
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 //
00003 // FUShmBuffer
00004 // -----------
00005 //
00006 //            15/11/2006 Philipp Schieferdecker <>
00010 #include "DataFormats/FEDRawData/interface/FEDNumbering.h"
00011 #include "EventFilter/FEDInterface/interface/GlobalEventNumber.h"
00012 #include "EventFilter/ShmBuffer/interface/FUShmBuffer.h"
00013 #include "EventFilter/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
00015 #include <unistd.h>
00016 #include <iostream>
00017 #include <string>
00018 #include <cassert>
00020 #include <sstream>
00021 #include <fstream>
00023 #include <cstdlib>
00024 #include <cstring>
00025 #include <stdint.h>
00027 // the shmem keys are henceforth going to be FIXED for a give userid
00028 // prior to creation, the application will attempt to get ownership
00029 // of existing segments by the same key and destroy them
00031 #define SHM_DESCRIPTOR_KEYID           1 /* Id used on ftok for 1. shmget key */
00032 #define SHM_KEYID                      2 /* Id used on ftok for 2. shmget key */
00033 #define SEM_KEYID                      1 /* Id used on ftok for semget key    */
00035 #define NSKIP_MAX                    100
00037 using namespace std;
00038 using namespace evf;
00040 //obsolete!!!
00041 const char* FUShmBuffer::shmKeyPath_ =
00042                 (getenv("FUSHM_KEYFILE") == NULL ? "/dev/null"
00043                                 : getenv("FUSHM_KEYFILE"));
00044 const char* FUShmBuffer::semKeyPath_ =
00045                 (getenv("FUSEM_KEYFILE") == NULL ? "/dev/null"
00046                                 : getenv("FUSEM_KEYFILE"));
00049 // construction/destruction
00052 //______________________________________________________________________________
00053 FUShmBuffer::FUShmBuffer(bool segmentationMode, unsigned int nRawCells,
00054                 unsigned int nRecoCells, unsigned int nDqmCells,
00055                 unsigned int rawCellSize, unsigned int recoCellSize,
00056                 unsigned int dqmCellSize) :
00057         segmentationMode_(segmentationMode), nClientsMax_(128),
00058                         nRawCells_(nRawCells), rawCellPayloadSize_(rawCellSize),
00059                         nRecoCells_(nRecoCells), recoCellPayloadSize_(recoCellSize),
00060                         nDqmCells_(nDqmCells), dqmCellPayloadSize_(dqmCellSize) {
00061         rawCellTotalSize_ = FUShmRawCell::size(rawCellPayloadSize_);
00062         recoCellTotalSize_ = FUShmRecoCell::size(recoCellPayloadSize_);
00063         dqmCellTotalSize_ = FUShmDqmCell::size(dqmCellPayloadSize_);
00065         void* addr;
00067         rawWriteOffset_ = sizeof(FUShmBuffer);
00068         addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + rawWriteOffset_);
00069         new (addr) unsigned int[nRawCells_];
00071         rawReadOffset_ = rawWriteOffset_ + nRawCells_ * sizeof(unsigned int);
00072         addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + rawReadOffset_);
00073         new (addr) unsigned int[nRawCells_];
00075         recoWriteOffset_ = rawReadOffset_ + nRawCells_ * sizeof(unsigned int);
00076         addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + recoWriteOffset_);
00077         new (addr) unsigned int[nRecoCells_];
00079         recoReadOffset_ = recoWriteOffset_ + nRecoCells_ * sizeof(unsigned int);
00080         addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + recoReadOffset_);
00081         new (addr) unsigned int[nRecoCells_];
00083         dqmWriteOffset_ = recoReadOffset_ + nRecoCells_ * sizeof(unsigned int);
00084         addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + dqmWriteOffset_);
00085         new (addr) unsigned int[nDqmCells_];
00087         dqmReadOffset_ = dqmWriteOffset_ + nDqmCells_ * sizeof(unsigned int);
00088         addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + dqmReadOffset_);
00089         new (addr) unsigned int[nDqmCells_];
00091         evtStateOffset_ = dqmReadOffset_ + nDqmCells_ * sizeof(unsigned int);
00092         addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + evtStateOffset_);
00093         new (addr) evt::State_t[nRawCells_];
00095         evtDiscardOffset_ = evtStateOffset_ + nRawCells_ * sizeof(evt::State_t);
00096         addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + evtDiscardOffset_);
00097         new (addr) unsigned int[nRawCells_];
00099         evtNumberOffset_ = evtDiscardOffset_ + nRawCells_ * sizeof(unsigned int);
00100         addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + evtNumberOffset_);
00101         new (addr) unsigned int[nRawCells_];
00103         evtPrcIdOffset_ = evtNumberOffset_ + nRawCells_ * sizeof(unsigned int);
00104         addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + evtPrcIdOffset_);
00105         new (addr) pid_t[nRawCells_];
00107         evtTimeStampOffset_ = evtPrcIdOffset_ + nRawCells_ * sizeof(pid_t);
00108         addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + evtTimeStampOffset_);
00109         new (addr) time_t[nRawCells_];
00111         dqmStateOffset_ = evtTimeStampOffset_ + nRawCells_ * sizeof(time_t);
00112         addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + dqmStateOffset_);
00113         new (addr) dqm::State_t[nDqmCells_];
00115         clientPrcIdOffset_ = dqmStateOffset_ + nDqmCells_ * sizeof(dqm::State_t);
00116         addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + clientPrcIdOffset_);
00117         new (addr) pid_t[nClientsMax_];
00119         rawCellOffset_ = clientPrcIdOffset_ + nClientsMax_ * sizeof(pid_t);
00121         if (segmentationMode_) {
00122                 recoCellOffset_ = rawCellOffset_ + nRawCells_ * sizeof(key_t);
00123                 dqmCellOffset_ = recoCellOffset_ + nRecoCells_ * sizeof(key_t);
00124                 addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + rawCellOffset_);
00125                 new (addr) key_t[nRawCells_];
00126                 addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + recoCellOffset_);
00127                 new (addr) key_t[nRecoCells_];
00128                 addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + dqmCellOffset_);
00129                 new (addr) key_t[nDqmCells_];
00130         } else {
00131                 recoCellOffset_ = rawCellOffset_ + nRawCells_ * rawCellTotalSize_;
00132                 dqmCellOffset_ = recoCellOffset_ + nRecoCells_ * recoCellTotalSize_;
00133                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRawCells_; i++) {
00134                         addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + rawCellOffset_ + i
00135                                         * rawCellTotalSize_);
00136                         new (addr) FUShmRawCell(rawCellSize);
00137                 }
00138                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRecoCells_; i++) {
00139                         addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + recoCellOffset_ + i
00140                                         * recoCellTotalSize_);
00141                         new (addr) FUShmRecoCell(recoCellSize);
00142                 }
00143                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nDqmCells_; i++) {
00144                         addr = (void*) ((unsigned long) this + dqmCellOffset_ + i
00145                                         * dqmCellTotalSize_);
00146                         new (addr) FUShmDqmCell(dqmCellSize);
00147                 }
00148         }
00149 }
00151 //______________________________________________________________________________
00152 FUShmBuffer::~FUShmBuffer() {
00154 }
00157 // implementation of member functions
00161 //______________________________________________________________________________
00162 void FUShmBuffer::initialize(unsigned int shmid, unsigned int semid) {
00163         shmid_ = shmid;
00164         semid_ = semid;
00166         if (segmentationMode_) {
00167                 int shmKeyId = 666;
00168                 key_t* keyAddr = (key_t*) ((unsigned long) this + rawCellOffset_);
00169                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRawCells_; i++) {
00170                         *keyAddr = ftok(shmKeyPath_, shmKeyId++);
00171                         int shmid = shm_create(*keyAddr, rawCellTotalSize_);
00172                         void* shmAddr = shm_attach(shmid);
00173                         new (shmAddr) FUShmRawCell(rawCellPayloadSize_);
00174                         shmdt(shmAddr);
00175                         ++keyAddr;
00176                 }
00177                 keyAddr = (key_t*) ((unsigned long) this + recoCellOffset_);
00178                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRecoCells_; i++) {
00179                         *keyAddr = ftok(shmKeyPath_, shmKeyId++);
00180                         int shmid = shm_create(*keyAddr, recoCellTotalSize_);
00181                         void* shmAddr = shm_attach(shmid);
00182                         new (shmAddr) FUShmRecoCell(recoCellPayloadSize_);
00183                         shmdt(shmAddr);
00184                         ++keyAddr;
00185                 }
00186                 keyAddr = (key_t*) ((unsigned long) this + dqmCellOffset_);
00187                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nDqmCells_; i++) {
00188                         *keyAddr = ftok(shmKeyPath_, shmKeyId++);
00189                         int shmid = shm_create(*keyAddr, dqmCellTotalSize_);
00190                         void* shmAddr = shm_attach(shmid);
00191                         new (shmAddr) FUShmDqmCell(dqmCellPayloadSize_);
00192                         shmdt(shmAddr);
00193                         ++keyAddr;
00194                 }
00195         }
00197         reset(true);
00198 }
00200 //______________________________________________________________________________
00201 void FUShmBuffer::reset(bool shm_detach) {
00202         nClients_ = 0;
00205         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRawCells_; i++) {
00206                 FUShmRawCell* cell = rawCell(i);
00207                 cell->initialize(i);
00208                 if (segmentationMode_ && shm_detach)
00209                         shmdt(cell);
00210         }
00212         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRecoCells_; i++) {
00213                 FUShmRecoCell* cell = recoCell(i);
00214                 cell->initialize(i);
00215                 if (segmentationMode_ && shm_detach)
00216                         shmdt(cell);
00217         }
00219         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nDqmCells_; i++) {
00220                 FUShmDqmCell* cell = dqmCell(i);
00221                 cell->initialize(i);
00222                 if (segmentationMode_ && shm_detach)
00223                         shmdt(cell);
00224         }
00227         // setup ipc semaphores
00228         sem_init(0, 1); // lock (binary)
00229         sem_init(1, nRawCells_); // raw  write semaphore
