
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "CondFormats/RunInfo/interface/FillInfo.h"
00002 #include "CondFormats/Common/interface/TimeConversions.h"
00003 #include <algorithm>
00004 #include <iterator>
00005 #include <stdexcept>
00007 //helper function: returns the positions of the bits in the bitset that are set (i.e., have a value of 1).
00008 static std::vector<unsigned short> bitsetToVector( std::bitset<FillInfo::bunchSlots+1> const & bs ) {
00009   std::vector<unsigned short> vec;
00010   //reserve space only for the bits in the bitset that are set
00011   vec.reserve( bs.count() );
00012   for( size_t i = 0; i < bs.size(); ++i ) {
00013     if( bs.test( i ) )
00014       vec.push_back( (unsigned short)i );
00015   }
00016   return vec;
00017 }
00019 //helper function: returns the enum for fill types in string type
00020 static std::string fillTypeToString( FillInfo::FillTypeId const & fillType ) {
00021   std::string s_fillType( "UNKNOWN" );
00022   switch( fillType ) {
00023   case FillInfo::UNKNOWN :
00024     s_fillType = std::string( "UNKNOWN" );
00025     break;
00026   case FillInfo::PROTONS :
00027     s_fillType = std::string( "PROTONS" );
00028     break;
00029   case FillInfo::IONS :
00030     s_fillType = std::string( "IONS" );
00031     break;
00032   case FillInfo::COSMICS :
00033     s_fillType = std::string( "COSMICS" );
00034     break;
00035   case FillInfo::GAP :
00036     s_fillType = std::string( "GAP" );
00037     break;
00038   default :
00039     s_fillType = std::string( "UNKNOWN" );
00040   }
00041   return s_fillType;
00042 }
00044 //helper function: returns the enum for particle types in string type
00045 static std::string particleTypeToString( FillInfo::ParticleTypeId const & particleType ) {
00046   std::string s_particleType( "NONE" );
00047   switch( particleType ) {
00048   case FillInfo::NONE :
00049     s_particleType = std::string( "NONE" );
00050     break;
00051   case FillInfo::PROTON :
00052     s_particleType = std::string( "PROTON" );
00053     break;
00054   case FillInfo::PB82 :
00055     s_particleType = std::string( "PB82" );
00056     break;
00057   case FillInfo::AR18 :
00058     s_particleType = std::string( "AR18" );
00059     break;
00060   case FillInfo::D :
00061     s_particleType = std::string( "D" );
00062     break;
00063   case FillInfo::XE54 :
00064     s_particleType = std::string( "XE54" );
00065     break;
00066   default :
00067     s_particleType = std::string( "NONE" );
00068   }
00069   return s_particleType;
00070 }
00072 FillInfo::FillInfo(): m_isData( false )
00073                     , m_lhcFill( 0 )
00074                     , m_bunches1( 0 )
00075                     , m_bunches2( 0 )
00076                     , m_collidingBunches( 0 )
00077                     , m_targetBunches( 0 )
00078                     , m_fillType( FillTypeId::UNKNOWN )
00079                     , m_particles1( ParticleTypeId::NONE )
00080                     , m_particles2( ParticleTypeId::NONE )
00081                     , m_crossingAngle( 0. )
00082                     , m_betastar( 0. )
00083                     , m_intensity1( 0. )
00084                     , m_intensity2( 0. )
00085                     , m_energy( 0. )
00086                     , m_createTime( 0 )
00087                     , m_beginTime( 0 )
00088                     , m_endTime( 0 )
00089                     , m_injectionScheme( "None" )
00090 {}
00092 FillInfo::FillInfo( unsigned short const & lhcFill, bool const & fromData ): m_isData( fromData )
00093                                                                            , m_lhcFill( lhcFill )
00094                                                                            , m_bunches1( 0 )
00095                                                                            , m_bunches2( 0 )
00096                                                                            , m_collidingBunches( 0 )
00097                                                                            , m_targetBunches( 0 )
00098                                                                            , m_fillType( FillTypeId::UNKNOWN )
