
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 # producer for Hcal Zmumu (HCAL Zmumu for ho)
00004 # copied from Zmumu alignment
00005 ALCARECOHcalCalZMuMu = cms.EDFilter("AlignmentMuonSelectorModule",
00006     chi2nMaxSA = cms.double(9999999.0),
00007     nHitMaxTO = cms.double(9999999.0),
00008     nHitMaxGB = cms.double(9999999.0),
00009     applyMultiplicityFilter = cms.bool(False),
00010     etaMin = cms.double(-2.4),
00011     minMassPair = cms.double(89.0),
00012     etaMax = cms.double(2.4),
00013     phiMax = cms.double(3.1416),
00014     phiMin = cms.double(-3.1416),
00015     ptMin = cms.double(0.0),
00016     minMultiplicity = cms.int32(1),
00017     applyNHighestPt = cms.bool(False),
00018     nHitMaxSA = cms.double(9999999.0),
00019     ptMax = cms.double(999.0),
00020     # Stand Alone muons
00021     nHitMinSA = cms.double(0.0),
00022     chi2nMaxTO = cms.double(9999999.0),
00023     chi2nMaxGB = cms.double(9999999.0),
00024     nHighestPt = cms.int32(2),
00025     # copy best mass pair combination muons to result vector
00026     # Criteria: 
00027     # a) maxMassPair != minMassPair: the two highest pt muons with mass pair inside the given mass window
00028     # b) maxMassPair == minMassPair: the muon pair with mass pair closest to given mass value
00029     applyMassPairFilter = cms.bool(False),
00030     src = cms.InputTag("muons"), ## globalMuons
00032     # Global muons
00033     nHitMinGB = cms.double(0.0),
00034     filter = cms.bool(True),
00035     maxMassPair = cms.double(90.0),
00036     # Tracker Only
00037     nHitMinTO = cms.double(0.0),
00038     applyBasicCuts = cms.bool(True)
00039 )