
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 from CondCore.DBCommon.CondDBSetup_cfi import *
00004 from EventFilter.CSCRawToDigi.cscUnpacker_cfi import *
00005 from DQM.L1TMonitor.L1TCSCTPG_cfi import *
00006 cscConditions = cms.ESSource("PoolDBESSource",
00007     CondDBSetup,
00008     siteLocalConfig = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00009     toGet = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(
00010         record = cms.string('CSCDBGainsRcd'),
00011         tag = cms.string('CSCDBGains_ideal')
00012     ), 
00013         cms.PSet(
00014             record = cms.string('CSCDBCrosstalkRcd'),
00015             tag = cms.string('CSCDBCrosstalk_ideal')
00016         ), 
00017         cms.PSet(
00018             record = cms.string('CSCDBNoiseMatrixRcd'),
00019             tag = cms.string('CSCDBNoiseMatrix_ideal')
00020         ), 
00021         cms.PSet(
00022             record = cms.string('CSCDBPedestalsRcd'),
00023             tag = cms.string('CSCDBPedestals_ideal')
00024         ), 
00025         cms.PSet(
00026             record = cms.string('CSCChamberIndexRcd'),
00027             tag = cms.string('CSCChamberIndex')
00028         ), 
00029         cms.PSet(
00030             record = cms.string('CSCChamberMapRcd'),
00031             tag = cms.string('CSCChamberMap')
00032         ), 
00033         cms.PSet(
00034             record = cms.string('CSCCrateMapRcd'),
00035             tag = cms.string('CSCCrateMap')
00036         ), 
00037         cms.PSet(
00038             record = cms.string('CSCDDUMapRcd'),
00039             tag = cms.string('CSCDDUMap')
00040         )),
00041     messagelevel = cms.untracked.uint32(0),
00042     timetype = cms.string('runnumber'),
00043     #                string connect = "frontier://(serverurl=http://frontier1.cms:8000/FrontierOn)(serverurl=http://frontier2.cms:8000/FrontierOn)(retrieve-ziplevel=0)/CMS_COND_ON_18x_CSC"
00044     connect = cms.string('frontier://Frontier/CMS_COND_ON_18x_CSC'),
00045     authenticationMethod = cms.untracked.uint32(1)
00046 )
00048 l1tcsctpgpath = cms.Path(muonCSCDigis*l1tcsctpg)
00049 muonCSCDigis.UnpackStatusDigis = True
00050 #muonCSCDigis.isMTCCData = False
00051 muonCSCDigis.ErrorMask = 0x0
00052 muonCSCDigis.ExaminerMask = 0x16CBF3F6
00053 muonCSCDigis.UseExaminer = True