
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 # The following comments couldn't be translated into the new config version:
00003 # "TAUO = 0 0              ! Registered by",
00005 # higgs decays
00007 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00009 from Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *
00010 Generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia6GeneratorFilter",
00011     pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00012     maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),
00013     pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),
00014     filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0),
00015     comEnergy = cms.double(10000.0),
00016     PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(
00017         pythiaUESettingsBlock,
00018         processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL = 0                ! user control', 
00019             'MSUB(401) = 1           ! gg->tbH+ Registered by', 
00020             'MSUB(402) = 1           ! qq->tbH+ Registered by', 
00021             'IMSS(1)= 1              ! MSSM ', 
00022             'RMSS(5) = 30.           ! TANBETA', 
00023             'RMSS(19) = 200.         ! (D=850.) m_A', 
00024             'MDME(503,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into dbar            u', 
00025             'MDME(504,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into sbar            c', 
00026             'MDME(505,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into bbar            t', 
00027             'MDME(506,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into b bar           t', 
00028             'MDME(507,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into e+              nu_e', 
00029             'MDME(508,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into mu+             nu_mu', 
00030             'MDME(509,1)=1           !Higgs(H+) decay into tau+            nu_tau', 
00031             'MDME(510,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into tau prime+           nu_tau', 
00032             'MDME(511,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into W+              h0', 
00033             'MDME(512,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~chi_10         ~chi_1+', 
00034             'MDME(513,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~chi_10         ~chi_2+', 
00035             'MDME(514,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~chi_20         ~chi_1+', 
00036             'MDME(515,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~chi_20         ~chi_2+', 
00037             'MDME(516,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~chi_30         ~chi_1+', 
00038             'MDME(517,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~chi_30         ~chi_2+', 
00039             'MDME(518,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~chi_40         ~chi_1+', 
00040             'MDME(519,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~chi_40         ~chi_2+', 
00041             'MDME(520,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~t_1            ~b_1bar', 
00042             'MDME(521,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~t_2            ~b_1bar', 
00043             'MDME(522,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~t_1            ~b_2bar', 
00044             'MDME(523,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~t_2            ~b_2bar', 
00045             'MDME(524,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~d_Lbar         ~u_L', 
00046             'MDME(525,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~s_Lbar         ~c_L', 
00047             'MDME(526,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~e_L+           ~nu_eL', 
00048             'MDME(527,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~mu_L+          ~nu_muL', 
00049             'MDME(528,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~tau_1+         ~nu_tauL', 
00050             'MDME(529,1)=0           !Higgs(H+) decay into ~tau_2+         ~nu_tauL', 
00051             'MDME(89,1) = 0          ! no tau->electron', 
00052             'MDME(90,1) = 0          ! no tau->muon'),
00053         # This is a vector of ParameterSet names to be read, in this order
00054         parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', 
00055             'processParameters', 
00056             'pythiaMSSMmhmax'),
00057         pythiaMSSMmhmax = cms.vstring('RMSS(2)= 200.           ! SU(2) gaugino mass ', 
00058             'RMSS(3)= 800.           ! SU(3) (gluino) mass ', 
00059             'RMSS(4)= 200.           ! higgsino mass parameter', 
00060             'RMSS(6)= 1000.          ! left slepton mass', 
00061             'RMSS(7)= 1000.          ! right slepton mass', 
00062             'RMSS(8)= 1000.          ! right slepton mass', 
00063             'RMSS(9)= 1000.          ! right squark mass', 
00064             'RMSS(10)= 1000.         ! left sq mass for 3th gen/heaviest stop mass', 
00065             'RMSS(11)= 1000.         ! right sbottom mass/lightest sbotoom mass', 
00066             'RMSS(12)= 1000.         ! right stop mass/lightest stop mass', 
00067             'RMSS(13)= 1000.         ! left stau mass', 
00068             'RMSS(14)= 1000.         ! right stau mass', 
00069             'RMSS(15)= 2449.         ! Ab', 
00070             'RMSS(16)= 2449.         ! At', 
00071             'RMSS(17)= 2449.         ! Atau')
00072     )
00073 )