00099                                                                            , m_particles1( ParticleTypeId::NONE )
00100                                                                            , m_particles2( ParticleTypeId::NONE )
00101                                                                            , m_crossingAngle( 0. )
00102                                                                            , m_betastar( 0. )
00103                                                                            , m_intensity1( 0. )
00104                                                                            , m_intensity2( 0. )
00105                                                                            , m_energy( 0. )
00106                                                                            , m_createTime( 0 )
00107                                                                            , m_beginTime( 0 )
00108                                                                            , m_endTime( 0 )
00109                                                                            , m_injectionScheme( "None" )
00110 {}
00112 FillInfo::~FillInfo() {}
00114 //reset instance
00115 void FillInfo::setFill( unsigned short const & lhcFill, bool const & fromData ) {
00116   m_isData = fromData;
00117   m_lhcFill = lhcFill;
00118   m_bunches1 = 0;
00119   m_bunches2 = 0;
00120   m_collidingBunches = 0;
00121   m_targetBunches = 0;
00122   m_fillType = FillTypeId::UNKNOWN;
00123   m_particles1 = ParticleTypeId::NONE;
00124   m_particles2 = ParticleTypeId::NONE;
00125   m_crossingAngle = 0.;
00126   m_betastar = 0.;
00127   m_intensity1 = 0;
00128   m_intensity2 = 0;
00129   m_energy = 0.;
00130   m_createTime = 0;
00131   m_beginTime = 0;
00132   m_endTime = 0;
00133   m_injectionScheme = "None";
00134   m_bunchConfiguration1.reset();
00135   m_bunchConfiguration2.reset();
00136 }
00138 //getters
00139 unsigned short const FillInfo::fillNumber() const {
00140   return m_lhcFill;
00141 }
00143 bool const FillInfo::isData() const {
00144   return m_isData;
00145 }
00147 unsigned short const FillInfo::bunchesInBeam1() const {
00148   return m_bunches1;
00149 }
00151 unsigned short const FillInfo::bunchesInBeam2() const {
00152   return m_bunches2;
00153 }
00155 unsigned short const FillInfo::collidingBunches() const {
00156   return m_collidingBunches;
00157 }
00159 unsigned short const FillInfo::targetBunches() const {
00160   return m_targetBunches;
00161 }
00163 FillInfo::FillTypeId const FillInfo::fillType() const {
00164   return m_fillType;
00165 }
00167 FillInfo::ParticleTypeId const FillInfo::particleTypeForBeam1() const {
00168   return m_particles1;
00169 }
00171 FillInfo::ParticleTypeId const FillInfo::particleTypeForBeam2() const {
00172   return m_particles2;
00173 }
00175 float const FillInfo::crossingAngle() const {
00176   return m_crossingAngle;
00177 }
00179 float const FillInfo::betaStar() const {
00180   return m_betastar;
00181 }
00183 float const FillInfo::intensityForBeam1() const {
00184   return m_intensity1;
00185 }
00187 float const FillInfo::intensityForBeam2() const {
00188   return m_intensity2;
00189 }
00191 float const FillInfo::energy() const {
00192   return m_energy;
00193 }
00195 cond::Time_t const FillInfo::createTime() const {
00196   return m_createTime;
00197 }
00199 cond::Time_t const FillInfo::beginTime() const {
00200   return m_beginTime;
00201 }
00203 cond::Time_t const FillInfo::endTime() const {
00204   return m_endTime;
00205 }
00207 std::string const & FillInfo::injectionScheme() const {
00208   return m_injectionScheme;
00209 }
00211 //returns a boolean, true if the bunch slot number is in the circulating bunch configuration
00212 bool FillInfo::isBunchInBeam1( size_t const & bunch ) const {
00213   if( bunch == 0 )
00214     throw std::out_of_range( "0 not allowed" ); //CMS starts counting bunch crossing from 1!
00215   return m_bunchConfiguration1.test( bunch );
00216 }
00218 bool FillInfo::isBunchInBeam2( size_t const & bunch ) const {
00219   if( bunch == 0 )
00220     throw std::out_of_range( "0 not allowed" ); //CMS starts counting bunch crossing from 1!