00230         sem_init(2, 0); // raw  read  semaphore
00231         sem_init(3, 1); // binary semaphore to schedule raw event for discard
00232         sem_init(4, 0); // binary semaphore to discard raw event
00233         sem_init(5, nRecoCells_);// reco write semaphore
00234         sem_init(6, 0); // reco send (read) semaphore
00235         sem_init(7, nDqmCells_); // dqm  write semaphore
00236         sem_init(8, 0); // dqm  send (read) semaphore
00238         sem_print();
00240         unsigned int *iWrite, *iRead;
00242         rawWriteNext_ = 0;
00243         rawWriteLast_ = 0;
00244         rawReadNext_ = 0;
00245         rawReadLast_ = 0;
00246         iWrite = (unsigned int*) ((unsigned long) this + rawWriteOffset_);
00247         iRead = (unsigned int*) ((unsigned long) this + rawReadOffset_);
00248         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRawCells_; i++) {
00249                 *iWrite++ = i;
00250                 *iRead++ = 0xffffffff;
00251         }
00253         recoWriteNext_ = 0;
00254         recoWriteLast_ = 0;
00255         recoReadNext_ = 0;
00256         recoReadLast_ = 0;
00257         iWrite = (unsigned int*) ((unsigned long) this + recoWriteOffset_);
00258         iRead = (unsigned int*) ((unsigned long) this + recoReadOffset_);
00259         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRecoCells_; i++) {
00260                 *iWrite++ = i;
00261                 *iRead++ = 0xffffffff;
00262         }
00264         dqmWriteNext_ = 0;
00265         dqmWriteLast_ = 0;
00266         dqmReadNext_ = 0;
00267         dqmReadLast_ = 0;
00268         iWrite = (unsigned int*) ((unsigned long) this + dqmWriteOffset_);
00269         iRead = (unsigned int*) ((unsigned long) this + dqmReadOffset_);
00270         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nDqmCells_; i++) {
00271                 *iWrite++ = i;
00272                 *iRead++ = 0xffffffff;
00273         }
00275         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRawCells_; i++) {
00276                 setEvtState(i, evt::EMPTY);
00277                 setEvtDiscard(i, 0);
00278                 setEvtNumber(i, 0xffffffff);
00279                 setEvtPrcId(i, 0);
00280                 setEvtTimeStamp(i, 0);
00281         }
00283         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nDqmCells_; i++)
00284                 setDqmState(i, dqm::EMPTY);
00285 }
00287 //______________________________________________________________________________
00288 unsigned int FUShmBuffer::nbRawCellsToWrite() const {
00289         return semctl(semid(), 1, GETVAL);
00290 }
00292 //______________________________________________________________________________
00293 int FUShmBuffer::nbRawCellsToRead() const {
00294         return semctl(semid(), 2, GETVAL);
00295 }
00297 //______________________________________________________________________________
00298 FUShmRawCell* FUShmBuffer::rawCellToWrite() {
00299         if (waitRawWrite() != 0)
00300                 return 0;
00301         unsigned int iCell = nextRawWriteIndex();
00302         FUShmRawCell* cell = rawCell(iCell);
00303         evt::State_t state = evtState(iCell);
00304         if(!(state == evt::EMPTY)) {
00305           stringstream details;
00306           details << "state==evt::EMPTY assertion failed! Actual state is " << state << ", iCell = " << iCell;
00307           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
00308         }
00309         lock();
00310         setEvtState(iCell, evt::RAWWRITING,false);
00311         setEvtDiscard(iCell, 1,false,false);
00312         unlock();
00313         return cell;
00314 }
00316 //______________________________________________________________________________
00317 FUShmRawCell* FUShmBuffer::rawCellToRead() {
00318         waitRawRead();
00319         unsigned int iCell = nextRawReadIndex();
00320         FUShmRawCell* cell = rawCell(iCell);
00321         evt::State_t state = evtState(iCell);
00322         if(!(state == evt::RAWWRITTEN || state == evt::EMPTY || 
00323              state == evt::STOP || state == evt::LUMISECTION))
00324         {
00325           stringstream details;
00326           details
00327                 << "state==evt::RAWWRITTEN ||state==evt::EMPTY ||state==evt::STOP"
00328                 << "||state==evt::LUMISECTION assertion failed! Actual state is "
00329                 << state << ", iCell = " << iCell;
00330           XCEPT_ASSERT(false,evf::Exception, details.str());
00331         }
00332         if (state == evt::RAWWRITTEN) {
00333                 setEvtPrcId(iCell, getpid());
00334                 setEvtState(iCell, evt::RAWREADING);
00335         }
00336         return cell;
00337 }
00339 //______________________________________________________________________________
00340 FUShmRecoCell* FUShmBuffer::recoCellToRead() {
00341         waitRecoRead();
00342         unsigned int iCell = nextRecoReadIndex();
00343         FUShmRecoCell* cell = recoCell(iCell);
00344         unsigned int iRawCell = cell->rawCellIndex();
00345         if (iRawCell < nRawCells_) {
00346                 //evt::State_t   state=evtState(iRawCell);
00347                 //XCEPT_ASSERT(state==evt::RECOWRITTEN, evf::Exception, "state==evt::RECOWRITTEN assertion failed!");
00348                 setEvtState(iRawCell, evt::SENDING);
00349         }
00350         return cell;
00351 }
00353 //______________________________________________________________________________
00354 FUShmDqmCell* FUShmBuffer::dqmCellToRead() {
00355         waitDqmRead();
00356         unsigned int iCell = nextDqmReadIndex();
00357         FUShmDqmCell* cell = dqmCell(iCell);
00358         dqm::State_t state = dqmState(iCell);
00360         if(!(state == dqm::WRITTEN || state == dqm::EMPTY)) {
00361           stringstream details;
00362           details << "state==dqm::WRITTEN || state==dqm::EMPTY assertion failed! Actual state is "
00363                   << state << ", iCell = " << iCell;
00364           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
00365         }
00367         if (state == dqm::WRITTEN)
00368                 setDqmState(iCell, dqm::SENDING);
00369         return cell;
00370 }
00372 //______________________________________________________________________________
00373 FUShmRawCell* FUShmBuffer::rawCellToDiscard() {
00374         waitRawDiscarded();
00375         FUShmRawCell* cell = rawCell(rawDiscardIndex_);
00376         evt::State_t state = evtState(cell->index());
00377         if(!(state == evt::PROCESSED || state == evt::SENT || 
00378              state == evt::EMPTY || state == evt::STOP ||
00379              state == evt::USEDLS)) {
00380           stringstream details;
00381           details << "state==evt::PROCESSED || state==evt::SENT || "
00382                   << "state==evt::EMPTY || state==evt::STOP || "
00383                   << "state==evt::USEDLS assertion failed! Actual state is "
00384                   << state << ", index = " << cell->index();
00385           XCEPT_ASSERT(false,evf::Exception,details.str());
00386         }
00387         if (state != evt::EMPTY && state != evt::USEDLS && state != evt::STOP)
00388                 setEvtState(cell->index(), evt::DISCARDING);
00389         return cell;
00390 }
00392 //______________________________________________________________________________
00393 void FUShmBuffer::finishWritingRawCell(FUShmRawCell* cell) {
00394         evt::State_t state = evtState(cell->index());
00395         if(!(state == evt::RAWWRITING)) {
00396           stringstream details;
00397           details << "state==evt::RAWWRITING assertion failed! Actual state is "
00398           << state << ", index = " << cell->index();
00399           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
00400         }
00401         setEvtState(cell->index(), evt::RAWWRITTEN);
00402         setEvtNumber(cell->index(), cell->evtNumber());
00403         postRawIndexToRead(cell->index());
00404         if (segmentationMode_)
00405                 shmdt(cell);
00406         postRawRead();
00407 }
00409 //______________________________________________________________________________
00410 void FUShmBuffer::finishReadingRawCell(FUShmRawCell* cell) {
00411         evt::State_t state = evtState(cell->index());
00412         if(!(state == evt::RAWREADING)) {
00413           stringstream details;
00414           details << "state==evt::RAWREADING assertion failed! Actual state is "
00415                   << state << ", index = " << cell->index();
00416           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
00417         }
00418         setEvtState(cell->index(), evt::RAWREAD);
00419         setEvtState(cell->index(), evt::PROCESSING);
00420         setEvtTimeStamp(cell->index(), time(0));
00421         if (segmentationMode_)
00422                 shmdt(cell);
00423 }
00425 //______________________________________________________________________________
00426 void FUShmBuffer::finishReadingRecoCell(FUShmRecoCell* cell) {
00427         unsigned int iRawCell = cell->rawCellIndex();
00428         if (iRawCell < nRawCells_) {
00429                 //evt::State_t state=evtState(cell->rawCellIndex());
00430                 //XCEPT_ASSERT(state==evt::SENDING, evf::Exception, "state==evt::SENDING assertion failed!");
00431                 setEvtState(cell->rawCellIndex(), evt::SENT);
00432         }
00433         if (segmentationMode_)
00434                 shmdt(cell);
00435 }
00437 //______________________________________________________________________________
00438 void FUShmBuffer::finishReadingDqmCell(FUShmDqmCell* cell) {
00439         dqm::State_t state = dqmState(cell->index());
00440         if(!(state == dqm::SENDING || state == dqm::EMPTY)) {
00441         stringstream details;
00442         details << "state==dqm::SENDING||state==dqm::EMPTY assertion failed! Actual state is "
00443                 << state << ", index = " << cell->index();
00444           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
00446         }
00447         if (state == dqm::SENDING)
00448                 setDqmState(cell->index(), dqm::SENT);
00449         if (segmentationMode_)
00450                 shmdt(cell);
00451 }
00453 //______________________________________________________________________________
00454 void FUShmBuffer::scheduleRawCellForDiscard(unsigned int iCell) {
00455         waitRawDiscard();
00456         if (rawCellReadyForDiscard(iCell)) {
00457                 rawDiscardIndex_ = iCell;
00458                 evt::State_t state = evtState(iCell);
00459                 if(!(state == evt::PROCESSING || state == evt::SENT ||
00460                      state == evt::EMPTY || state == evt::STOP ||
00461                      state == evt::LUMISECTION || state == evt::RECOWRITTEN)) {
00462                   stringstream details;
00463                   details << "state==evt::PROCESSING||state==evt::SENT||state==evt::EMPTY||"
