
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef GsfElectronFakeAnalyzer_h
00002 #define GsfElectronFakeAnalyzer_h
00004 //
00005 // Package:         RecoEgamma/Examples
00006 // Class:           GsfElectronFakeAnalyzer
00007 //
00009 //
00010 // Original Author:  Ursula Berthon, Claude Charlot
00011 //         Created:  Mon Mar 27 13:22:06 CEST 2006
00012 // $Id: GsfElectronFakeAnalyzer.h,v 1.16 2011/05/20 17:17:28 wmtan Exp $
00013 //
00014 //
00017 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EDAnalyzer.h"
00018 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
00019 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Handle.h"
00020 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
00021 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
00022 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00025 #include "Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/TrackerGeometry.h"
00027 #include "TrackingTools/TrajectoryState/interface/TrajectoryStateTransform.h"
00029 class MagneticField;
00030 class TFile;
00031 class TH1F;
00032 class TH2F;
00033 class TH1I;
00034 class TProfile;
00035 class TTree;
00037 class GsfElectronFakeAnalyzer : public edm::EDAnalyzer
00038 {
00039  public:
00041   explicit GsfElectronFakeAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet& conf);
00043   virtual ~GsfElectronFakeAnalyzer();
00045   virtual void beginJob();
00046   virtual void endJob();
00047   virtual void analyze(const edm::Event& e, const edm::EventSetup& c);
00049  private:
00051   TrajectoryStateTransform transformer_;
00052   edm::ESHandle<TrackerGeometry> pDD;
00053   edm::ESHandle<MagneticField> theMagField;
00054   TFile *histfile_;
00055   TTree *tree_;
00056   float mcEnergy[10], mcEta[10], mcPhi[10], mcPt[10], mcQ[10];
00057   float superclusterEnergy[10], superclusterEta[10], superclusterPhi[10], superclusterEt[10];
00058   float seedMomentum[10], seedEta[10], seedPhi[10], seedPt[10], seedQ[10];
00060   TH1F *h_matchingObjectNum;
00062   TH1F *h_matchingObjectEta;
00063   TH1F *h_matchingObjectAbsEta;
00064   TH1F *h_matchingObjectP;
00065   TH1F *h_matchingObjectPt;
00066   TH1F *h_matchingObjectPhi;
00067   TH1F *h_matchingObjectZ;
00069   TH1F *h_ele_matchingObjectEta_matched;
00070   TH1F *h_ele_matchingObjectAbsEta_matched;
00071   TH1F *h_ele_matchingObjectPt_matched;
00072   TH1F *h_ele_matchingObjectPhi_matched;
00073   TH1F *h_ele_matchingObjectZ_matched;
00075   TH1F *h_ele_EoverP_all;
00076   TH1F *h_ele_EoverP_all_barrel;
00077   TH1F *h_ele_EoverP_all_endcaps;
00078   TH1F *h_ele_EseedOP_all;
00079   TH1F *h_ele_EseedOP_all_barrel;
00080   TH1F *h_ele_EseedOP_all_endcaps;
00081   TH1F *h_ele_EoPout_all;
00082   TH1F *h_ele_EoPout_all_barrel;
00083   TH1F *h_ele_EoPout_all_endcaps;
00084   TH1F *h_ele_EeleOPout_all;
00085   TH1F *h_ele_EeleOPout_all_barrel;
00086   TH1F *h_ele_EeleOPout_all_endcaps;
00087   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx_all;
00088   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx_all_barrel;
00089   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx_all_endcaps;
