
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 from RecoLocalCalo.CaloTowersCreator.calotowermaker_cfi import *
00004 from RecoJets.Configuration.CaloTowersRec_cff import *
00005 from RecoParticleFlow.PFClusterProducer.particleFlowRecHitECAL_cfi import *
00006 from RecoParticleFlow.PFClusterProducer.particleFlowRecHitHCAL_cfi import *
00007 from RecoParticleFlow.PFClusterProducer.particleFlowRecHitHO_cfi import *
00008 from RecoParticleFlow.PFClusterProducer.particleFlowRecHitPS_cfi import *
00010 from RecoParticleFlow.PFClusterProducer.particleFlowClusterECAL_cfi import *
00011 from RecoParticleFlow.PFClusterProducer.particleFlowClusterHCAL_cfi import *
00012 from RecoParticleFlow.PFClusterProducer.particleFlowClusterHO_cfi import *
00013 from RecoParticleFlow.PFClusterProducer.particleFlowClusterPS_cfi import *
00014 from RecoParticleFlow.PFClusterProducer.particleFlowClusterHFEM_cfi import *
00015 from RecoParticleFlow.PFClusterProducer.particleFlowClusterHFHAD_cfi import *
00017 pfClusteringECAL = cms.Sequence(particleFlowRecHitECAL*particleFlowClusterECAL)
00018 #pfClusteringHCAL = cms.Sequence(particleFlowRecHitHCAL*particleFlowClusterHCAL)
00019 pfClusteringHCALall = cms.Sequence(particleFlowClusterHCAL+particleFlowClusterHFHAD+particleFlowClusterHFEM)
00020 pfClusteringHCAL = cms.Sequence(particleFlowRecHitHCAL*pfClusteringHCALall)
00021 pfClusteringHO = cms.Sequence(particleFlowRecHitHO*particleFlowClusterHO)
00023 #pfClusteringHCAL = cms.Sequence(particleFlowRecHitHCAL*particleFlowClusterHCAL*particleFlowClusterHFHAD*particleFlowClusterHFEM)
00024 pfClusteringPS = cms.Sequence(particleFlowRecHitPS*particleFlowClusterPS)
00027 towerMakerPF = calotowermaker.clone()
00029 # Changed values
00030 # Don't use calotowers for HO, instead we use RecHits directly, and perform the links with tracks and HCAL clusters.
00031 towerMakerPF.UseHO = False
00032 # Energy threshold for HB Cell inclusion
00033 towerMakerPF.HBThreshold = 0.4
00034 # Energy threshold for HE (S = 5 degree, D = 10 degree, in phi) Cell inclusion
00035 towerMakerPF.HESThreshold = 0.4
00036 towerMakerPF.HEDThreshold = 0.4
00038 # Default values
00039 # Energy threshold for HO cell inclusion [GeV]
00040 towerMakerPF.HOThreshold0 = 0.2
00041 towerMakerPF.HOThresholdPlus1 = 0.8
00042 towerMakerPF.HOThresholdMinus1 = 0.8
00043 towerMakerPF.HOThresholdPlus2 = 0.8
00044 towerMakerPF.HOThresholdMinus2 = 0.8
00045 # Weighting factor for HO 
00046 towerMakerPF.HOWeight = 1.0
00047 towerMakerPF.HOWeights = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
00048 # Weighting factor for HF short-fiber readouts
00049 towerMakerPF.HF2Weight = 1.0
00050 towerMakerPF.HF2Weights = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
00051 # Weighting factor for HF long-fiber readouts 
00052 towerMakerPF.HF1Weight = 1.0
00053 towerMakerPF.HF1Weights = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
00054 # Energy threshold for long-fiber HF readout inclusion [GeV]
00055 towerMakerPF.HF1Threshold = 1.2
00056 # Energy threshold for short-fiber HF readout inclusion [GeV]
00057 towerMakerPF.HF2Threshold = 1.8
00058 # Weighting factor for HB  cells   
00059 towerMakerPF.HBWeight = 1.0
00060 towerMakerPF.HBWeights = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
00061 # Weighting factor for HE 5-degree cells   
00062 towerMakerPF.HESWeight = 1.0
00063 towerMakerPF.HESWeights = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
00064 # Weighting factor for HE 10-degree cells   
00065 towerMakerPF.HEDWeight = 1.0
00066 towerMakerPF.HEDWeights = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
00067 # Global energy threshold on Hcal [GeV]
00068 towerMakerPF.HcalThreshold = -1000.0
00069 # Global energy threshold on tower [GeV]
00070 towerMakerPF.EcutTower = -1000.0
00071 # parameters for handling of anomalous cells
00072 # acceptable severity level
00073 towerMakerPF.HcalAcceptSeverityLevel = 11
00074 # use of recovered hits
00075 towerMakerPF.UseHcalRecoveredHits = True
00076 # flag to allow/disallow missing inputs
00077 towerMakerPF.AllowMissingInputs = False
00079 particleFlowClusterWithoutHO = cms.Sequence(
00080     #caloTowersRec*
00081     towerMakerPF*
00082     pfClusteringECAL*
00083     pfClusteringHCAL*
00084     pfClusteringPS
00085 )
00087 particleFlowCluster = cms.Sequence(
00088     #caloTowersRec*
00089     towerMakerPF*
00090     pfClusteringECAL*
00091     pfClusteringHCAL*
00092     pfClusteringHO*
00093     pfClusteringPS
00094 )