00464                           <<"state==evt::STOP||state==evt::LUMISECTION||state==evt::RECOWRITTEN assertion failed! Actual state is "
00465                           << state << ", iCell = " << iCell;
00466                   XCEPT_ASSERT( false,evf::Exception,details.str()); 
00467                 }
00468                 if (state == evt::PROCESSING)
00469                         setEvtState(iCell, evt::PROCESSED);
00470                 if (state == evt::LUMISECTION)
00471                         setEvtState(iCell, evt::USEDLS);
00472                 postRawDiscarded();
00473         } else
00474                 postRawDiscard();
00475 }
00477 //______________________________________________________________________________
00478 void FUShmBuffer::scheduleRawCellForDiscardServerSide(unsigned int iCell) {
00479         waitRawDiscard();
00480         if (rawCellReadyForDiscard(iCell)) {
00481                 rawDiscardIndex_ = iCell;
00482                 evt::State_t state = evtState(iCell);
00483                 // UPDATE: aspataru
00484                 if (state != evt::LUMISECTION && state != evt::EMPTY 
00485                     && state != evt::USEDLS && state != evt::STOP)
00486                         setEvtState(iCell, evt::PROCESSED);
00487                 if (state == evt::LUMISECTION)
00488                         setEvtState(iCell, evt::USEDLS);
00489                 postRawDiscarded();
00490         } else
00491                 postRawDiscard();
00492 }
00494 //______________________________________________________________________________
00495 void FUShmBuffer::discardRawCell(FUShmRawCell* cell) {
00496         releaseRawCell(cell);
00497         postRawDiscard();
00498 }
00500 //______________________________________________________________________________
00501 void FUShmBuffer::discardRecoCell(unsigned int iCell) {
00502         FUShmRecoCell* cell = recoCell(iCell);
00503         unsigned int iRawCell = cell->rawCellIndex();
00504         if (iRawCell < nRawCells_) {
00505                 //evt::State_t state=evtState(iRawCell);
00506                 //XCEPT_ASSERT(state==evt::SENT, evf::Exception, "state==evt::SENT assertion failed!");
00507                 scheduleRawCellForDiscard(iRawCell);
00508         }
00509         cell->clear();
00510         if (segmentationMode_)
00511                 shmdt(cell);
00512         postRecoIndexToWrite(iCell);
00513         postRecoWrite();
00514 }
00516 //______________________________________________________________________________
00517 void FUShmBuffer::discardOrphanedRecoCell(unsigned int iCell) {
00518         FUShmRecoCell* cell = recoCell(iCell);
00519         cell->clear();
00520         if (segmentationMode_)
00521                 shmdt(cell);
00522         postRecoIndexToWrite(iCell);
00523         postRecoWrite();
00524 }
00526 //______________________________________________________________________________
00527 void FUShmBuffer::discardDqmCell(unsigned int iCell) {
00528         dqm::State_t state = dqmState(iCell);
00529         if(!(state == dqm::EMPTY || state == dqm::SENT)) {
00530           stringstream details;
00531           details << "state==dqm::EMPTY||state==dqm::SENT assertion failed! Actual state is "
00532                   << state << ", iCell = " << iCell;
00533           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception,details.str());
00534         }
00535         setDqmState(iCell, dqm::DISCARDING);
00536         FUShmDqmCell* cell = dqmCell(iCell);
00537         cell->clear();
00538         if (segmentationMode_)
00539                 shmdt(cell);
00540         setDqmState(iCell, dqm::EMPTY);
00541         postDqmIndexToWrite(iCell);
00542         postDqmWrite();
00543 }
00545 //______________________________________________________________________________
00546 void FUShmBuffer::releaseRawCell(FUShmRawCell* cell) {
00547         evt::State_t state = evtState(cell->index());
00548         if(!( state == evt::DISCARDING || state == evt::RAWWRITING ||
00549               state== evt::EMPTY || state == evt::STOP ||
00550               /*||state==evt::LUMISECTION*/
00551               state == evt::USEDLS)) {
00552           std::cout << "=================releaseRawCell state " << state << std::endl;
00553           stringstream details;
00554           details << "state==evt::DISCARDING||state==evt::RAWWRITING||"
00555                   << "state==evt::EMPTY||state==evt::STOP||state==evt::USEDLS"
00556                   << " assertion failed! Actual state is " << state << ", index = " << cell->index();
00557           XCEPT_ASSERT( false, evf::Exception, details.str());
00558         }
00559         setEvtState(cell->index(), evt::EMPTY);
00560         setEvtDiscard(cell->index(), 0);
00561         setEvtNumber(cell->index(), 0xffffffff);
00562         setEvtPrcId(cell->index(), 0);
00563         setEvtTimeStamp(cell->index(), 0);
00564         cell->clear();
00565         postRawIndexToWrite(cell->index());
00566         if (segmentationMode_)
00567                 shmdt(cell);
00568         postRawWrite();
00569 }
00571 //______________________________________________________________________________
00572 void FUShmBuffer::writeRawEmptyEvent() {
00573         FUShmRawCell* cell = rawCellToWrite();
00574         if (cell == 0)
00575                 return;
00576         evt::State_t state = evtState(cell->index());
00577         if(!(state == evt::RAWWRITING)) {
00578           stringstream details;
00579           details << "state==evt::RAWWRITING assertion failed! Actual state is "
00580                   << state << ", index = " << cell->index();
00581           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
00582         }
00583         setEvtState(cell->index(), evt::STOP);
00584         cell->setEventTypeStopper();
00585         postRawIndexToRead(cell->index());
00586         if (segmentationMode_)
00587                 shmdt(cell);
00588         postRawRead();
00589 }
00591 //______________________________________________________________________________
00592 void FUShmBuffer::writeRawLumiSectionEvent(unsigned int ls) {
00593         FUShmRawCell* cell = rawCellToWrite();
00594         if (cell == 0)
00595                 return;
00596         cell->setLumiSection(ls);
00597         evt::State_t state = evtState(cell->index());
00598         if (!(state == evt::RAWWRITING)) {
00599           stringstream details;
00600           details << "state==evt::RAWWRITING assertion failed! Actual state is "
00601                   << state << ", index = " << cell->index();
00602           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
00603         }
00604         setEvtNumber(cell->index(),0xfffffffe);
00605         setEvtState(cell->index(), evt::LUMISECTION);
00606         cell->setEventTypeEol();
00607         postRawIndexToRead(cell->index());
00608         if (segmentationMode_)
00609                 shmdt(cell);
00610         postRawRead();
00611 }
00613 //______________________________________________________________________________
00614 void FUShmBuffer::writeRecoEmptyEvent() {
00615         waitRecoWrite();
00616         unsigned int iCell = nextRecoWriteIndex();
00617         FUShmRecoCell* cell = recoCell(iCell);
00618         cell->clear();
00619         postRecoIndexToRead(iCell);
00620         if (segmentationMode_)
00621                 shmdt(cell);
00622         postRecoRead();
00623 }
00625 //______________________________________________________________________________
00626 void FUShmBuffer::writeDqmEmptyEvent() {
00627         waitDqmWrite();
00628         unsigned int iCell = nextDqmWriteIndex();
00629         FUShmDqmCell* cell = dqmCell(iCell);
00630         cell->clear();
00631         postDqmIndexToRead(iCell);
00632         if (segmentationMode_)
00633                 shmdt(cell);
00634         postDqmRead();
00635 }
00637 //______________________________________________________________________________
00638 void FUShmBuffer::scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard() {
00639         FUShmRawCell* cell = rawCellToWrite();
00640         if (cell == 0)
00641                 return;
00642         rawDiscardIndex_ = cell->index();
00643         setEvtState(cell->index(), evt::STOP);
00644         cell->setEventTypeStopper();
00645         setEvtNumber(cell->index(), 0xffffffff);
00646         setEvtPrcId(cell->index(), 0);
00647         setEvtTimeStamp(cell->index(), 0);
00648         postRawDiscarded();
00649 }
00651 //______________________________________________________________________________
00652 bool FUShmBuffer::scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscard(FUShmRawCell* cell, bool & pidstatus) {
00653         waitRawDiscard();
00654         if (rawCellReadyForDiscard(cell->index())) {
00655                 rawDiscardIndex_ = cell->index();
00656                 // as this function is called by the reader, the state and type should
00657                 // already be correct
00658                 //    setEvtState(cell->index(),evt::STOP);
00659                 //    cell->setEventType(evt::STOPPER);
00660                 //    setEvtNumber(cell->index(),0xffffffff);
00661                 //    setEvtPrcId(cell->index(),0);
00662                 //    setEvtTimeStamp(cell->index(),0);
00663                 pidstatus = removeClientPrcId(getpid());
00664                 if (segmentationMode_)
00665                         shmdt(cell);
00666                 postRawDiscarded();
00667                 return true;
00668         } else {
00669                 postRawDiscard();
00670                 return false;
00671         }
00672 }
00674 //______________________________________________________________________________
00675 void FUShmBuffer::scheduleRawEmptyCellForDiscardServerSide(FUShmRawCell* cell) {
00676         //  waitRawDiscard();
00677         if (rawCellReadyForDiscard(cell->index())) {
00678                 rawDiscardIndex_ = cell->index();
00679                 //    setEvtState(cell->index(),evt::STOP);
00680                 //    cell->setEventType(evt::STOPPER);
00681                 //    setEvtNumber(cell->index(),0xffffffff);
00682                 //    setEvtPrcId(cell->index(),0);
00683                 //    setEvtTimeStamp(cell->index(),0);
00684                 //    removeClientPrcId(getpid());
00685                 if (segmentationMode_)
00686                         shmdt(cell);
00687                 postRawDiscarded();
00688         } else
00689                 postRawDiscard();
00690 }
00692 //______________________________________________________________________________
00693 bool FUShmBuffer::writeRecoInitMsg(unsigned int outModId,
00694                 unsigned int fuProcessId, unsigned int fuGuid, unsigned char *data,
00695                 unsigned int dataSize, unsigned int nExpectedEPs) {
00696         if (dataSize > recoCellPayloadSize_) {
00697                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::writeRecoInitMsg() ERROR: buffer overflow."
