
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Last commit: $Id:,v 1.22 2010/02/22 14:10:23 wto Exp $
00003 #include "DataFormats/SiStripCommon/interface/SiStripEnumsAndStrings.h"
00005 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00006 //
00007 std::string SiStripEnumsAndStrings::view( const sistrip::View& view ) {
00008   if      ( view == sistrip::READOUT_VIEW ) { return sistrip::readoutView_; }
00009   else if ( view == sistrip::CONTROL_VIEW ) { return sistrip::controlView_; }
00010   else if ( view == sistrip::DETECTOR_VIEW ) { return sistrip::detectorView_; }
00011   else if ( view == sistrip::UNDEFINED_VIEW ) { return sistrip::undefinedView_; }
00012   else { return sistrip::unknownView_; }
00013 }
00015 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00016 //
00017 sistrip::View SiStripEnumsAndStrings::view( const std::string& dir ) {
00018   if      ( dir.find( sistrip::readoutView_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::READOUT_VIEW; } 
00019   else if ( dir.find( sistrip::controlView_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CONTROL_VIEW; } 
00020   else if ( dir.find( sistrip::detectorView_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::DETECTOR_VIEW; } 
00021   else if ( dir.find( sistrip::undefinedView_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_VIEW; } 
00022   else if ( dir.empty() ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_VIEW; } 
00023   else { return sistrip::UNKNOWN_VIEW; }
00024 }
00026 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00027 // 
00028 std::string SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType( const sistrip::RunType& run_type ) {
00029   if ( run_type == sistrip::FAST_CABLING ) { return sistrip::fastCablingRun_; }
00030   else if ( run_type == sistrip::FED_CABLING ) { return sistrip::fedCablingRun_; }
00031   else if ( run_type == sistrip::APV_TIMING ) { return sistrip::apvTimingRun_; }
00032   else if ( run_type == sistrip::FED_TIMING ) { return sistrip::fedTimingRun_; }
00033   else if ( run_type == sistrip::OPTO_SCAN ) { return sistrip::optoScanRun_; }
00034   else if ( run_type == sistrip::VPSP_SCAN ) { return sistrip::vpspScanRun_; }
00035   else if ( run_type == sistrip::PEDESTALS ) { return sistrip::pedestalsRun_; }
00036   else if ( run_type == sistrip::PEDS_ONLY ) { return sistrip::pedsOnlyRun_; }
00037   else if ( run_type == sistrip::NOISE ) { return sistrip::noiseRun_; }
00038   else if ( run_type == sistrip::PEDS_FULL_NOISE ) { return sistrip::pedsFullNoiseRun_; }
00039   else if ( run_type == sistrip::APV_LATENCY ){ return sistrip::apvLatencyRun_; }
00040   else if ( run_type == sistrip::FINE_DELAY ){ return sistrip::fineDelayRun_; }
00041   else if ( run_type == sistrip::CALIBRATION ){ return sistrip::calibPeakRun_; }
00042   else if ( run_type == sistrip::CALIBRATION_DECO ){ return sistrip::calibDeconRun_; }
00043   else if ( run_type == sistrip::CALIBRATION_SCAN ){ return sistrip::calibScanPeakRun_; }
00044   else if ( run_type == sistrip::CALIBRATION_SCAN_DECO ){ return sistrip::calibScanDeconRun_; }
00045   else if ( run_type == sistrip::DAQ_SCOPE_MODE ){ return sistrip::daqScopeModeRun_; }
00046   else if ( run_type == sistrip::PHYSICS ){ return sistrip::physicsRun_; }
00047   else if ( run_type == sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE ) { return sistrip::undefinedRunType_; }
00048   else { return sistrip::unknownRunType_; }
00049 }
00051 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00052 // 
00053 sistrip::RunType SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType( const std::string& run_type ) {
00054   if ( run_type.find( sistrip::fastCablingRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FAST_CABLING; }
00055   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::fedCablingRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_CABLING; }
00056   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::apvTimingRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::APV_TIMING; }
00057   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::fedTimingRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_TIMING; }
00058   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::optoScanRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::OPTO_SCAN; }
00059   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::vpspScanRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::VPSP_SCAN; }
00060   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::pedestalsRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::PEDESTALS; }
00061   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::pedsOnlyRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::PEDS_ONLY; }
00062   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::pedsFullNoiseRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::PEDS_FULL_NOISE; } // needs to be before noise, otherwise name mismatch
00063   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::noiseRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::NOISE; }
00064   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::fineDelayRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FINE_DELAY; }
00065   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::calibPeakRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION; }
00066   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::calibScanPeakRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_SCAN; }
00067   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::calibDeconRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_DECO; }
00068   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::calibScanDeconRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_SCAN_DECO; }
00069   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::apvLatencyRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::APV_LATENCY; }