00221   return m_bunchConfiguration2.test( bunch );
00222 }
00224 //member functions returning *by value* a vector with all filled bunch slots
00225 std::vector<unsigned short> FillInfo::bunchConfigurationForBeam1() const {
00226   return bitsetToVector( m_bunchConfiguration1 );
00227 }
00229 std::vector<unsigned short> FillInfo::bunchConfigurationForBeam2() const {
00230   return bitsetToVector( m_bunchConfiguration2 );
00231 }
00233 //setters
00234 void FillInfo::setBunchesInBeam1( unsigned short const & bunches ) {
00235   m_bunches1 = bunches;
00236 }
00238 void FillInfo::setBunchesInBeam2( unsigned short const & bunches ) {
00239   m_bunches2 = bunches;
00240 }
00242 void FillInfo::setCollidingBunches( unsigned short const & collidingBunches ) {
00243   m_collidingBunches = collidingBunches;
00244 }
00246 void FillInfo::setTargetBunches( unsigned short const & targetBunches ) {
00247   m_targetBunches = targetBunches;
00248 }
00250 void FillInfo::setFillType( FillInfo::FillTypeId const & fillType ) {
00251   m_fillType = fillType;
00252 }
00254 void FillInfo::setParticleTypeForBeam1( FillInfo::ParticleTypeId const & particleType ) {
00255   m_particles1 = particleType;
00256 }
00258 void FillInfo::setParticleTypeForBeam2( FillInfo::ParticleTypeId const & particleType ) {
00259   m_particles2 = particleType;
00260 }
00262 void FillInfo::setCrossingAngle( float const & angle ) {
00263   m_crossingAngle = angle;
00264 }
00266 void FillInfo::setBetaStar( float const & betaStar ) {
00267   m_betastar = betaStar;
00268 }
00270 void FillInfo::setIntensityForBeam1( float const & intensity ) {
00271   m_intensity1 = intensity;
00272 }
00274 void FillInfo::setIntensityForBeam2( float const & intensity ) {
00275   m_intensity2 = intensity;
00276 }
00278 void FillInfo::setEnergy( float const & energy ) {
00279   m_energy = energy;
00280 }
00282 void FillInfo::setCreationTime( cond::Time_t const & createTime ) {
00283   m_createTime = createTime;
00284 }
00286 void FillInfo::setBeginTime( cond::Time_t const & beginTime ) {
00287   m_beginTime = beginTime;
00288 }
00290 void FillInfo::setEndTime( cond::Time_t const & endTime ) {
00291   m_endTime = endTime;
00292 }
00294 void FillInfo::setInjectionScheme( std::string const & injectionScheme ) {
00295   m_injectionScheme = injectionScheme;
00296 }
00298 //sets all values in one go
00299 void FillInfo::setBeamInfo( unsigned short const & bunches1
00300                             ,unsigned short const & bunches2
00301                             ,unsigned short const & collidingBunches
00302                             ,unsigned short const & targetBunches
00303                             ,FillTypeId const & fillType
00304                             ,ParticleTypeId const & particleType1
00305                             ,ParticleTypeId const & particleType2
00306                             ,float const & angle
00307                             ,float const & beta
00308                             ,float const & intensity1
00309                             ,float const & intensity2
00310                             ,float const & energy
00311                             ,cond::Time_t const & createTime
00312                             ,cond::Time_t const & beginTime
00313                             ,cond::Time_t const & endTime
00314                             ,std::string const & scheme
00315                             ,std::bitset<bunchSlots+1> const & bunchConf1
00316                             ,std::bitset<bunchSlots+1> const & bunchConf2 ) {
00317   this->setBunchesInBeam1( bunches1 );
00318   this->setBunchesInBeam2( bunches2 );
00319   this->setCollidingBunches( collidingBunches );
00320   this->setTargetBunches( targetBunches );