00698                                 << endl;
00699                 return false;
00700         }
00702         waitRecoWrite();
00703         unsigned int iCell = nextRecoWriteIndex();
00704         FUShmRecoCell* cell = recoCell(iCell);
00705         cell->writeInitMsg(outModId, fuProcessId, fuGuid, data, dataSize,nExpectedEPs);
00706         postRecoIndexToRead(iCell);
00707         if (segmentationMode_)
00708                 shmdt(cell);
00709         postRecoRead();
00710         return true;
00711 }
00713 //______________________________________________________________________________
00714 bool FUShmBuffer::writeRecoEventData(unsigned int runNumber,
00715                 unsigned int evtNumber, unsigned int outModId,
00716                 unsigned int fuProcessId, unsigned int fuGuid, unsigned char *data,
00717                 unsigned int dataSize) {
00718         if (dataSize > recoCellPayloadSize_) {
00719                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::writeRecoEventData() ERROR: buffer overflow."
00720                                 << endl;
00721                 return false;
00722         }
00724         waitRecoWrite();
00725         unsigned int rawCellIndex = indexForEvtNumber(evtNumber);
00726         unsigned int iCell = nextRecoWriteIndex();
00727         FUShmRecoCell* cell = recoCell(iCell);
00728         //evt::State_t state=evtState(rawCellIndex);
00729         //XCEPT_ASSERT(state==evt::PROCESSING||state==evt::RECOWRITING||state==evt::SENT,
00730         //evf::Exception, "state==evt::PROCESSING||state==evt::RECOWRITING||state==evt::SENT assertion failed!");
00731         lock();
00732         setEvtState(rawCellIndex, evt::RECOWRITING,false);
00733         incEvtDiscard(rawCellIndex,false);
00734         unlock();
00735         cell->writeEventData(rawCellIndex, runNumber, evtNumber, outModId,
00736                         fuProcessId, fuGuid, data, dataSize);
00737         setEvtState(rawCellIndex, evt::RECOWRITTEN);
00738         postRecoIndexToRead(iCell);
00739         if (segmentationMode_)
00740                 shmdt(cell);
00741         postRecoRead();
00742         return true;
00743 }
00745 //______________________________________________________________________________
00746 bool FUShmBuffer::writeErrorEventData(unsigned int runNumber,
00747                 unsigned int fuProcessId, unsigned int iRawCell,bool checkValue) {
00748         FUShmRawCell *raw = rawCell(iRawCell);
00750         unsigned int dataSize = sizeof(uint32_t) * (4 + 1024) + raw->eventSize();
00751         unsigned char *data = new unsigned char[dataSize];
00752         uint32_t *pos = (uint32_t*) data;
00753         // 06-Oct-2008, KAB - added a version number for the error event format.
00754         //
00755         // Version 1 had no version number, so the run number appeared in the
00756         // first value.  So, a reasonable test for version 1 is whether the
00757         // first value is larger than some relatively small cutoff (say 32).
00758         // Version 2 added the lumi block number.
00759         //
00760         *pos++ = (uint32_t) 2; // protocol version number
00761         *pos++ = (uint32_t) runNumber;
00762         *pos++ = (uint32_t) evf::evtn::getlbn(
00763                         raw->fedAddr(FEDNumbering::MINTriggerGTPFEDID)) + 1;
00764         *pos++ = (uint32_t) raw->evtNumber();
00765         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
00766                 *pos++ = (uint32_t) raw->fedSize(i);
00767         memcpy(pos, raw->payloadAddr(), raw->eventSize());
00769         // DEBUG
00770         /*
00771          if (1) {
00772          stringstream ss;
00773          ss<<"/tmp/run"<<runNumber<<"_evt"<<raw->evtNumber()<<".err";
00774          ofstream fout;
00776          if (!fout.write((char*)data,dataSize))
00777          cout<<"Failed to write error event to "<<ss.str()<<endl;
00778          fout.close();
00780          stringstream ss2;
00781          ss2<<"/tmp/run"<<runNumber<<"_evt"<<raw->evtNumber()<<".info";
00782          ofstream fout2;
00784          fout2<<"dataSize = "<<dataSize<<endl;
00785          fout2<<"runNumber = "<<runNumber<<endl;
00786          fout2<<"evtNumber = "<<raw->evtNumber()<<endl;
00787          fout2<<"eventSize = "<<raw->eventSize()<<endl;
00788          unsigned int totalSize(0);
00789          for (unsigned int i=0;i<1024;i++) {
00790          unsigned int fedSize = raw->fedSize(i);
00791          totalSize += fedSize;
00792          if (fedSize>0) fout2<<i<<": "<<fedSize<<endl;
00793          }
00794          fout2<<"totalSize = "<<totalSize<<endl;
00795          fout2.close();
00796          }
00797          */// END DEBUG
00799         waitRecoWrite();
00800         unsigned int iRecoCell = nextRecoWriteIndex();
00801         FUShmRecoCell* reco = recoCell(iRecoCell);
00802         lock();
00803         setEvtState(iRawCell, evt::RECOWRITING,false);
00804         setEvtDiscard(iRawCell, 1, true,false);
00805         unlock();
00806         reco->writeErrorEvent(iRawCell, runNumber, raw->evtNumber(), fuProcessId,
00807                         data, dataSize);
00808         delete[] data;
00809         setEvtState(iRawCell, evt::RECOWRITTEN);
00810         postRecoIndexToRead(iRecoCell);
00811         if (segmentationMode_) {
00812                 shmdt(raw);
00813                 shmdt(reco);
00814         }
00815         postRecoRead();
00816         return true;
00817 }
00819 //______________________________________________________________________________
00820 bool FUShmBuffer::writeDqmEventData(unsigned int runNumber,
00821                 unsigned int evtAtUpdate, unsigned int folderId,
00822                 unsigned int fuProcessId, unsigned int fuGuid, unsigned char *data,
00823                 unsigned int dataSize) {
00824         if (dataSize > dqmCellPayloadSize_) {
00825                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::writeDqmEventData() ERROR: buffer overflow."
