::inited = false;
00026 int const MuonHOAcceptance::etaBounds = 5;
00027 double const MuonHOAcceptance::etaMin[etaBounds] = 
00028   //{-1.262, -0.861, -0.307, 0.341, 0.885};
00029   {-1.2544, -0.8542, -0.3017, 0.3425, 0.8796};
00030 double const MuonHOAcceptance::etaMax[etaBounds] = 
00031   //{-0.885, -0.341,  0.307, 0.861, 1.262};
00032   {-0.8796, -0.3425,  0.3017, 0.8542, 1.2544};
00033 double const MuonHOAcceptance::twopi = 2.*3.14159265358979323846;
00034 int const MuonHOAcceptance::phiSectors = 12;
00035 double const MuonHOAcceptance::phiMinR0[phiSectors] = {-0.16172,
00036                                                         0.3618786,
00037                                                         0.8854773,
00038                                                         1.409076116,
00039                                                         1.932674892,
00040                                                         2.456273667,
00041                                                         2.979872443,
00042                                                         3.503471219,
00043                                                         4.027069994,
00044                                                         4.55066877,
00045                                                         5.074267545,
00046                                                         5.597866321 };
00047 double const MuonHOAcceptance::phiMaxR0[phiSectors] = { 0.317395374,
00048                                                         0.84099415,
00049                                                         1.364592925,
00050                                                         1.888191701,
00051                                                         2.411790477,
00052                                                         2.935389252,
00053                                                         3.458988028,
00054                                                         3.982586803,
00055                                                         4.506185579,
00056                                                         5.029784355,
00057                                                         5.55338313,
00058                                                         6.076981906 };
00059 double const MuonHOAcceptance::phiMinR12[phiSectors] = {-0.166264081,
00060                                                          0.357334694,
00061                                                          0.88093347,
00062                                                          1.404532245,
00063                                                          1.928131021,
00064                                                          2.451729797,
00065                                                          2.975328572,
00066                                                          3.498927348,
00067                                                          4.022526123,
00068                                                          4.546124899,
00069                                                          5.069723674,
00070                                                          5.59332245 };
00071 double const MuonHOAcceptance::phiMaxR12[phiSectors] = { 0.34398862,
00072                                                          0.867587396,
00073                                                          1.391186172,
00074                                                          1.914784947,
00075                                                          2.438383723,
00076                                                          2.961982498,
00077                                                          3.485581274,
00078                                                          4.00918005,
00079                                                          4.532778825,
00080                                                          5.056377601,
00081                                                          5.579976376,
00082                                                          6.103575152 };
00084 bool MuonHOAcceptance::isChannelDead(uint32_t id) {
