
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 simSiPixelDigis = cms.EDProducer("SiPixelDigitizer",
00004     ReadoutNoiseInElec = cms.double(350.0),
00005     DeltaProductionCut = cms.double(0.03),
00006     ROUList = cms.vstring('g4SimHitsTrackerHitsPixelBarrelLowTof', 
00007         'g4SimHitsTrackerHitsPixelBarrelHighTof', 
00008         'g4SimHitsTrackerHitsPixelEndcapLowTof', 
00009         'g4SimHitsTrackerHitsPixelEndcapHighTof'),
00010     OffsetSmearing = cms.double(0.0),
00011     ThresholdInElectrons_FPix = cms.double(3000.0), 
00012     ThresholdInElectrons_BPix = cms.double(3500.0),
00013     AddThresholdSmearing = cms.bool(True),
00014     ThresholdSmearing_FPix = cms.double(210.0),
00015     ThresholdSmearing_BPix = cms.double(245.0),
00016     NoiseInElectrons = cms.double(175.0),
00017     MissCalibrate = cms.bool(True),
00018     FPix_SignalResponse_p0 = cms.double(0.0043),
00019     FPix_SignalResponse_p1 = cms.double(1.31),
00020     FPix_SignalResponse_p2 = cms.double(93.6),
00021     FPix_SignalResponse_p3 = cms.double(134.6),
00022     BPix_SignalResponse_p0 = cms.double(0.0035),
00023     BPix_SignalResponse_p1 = cms.double(1.23),
00024     BPix_SignalResponse_p2 = cms.double(97.4),
00025     BPix_SignalResponse_p3 = cms.double(126.5),
00026     ElectronsPerVcal = cms.double(65.5),
00027     ElectronsPerVcal_Offset = cms.double(-414.0),
00028     ElectronPerAdc = cms.double(135.0),
00029     TofUpperCut = cms.double(12.5),
00030     AdcFullScale = cms.int32(255),
00031     TofLowerCut = cms.double(-12.5),
00032     TanLorentzAnglePerTesla_FPix = cms.double(0.106),
00033     TanLorentzAnglePerTesla_BPix = cms.double(0.106),
00034     AddNoisyPixels = cms.bool(True),
00035     Alpha2Order = cms.bool(True),
00036     AddPixelInefficiency = cms.int32(0),
00037     AddNoise = cms.bool(True),
00038     ChargeVCALSmearing = cms.bool(True),
00039     GainSmearing = cms.double(0.0),
00040     GeometryType = cms.string('idealForDigi'),                           
00041     useDB = cms.bool(True),
00042     LorentzAngle_DB = cms.bool(True),
00043     DeadModules_DB = cms.bool(True),
00044 ##    killModules = cms.bool(False),
00045 ##    DeadModules_DB = cms.bool(False),
00046     killModules = cms.bool(True),
00047 DeadModules = cms.VPSet(
00048  cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302055940), Module = cms.string("tbmB"))
00049 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302059800), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00050 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302121992), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00051 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302123296), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00052 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302125060), Module = cms.string("tbmA"))
00053 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302125076), Module = cms.string("tbmA"))
00054 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302126364), Module = cms.string("tbmB"))
00055 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302126596), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00056 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302127136), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00057 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302188552), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00058 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302188824), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00059 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302194200), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00060 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302195232), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00061 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302197252), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00062 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302197784), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00063 ##forward
00064 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352453892), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00065 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352453896), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00066 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352453900), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00067 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352453904), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00068 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352454916), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00069 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352454920), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00070 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352454924), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00071 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352454928), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00072 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352455940), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00073 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352455944), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00074 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352455948), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00075 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352455952), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00076 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352454148), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00077 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352454152), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00078 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352454156), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00079 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352455172), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00080 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352455176), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00081 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352455180), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00082 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352456196), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00083 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352456200), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00084 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(352456204), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00085 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(343999748), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00086 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(343999752), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00087 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(343999756), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00088 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(343999760), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00089 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344014340), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00090 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344014344), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00091 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344014348), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00092 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344019460), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00093 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344019464), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00094 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344019468), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00095 