00826                                 << endl;
00827                 return false;
00828         }
00830         waitDqmWrite();
00831         unsigned int iCell = nextDqmWriteIndex();
00832         FUShmDqmCell* cell = dqmCell(iCell);
00833         dqm::State_t state = dqmState(iCell);
00834         if (!(state == dqm::EMPTY)) {
00835           stringstream details;
00836           details << "state==dqm::EMPTY assertion failed! Actual state is " << state
00837                   << ", iCell = " << iCell;
00838           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
00839         }
00840         setDqmState(iCell, dqm::WRITING);
00841         cell->writeData(runNumber, evtAtUpdate, folderId, fuProcessId, fuGuid,
00842                         data, dataSize);
00843         setDqmState(iCell, dqm::WRITTEN);
00844         postDqmIndexToRead(iCell);
00845         if (segmentationMode_)
00846                 shmdt(cell);
00847         postDqmRead();
00848         return true;
00849 }
00851 //______________________________________________________________________________
00852 void FUShmBuffer::sem_print() {
00853         cout << "--> current sem values:" << endl << " lock=" << semctl(semid(), 0,
00854                         GETVAL) << endl << " wraw=" << semctl(semid(), 1, GETVAL)
00855                         << " rraw=" << semctl(semid(), 2, GETVAL) << endl << " wdsc="
00856                         << semctl(semid(), 3, GETVAL) << " rdsc=" << semctl(semid(), 4,
00857                         GETVAL) << endl << " wrec=" << semctl(semid(), 5, GETVAL)
00858                         << " rrec=" << semctl(semid(), 6, GETVAL) << endl << " wdqm="
00859                         << semctl(semid(), 7, GETVAL) << " rdqm=" << semctl(semid(), 8,
00860                         GETVAL) << endl;
00861 }
00863 std::string FUShmBuffer::sem_print_s() {
00864         ostringstream ostr;
00865         ostr    << "--> current sem values:" << endl << " lock=" << semctl(semid(), 0,
00866                         GETVAL) << endl << " wraw=" << semctl(semid(), 1, GETVAL)
00867                 << " rraw=" << semctl(semid(), 2, GETVAL) << endl << " wdsc="
00868                 << semctl(semid(), 3, GETVAL) << " rdsc=" << semctl(semid(), 4,
00869                                 GETVAL) << endl << " wrec=" << semctl(semid(), 5, GETVAL)
00870                 << " rrec=" << semctl(semid(), 6, GETVAL) << endl << " wdqm="
00871                 << semctl(semid(), 7, GETVAL) << " rdqm=" << semctl(semid(), 8,
00872                                 GETVAL) << endl;
00873         return ostr.str();
00875 }
00877 //______________________________________________________________________________
00878 void FUShmBuffer::printEvtState(unsigned int index) {
00879         evt::State_t state = evtState(index);
00880         std::string stateName;
00881         if (state == evt::EMPTY)
00882                 stateName = "EMPTY";
00883         else if (state == evt::STOP)
00884                 stateName = "STOP";
00885         else if (state == evt::RAWWRITING)
00886                 stateName = "RAWWRITING";
00887         else if (state == evt::RAWWRITTEN)
00888                 stateName = "RAWRITTEN";
00889         else if (state == evt::RAWREADING)
00890                 stateName = "RAWREADING";
00891         else if (state == evt::RAWREAD)
00892                 stateName = "RAWREAD";
00893         else if (state == evt::PROCESSING)
00894                 stateName = "PROCESSING";
00895         else if (state == evt::PROCESSED)
00896                 stateName = "PROCESSED";
00897         else if (state == evt::RECOWRITING)
00898                 stateName = "RECOWRITING";
00899         else if (state == evt::RECOWRITTEN)
00900                 stateName = "RECOWRITTEN";
00901         else if (state == evt::SENDING)
00902                 stateName = "SENDING";
00903         else if (state == evt::SENT)
00904                 stateName = "SENT";
00905         else if (state == evt::DISCARDING)
00906                 stateName = "DISCARDING";
00907         cout << "evt " << index << " in state '" << stateName << "'." << endl;
00908 }
00910 //______________________________________________________________________________
00911 void FUShmBuffer::printDqmState(unsigned int index) {
00912         dqm::State_t state = dqmState(index);
00913         cout << "dqm evt " << index << " in state '" << state << "'." << endl;
00914 }
00916 //______________________________________________________________________________
00917 FUShmBuffer* FUShmBuffer::createShmBuffer(bool segmentationMode,
00918                 unsigned int nRawCells, unsigned int nRecoCells,
00919                 unsigned int nDqmCells, unsigned int rawCellSize,
00920                 unsigned int recoCellSize, unsigned int dqmCellSize) {
00921         // if necessary, release shared memory first!
00922         if (FUShmBuffer::releaseSharedMemory())
00923                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::createShmBuffer: "
00924                                 << "REMOVAL OF OLD SHARED MEM SEGMENTS SUCCESSFULL." << endl;
00926         // create bookkeeping shared memory segment
00927         int size = sizeof(unsigned int) * 7;
00928         int shmid = shm_create(FUShmBuffer::getShmDescriptorKey(), size);
00929         if (shmid < 0)
00930                 return 0;
00931         void*shmAddr = shm_attach(shmid);
00932         if (0 == shmAddr)
00933                 return 0;
00935         if (1 != shm_nattch(shmid)) {
00936                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::createShmBuffer() FAILED: nattch=" << shm_nattch(
00937                                 shmid) << endl;
00938                 shmdt(shmAddr);
00939                 return 0;
00940         }
00942         unsigned int* p = (unsigned int*) shmAddr;
00943         *p++ = segmentationMode;
00944         *p++ = nRawCells;
00945         *p++ = nRecoCells;
00946         *p++ = nDqmCells;
00947         *p++ = rawCellSize;
00948         *p++ = recoCellSize;
00949         *p++ = dqmCellSize;
00950         shmdt(shmAddr);
00952         // create the 'real' shared memory buffer
00953         size = FUShmBuffer::size(segmentationMode, nRawCells, nRecoCells,
00954                         nDqmCells, rawCellSize, recoCellSize, dqmCellSize);
00955         shmid = shm_create(FUShmBuffer::getShmKey(), size);
00956         if (shmid < 0)
00957                 return 0;
00958         int semid = sem_create(FUShmBuffer::getSemKey(), 9);
00959         if (semid < 0)
00960                 return 0;
00961         shmAddr = shm_attach(shmid);
00962         if (0 == shmAddr)
00963                 return 0;
00965         if (1 != shm_nattch(shmid)) {
00966                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::createShmBuffer FAILED: nattch=" << shm_nattch(
00967                                 shmid) << endl;
00968                 shmdt(shmAddr);
00969                 return 0;
00970         }
00971         FUShmBuffer* buffer = new (shmAddr) FUShmBuffer(segmentationMode,
00972                         nRawCells, nRecoCells, nDqmCells, rawCellSize, recoCellSize,
00973                         dqmCellSize);
00975         cout << "FUShmBuffer::createShmBuffer(): CREATED shared memory buffer."
00976                         << endl;
00977         cout << "                                segmentationMode="
00978                         << segmentationMode << endl;
00980         buffer->initialize(shmid, semid);
00982         return buffer;
00983 }
00985 //______________________________________________________________________________
00986 FUShmBuffer* FUShmBuffer::getShmBuffer() {
00987         // get bookkeeping shared memory segment
00988         int size = sizeof(unsigned int) * 7;
00989         int shmid = shm_get(FUShmBuffer::getShmDescriptorKey(), size);
00990         if (shmid < 0)
00991                 return 0;
00992         void* shmAddr = shm_attach(shmid);
00993         if (0 == shmAddr)
00994                 return 0;
00996         unsigned int *p = (unsigned int*) shmAddr;
00997         bool segmentationMode = *p++;
00998         unsigned int nRawCells = *p++;
00999         unsigned int nRecoCells = *p++;
01000         unsigned int nDqmCells = *p++;
01001         unsigned int rawCellSize = *p++;
01002         unsigned int recoCellSize = *p++;
01003         unsigned int dqmCellSize = *p++;
01004         shmdt(shmAddr);
01006         cout << "FUShmBuffer::getShmBuffer():" << " segmentationMode="
01007                         << segmentationMode << " nRawCells=" << nRawCells << " nRecoCells="
01008                         << nRecoCells << " nDqmCells=" << nDqmCells << " rawCellSize="
01009                         << rawCellSize << " recoCellSize=" << recoCellSize
01010                         << " dqmCellSize=" << dqmCellSize << endl;
01012         // get the 'real' shared memory buffer
01013         size = FUShmBuffer::size(segmentationMode, nRawCells, nRecoCells,
01014                         nDqmCells, rawCellSize, recoCellSize, dqmCellSize);
01015         shmid = shm_get(FUShmBuffer::getShmKey(), size);
01016         if (shmid < 0)
01017                 return 0;
01018         int semid = sem_get(FUShmBuffer::getSemKey(), 9);
01019         if (semid < 0)
01020                 return 0;
01021         shmAddr = shm_attach(shmid);
01022         if (0 == shmAddr)
01023                 return 0;
01025         if (0 == shm_nattch(shmid)) {
01026                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::getShmBuffer() FAILED: nattch=" << shm_nattch(
01027                                 shmid) << endl;
01028                 return 0;
01029         }
01030         FUShmBuffer* buffer = new (shmAddr) FUShmBuffer(segmentationMode,
01031                         nRawCells, nRecoCells, nDqmCells, rawCellSize, recoCellSize,
01032                         dqmCellSize);
01034         cout << "FUShmBuffer::getShmBuffer(): shared memory buffer RETRIEVED. PID:" << getpid()
01035                         << endl;
01036         cout << "                             segmentationMode="
01037                         << segmentationMode << endl;
01039         buffer->setClientPrcId(getpid());
01041         return buffer;
01042 }
01044 //______________________________________________________________________________
01045 bool FUShmBuffer::releaseSharedMemory() {
01046         // get bookkeeping shared memory segment
01047         int size = sizeof(unsigned int) * 7;
01048         int shmidd = shm_get(FUShmBuffer::getShmDescriptorKey(), size);
01049         if (shmidd < 0)
01050                 return false;