00321   this->setFillType( fillType );
00322   this->setParticleTypeForBeam1( particleType1 );
00323   this->setParticleTypeForBeam2( particleType2 );
00324   this->setCrossingAngle( angle );
00325   this->setBetaStar( beta );
00326   this->setIntensityForBeam1( intensity1 );
00327   this->setIntensityForBeam2( intensity2 );
00328   this->setEnergy( energy );
00329   this->setCreationTime( createTime );
00330   this->setBeginTime( beginTime );
00331   this->setEndTime( endTime );
00332   this->setInjectionScheme( scheme );
00333   this->setBunchBitsetForBeam1( bunchConf1 );
00334   this->setBunchBitsetForBeam2( bunchConf2 );
00335 }
00337 void FillInfo::print( std::stringstream & ss ) const {
00338   ss << "LHC fill: " << m_lhcFill << std::endl
00339      << "Bunches in Beam 1: " << m_bunches1 << std::endl
00340      << "Bunches in Beam 2: " << m_bunches2 << std::endl
00341      << "Colliding bunches at IP5: " << m_collidingBunches << std::endl
00342      << "Target bunches at IP5: " << m_targetBunches << std::endl
00343      << "Fill type: " << fillTypeToString( m_fillType ) << std::endl
00344      << "Particle type for Beam 1: " << particleTypeToString( m_particles1 ) << std::endl
00345      << "Particle type for Beam 2: " << particleTypeToString( m_particles2 ) << std::endl
00346      << "Crossing angle (urad): " << m_crossingAngle << std::endl
00347      << "Beta star (cm): " << m_betastar << std::endl
00348      << "Average Intensity for Beam 1 (number of charges): " << m_intensity1 << std::endl
00349      << "Average Intensity for Beam 2 (number of charges): " << m_intensity2 << std::endl
00350      << "Energy (GeV): " << m_energy << std::endl
00351      << "Creation time of the fill: " << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string( cond::time::to_boost( m_createTime ) ) << std::endl
00352      << "Begin time of Stable Beam flag: " << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string( cond::time::to_boost( m_beginTime ) ) << std::endl
00353      << "End time of the fill: " << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string( cond::time::to_boost( m_endTime ) ) << std::endl
00354      << "Injection scheme as given by LPC: " << m_injectionScheme << std::endl;
00355   std::vector<unsigned short> bunchVector1 = this->bunchConfigurationForBeam1();
00356   std::vector<unsigned short> bunchVector2 = this->bunchConfigurationForBeam2();
00357   ss << "Bunches filled for Beam 1 (total " << bunchVector1.size() << "): ";
00358   std::copy( bunchVector1.begin(), bunchVector1.end(), std::ostream_iterator<unsigned short>( ss, ", " ) );
00359   ss << std::endl;
00360   ss << "Bunches filled for Beam 2 (total " << bunchVector2.size() << "): ";
00361   std::copy( bunchVector2.begin(), bunchVector2.end(), std::ostream_iterator<unsigned short>( ss, ", " ) );
00362   ss << std::endl;
00363 }
00365 //protected getters
00366 std::bitset<FillInfo::bunchSlots+1> const & FillInfo::bunchBitsetForBeam1() const {
00367   return m_bunchConfiguration1;  
00368 }
00370 std::bitset<FillInfo::bunchSlots+1> const & FillInfo::bunchBitsetForBeam2() const {
00371   return m_bunchConfiguration2;  
00372 }
00374 //protected setters
00375 void FillInfo::setBunchBitsetForBeam1( std::bitset<FillInfo::bunchSlots+1> const & bunchConfiguration ) {
00376   m_bunchConfiguration1 = bunchConfiguration;
00377 }
00379 void FillInfo::setBunchBitsetForBeam2( std::bitset<FillInfo::bunchSlots+1> const & bunchConfiguration ) {
00380   m_bunchConfiguration2 = bunchConfiguration;
00381 }
00383 std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & os, FillInfo fillInfo ) {
00384   std::stringstream ss;
00385   fillInfo.print( ss );
00386   os << ss.str();
00387   return os;
00388 }