00001 00002 // PETRUKHINMODEL_h 00003 // 00004 // Improvements: Function of Muom Brem using nuclear screening correction 00005 // Description: Muon bremsstrahlung using the Petrukhin's model in FASTSIM 00006 // Authors: Sandro Fonseca de Souza and Andre Sznajder (UERJ/Brazil) 00007 // Date: 23-Nov-2010 00009 00010 #ifndef PETRUKHINMODEL_h 00011 #define PETRUKHINMODEL_h 00012 00013 #include "TMath.h" 00014 #include "TF1.h" 00015 00016 00017 double PetrukhinFunc (double *x, double *p ); 00018 00019 00020 #endif