00085   if (!inited) return false;
00086   std::vector<uint32_t>::const_iterator found = 
00087     std::find(deadIds.begin(), deadIds.end(), id);
00088   if ((found != deadIds.end()) && (*found == id)) return true;
00089   else return false;
00090 }
00092 bool MuonHOAcceptance::isChannelSiPM(uint32_t id) {
00093   if (!inited) return false;
00094   std::vector<uint32_t>::const_iterator found =
00095     std::find(SiPMIds.begin(), SiPMIds.end(), id);
00096   if ((found != SiPMIds.end()) && (*found == id)) return true;
00097   else return false;
00098 }
00100 bool MuonHOAcceptance::inGeomAccept(double eta, double phi, 
00101                                     double delta_eta, double delta_phi)
00102 {
00103   for (int ieta = 0; ieta<etaBounds; ++ieta) {
00104     if ( (eta > etaMin[ieta]+delta_eta) &&
00105          (eta < etaMax[ieta]-delta_eta) ) {
00106       for (int iphi = 0; iphi<phiSectors; ++iphi) {
00107         double const * mins =  ((ieta == 2) ? phiMinR0 : phiMinR12);
00108         double const * maxes = ((ieta == 2) ? phiMaxR0 : phiMaxR12);
00109         while (phi < mins[0]) 
00110           phi += twopi;
00111         while (phi > mins[0]+twopi)
00112           phi -= twopi;
00113         if ( ( phi > mins[iphi] + delta_phi ) &&
00114              ( phi < maxes[iphi] - delta_phi ) ) {
00115           return true;
00116         }
00117       }
00118       return false;
00119     }
00120   }
00121   return false;
00122 }
00124 bool MuonHOAcceptance::inNotDeadGeom(double eta, double phi, 
00125                                      double delta_eta, double delta_phi) {
00126   if (!inited) return true;
00127   int ieta = int(eta/0.087) + ((eta>0) ? 1 : -1);
00128   double const * mins = ((std::abs(ieta) > 4) ? phiMinR12 : phiMinR0);
00129   while (phi < mins[0])
00130     phi += twopi;
00131   while (phi > mins[0]+twopi)
00132     phi -= twopi;
00133   std::vector<deadRegion>::const_iterator region;
00134   for (region = deadRegions.begin(); region != deadRegions.end(); ++region) {
00135     if ( (phi < region->phiMax + delta_phi) && 
00136          (phi > region->phiMin - delta_phi) &&
00137          (eta < region->etaMax + delta_eta) &&
00138          (eta > region->etaMin - delta_eta) )
00139       return false;
00140   }
00141   return true;
00142 }
00144 bool MuonHOAcceptance::inSiPMGeom(double eta, double phi, 
00145                                   double delta_eta, double delta_phi) {
00146   if (!inited) return false;
00147   int ieta = int(eta/0.087) + ((eta>0) ? 1 : -1);
00148   double const * mins = ((std::abs(ieta) > 4) ? phiMinR12 : phiMinR0);
00149   while (phi < mins[0])
00150     phi += twopi;
00151   while (phi > mins[0]+twopi)
00152     phi -= twopi;
00153   std::vector<deadRegion>::const_iterator region;
00154   for (region = SiPMRegions.begin(); region != SiPMRegions.end(); ++region) {
00155     if ( (phi < region->phiMax - delta_phi) && 
00156          (phi > region->phiMin + delta_phi) &&
00157          (eta < region->etaMax - delta_eta) && 
00158          (eta > region->etaMin + delta_eta) ) {
00159       return true;
00160     }
00161   }
00162   return false;
00163 }
00165 void MuonHOAcceptance::initIds(edm::EventSetup const& eSetup) {
00166   deadIds.clear();
00168   edm::ESHandle<HcalChannelQuality> p;
00169   eSetup.get<HcalChannelQualityRcd>().get(p);
00170   HcalChannelQuality *myqual = new HcalChannelQuality(*p.product());
00172   edm::ESHandle<HcalSeverityLevelComputer> mycomputer;
00173   eSetup.get<HcalSeverityLevelComputerRcd>().get(mycomputer);
00174   const HcalSeverityLevelComputer *mySeverity = mycomputer.product();
00176   // TTree * deads = new TTree("deads", "deads");
00177   // deads->ReadFile("HOdeadnessChannels.txt", "ieta/I:iphi/I:deadness/D");
00178   int ieta, iphi;
00179   // double deadness;
00180   // deads->SetBranchAddress("ieta", &ieta);
00181   // deads->SetBranchAddress("iphi", &iphi);
00182   // deads->SetBranchAddress("deadness", &deadness);
00183   // deads->Print();
00184   //std::cout << "ieta\tiphi\n";
00185   for (ieta=-15; ieta <= 15; ieta++) {
00186     if (ieta != 0) {
00187       for (iphi = 1; iphi <= 72; iphi++) {