01051         void* shmAddr = shm_attach(shmidd);
01052         if (0 == shmAddr)
01053                 return false;
01055         unsigned int*p = (unsigned int*) shmAddr;
01056         bool segmentationMode = *p++;
01057         unsigned int nRawCells = *p++;
01058         unsigned int nRecoCells = *p++;
01059         unsigned int nDqmCells = *p++;
01060         unsigned int rawCellSize = *p++;
01061         unsigned int recoCellSize = *p++;
01062         unsigned int dqmCellSize = *p++;
01063         shmdt(shmAddr);
01065         // get the 'real' shared memory segment
01066         size = FUShmBuffer::size(segmentationMode, nRawCells, nRecoCells,
01067                         nDqmCells, rawCellSize, recoCellSize, dqmCellSize);
01068         int shmid = shm_get(FUShmBuffer::getShmKey(), size);
01069         if (shmid < 0)
01070                 return false;
01071         int semid = sem_get(FUShmBuffer::getSemKey(), 9);
01072         if (semid < 0)
01073                 return false;
01074         shmAddr = shm_attach(shmid);
01075         if (0 == shmAddr)
01076                 return false;
01078         int att = 0;
01079         for (; att < 10; att++) {
01080                 if (shm_nattch(shmid) > 1) {
01081                         cout << att << " FUShmBuffer::releaseSharedMemory(): nattch="
01082                                         << shm_nattch(shmid)
01083                                         << ", failed attempt to release shared memory." << endl;
01084 			::sleep(1);
01085                 } else
01086                         break;
01087         }
01089         if (att >= 10)
01090                 return false;
01092         if (segmentationMode) {
01093                 FUShmBuffer* buffer = new (shmAddr) FUShmBuffer(segmentationMode,
01094                                 nRawCells, nRecoCells, nDqmCells, rawCellSize, recoCellSize,
01095                                 dqmCellSize);
01096                 int cellid;
01097                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRawCells; i++) {
01098                         cellid = shm_get(buffer->rawCellShmKey(i),
01099                                         FUShmRawCell::size(rawCellSize));
01100                         if ((shm_destroy(cellid) == -1))
01101                                 return false;
01102                 }
01103                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRecoCells; i++) {
01104                         cellid = shm_get(buffer->recoCellShmKey(i),
01105                                         FUShmRecoCell::size(recoCellSize));
01106                         if ((shm_destroy(cellid) == -1))
01107                                 return false;
01108                 }
01109                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nDqmCells; i++) {
01110                         cellid = shm_get(buffer->dqmCellShmKey(i),
01111                                         FUShmDqmCell::size(dqmCellSize));
01112                         if ((shm_destroy(cellid) == -1))
01113                                 return false;
01114                 }
01115         }
01116         shmdt(shmAddr);
01117         if (sem_destroy(semid) == -1)
01118                 return false;
01119         if (shm_destroy(shmid) == -1)
01120                 return false;
01121         if (shm_destroy(shmidd) == -1)
01122                 return false;
01124         return true;
01125 }
01127 //______________________________________________________________________________
01128 unsigned int FUShmBuffer::size(bool segmentationMode, unsigned int nRawCells,
01129                 unsigned int nRecoCells, unsigned int nDqmCells,
01130                 unsigned int rawCellSize, unsigned int recoCellSize,
01131                 unsigned int dqmCellSize) {
01132         unsigned int offset = sizeof(FUShmBuffer) + sizeof(unsigned int) * 4
01133                         * nRawCells + sizeof(evt::State_t) * nRawCells
01134                         + sizeof(dqm::State_t) * nDqmCells;
01136         unsigned int rawCellTotalSize = FUShmRawCell::size(rawCellSize);
01137         unsigned int recoCellTotalSize = FUShmRecoCell::size(recoCellSize);
01138         unsigned int dqmCellTotalSize = FUShmDqmCell::size(dqmCellSize);
01140         unsigned int realSize = (segmentationMode) ? offset + sizeof(key_t)
01141                         * (nRawCells + nRecoCells + nDqmCells) : offset + rawCellTotalSize
01142                         * nRawCells + recoCellTotalSize * nRecoCells + dqmCellTotalSize
01143                         * nDqmCells;
01145         unsigned int result = realSize / 0x10 * 0x10 + (realSize % 0x10 > 0) * 0x10;
01147         return result;
01148 }
01150 //______________________________________________________________________________
01151 key_t FUShmBuffer::getShmDescriptorKey() {
01152         key_t result = getuid() * 1000 + SHM_DESCRIPTOR_KEYID;
01153         if (result == (key_t) -1)
01154                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::getShmDescriptorKey: failed " << "for file "
01155                                 << shmKeyPath_ << "!" << endl;
01156         return result;
01157 }
01159 //______________________________________________________________________________
01160 key_t FUShmBuffer::getShmKey() {
01161         key_t result = getuid() * 1000 + SHM_KEYID;
01162         if (result == (key_t) -1)
01163                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::getShmKey: ftok() failed " << "for file "
01164                                 << shmKeyPath_ << "!" << endl;
01165         return result;
01166 }
01168 //______________________________________________________________________________
01169 key_t FUShmBuffer::getSemKey() {
01170         key_t result = getuid() * 1000 + SEM_KEYID;
01171         if (result == (key_t) -1)
01172                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::getSemKey: ftok() failed " << "for file "
01173                                 << semKeyPath_ << "!" << endl;
01174         return result;
01175 }
01177 //______________________________________________________________________________
01178 int FUShmBuffer::shm_create(key_t key, int size) {
01179         // first check and possibly remove existing segment with same id
01180         int shmid = shmget(key, 1, 0644);//using minimal size any segment with key "key" will be connected
01181         if (shmid != -1) {
01182                 // an existing segment was found, remove it
01183                 shmid_ds shmstat;
01184                 shmctl(shmid, IPC_STAT, &shmstat);
01185                 cout << "FUShmBuffer found segment for key 0x " << hex << key << dec
01186                                 << " created by process " << shmstat.shm_cpid << " owned by "
01187                                 << shmstat.shm_perm.uid << " permissions " << hex
01188                                 << shmstat.shm_perm.mode << dec << endl;
01189                 shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, &shmstat);
01190         }
01191         shmid = shmget(key, size, IPC_CREAT | 0644);
01192         if (shmid == -1) {
01193                 int err = errno;
01194                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::shm_create(" << key << "," << size
01195                                 << ") failed: " << strerror(err) << endl;
01196         }
01197         return shmid;
01198 }
01200 //______________________________________________________________________________
01201 int FUShmBuffer::shm_get(key_t key, int size) {
01202         int shmid = shmget(key, size, 0644);
01203         if (shmid == -1) {
01204                 int err = errno;
01205                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::shm_get(" << key << "," << size << ") failed: "
01206                                 << strerror(err) << endl;
01207         }
01208         return shmid;
01209 }
01211 //______________________________________________________________________________
01212 void* FUShmBuffer::shm_attach(int shmid) {
01213         void* result = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);
01214         if (0 == result) {
01215                 int err = errno;
01216                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::shm_attach(" << shmid << ") failed: "
01217                                 << strerror(err) << endl;
01218         }
01219         return result;
01220 }
01222 //______________________________________________________________________________
01223 int FUShmBuffer::shm_nattch(int shmid) {
01224         shmid_ds shmstat;
01225         shmctl(shmid, IPC_STAT, &shmstat);
01226         return shmstat.shm_nattch;
01227 }
01229 //______________________________________________________________________________
01230 int FUShmBuffer::shm_destroy(int shmid) {
01231         shmid_ds shmstat;
01232         int result = shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, &shmstat);
01233         if (result == -1)
01234                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::shm_destroy(shmid=" << shmid << ") failed."
01235                                 << endl;
01236         return result;
01237 }
01239 //______________________________________________________________________________
01240 int FUShmBuffer::sem_create(key_t key, int nsem) {
01241         int semid = semget(key, nsem, IPC_CREAT | 0666);
01242         if (semid < 0) {
01243                 int err = errno;
01244                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::sem_create(key=" << key << ",nsem=" << nsem
01245                                 << ") failed: " << strerror(err) << endl;
01246         }
01247         return semid;
01248 }
01250 //______________________________________________________________________________
01251 int FUShmBuffer::sem_get(key_t key, int nsem) {
01252         int semid = semget(key, nsem, 0666);
01253         if (semid < 0) {
01254                 int err = errno;
01255                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::sem_get(key=" << key << ",nsem=" << nsem
01256                                 << ") failed: " << strerror(err) << endl;
01257         }
01258         return semid;
01259 }
01261 //______________________________________________________________________________
01262 int FUShmBuffer::sem_destroy(int semid) {
01263         int result = semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID);
01264         if (result == -1)
01265                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::sem_destroy(semid=" << semid << ") failed."