00070   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::daqScopeModeRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::DAQ_SCOPE_MODE; }
00071   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::physicsRun_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::PHYSICS; }
00072   else if ( run_type.find( sistrip::undefinedRunType_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE; }
00073   else if ( run_type.empty() ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE; }
00074   else if ( run_type == "FAST_CABLING" ) { return sistrip::FAST_CABLING; }
00075   else if ( run_type == "FED_CABLING" ) { return sistrip::FED_CABLING; }
00076   else if ( run_type == "APV_TIMING" ) { return sistrip::APV_TIMING; }
00077   else if ( run_type == "FED_TIMING" ) { return sistrip::FED_TIMING; }
00078   else if ( run_type == "OPTO_SCAN" ) { return sistrip::OPTO_SCAN; }
00079   else if ( run_type == "VPSP_SCAN" ) { return sistrip::VPSP_SCAN; }
00080   else if ( run_type == "PEDESTALS" ) { return sistrip::PEDESTALS; }
00081   else if ( run_type == "PEDS_FULL_NOISE" ) { return sistrip::PEDS_FULL_NOISE; }
00082   else if ( run_type == "PEDS_ONLY" ) { return sistrip::PEDS_ONLY; }
00083   else if ( run_type == "NOISE" ) { return sistrip::NOISE; }
00084   else if ( run_type == "APV_LATENCY" ) { return sistrip::APV_LATENCY; }
00085   else if ( run_type == "FINE_DELAY" ) { return sistrip::FINE_DELAY; }
00086   else if ( run_type == "CALIBRATION" ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION; }
00087   else if ( run_type == "CALIBRATION_SCAN" ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_SCAN; }
00088   else if ( run_type == "CALIBRATION_DECO" ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_DECO; }
00089   else if ( run_type == "CALIBRATION_SCAN_DECO" ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_SCAN_DECO; }
00090   else if ( run_type == "DAQ_SCOPE_MODE" ) { return sistrip::DAQ_SCOPE_MODE; }
00091   else if ( run_type == "PHYSICS" ) { return sistrip::PHYSICS; }
00092   else if ( run_type == "UNDEFINED" ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE; }
00093   else { return sistrip::UNKNOWN_RUN_TYPE; }
00094 }
00096 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00097 // 
00098 sistrip::RunType SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType( const uint16_t& run_type ) {
00099   if      ( run_type ==  1 ) { return sistrip::PHYSICS; }
00100   else if ( run_type ==  2 ) { return sistrip::PEDESTALS; }
00101   else if ( run_type ==  3 ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION; }
00102   else if ( run_type ==  4 ) { return sistrip::OPTO_SCAN; }
00103   else if ( run_type ==  5 ) { return sistrip::APV_TIMING; }
00104   else if ( run_type ==  6 ) { return sistrip::APV_LATENCY; }
00105   else if ( run_type ==  7 ) { return sistrip::FINE_DELAY_PLL; }
00106   else if ( run_type ==  8 ) { return sistrip::FINE_DELAY_TTC; }
00107   else if ( run_type == 10 ) { return sistrip::MULTI_MODE; }
00108   else if ( run_type == 11 ) { return sistrip::FED_CABLING; }
00109   else if ( run_type == 12 ) { return sistrip::FED_TIMING; }
00110   else if ( run_type == 13 ) { return sistrip::FED_CABLING; }
00111   else if ( run_type == 14 ) { return sistrip::VPSP_SCAN; }
00112   else if ( run_type == 15 ) { return sistrip::DAQ_SCOPE_MODE; }
00113   else if ( run_type == 16 ) { return sistrip::QUITE_FAST_CABLING; }
00114   else if ( run_type == 17 ) { return sistrip::FINE_DELAY; } //@@ layer
00115   else if ( run_type == 18 ) { return sistrip::PHYSICS_ZS; }
00116   else if ( run_type == 19 ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_SCAN; }
00117   else if ( run_type == 20 ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_SCAN_DECO; }
00118   else if ( run_type == 21 ) { return sistrip::FAST_CABLING; }
00119   else if ( run_type == 22 ) { return sistrip::PEDS_ONLY; }
00120   else if ( run_type == 23 ) { return sistrip::NOISE; }
00121   else if ( run_type == 24 ) { return sistrip::PEDS_FULL_NOISE; }
00122   else if ( run_type == 33 ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_DECO; }
00123   else if ( run_type == sistrip::invalid_ ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_RUN_TYPE; }
00124   else { return sistrip::UNKNOWN_RUN_TYPE; }
00125 }
00127 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00128 // 
00129 std::string SiStripEnumsAndStrings::keyType( const sistrip::KeyType& key_type ) {
00130   if ( key_type == sistrip::FED_KEY ) { return sistrip::fedKey_; }
00131   else if ( key_type == sistrip::FEC_KEY ) { return sistrip::fecKey_; }
00132   else if ( key_type == sistrip::DET_KEY ) { return sistrip::detKey_; }
00133   else if ( key_type == sistrip::UNDEFINED_KEY )  { return sistrip::undefinedKey_; }
00134   else { return sistrip::unknownKey_; }
00135 }
00137 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00138 // 
00139 sistrip::KeyType SiStripEnumsAndStrings::keyType( const std::string& key_type ) {
00140   if ( key_type.find ( sistrip::fedKey_) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_KEY; }
00141   else if ( key_type.find( sistrip::fecKey_) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FEC_KEY; }
00142   else if ( key_type.find( sistrip::detKey_) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::DET_KEY; }
00143   else if ( key_type.find( sistrip::undefinedKey_) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_KEY; }
00144   else if ( key_type.empty() ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_KEY; }
00145   else { return sistrip::UNKNOWN_KEY; }
00146 }  
00148 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00149 //
00150 std::string SiStripEnumsAndStrings::granularity( const sistrip::Granularity& granularity ) {
00151   // System
00152   if ( granularity == sistrip::TRACKER ) { return sistrip::tracker_; }
00153   else if ( granularity == sistrip::PARTITION ) { return sistrip::partition_; }
00154   else if ( granularity == sistrip::TIB ) { return sistrip::tib_; }