00090   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiSc_propVtx_all;
00091   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiSc_propVtx_all_barrel;
00092   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiSc_propVtx_all_endcaps;
00093   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaCl_propOut_all;
00094   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaCl_propOut_all_barrel;
00095   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaCl_propOut_all_endcaps;
00096   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiCl_propOut_all;
00097   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiCl_propOut_all_barrel;
00098   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiCl_propOut_all_endcaps;
00099   TH1F *h_ele_TIP_all;
00100   TH1F *h_ele_TIP_all_barrel;
00101   TH1F *h_ele_TIP_all_endcaps;
00102   TH1F *h_ele_HoE_all;
00103   TH1F *h_ele_HoE_all_barrel;
00104   TH1F *h_ele_HoE_all_endcaps;
00105   TH1F *h_ele_vertexEta_all;
00106   TH1F *h_ele_vertexPt_all;
00107   TH1F *h_ele_mee_all;
00108   TH1F *h_ele_mee_os;
00110   TH2F *h_ele_E2mnE1vsMee_all;
00111   TH2F *h_ele_E2mnE1vsMee_egeg_all;
00113   TH1F *h_ele_charge;
00114   TH2F *h_ele_chargeVsEta;
00115   TH2F *h_ele_chargeVsPhi;
00116   TH2F *h_ele_chargeVsPt;
00117   TH1F *h_ele_vertexP;
00118   TH1F *h_ele_vertexPt;
00119   TH2F *h_ele_vertexPtVsEta;
00120   TH2F *h_ele_vertexPtVsPhi;
00121   TH1F *h_ele_vertexPt_5100;
00122   TH1F *h_ele_vertexEta;
00123   TH2F *h_ele_vertexEtaVsPhi;
00124   TH1F *h_ele_vertexAbsEta;
00125   TH1F *h_ele_vertexPhi;
00126   TH1F *h_ele_vertexX;
00127   TH1F *h_ele_vertexY;
00128   TH1F *h_ele_vertexZ;
00129   TH1F *h_ele_vertexTIP;
00130   TH2F *h_ele_vertexTIPVsEta;
00131   TH2F *h_ele_vertexTIPVsPhi;
00132   TH2F *h_ele_vertexTIPVsPt;
00134   TH1F *histNum_;
00136   TH1F *histSclEn_ ;
00137   TH1F *histSclEoEmatchingObject_barrel;
00138   TH1F *histSclEoEmatchingObject_endcaps;
00139   TH1F *histSclEt_ ;
00140   TH2F *histSclEtVsEta_ ;
00141   TH2F *histSclEtVsPhi_ ;
00142   TH2F *histSclEtaVsPhi_ ;
00143   TH1F *histSclEta_ ;
00144   TH1F *histSclPhi_ ;
00145   TH1F *histSclSigEtaEta_ ;
00146   TH1F *histSclSigEtaEta_barrel_ ;
00147   TH1F *histSclSigEtaEta_endcaps_ ;
00148   TH1F *histSclSigIEtaIEta_ ;
00149   TH1F *histSclSigIEtaIEta_barrel_ ;
00150   TH1F *histSclSigIEtaIEta_endcaps_ ;
00151   TH1F *histSclE1x5_ ;
00152   TH1F *histSclE1x5_barrel_ ;
00153   TH1F *histSclE1x5_endcaps_ ;
00154   TH1F *histSclE2x5max_ ;
00155   TH1F *histSclE2x5max_barrel_ ;
00156   TH1F *histSclE2x5max_endcaps_ ;
00157   TH1F *histSclE5x5_ ;
00158   TH1F *histSclE5x5_barrel_ ;
00159   TH1F *histSclE5x5_endcaps_ ;
00161   TH1F *h_ele_ambiguousTracks;
00162   TH2F *h_ele_ambiguousTracksVsEta;
00163   TH2F *h_ele_ambiguousTracksVsPhi;
00164   TH2F *h_ele_ambiguousTracksVsPt;
00165   TH1F *h_ele_foundHits;
00166   TH1F *h_ele_foundHits_barrel;
00167   TH1F *h_ele_foundHits_endcaps;
00168   TH2F *h_ele_foundHitsVsEta;
00169   TH2F *h_ele_foundHitsVsPhi;
00170   TH2F *h_ele_foundHitsVsPt;
00171   TH1F *h_ele_lostHits;
00172   TH1F *h_ele_lostHits_barrel;
00173   TH1F *h_ele_lostHits_endcaps;