01266                                 << endl;
01267         return result;
01268 }
01271 // implementation of private member functions
01274 //______________________________________________________________________________
01275 unsigned int FUShmBuffer::nextIndex(unsigned int offset, unsigned int nCells,
01276                 unsigned int& iNext) {
01277         lock();
01278         unsigned int* pindex = (unsigned int*) ((unsigned long) this + offset);
01279         pindex += iNext;
01280         iNext = (iNext + 1) % nCells;
01281         unsigned int result = *pindex;
01282         unlock();
01283         return result;
01284 }
01286 //______________________________________________________________________________
01287 void FUShmBuffer::postIndex(unsigned int index, unsigned int offset,
01288                 unsigned int nCells, unsigned int& iLast) {
01289         lock();
01290         unsigned int* pindex = (unsigned int*) ((unsigned long) this + offset);
01291         pindex += iLast;
01292         *pindex = index;
01293         iLast = (iLast + 1) % nCells;
01294         unlock();
01295 }
01297 //______________________________________________________________________________
01298 unsigned int FUShmBuffer::nextRawWriteIndex() {
01299         return nextIndex(rawWriteOffset_, nRawCells_, rawWriteNext_);
01300 }
01302 //______________________________________________________________________________
01303 unsigned int FUShmBuffer::nextRawReadIndex() {
01304         return nextIndex(rawReadOffset_, nRawCells_, rawReadNext_);
01305 }
01307 //______________________________________________________________________________
01308 void FUShmBuffer::postRawIndexToWrite(unsigned int index) {
01309         postIndex(index, rawWriteOffset_, nRawCells_, rawWriteLast_);
01310 }
01312 //______________________________________________________________________________
01313 void FUShmBuffer::postRawIndexToRead(unsigned int index) {
01314         postIndex(index, rawReadOffset_, nRawCells_, rawReadLast_);
01315 }
01317 //______________________________________________________________________________
01318 unsigned int FUShmBuffer::nextRecoWriteIndex() {
01319         return nextIndex(recoWriteOffset_, nRecoCells_, recoWriteNext_);
01320 }
01322 //______________________________________________________________________________
01323 unsigned int FUShmBuffer::nextRecoReadIndex() {
01324         return nextIndex(recoReadOffset_, nRecoCells_, recoReadNext_);
01325 }
01327 //______________________________________________________________________________
01328 void FUShmBuffer::postRecoIndexToWrite(unsigned int index) {
01329         postIndex(index, recoWriteOffset_, nRecoCells_, recoWriteLast_);
01330 }
01332 //______________________________________________________________________________
01333 void FUShmBuffer::postRecoIndexToRead(unsigned int index) {
01334         postIndex(index, recoReadOffset_, nRecoCells_, recoReadLast_);
01335 }
01337 //______________________________________________________________________________
01338 unsigned int FUShmBuffer::nextDqmWriteIndex() {
01339         return nextIndex(dqmWriteOffset_, nDqmCells_, dqmWriteNext_);
01340 }
01342 //______________________________________________________________________________
01343 unsigned int FUShmBuffer::nextDqmReadIndex() {
01344         return nextIndex(dqmReadOffset_, nDqmCells_, dqmReadNext_);
01345 }
01347 //______________________________________________________________________________
01348 void FUShmBuffer::postDqmIndexToWrite(unsigned int index) {
01349         postIndex(index, dqmWriteOffset_, nDqmCells_, dqmWriteLast_);
01350 }
01352 //______________________________________________________________________________
01353 void FUShmBuffer::postDqmIndexToRead(unsigned int index) {
01354         postIndex(index, dqmReadOffset_, nDqmCells_, dqmReadLast_);
01355 }
01357 //______________________________________________________________________________
01358 unsigned int FUShmBuffer::indexForEvtNumber(unsigned int evtNumber) {
01359         unsigned int *pevt = (unsigned int*) ((unsigned long) this
01360                         + evtNumberOffset_);
01361         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRawCells_; i++) {
01362                 if ((*pevt++) == evtNumber)
01363                         return i;
01364         }
01365         XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, "This point should not be reached!");
01366         return 0xffffffff;
01367 }
01369 //______________________________________________________________________________
01370 unsigned int FUShmBuffer::indexForEvtPrcId(pid_t prcid) {
01371         pid_t *pevt = (pid_t*) ((unsigned long) this + evtPrcIdOffset_);
01372         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRawCells_; i++) {
01373                 if ((*pevt++) == prcid)
01374                         return i;
01375         }
01376         XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, "This point should not be reached!");
01377         return 0xffffffff;
01378 }
01380 //______________________________________________________________________________
01381 evt::State_t FUShmBuffer::evtState(unsigned int index) {
01382         if (!(index < nRawCells_)) {
01383           stringstream details;
01384           details << "index<nRawCells_ assertion failed! Actual index is " << index;
01385           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
01386         }
01387         evt::State_t *pstate = (evt::State_t*) ((unsigned long) this
01388                         + evtStateOffset_);
01389         pstate += index;
01390         return *pstate;
01391 }
01393 //______________________________________________________________________________
01394 dqm::State_t FUShmBuffer::dqmState(unsigned int index) {
01395         if (!(index < nDqmCells_)) {
01396           stringstream details;
01397           details << "index<nDqmCells_ assertion failed! Actual index is " << index;
01398           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
01399         }
01400         dqm::State_t *pstate = (dqm::State_t*) ((unsigned long) this
01401                         + dqmStateOffset_);
01402         pstate += index;
01403         return *pstate;
01404 }
01406 //______________________________________________________________________________
01407 unsigned int FUShmBuffer::evtNumber(unsigned int index) {
01408         if (!(index < nRawCells_)) {
01409           stringstream details;
01410           details << "index<nRawCells_ assertion failed! Actual index is " << index;
01411           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
01412         }
01413         unsigned int *pevt = (unsigned int*) ((unsigned long) this
01414                         + evtNumberOffset_);
01415         pevt += index;
01416         return *pevt;
01417 }
01419 //______________________________________________________________________________
01420 pid_t FUShmBuffer::evtPrcId(unsigned int index) {
01421         if (!(index < nRawCells_)) {
01422           stringstream details;
01423           details << "index<nRawCells_ assertion failed! Actual index is " << index;
01424           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
01425         }
01426         pid_t *prcid = (pid_t*) ((unsigned long) this + evtPrcIdOffset_);
01427         prcid += index;
01428         return *prcid;
01429 }
01431 //______________________________________________________________________________
01432 time_t FUShmBuffer::evtTimeStamp(unsigned int index) {
01433         if (!(index < nRawCells_)) {
01434           stringstream details;
01435           details << "index<nRawCells_ assertion failed! Actual index is " << index;
01436           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
01437         }
01438         time_t *ptstmp = (time_t*) ((unsigned long) this + evtTimeStampOffset_);
01439         ptstmp += index;
01440         return *ptstmp;
01441 }
01443 //______________________________________________________________________________
01444 pid_t FUShmBuffer::clientPrcId(unsigned int index) {
01445         if (!(index < nClientsMax_)) {
01446           stringstream details;
01447           details << "index<nClientsMax_ assertion failed! Actual index is " << index;
01448           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
01449         }
01450         pid_t *prcid = (pid_t*) ((unsigned long) this + clientPrcIdOffset_);
01451         prcid += index;
01452         return *prcid;
01453 }
01455 //______________________________________________________________________________
01456 bool FUShmBuffer::setEvtState(unsigned int index, evt::State_t state, bool lockShm) {
01457         if(!(index < nRawCells_)) {
01458           stringstream details;
01459           details << "index<nRawCells_ assertion failed! Actual index is " << index;
01460           //unlock here as it will skip external unlock
01461           if (!lockShm) unlock();
01462           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
01463         }
01464         evt::State_t *pstate = (evt::State_t*) ((unsigned long) this
01465                         + evtStateOffset_);
01466         pstate += index;
01467         if (lockShm) lock();
01468         *pstate = state;
01469         if (lockShm) unlock();
01470         return true;
01471 }
01473 //______________________________________________________________________________
01474 bool FUShmBuffer::setDqmState(unsigned int index, dqm::State_t state) {
01475         if(!(index < nDqmCells_)) {
01476           stringstream details;
01477           details << "index<nDqmCells_ assertion failed! Actual index is " << index;
01478           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
01479         }
01480         dqm::State_t *pstate = (dqm::State_t*) ((unsigned long) this
01481                         + dqmStateOffset_);
01482         pstate += index;
01483         lock();
01484         *pstate = state;
01485         unlock();
01486         return true;
01487 }
01489 //______________________________________________________________________________
01490 bool FUShmBuffer::setEvtDiscard(unsigned int index, unsigned int discard, bool checkValue, bool lockShm) {
01491         if(!(index < nRawCells_)) {
01492           stringstream details;
01493           details << "index<nRawCells_ assertion failed! Actual index is " << index;
01494           //unlock here as it will skip external unlock
01495           if (!lockShm) unlock();
01496           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
01497         }
01498         unsigned int *pcount = (unsigned int*) ((unsigned long) this
01499                         + evtDiscardOffset_);
01500         pcount += index;
01501         if (lockShm) lock();
01502         if (checkValue) {
01503                 if (*pcount < discard)
01504                         *pcount = discard;
01505         } else
01506                 *pcount = discard;
01507         if (lockShm) unlock();
01508         return true;
01509 }
01511 //______________________________________________________________________________
01512 int FUShmBuffer::incEvtDiscard(unsigned int index, bool lockShm) {
01513         int result = 0;
01514         if(!(index < nRawCells_)) {
01515           stringstream details;
01516           details << "index<nRawCells_ assertion failed! Actual index is " << index;
01517           //unlock here as it will skip external unlock
01518           if (!lockShm) unlock();
01519           XCEPT_ASSERT(false,evf::Exception,details.str());
01520         }
01521         unsigned int *pcount = (unsigned int*) ((unsigned long) this
01522                         + evtDiscardOffset_);
01523         pcount += index;
01524         if (lockShm) lock();