00188         // for (int i=0; i<deads->GetEntries(); ++i) {
00189         //   deads->GetEntry(i);
00190         //   if (deadness > 0.4) {
00191         HcalDetId did(HcalOuter,ieta,iphi,4);
00192         const HcalChannelStatus *mystatus = myqual->getValues(did.rawId());
00193         if (mySeverity->dropChannel(mystatus->getValue())) {
00194           deadIds.push_back(did.rawId());
00195           // std::cout << did.ieta() << '\t' << did.iphi() << '\n';
00196         }
00197         //HO +1 RBX 10
00198         if ( (ieta>=5) && (ieta<=10) && (iphi >= 47) && (iphi <= 58) ) {
00199           SiPMIds.push_back(did.rawId());
00200         }
00201         //HO +2 RBX 12
00202         if ( (ieta>=11) && (ieta<=15) && (iphi >= 59) && (iphi <= 70) ) {
00203           SiPMIds.push_back(did.rawId());
00204         }
00205       }
00206     }
00207   }
00208   std::sort(deadIds.begin(), deadIds.end());
00209   std::sort(SiPMIds.begin(), SiPMIds.end());
00210   // std::cout << "SiPMIds: " << SiPMIds.size() << '\n';
00211   // delete deads;
00212   buildDeadAreas();
00213   buildSiPMAreas();
00214   inited = true;
00215   delete myqual;
00216 }
00218 void MuonHOAcceptance::buildDeadAreas() {
00219   std::vector<uint32_t>::iterator did;
00220   std::list<deadIdRegion> didregions;
00221   for (did = deadIds.begin(); did != deadIds.end(); ++did) {
00222     HcalDetId tmpId(*did);
00223     didregions.push_back( deadIdRegion( tmpId.ieta(), tmpId.ieta(), 
00224                                         tmpId.iphi(), tmpId.iphi() ) );
00225   }
00226   // std::cout << "dead regions: " << didregions.size() << '\n';
00228   mergeRegionLists(didregions);
00229   convertRegions(didregions, deadRegions);
00230 }
00232 void MuonHOAcceptance::buildSiPMAreas() {
00233   std::vector<uint32_t>::iterator sid;
00234   std::list<deadIdRegion> idregions;
00236   for (sid = SiPMIds.begin(); sid != SiPMIds.end(); ++sid) {
00237     HcalDetId tmpId(*sid);
00238     idregions.push_back( deadIdRegion( tmpId.ieta(), tmpId.ieta(),
00239                                        tmpId.iphi(), tmpId.iphi() ) );
00240   }
00242   mergeRegionLists(idregions);
00243   convertRegions(idregions,SiPMRegions);
00244 }
00246 void MuonHOAcceptance::mergeRegionLists (std::list<deadIdRegion>& didregions) {
00247   std::list<deadIdRegion>::iterator curr;
00248   std::list<deadIdRegion> list2;
00249   unsigned int startSize;
00250   do {
00251     startSize = didregions.size();
00253     // std::cout << "regions: " << startSize << '\n';
00254     //merge in phi
00255     curr = didregions.begin();
00256     while (curr != didregions.end()) {
00257       deadIdRegion merger(*curr);
00258       curr = didregions.erase(curr);
00259       while (curr != didregions.end()) {
00260         if ( (merger.sameEta(*curr)) && (merger.adjacentPhi(*curr)) ) {
00261           merger.merge(*curr);
00262           curr = didregions.erase(curr);
00263         } else ++curr;
00264       }
00265       list2.push_back(merger);
00266       curr = didregions.begin();
00267     }
00269     //merge in eta
00270     curr = list2.begin();
00271     while (curr != list2.end()) {
00272       deadIdRegion merger(*curr);
00273       curr = list2.erase(curr);
00274       while (curr != list2.end()) {
00275         if ( (merger.samePhi(*curr)) && (merger.adjacentEta(*curr)) ) {
00276           merger.merge(*curr);
00277           curr = list2.erase(curr);
00278         } else ++curr;
00279       }
00280       didregions.push_back(merger);
00281       curr = list2.begin();
00282     }
00283   } while (startSize > didregions.size());
00284 }
00286 void MuonHOAcceptance::convertRegions(std::list<deadIdRegion> const& idregions,
00287                                       std::vector<deadRegion>& regions) {
00288   double e1, e2;
00289   double eMin,eMax,pMin,pMax;
00290   static double const etaStep = 0.087;
00291   static double const phiStep = twopi/72.;
00292   double const offset = 2.;
00293   double const * mins;
00294   double const * maxes;
00295   std::list<deadIdRegion>::const_iterator curr;
00296   double zero;