00174   TH2F *h_ele_lostHitsVsEta;
00175   TH2F *h_ele_lostHitsVsPhi;
00176   TH2F *h_ele_lostHitsVsPt;
00177   TH1F *h_ele_chi2;
00178   TH1F *h_ele_chi2_barrel;
00179   TH1F *h_ele_chi2_endcaps;
00180   TH2F *h_ele_chi2VsEta;
00181   TH2F *h_ele_chi2VsPhi;
00182   TH2F *h_ele_chi2VsPt;
00184   TH1F *h_ele_PoPmatchingObject;
00185   TH2F *h_ele_PoPmatchingObjectVsEta;
00186   TH2F *h_ele_PoPmatchingObjectVsPhi;
00187   TH2F *h_ele_PoPmatchingObjectVsPt;
00188   TH1F *h_ele_PoPmatchingObject_barrel;
00189   TH1F *h_ele_PoPmatchingObject_endcaps;
00190   TH1F *h_ele_EtaMnEtamatchingObject;
00191   TH2F *h_ele_EtaMnEtamatchingObjectVsEta;
00192   TH2F *h_ele_EtaMnEtamatchingObjectVsPhi;
00193   TH2F *h_ele_EtaMnEtamatchingObjectVsPt;
00194   TH1F *h_ele_PhiMnPhimatchingObject;
00195   TH1F *h_ele_PhiMnPhimatchingObject2;
00196   TH2F *h_ele_PhiMnPhimatchingObjectVsEta;
00197   TH2F *h_ele_PhiMnPhimatchingObjectVsPhi;
00198   TH2F *h_ele_PhiMnPhimatchingObjectVsPt;
00199   TH1F *h_ele_PinMnPout;
00200   TH1F *h_ele_PinMnPout_mode;
00201   TH2F *h_ele_PinMnPoutVsEta_mode;
00202   TH2F *h_ele_PinMnPoutVsPhi_mode;
00203   TH2F *h_ele_PinMnPoutVsPt_mode;
00204   TH2F *h_ele_PinMnPoutVsE_mode;
00205   TH2F *h_ele_PinMnPoutVsChi2_mode;
00207   TH1F *h_ele_outerP;
00208   TH1F *h_ele_outerP_mode;
00209   TH2F *h_ele_outerPVsEta_mode;
00210   TH1F *h_ele_outerPt;
00211   TH1F *h_ele_outerPt_mode;
00212   TH2F *h_ele_outerPtVsEta_mode;
00213   TH2F *h_ele_outerPtVsPhi_mode;
00214   TH2F *h_ele_outerPtVsPt_mode;
00215   TH1F *h_ele_EoP;
00216   TH1F *h_ele_EoP_barrel;
00217   TH1F *h_ele_EoP_endcaps;
00218   TH1F *h_ele_EoP_eg;
00219   TH1F *h_ele_EoP_eg_barrel;
00220   TH1F *h_ele_EoP_eg_endcaps;
00221   TH2F *h_ele_EoPVsEta;
00222   TH2F *h_ele_EoPVsPhi;
00223   TH2F *h_ele_EoPVsE;
00224   TH1F *h_ele_EseedOP;
00225   TH1F *h_ele_EseedOP_barrel;
00226   TH1F *h_ele_EseedOP_endcaps;
00227   TH1F *h_ele_EseedOP_eg;
00228   TH1F *h_ele_EseedOP_eg_barrel;
00229   TH1F *h_ele_EseedOP_eg_endcaps;
00230   TH2F *h_ele_EseedOPVsEta;
00231   TH2F *h_ele_EseedOPVsPhi;
00232   TH2F *h_ele_EseedOPVsE;
00233   TH1F *h_ele_EoPout;
00234   TH1F *h_ele_EoPout_barrel;
00235   TH1F *h_ele_EoPout_endcaps;
00236   TH1F *h_ele_EoPout_eg;
00237   TH1F *h_ele_EoPout_eg_barrel;
00238   TH1F *h_ele_EoPout_eg_endcaps;
00239   TH2F *h_ele_EoPoutVsEta;
00240   TH2F *h_ele_EoPoutVsPhi;
00241   TH2F *h_ele_EoPoutVsE;
00242   TH1F *h_ele_EeleOPout;
00243   TH1F *h_ele_EeleOPout_barrel;
00244   TH1F *h_ele_EeleOPout_endcaps;
00245   TH1F *h_ele_EeleOPout_eg;
00246   TH1F *h_ele_EeleOPout_eg_barrel;
00247   TH1F *h_ele_EeleOPout_eg_endcaps;
00248   TH2F *h_ele_EeleOPoutVsEta;
00249   TH2F *h_ele_EeleOPoutVsPhi;
00250   TH2F *h_ele_EeleOPoutVsE;
00252   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx;
00253   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx_barrel;
00254   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx_endcaps;
00255   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx_eg;
00256   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx_eg_barrel;
00257   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaSc_propVtx_eg_endcaps;