00155   else if ( granularity == sistrip::TOB ) { return sistrip::tob_; }
00156   else if ( granularity == sistrip::TEC ) { return sistrip::tec_; }
00157   // Sub-structure
00158   else if ( granularity == sistrip::LAYER ) { return sistrip::layer_; }
00159   else if ( granularity == sistrip::ROD ) { return sistrip::rod_; }
00160   else if ( granularity == sistrip::STRING ) { return sistrip::string_; }
00161   else if ( granularity == sistrip::DISK ) { return sistrip::disk_; }
00162   else if ( granularity == sistrip::PETAL ) { return sistrip::petal_; }
00163   else if ( granularity == sistrip::RING ) { return sistrip::ring_; }
00164   // Module and below
00165   else if ( granularity == sistrip::MODULE ) { return sistrip::module_; }
00166   else if ( granularity == sistrip::LLD_CHAN ) { return sistrip::lldChan_; }
00167   else if ( granularity == sistrip::APV ) { return sistrip::apv_; }
00168   // Readout
00169   else if ( granularity == sistrip::FED_SYSTEM ) { return sistrip::fedSystem_; }
00170   else if ( granularity == sistrip::FE_DRIVER ) { return sistrip::feDriver_; }
00171   else if ( granularity == sistrip::FE_UNIT ) { return sistrip::feUnit_; }
00172   else if ( granularity == sistrip::FE_CHAN ) { return sistrip::feChan_; }
00173   else if ( granularity == sistrip::FED_APV ) { return sistrip::fedApv_; }
00174   else if ( granularity == sistrip::FED_CHANNEL ) { return sistrip::fedChannel_; }
00175   // Control
00176   else if ( granularity == sistrip::FEC_SYSTEM ) { return sistrip::fecSystem_; }
00177   else if ( granularity == sistrip::FEC_CRATE ) { return sistrip::fecCrate_; }
00178   else if ( granularity == sistrip::FEC_SLOT ) { return sistrip::fecSlot_; }
00179   else if ( granularity == sistrip::FEC_RING ) { return sistrip::fecRing_; }
00180   else if ( granularity == sistrip::CCU_ADDR ) { return sistrip::ccuAddr_; }
00181   else if ( granularity == sistrip::CCU_CHAN ) { return sistrip::ccuChan_; }
00182   // Unknown
00183   else if ( granularity == sistrip::UNDEFINED_GRAN ) { return sistrip::undefinedGranularity_; }
00184   else { return sistrip::unknownGranularity_; }
00185 }
00187 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00188 // 
00189 sistrip::Granularity SiStripEnumsAndStrings::granularity( const std::string& granularity ) {
00190   // System
00191   if ( granularity.find( sistrip::tracker_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::TRACKER; }
00192   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::partition_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::PARTITION; }
00193   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::tib_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::TIB; }
00194   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::tob_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::TOB; }
00195   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::tec_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::TEC; }
00196   // Readout
00197   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::fedSystem_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_SYSTEM; }
00198   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::feDriver_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FE_DRIVER; }
00199   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::feUnit_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FE_UNIT; }
00200   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::feChan_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FE_CHAN; }
00201   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::fedApv_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_APV; }
00202   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::fedChannel_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_CHANNEL; }
00203   // Control
00204   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::fecSystem_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FEC_SYSTEM; }
00205   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::fecCrate_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FEC_CRATE; }
00206   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::fecSlot_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FEC_SLOT; }
00207   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::fecRing_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FEC_RING; }
00208   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::ccuAddr_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CCU_ADDR; }
00209   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::ccuChan_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CCU_CHAN; }
00210   // Sub-structure
00211   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::layer_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::LAYER; }
00212   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::rod_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::ROD; }
00213   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::string_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::STRING; }
00214   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::disk_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::DISK; }
00215   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::petal_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::PETAL; }
00216   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::ring_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::RING; }
00217   // Module and below
00218   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::module_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::MODULE; }
00219   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::lldChan_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::LLD_CHAN; }
00220   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::apv_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::APV; } //@@ bug if before "FedApv"!