01525         (*pcount)++;
01526         result = *pcount;
01527         if (lockShm) unlock();
01528         return result;
01529 }
01531 //______________________________________________________________________________
01532 bool FUShmBuffer::setEvtNumber(unsigned int index, unsigned int evtNumber) {
01533         if(!(index < nRawCells_)) {
01534           stringstream details;
01535           details << "index<nRawCells_ assertion failed! Actual index is " << index;
01536           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
01537         }
01538         unsigned int *pevt = (unsigned int*) ((unsigned long) this
01539                         + evtNumberOffset_);
01540         pevt += index;
01541         lock();
01542         *pevt = evtNumber;
01543         unlock();
01544         return true;
01545 }
01547 //______________________________________________________________________________
01548 bool FUShmBuffer::setEvtPrcId(unsigned int index, pid_t prcId) {
01549         if(!(index < nRawCells_)) {
01550           stringstream details;
01551           details << "index<nRawCells_ assertion failed! Actual index is " << index;
01552           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
01553         }
01554         pid_t* prcid = (pid_t*) ((unsigned long) this + evtPrcIdOffset_);
01555         prcid += index;
01556         lock();
01557         *prcid = prcId;
01558         unlock();
01559         return true;
01560 }
01562 //______________________________________________________________________________
01563 bool FUShmBuffer::setEvtTimeStamp(unsigned int index, time_t timeStamp) {
01564         if(!(index < nRawCells_)) {
01565           stringstream details;
01566           details << "index<nRawCells_ assertion failed! Actual index is " << index;
01567           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
01568         }
01569         time_t *ptstmp = (time_t*) ((unsigned long) this + evtTimeStampOffset_);
01570         ptstmp += index;
01571         lock();
01572         *ptstmp = timeStamp;
01573         unlock();
01574         return true;
01575 }
01577 //______________________________________________________________________________
01578 bool FUShmBuffer::setClientPrcId(pid_t prcId) {
01579         lock();
01580         if(!(nClients_ < nClientsMax_)) {
01581           stringstream details;
01582           details << "nClients_<nClientsMax_ assertion failed! Actual nClients is "
01583                   << nClients_ << " and nClientsMax is " << nClientsMax_;
01584           unlock();
01585           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
01586         }
01587         pid_t *prcid = (pid_t*) ((unsigned long) this + clientPrcIdOffset_);
01588         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nClients_; i++) {
01589                 if ((*prcid) == prcId) {
01590                         unlock();
01591                         return false;
01592                 }
01593                 prcid++;
01594         }
01595         nClients_++;
01596         *prcid = prcId;
01597         unlock();
01598         return true;
01599 }
01601 //______________________________________________________________________________
01602 bool FUShmBuffer::removeClientPrcId(pid_t prcId) {
01603         lock();
01604         pid_t *prcid = (pid_t*) ((unsigned long) this + clientPrcIdOffset_);
01605         unsigned int iClient(0);
01606         while (iClient < nClients_ && (*prcid) != prcId) {
01607                 prcid++;
01608                 iClient++;
01609         }
01610         if (iClient==nClients_) {
01611                 unlock();
01612                 return false;
01613         }
01614         //stringstream details;
01615         //details << "iClient!=nClients_ assertion failed! Actual iClient is "
01616         //              << iClient;
01617         //XCEPT_ASSERT(iClient != nClients_, evf::Exception, details.str());
01618         pid_t* next = prcid;
01619         next++;
01620         while (iClient < nClients_ - 1) {
01621                 *prcid = *next;
01622                 prcid++;
01623                 next++;
01624                 iClient++;
01625         }
01626         nClients_--;
01627         unlock();
01628         return true;
01629 }
01631 //______________________________________________________________________________
01632 FUShmRawCell* FUShmBuffer::rawCell(unsigned int iCell) {
01633         FUShmRawCell* result(0);
01635         if (iCell >= nRawCells_) {
01636                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::rawCell(" << iCell << ") ERROR: " << "iCell="
01637                                 << iCell << " >= nRawCells()=" << nRawCells_ << endl;
01638                 return result;
01639         }
01641         if (segmentationMode_) {
01642                 key_t shmkey = rawCellShmKey(iCell);
01643                 int shmid = shm_get(shmkey, rawCellTotalSize_);
01644                 void* cellAddr = shm_attach(shmid);
01645                 result = new (cellAddr) FUShmRawCell(rawCellPayloadSize_);
01646         } else {
01647                 result = (FUShmRawCell*) ((unsigned long) this + rawCellOffset_ + iCell
01648                                 * rawCellTotalSize_);
01649         }
01651         return result;
01652 }
01654 //______________________________________________________________________________
01655 FUShmRecoCell* FUShmBuffer::recoCell(unsigned int iCell) {
01656         FUShmRecoCell* result(0);
01658         if (iCell >= nRecoCells_) {
01659                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::recoCell(" << iCell << ") ERROR: " << "iCell="
01660                                 << iCell << " >= nRecoCells=" << nRecoCells_ << endl;
01661                 return result;
01662         }
01664         if (segmentationMode_) {
01665                 key_t shmkey = recoCellShmKey(iCell);
01666                 int shmid = shm_get(shmkey, recoCellTotalSize_);
01667                 void* cellAddr = shm_attach(shmid);
01668                 result = new (cellAddr) FUShmRecoCell(recoCellPayloadSize_);
01669         } else {
01670                 result = (FUShmRecoCell*) ((unsigned long) this + recoCellOffset_
01671                                 + iCell * recoCellTotalSize_);
01672         }
01674         return result;
01675 }
01677 //______________________________________________________________________________
01678 FUShmDqmCell* FUShmBuffer::dqmCell(unsigned int iCell) {
01679         FUShmDqmCell* result(0);
01681         if (iCell >= nDqmCells_) {
01682                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::dqmCell(" << iCell << ") ERROR: " << "iCell="
01683                                 << iCell << " >= nDqmCells=" << nDqmCells_ << endl;
01684                 return result;
01685         }
01687         if (segmentationMode_) {
01688                 key_t shmkey = dqmCellShmKey(iCell);
01689                 int shmid = shm_get(shmkey, dqmCellTotalSize_);
01690                 void* cellAddr = shm_attach(shmid);
01691                 result = new (cellAddr) FUShmDqmCell(dqmCellPayloadSize_);
01692         } else {
01693                 result = (FUShmDqmCell*) ((unsigned long) this + dqmCellOffset_ + iCell
01694                                 * dqmCellTotalSize_);
01695         }
01697         return result;
01698 }
01700 //______________________________________________________________________________
01701 bool FUShmBuffer::rawCellReadyForDiscard(unsigned int index) {
01702         if(!(index < nRawCells_)) {
01703           stringstream details;
01704           details << "index<nRawCells_ assertion failed! Actual index is " << index;
01705           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
01706         }
01707         unsigned int *pcount = (unsigned int*) ((unsigned long) this
01708                         + evtDiscardOffset_);
01709         pcount += index;
01710         lock();
01711         if(!(*pcount > 0)) {
01712           stringstream details;
01713           details << "*pcount>0 assertion failed! Value at pcount is " << *pcount << " for cell index " << index;
01714           unlock();
01715           XCEPT_ASSERT(false, evf::Exception, details.str());
01716         }
01717         --(*pcount);
01718         bool result = (*pcount == 0);
01719         unlock();
01720         return result;
01721 }
01723 //______________________________________________________________________________
01724 key_t FUShmBuffer::shmKey(unsigned int iCell, unsigned int offset) {
01725         if (!segmentationMode_) {
01726                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::shmKey() ERROR: only valid in segmentationMode!"
01727                                 << endl;
01728                 return -1;
01729         }
01730         key_t* addr = (key_t*) ((unsigned long) this + offset);
01731         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < iCell; i++)
01732                 ++addr;
01733         return *addr;
01734 }
01736 //______________________________________________________________________________
01737 key_t FUShmBuffer::rawCellShmKey(unsigned int iCell) {
01738         if (iCell >= nRawCells_) {
01739                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::rawCellShmKey() ERROR: " << "iCell>=nRawCells: "
01740                                 << iCell << ">=" << nRawCells_ << endl;
01741                 return -1;
01742         }
01743         return shmKey(iCell, rawCellOffset_);
01744 }
01746 //______________________________________________________________________________
01747 key_t FUShmBuffer::recoCellShmKey(unsigned int iCell) {
01748         if (iCell >= nRecoCells_) {
01749                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::recoCellShmKey() ERROR: "
01750                                 << "iCell>=nRecoCells: " << iCell << ">=" << nRecoCells_
01751                                 << endl;
01752                 return -1;
01753         }
01754         return shmKey(iCell, recoCellOffset_);
01755 }
01757 //______________________________________________________________________________
01758 key_t FUShmBuffer::dqmCellShmKey(unsigned int iCell) {
01759         if (iCell >= nDqmCells_) {
01760                 cout << "FUShmBuffer::dqmCellShmKey() ERROR: " << "iCell>=nDqmCells: "
01761                                 << iCell << ">=" << nDqmCells_ << endl;
01762                 return -1;
01763         }
01764         return shmKey(iCell, dqmCellOffset_);
01765 }
01767 //______________________________________________________________________________
01768 void FUShmBuffer::sem_init(int isem, int value) {
01769         if (semctl(semid(), isem, SETVAL, value) < 0) {
01770                 cout << "FUShmBuffer: FATAL ERROR in semaphore initialization." << endl;
01771         }
01772 }
01774 //______________________________________________________________________________
01775 int FUShmBuffer::sem_wait(int isem) {
01776         struct sembuf sops[1];
01777         sops[0].sem_num = isem;
01778         sops[0].sem_op = -1;
01779         sops[0].sem_flg = 0;
01780         if (semop(semid(), sops, 1) == -1) {
01781                 cout << "FUShmBuffer: ERROR in semaphore operation sem_wait." << endl;
01782                 return -1;
01783         }
01784         return 0;
01785 }
01787 //______________________________________________________________________________
01788 void FUShmBuffer::sem_post(int isem) {
01789         struct sembuf sops[1];
01790         sops[0].sem_num = isem;
01791         sops[0].sem_op = 1;
01792         sops[0].sem_flg = 0;
01793         if (semop(semid(), sops, 1) == -1) {
01794                 cout << "FUShmBuffer: ERROR in semaphore operation sem_post." << endl;
01795         }
01796 }