00258   TH2F *h_ele_dEtaScVsEta_propVtx;
00259   TH2F *h_ele_dEtaScVsPhi_propVtx;
00260   TH2F *h_ele_dEtaScVsPt_propVtx;
00261   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiSc_propVtx;
00262   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiSc_propVtx_barrel;
00263   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiSc_propVtx_endcaps;
00264   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiSc_propVtx_eg;
00265   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiSc_propVtx_eg_barrel;
00266   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiSc_propVtx_eg_endcaps;
00267   TH2F *h_ele_dPhiScVsEta_propVtx;
00268   TH2F *h_ele_dPhiScVsPhi_propVtx;
00269   TH2F *h_ele_dPhiScVsPt_propVtx;
00270   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaCl_propOut;
00271   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaCl_propOut_barrel;
00272   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaCl_propOut_endcaps;
00273   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaCl_propOut_eg;
00274   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaCl_propOut_eg_barrel;
00275   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaCl_propOut_eg_endcaps;
00276   TH2F *h_ele_dEtaClVsEta_propOut;
00277   TH2F *h_ele_dEtaClVsPhi_propOut;
00278   TH2F *h_ele_dEtaClVsPt_propOut;
00279   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiCl_propOut;
00280   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiCl_propOut_barrel;
00281   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiCl_propOut_endcaps;
00282   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiCl_propOut_eg;
00283   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiCl_propOut_eg_barrel;
00284   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiCl_propOut_eg_endcaps;
00285   TH2F *h_ele_dPhiClVsEta_propOut;
00286   TH2F *h_ele_dPhiClVsPhi_propOut;
00287   TH2F *h_ele_dPhiClVsPt_propOut;
00288   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaEleCl_propOut;
00289   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaEleCl_propOut_barrel;
00290   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaEleCl_propOut_endcaps;
00291   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaEleCl_propOut_eg;
00292   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaEleCl_propOut_eg_barrel;
00293   TH1F *h_ele_dEtaEleCl_propOut_eg_endcaps;
00294   TH2F *h_ele_dEtaEleClVsEta_propOut;
00295   TH2F *h_ele_dEtaEleClVsPhi_propOut;
00296   TH2F *h_ele_dEtaEleClVsPt_propOut;
00297   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiEleCl_propOut;
00298   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiEleCl_propOut_barrel;
00299   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiEleCl_propOut_endcaps;
00300   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiEleCl_propOut_eg;
00301   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiEleCl_propOut_eg_barrel;
00302   TH1F *h_ele_dPhiEleCl_propOut_eg_endcaps;
00303   TH2F *h_ele_dPhiEleClVsEta_propOut;
00304   TH2F *h_ele_dPhiEleClVsPhi_propOut;
00305   TH2F *h_ele_dPhiEleClVsPt_propOut;
00307   TH1F *h_ele_seed_dphi2_;