00297   for (curr = idregions.begin(); curr != idregions.end(); ++curr) {
00298     // std::cout << "region boundaries: ieta,iphi\n"
00299     //        << "              min: " << curr->etaMin << ',' << curr->phiMin << '\n'
00300     //        << "              max: " << curr->etaMax << ',' << curr->phiMax << '\n';
00301     if (curr->etaMin == -4) {
00302       eMin = etaMax[1];
00303     } else if (curr->etaMin == 5) {
00304       eMin = etaMin[3];
00305     } else {
00306       e1 = (std::abs(curr->etaMin)-1)*etaStep*
00307         (-(curr->etaMin<0) + (curr->etaMin>0));
00308       e2 = std::abs(curr->etaMin)*etaStep*
00309         (-(curr->etaMin<0) + (curr->etaMin>0));
00310       eMin = std::min(e1,e2);
00311     }
00312     if (curr->etaMax == 4) {
00313       eMax = etaMin[3];
00314     } else if (curr->etaMax == -5) {
00315       eMax = etaMax[1];
00316     } else {
00317       e1 = (std::abs(curr->etaMax)-1)*etaStep*
00318         (-(curr->etaMax<0) + (curr->etaMax>0));
00319       e2 = std::abs(curr->etaMax)*etaStep*
00320         (-(curr->etaMax<0) + (curr->etaMax>0));
00321       eMax = std::max(e1,e2);
00322     }
00323     mins = ((std::abs(curr->etaMin)>4) ? phiMinR12 : phiMinR0);
00324     maxes = ((std::abs(curr->etaMin)>4) ? phiMaxR12 : phiMaxR0);
00325     zero = (mins[0] + maxes[phiSectors-1] - twopi)/2.;
00326     pMin = (curr->phiMin-1)*phiStep + zero + phiStep*offset;
00327     pMax = curr->phiMax*phiStep + zero + phiStep*offset;
00328     while (pMax < mins[0])
00329       pMax += twopi;
00330     while (pMax > mins[0]+twopi) 
00331       pMax -= twopi;
00332     while (pMin < mins[0])
00333       pMin += twopi;
00334     while (pMin > mins[0]+twopi) 
00335       pMin -= twopi;
00337     regions.push_back( deadRegion(eMin, eMax, pMin, pMax) );
00338     // std::cout << "                 : eta,phi\n"
00339     //        << "              min: " << tmp.etaMin << ',' << tmp.phiMin << '\n'
00340     //        << "              max: " << tmp.etaMax << ',' << tmp.phiMax << '\n';
00341   }
00342 }
00344 TMultiGraph * MuonHOAcceptance::graphRegions(std::vector<deadRegion> const& regions) {
00345   TMultiGraph * bounds = new TMultiGraph("bounds", "bounds");
00346   std::vector<deadRegion>::const_iterator region;
00347   TGraph * gr;
00348   for (region = regions.begin(); region != regions.end(); ++region) {
00349     // std::cout << "region eta range:(" << region->etaMin << ',' << region->etaMax
00350     //        << ") phi range: (" << region->phiMin << ',' << region->phiMax << ")\n";
00351     double pMin = region->phiMin;
00352     while (pMin > twopi/2.) pMin -= twopi;
00353     double pMax = region->phiMax;
00354     while (pMax > twopi/2.) pMax -= twopi;
00356     if (pMin < pMax) {
00357       gr = new TGraph(5);
00358       gr->SetLineColor(kRed);
00359       gr->SetPoint(0, region->etaMin, pMin);
00360       gr->SetPoint(1, region->etaMin, pMax);
00361       gr->SetPoint(2, region->etaMax, pMax);
00362       gr->SetPoint(3, region->etaMax, pMin);
00363       gr->SetPoint(4, region->etaMin, pMin);
00364       bounds->Add(gr, "l");
00365     } else {
00366       gr = new TGraph(5);
00367       gr->SetLineColor(kRed);
00368       gr->SetPoint(0, region->etaMin, pMin);
00369       gr->SetPoint(1, region->etaMin, twopi/2.);
00370       gr->SetPoint(2, region->etaMax, twopi/2.);
00371       gr->SetPoint(3, region->etaMax, pMin);
00372       gr->SetPoint(4, region->etaMin, pMin);
00373       bounds->Add(gr, "l");
00374       gr = new TGraph(5);
00375       gr->SetLineColor(kRed);
00376       gr->SetPoint(0, region->etaMin, -twopi/2.);
00377       gr->SetPoint(1, region->etaMin, pMax);
00378       gr->SetPoint(2, region->etaMax, pMax);
00379       gr->SetPoint(3, region->etaMax, -twopi/2.);
00380       gr->SetPoint(4, region->etaMin, -twopi/2.);
00381       bounds->Add(gr, "l");
00382     }
00383   }
00384   return bounds;
00385 }
00387 void MuonHOAcceptance::deadIdRegion::merge (deadIdRegion const& other) {
00388   etaMin = std::min(etaMin, other.etaMin);
00389   etaMax = std::max(etaMax, other.etaMax);
00390   phiMin = std::min(phiMin, other.phiMin);
00391   phiMax = std::max(phiMax, other.phiMax);
00392 }