00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 particleFlowRecHitHO = cms.EDProducer("PFRecHitProducerHO", 00004 # verbosity 00005 verbose = cms.untracked.bool(False), 00006 # The collection of HO rechits 00007 recHitsHO = cms.InputTag("horeco", ""), # for RECO 00008 # The threshold for rechit energies in ring0 00009 thresh_Barrel = cms.double(0.4), 00010 # The threshold for rechit energies in rings +/-1 and +/-2 00011 thresh_Endcap = cms.double(1.0), 00012 00013 # Maximum allowed severity of HO rechits. Hits above the given severity level will be rejected. Default max value is 11 (the same value as used for allowing hits in PF caloTowers, and the expected acceptance value of any PF HCAL hits) 00014 HOMaxAllowedSev = cms.int32(11), 00015 00016 ) 00017 00018