
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 from L1Trigger.GlobalTriggerAnalyzer.L1ExtraInputTagSet_cff import *
00005 L1GtAnalyzer = cms.EDAnalyzer("L1GtAnalyzer",
00007     # non-keyed parameter sets first                           
00008     # input tags for L1Extra collections
00009     # used by: 
00010     #    analyzeTrigger
00011     L1ExtraInputTagSet,
00013     # print output
00014     #   0 std::cout
00015     #   1 LogTrace
00016     #   2 LogVerbatim
00017     #   3 LogInfo
00018     PrintOutput = cms.untracked.int32(3),
00020     # enable/disable various analyses
00021     #
00022     analyzeDecisionReadoutRecordEnable = cms.bool(False),
00023     #
00024     analyzeL1GtUtilsMenuLiteEnable = cms.bool(False),
00025     analyzeL1GtUtilsEventSetupEnable = cms.bool(False),
00026     analyzeL1GtUtilsEnable = cms.bool(False),
00027     analyzeTriggerEnable = cms.bool(False),
00028     #
00029     analyzeObjectMapEnable = cms.bool(False),
00030     #
00031     analyzeL1GtTriggerMenuLiteEnable = cms.bool(False),
00032     #
00033     analyzeConditionsInRunBlockEnable = cms.bool(False),
00034     analyzeConditionsInLumiBlockEnable = cms.bool(False),
00035     analyzeConditionsInEventBlockEnable = cms.bool(False),
00037     # input tag for L1GlobalTriggerReadoutRecord (L1 GT DAQ readout record) 
00038     #     GT emulator, GT unpacker:  gtDigis  
00039     # used by: 
00040     #    analyzeDecisionReadoutRecord
00041     #    L1GtUtils methods with input tags explicitly given
00042     #        analyzeL1GtUtilsEventSetup
00043     #        analyzeL1GtUtils
00044     #        analyzeTrigger
00045     L1GtDaqReadoutRecordInputTag = cms.InputTag("gtDigis"),
00047     # input tag for L1GlobalTriggerRecord 
00048     #     L1GlobalTriggerRecord record producer:  l1GtRecord  
00049     # used by: 
00050     #    analyzeDecisionReadoutRecord
00051     #    L1GtUtils methods with input tags explicitly given, if L1GtDaqReadoutRecordInputTag product does not exist
00052     #        analyzeL1GtUtilsEventSetup
00053     #        analyzeL1GtUtils
00054     #        analyzeTrigger
00055     L1GtRecordInputTag = cms.InputTag("l1GtRecord"),
00057     # input tag for GT object map collection L1GlobalTriggerObjectMapRecord
00058     #     only the L1 GT emulator produces it,
00059     #     no map collection is produced by hardware
00060     #    
00061     #     GT emulator:  gtDigis
00062     # used by: 
00063     #    analyzeObjectMap
00064     #    analyzeTrigger
00065     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag("hltL1GtObjectMap"),
00067     # input tag for GT object map collection L1GlobalTriggerObjectMaps
00068     #     no map collection is produced by hardware
00069     #    
00070     #     L1Reco producer:  l1L1GtObjectMap
00071     # used by: 
00072     #    analyzeObjectMap
00073     #    analyzeTrigger
00074     L1GtObjectMapsInputTag = cms.InputTag("l1L1GtObjectMap"),
00076     # input tag for GMT readout collection: not used
00077     #     gmtDigis = GMT emulator
00078     #     gtDigis  = GT unpacker (common GT/GMT unpacker)
00079     L1GmtInputTag = cms.InputTag("gmtDigis"),
00081     # input tag for l1GtTriggerMenuLite
00082     # used by: 
00083     #    analyzeL1GtTriggerMenuLite (always)
00084     #    L1GtUtils methods, if L1GtTmLInputTagProv is set to False    
00085     #        analyzeL1GtUtilsMenuLite
00086     #        analyzeL1GtUtils
00087     #        analyzeTrigger
00088     L1GtTmLInputTag = cms.InputTag("l1GtTriggerMenuLite"),
00090     # input tag for input tag for ConditionInEdm products
00091     # used by: 
00092     #    analyzeConditionsInRunBlock
