NavVolume6Faces Member List

This is the complete list of members for NavVolume6Faces, including all inherited members.
Base typedefMagVolume
clone() const MagneticField [inline, virtual]
computeBounds(const std::vector< NavVolumeSide > &faces)NavVolume6Faces [private]
computeBounds(int index, const std::vector< const Plane * > &bpc)NavVolume6Faces [private]
computeBounds(int index, const std::vector< NavVolumeSide > &faces)NavVolume6Faces [private]
Container typedefNavVolume
crossToNextVolume(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &currentState, const Propagator &prop) const NavVolume6Faces [virtual]
eta() constGloballyPositioned< float > [inline]
faces() const NavVolume6Faces [inline, virtual]
fieldInTesla(const LocalPoint &lp) const MagVolume
fieldInTesla(const GlobalPoint &lp) const MagVolume
GloballyPositioned(const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot)GloballyPositioned< float > [inline]
GlobalPoint typedefMagVolume
GlobalVector typedefMagVolume
iniEta()GloballyPositioned< float > [inline, static]
inInverseGeV(const GlobalPoint &gp) const MagneticField [inline]
iniPhi()GloballyPositioned< float > [inline, static]
inKGauss(const GlobalPoint &gp) const MagneticField [inline]
inside(const GlobalPoint &gp, double tolerance) const NavVolume6Faces [virtual]
NavVolume::inside(const LocalPoint &lp, double tolerance=0.) const MagVolume [inline, virtual]
inTesla(const ::GlobalPoint &gp) const MagVolume [inline]
MagneticField::inTesla(const GlobalPoint &gp) const =0MagneticField [pure virtual]
inTeslaUnchecked(const GlobalPoint &gp) const MagneticField [inline, virtual]
isDefined(const GlobalPoint &gp) const MagneticField [inline, virtual]
isIron() const NavVolume6Faces [inline, virtual]
isThisIronNavVolume6Faces [private]
LocalPoint typedefMagVolume
LocalVector typedefMagVolume
MagVolume(const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, DDSolidShape shape, const MagneticFieldProvider< float > *mfp, double sf=1.)MagVolume [inline]
move(const GlobalVector &displacement)GloballyPositioned< float > [inline]
NavVolume(const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, DDSolidShape shape, const MagneticFieldProvider< float > *mfp)NavVolume [inline]
NavVolume6Faces(const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, DDSolidShape shape, const std::vector< NavVolumeSide > &faces, const MagneticFieldProvider< float > *mfp)NavVolume6Faces
NavVolume6Faces(const MagVolume &magvol, const bool isIron=false)NavVolume6Faces [explicit]
nextSurface(const NavVolume::LocalPoint &pos, const NavVolume::LocalVector &mom, double charge, PropagationDirection propDir=alongMomentum) const NavVolume6Faces [virtual]
nextSurface(const NavVolume::LocalPoint &pos, const NavVolume::LocalVector &mom, double charge, PropagationDirection propDir, ConstReferenceCountingPointer< Surface > NotThisSurfaceP) const NavVolume6Faces [virtual]
nominalValue() const MagneticField [inline]
ownsFieldProvider(bool o)MagVolume [inline]
phi() constGloballyPositioned< float > [inline]
position() constGloballyPositioned< float > [inline]
PositionType typedefGloballyPositioned< float >
provider() const MagVolume [inline]
rotate(const RotationType &rotation)GloballyPositioned< float > [inline]
rotation() constGloballyPositioned< float > [inline]
RotationType typedefGloballyPositioned< float >
Scalar typedefGloballyPositioned< float >
setIsIron(bool iron)MagVolume [inline]
shapeType() const MagVolume [inline]
theFacesNavVolume6Faces [private]
theNavSurfacesNavVolume6Faces [private]
toGlobal(const LocalPoint &lp) constGloballyPositioned< float > [inline]
toGlobal(const Point3DBase< U, LocalTag > &lp) constGloballyPositioned< float > [inline]
toGlobal(const LocalVector &lv) constGloballyPositioned< float > [inline]
toGlobal(const Vector3DBase< U, LocalTag > &lv) constGloballyPositioned< float > [inline]
toLocal(const GlobalPoint &gp) constGloballyPositioned< float > [inline]
toLocal(const Point3DBase< U, GlobalTag > &gp) constGloballyPositioned< float > [inline]
toLocal(const GlobalVector &gv) constGloballyPositioned< float > [inline]
toLocal(const Vector3DBase< U, GlobalTag > &gv) constGloballyPositioned< float > [inline]
~GloballyPositioned()GloballyPositioned< float > [inline, virtual]
~MagneticField()MagneticField [virtual]
~MagVolume()MagVolume [virtual]
~NavVolume()NavVolume [inline, virtual]