
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 selectiveReadoutTask = dict(
00002     useCondDb = False,
00003     DCCZS1stSample = 2,
00004     ZSFIRWeights = [-0.374, -0.374, -0.3629, 0.2721, 0.4681, 0.3707]
00005 )
00007 selectiveReadoutTaskPaths = dict(
00008     TowerSize        = "SelectiveReadout/SRTask tower event size",
00009     DCCSize          = "SelectiveReadout/SRTask DCC size",
00010     EventSize        = "SelectiveReadout/SRTask event size per DCC",
00011     FlagCounterMap   = "SelectiveReadout/Counters/SRTask tower flag counter",
00012     RUForcedMap      = "SelectiveReadout/Counters/SRTask RU with forced SR counter",
00013     FullReadoutMap   = "SelectiveReadout/Counters/SRTask tower full readout counter",
00014     FullReadout      = "SelectiveReadout/SRTask towers fully readout",
00015     ZS1Map           = "SelectiveReadout/Counters/SRTask tower ZS1 counter",
00016     ZSMap            = "SelectiveReadout/Counters/SRTask tower ZS1+ZS2 counter",
00017     ZSFullReadoutMap = "SelectiveReadout/Counters/SRTask ZS flagged full readout counter",
00018     ZSFullReadout    = "SelectiveReadout/SRTask towers ZS flagged fully readout",
00019     FRDroppedMap     = "SelectiveReadout/Counters/SRTask FR flagged dropped counter",
00020     FRDropped        = "SelectiveReadout/SRTask towers FR flagged dropped",
00021     HighIntPayload   = "SelectiveReadout/SRTask high interest payload per DCC",
00022     LowIntPayload    = "SelectiveReadout/SRTask low interest payload per DCC",
00023     HighIntOutput    = "SelectiveReadout/SRTask high interest filter output",
00024     LowIntOutput     = "SelectiveReadout/SRTask low interest filter output"
00025 )