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344077572), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00096 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344077576), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00097 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344077580), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00098 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344077584), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00099 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344078596), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00100 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344078600), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00101 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344078604), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00102 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344078608), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00103 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344079620), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00104 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344079624), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00105 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344079628), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00106 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344079632), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00107 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344078852), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00108 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344078856), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00109 ,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(344078860), Module = cms.string("whole"))
00110 #,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302187268), Module = cms.string("none"))
00111 #,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302195472), Module = cms.string("none"))
00112 #,cms.PSet(Dead_detID = cms.int32(302128136), Module = cms.string("none"))
00113 )
00115 ###    DeadModules = cms.VPSet()
00116 )
00118 # Threshold in electrons are the Official CRAFT09 numbers:
00119 # FPix(smearing)/BPix(smearing) = 2480(160)/2730(200)
00122 #
00124 ######Barrel
00125 #Bad Module: 302055940 errorType 2 BadRocs=ff00
00126 #Bad Module: 302059800 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00127 #Bad Module: 302121992 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00128 #BmI_SEC3_LYR2_LDR5F_MOD3 -- 302121992, "TBM-A"
00129 #Bad Module: 302123296 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00130 #BpO_SEC1_LYR2_LDR1H_MOD4 -- 302123296, "whole"
00131 #Bad Module: 302125060 errorType 1 BadRocs=ff
00132 #Bad Module: 302125076 errorType 1 BadRocs=ff
00133 #BpO_SEC4_LYR2_LDR8F_MOD1 -- 302125076, "TBM-A"
00134 #Bad Module: 302126364 errorType 2 BadRocs=ff00
00135 #BpO_SEC7_LYR2_LDR13F_MOD3 -- 302126364, "TBM-B"
00136 #Bad Module: 302126596 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00137 #BmO_SEC7_LYR2_LDR14F_MOD4 -- 302126596, "whole"
00138 #Bad Module: 302127136 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00139 #BpO_SEC8_LYR2_LDR16H_MOD4 -- 302127136, "whole"
00140 #Bad Module: 302188552 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00141 #BmI_SEC2_LYR3_LDR4F_MOD3 -- 302188552, "whole"
00142 #Bad Module: 302188824 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00143 #Bad Module: 302194200 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00144 #Bad Module: 302195232 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00145 #BpI_SEC8_LYR3_LDR22H_MOD4 -- 302195232, "whole"
00146 #Bad Module: 302197252 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00147 #Bad Module: 302197784 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00148 #BpI_SEC5_LYR3_LDR12F_MOD2 -- 302197784, "whole"
00150 #####Forward
00151 #Bad Module: 352453892 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00152 #Bad Module: 352453896 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00153 #Bad Module: 352453900 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00154 #Bad Module: 352453904 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00155 #Bad Module: 352454916 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00156 #Bad Module: 352454920 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00157 #Bad Module: 352454924 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00158 #Bad Module: 352454928 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00159 #Bad Module: 352455940 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00160 #Bad Module: 352455944 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00161 #Bad Module: 352455948 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00162 #Bad Module: 352455952 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00163 #Bad Module: 352454148 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00164 #Bad Module: 352454152 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00165 #Bad Module: 352454156 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00166 #Bad Module: 352455172 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00167 #Bad Module: 352455176 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00168 #Bad Module: 352455180 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00169 #Bad Module: 352456196 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00170 #Bad Module: 352456200 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00171 #Bad Module: 352456204 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00172 #Bad Module: 343999748 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00173 #Bad Module: 343999752 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00174 #Bad Module: 343999756 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00175 #Bad Module: 343999760 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00176 #Bad Module: 344014340 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00177 #Bad Module: 344014344 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00178 #Bad Module: 344014348 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00179 #BmO_DISK1_BLD9_PNL2 -- 344014340, 344014344, 344014348
00180 #Bad Module: 344019460 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00181 #Bad Module: 344019464 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00182 #Bad Module: 344019468 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00183 #BmI_DISK1_BLD11_PNL2 -- 344019460, 344019464, 344019468
00184 #Bad Module: 344077572 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00185 #Bad Module: 344077576 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00186 #Bad Module: 344077580 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00187 #Bad Module: 344077584 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00188 #Bad Module: 344078596 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00189 #Bad Module: 344078600 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00190 #Bad Module: 344078604 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00191 #Bad Module: 344078608 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00192 #Bad Module: 344079620 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00193 #Bad Module: 344079624 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00194 #Bad Module: 344079628 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00195 #Bad Module: 344079632 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00196 #Bad Module: 344078852 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00197 #Bad Module: 344078856 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00198 #Bad Module: 344078860 errorType 0 BadRocs=ffff
00200 #Barrel 
00201 #302187268, "none" (ROC 6) 
00202 #302195472, "none" (ROC 0)
00203 #302128136, "none" (ROC 3)