00308   TH2F *h_ele_seed_dphi2VsEta_;
00309   TH2F *h_ele_seed_dphi2VsPt_ ;
00310   TH1F *h_ele_seed_drz2_;
00311   TH2F *h_ele_seed_drz2VsEta_;
00312   TH2F *h_ele_seed_drz2VsPt_;
00313   TH1F *h_ele_seed_subdet2_;
00315   TH1F *h_ele_classes;
00316   TH1F *h_ele_eta;
00317   TH1F *h_ele_eta_golden;
00318   TH1F *h_ele_eta_bbrem;
00319   TH1F *h_ele_eta_narrow;
00320   TH1F *h_ele_eta_shower;
00322   TH1F *h_ele_HoE;
00323   TH1F *h_ele_HoE_barrel;
00324   TH1F *h_ele_HoE_endcaps;
00325   TH1F *h_ele_HoE_eg;
00326   TH1F *h_ele_HoE_eg_barrel;
00327   TH1F *h_ele_HoE_eg_endcaps;
00328   TH1F *h_ele_HoE_fiducial;
00329   TH2F *h_ele_HoEVsEta;
00330   TH2F *h_ele_HoEVsPhi;
00331   TH2F *h_ele_HoEVsE;
00333   TH1F *h_ele_fbrem;
00334   TProfile *h_ele_fbremVsEta_mode;
00335   TProfile *h_ele_fbremVsEta_mean;
00337   TH2F *h_ele_PinVsPoutGolden_mode;
00338   TH2F *h_ele_PinVsPoutShowering_mode;
00339   TH2F *h_ele_PinVsPoutGolden_mean;
00340   TH2F *h_ele_PinVsPoutShowering_mean;
00341   TH2F *h_ele_PtinVsPtoutGolden_mode;
00342   TH2F *h_ele_PtinVsPtoutShowering_mode;
00343   TH2F *h_ele_PtinVsPtoutGolden_mean;
00344   TH2F *h_ele_PtinVsPtoutShowering_mean;
00345   TH1F *histSclEoEmatchingObjectGolden_barrel;
00346   TH1F *histSclEoEmatchingObjectGolden_endcaps;
00347   TH1F *histSclEoEmatchingObjectShowering_barrel;
00348   TH1F *histSclEoEmatchingObjectShowering_endcaps;
00350   TH1F *h_ele_mva; 
00351   TH1F *h_ele_provenance; 
00353   TH1F *h_ele_tkSumPt_dr03; 
00354   TH1F *h_ele_ecalRecHitSumEt_dr03;
00355   TH1F *h_ele_hcalDepth1TowerSumEt_dr03;
00356   TH1F *h_ele_hcalDepth2TowerSumEt_dr03;
00357   TH1F *h_ele_tkSumPt_dr04; 
00358   TH1F *h_ele_ecalRecHitSumEt_dr04;
00359   TH1F *h_ele_hcalDepth1TowerSumEt_dr04;
00360   TH1F *h_ele_hcalDepth2TowerSumEt_dr04;
00362   std::string outputFile_;
00363   edm::InputTag electronCollection_;
00364   edm::InputTag matchingObjectCollection_;
00365   std::string type_;
00366   bool readAOD_;
00368   double maxPt_;
00369   double maxAbsEta_;
00370   double deltaR_;
00372   // histos limits and binning
00373   double etamin;
00374   double etamax;
00375   double phimin;
00376   double phimax;
00377   double ptmax;
00378   double pmax;
00379   double eopmax;
00380   double eopmaxsht;
00381   double detamin;
00382   double detamax;
00383   double dphimin;
00384   double dphimax;
00385   double detamatchmin;
00386   double detamatchmax;
00387   double dphimatchmin;
00388   double dphimatchmax;
00389   double fhitsmax;
00390   double lhitsmax;
00391   double meemin;
00392   double meemax;
00393   double hoemin;
00394   double hoemax;
00395   int nbineta;
00396   int nbinp;
00397   int nbinpt;
00398   int nbinpteff;
00399   int nbinphi;
00400   int nbinp2D;
00401   int nbinpt2D;
00402   int nbineta2D;
00403   int nbinphi2D;
00404   int nbineop;
00405   int nbineop2D;
00406   int nbinfhits;
00407   int nbinlhits;
00408   int nbinxyz;
00409   int nbindeta;
00410   int nbindphi;
00411   int nbindetamatch;
00412   int nbindphimatch;
00413   int nbindetamatch2D;
00414   int nbindphimatch2D;
00415   int nbinmee;
00416   int nbinhoe;
00418  };
00420 #endif