
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Modify the pixel packing to make 100micron pixels possible. d.k. 2/02
00002 //
00003 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelChannelIdentifier.h"
00005 #include <iostream>
00006 #include <algorithm>
00009 PixelChannelIdentifier::Packing::Packing(const int row_w, const int column_w, 
00010                             const int time_w, const int adc_w) :
00011   row_width(row_w), column_width(column_w), adc_width(adc_w) 
00012 {
00013   // Constructor: pre-computes masks and shifts from field widths
00014   // Order of fields (from right to left) is
00015   // row, column, time, adc count.
00017   if ( row_w+column_w+time_w+adc_w != 32) {
00018     std::cout << std::endl << "Warning in PixelDigi::Packing constructor:" 
00019          << "sum of field widths != 32" << std::endl;
00020   }
00021   // Fields are counted from right to left!
00023   row_shift     = 0;
00024   column_shift  = row_shift + row_w;
00025   time_shift    = column_shift + column_w;
00026   adc_shift     = time_shift + time_w;
00028   row_mask     = ~(~0 << row_w);
00029   column_mask  = ~(~0 << column_w);
00030   time_mask    = ~(~0 << time_w);
00031   adc_mask     = ~(~0 << adc_w);
00033   max_row = row_mask;
00034   max_column = column_mask;
00035   max_adc = adc_mask;
00037 }
00039 /*
00040 // Extract from CMSIM manual (version Thu Jul 31 16:38:50 MET DST 1997)
00041 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
00042 // DIGI format for pixel
00043 //
00044 // For pixel digitization one word per fired pixel is used. 
00045 // The information includes pixel row and column number, time
00046 // and charge information with 7, 9, 4 and 12 bits for each as shown below. 
00047 //
00048 //  :DETD    :TRAK  :PXBD    4   #. no. of digitization elements
00049 //   #. name     no. bits
00050 //     :V          7             #. row number
00051 //     :W          9             #. column number
00052 //     :TIME       4             #. time (ns)
00053 //     :ADC       12             #. charge
00054 //
00055 // MODIFY 19.02.2002 for ORCA_6
00056 // Change to enable 100micron row pixels, we than have 160 pixels in the v 
00057 // direction.
00058 //   #. name     no. bits
00059 //     :V          8             #. row number        (256)
00060 //     :W          9             #. column number     (512)
00061 //     :TIME       4             #. time (ns)         (16)
00062 //     :ADC       11             #. charge            (2048)
00063 */
00065 // Initialization of static data members - DEFINES DIGI PACKING !
00066 PixelChannelIdentifier::Packing PixelChannelIdentifier::thePacking( 8, 9, 4, 11); // row, col, time, adc