00093     #    analyzeConditionsInLumiBlock
00094     #    analyzeConditionsInEventBlock    
00095     CondInEdmInputTag = cms.InputTag("conditionsInEdm"),
00097     # an algorithm trigger name or alias, or a technical trigger name
00098     # used by: 
00099     #    analyzeL1GtUtilsEventSetup
00100     #    analyzeL1GtUtilsMenuLite
00101     #    analyzeL1GtUtils
00102     #    analyzeTrigger
00103     #    analyzeObjectMap (relevant for algorithm triggers only)
00104     AlgorithmName = cms.string('L1_SingleEG20'),
00105     # 
00106     #  a condition in the above algorithm trigger
00107     # used by: 
00108     #    analyzeObjectMap (relevant for algorithm triggers only)
00109     ConditionName = cms.string('SingleIsoEG_0x14'),
00111     # a bit number for an algorithm trigger or a technical trigger
00112     # special use - do never use a bit number in an analysis
00113     # used by: 
00114     #    analyzeL1GtTriggerMenuLite
00115     BitNumber = cms.uint32(0),
00117     # select for L1GtUtils methods the L1 configuration to use: 0, 100000, 200000
00118     # used by: 
00119     #    analyzeL1GtUtilsEventSetup
00120     #    analyzeL1GtUtilsMenuLite
00121     #    analyzeL1GtUtils
00122     #    analyzeTrigger
00123     L1GtUtilsConfiguration = cms.uint32(0),
00125     # if true, use methods in L1GtUtils with the input tag for l1GtTriggerMenuLite
00126     # from provenance
00127     # used by: 
00128     #    analyzeL1GtUtilsEventSetup
00129     #    analyzeL1GtUtilsMenuLite
00130     #    analyzeL1GtUtils
00131     #    analyzeTrigger
00132     L1GtTmLInputTagProv = cms.bool(True),
00134     # if true, use methods in L1GtUtils with the given input tags 
00135     # for L1GlobalTriggerReadoutRecord and / or L1GlobalTriggerRecord from provenance
00136     # used by: 
00137     #    analyzeL1GtUtilsEventSetup
00138     #    analyzeL1GtUtilsMenuLite
00139     #    analyzeL1GtUtils
00140     #    analyzeTrigger
00141     L1GtRecordsInputTagProv = cms.bool(True),
00143     # if true, configure (partially) L1GtUtils in beginRun using getL1GtRunCache
00144     # used by: 
00145     #    analyzeL1GtUtilsEventSetup
00146     #    analyzeL1GtUtilsMenuLite
00147     #    analyzeL1GtUtils
00148     #    analyzeTrigger
00149     L1GtUtilsConfigureBeginRun = cms.bool(True),
00151     # expression to test the L1GtUtils methods to retrieve L1 trigger decisions, 
00152     #     prescale factors and masks for logical expressions
00153     # first expression: aliases only; 
00154     # second expression: names only;
00155     # third expression: bit numbers; 
00156     # fourth expression: non-existing algorithm trigger L1_NotInMenu in the logical expression
00157     # fifth expression: non-existing technical trigger
00158     # sixt expression: invalid syntax
00159     L1GtUtilsLogicalExpression = cms.string("L1_SingleEG20 OR (L1_HTT150  OR L1_HTT175 OR L1_DoubleJetC56 OR L1_SingleJet128) AND L1_DoubleJetC36 AND (NOT L1_SingleJet36) AND L1_EG5_Jet36_deltaPhi1")
00160     #L1GtUtilsLogicalExpression = cms.string("L1_SingleEG20 OR (L1_HTT150  OR L1_HTT175 OR L1_DoubleJetC56 OR L1_SingleJet128) AND L1_DoubleJet36_Central AND (NOT L1_SingleJet36) AND L1_EG5_Jet36_deltaPhi1")
00161     # L1GtUtilsLogicalExpression = cms.string("8 OR 25")
00162     # L1GtUtilsLogicalExpression = cms.string("(L1_HTT150  OR L1_HTT175 OR L1_DoubleJetC56 OR L1_SingleJet128) AND L1_NotInMenu")
00163     # L1GtUtilsLogicalExpression = cms.string("(6 OR 40 OR 25) AND 65 AND (NOT 34)" )
00164     # L1GtUtilsLogicalExpression = cms.string("(8 OR L1_HTT150 AND INVALID_KEYWORD 65 AND (NOT 34)" )
00166 )