00221   // Unknown
00222   else if ( granularity.find( sistrip::undefinedGranularity_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_GRAN; }
00223   else if ( granularity.empty() ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_GRAN; }
00224   else { return sistrip::UNKNOWN_GRAN; }
00225 }  
00227 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00228 //
00229 std::string SiStripEnumsAndStrings::apvReadoutMode( const sistrip::ApvReadoutMode& mode ) {
00230   if      ( mode == sistrip::APV_PEAK_MODE ) { return sistrip::apvPeakMode_; }
00231   else if ( mode == sistrip::APV_DECON_MODE ) { return sistrip::apvDeconMode_; }
00232   else if ( mode == sistrip::APV_MULTI_MODE ) { return sistrip::apvMultiMode_; }
00233   else if ( mode == sistrip::UNDEFINED_APV_READOUT_MODE ) { return sistrip::undefinedApvReadoutMode_; }
00234   else { return sistrip::unknownApvReadoutMode_; }
00235 }
00237 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00238 //
00239 sistrip::ApvReadoutMode SiStripEnumsAndStrings::apvReadoutMode( const std::string& mode ) {
00240   if      ( mode.find( sistrip::apvPeakMode_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::APV_PEAK_MODE; } 
00241   else if ( mode.find( sistrip::apvDeconMode_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::APV_DECON_MODE; } 
00242   else if ( mode.find( sistrip::apvMultiMode_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::APV_MULTI_MODE; } 
00243   else if ( mode.find( sistrip::undefinedApvReadoutMode_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_APV_READOUT_MODE; } 
00244   else if ( mode.empty() ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_APV_READOUT_MODE; } 
00245   else { return sistrip::UNKNOWN_APV_READOUT_MODE; }
00246 }
00248 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00249 //
00250 std::string SiStripEnumsAndStrings::fedReadoutMode( const sistrip::FedReadoutMode& mode ) {
00251   if      ( mode == sistrip::FED_SCOPE_MODE ) { return sistrip::fedScopeMode_; }
00252   else if ( mode == sistrip::FED_VIRGIN_RAW ) { return sistrip::fedVirginRaw_; }
00253   else if ( mode == sistrip::FED_PROC_RAW ) { return sistrip::fedProcRaw_; }
00254   else if ( mode == sistrip::FED_ZERO_SUPPR ) { return sistrip::fedZeroSuppr_; }
00255   else if ( mode == sistrip::FED_ZERO_SUPPR_LITE ) { return sistrip::fedZeroSupprLite_; }
00256   else if ( mode == sistrip::UNDEFINED_FED_READOUT_MODE ) { return sistrip::undefinedFedReadoutMode_; }
00257   else { return sistrip::unknownFedReadoutMode_; }
00258 }
00260 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00261 //
00262 sistrip::FedReadoutMode SiStripEnumsAndStrings::fedReadoutMode( const std::string& mode ) {
00263   if      ( mode.find( sistrip::fedScopeMode_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_SCOPE_MODE; } 
00264   else if ( mode.find( sistrip::fedVirginRaw_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_VIRGIN_RAW; } 
00265   else if ( mode.find( sistrip::fedProcRaw_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_PROC_RAW; } 
00266   else if ( mode.find( sistrip::fedZeroSuppr_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_ZERO_SUPPR; } 
00267   else if ( mode.find( sistrip::fedZeroSupprLite_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_ZERO_SUPPR_LITE; } 
00268   else if ( mode.find( sistrip::undefinedFedReadoutMode_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_FED_READOUT_MODE; } 
00269   else if ( mode.empty() ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_FED_READOUT_MODE; } 
00270   else { return sistrip::UNKNOWN_FED_READOUT_MODE; }
00271 }
00273 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00274 // 
00275 std::string SiStripEnumsAndStrings::histoType( const sistrip::HistoType& type ) {
00276   if ( type == sistrip::EXPERT_HISTO ) { return sistrip::expertHisto_; } 
00277   else if ( type == sistrip::SUMMARY_HISTO ) { return sistrip::summaryHisto_; } 
00278   else if ( type == sistrip::UNDEFINED_HISTO_TYPE ) { return sistrip::undefinedHistoType_; }
00279   else { return sistrip::unknownHistoType_; }
00280 }
00282 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00283 // 
00284 sistrip::HistoType SiStripEnumsAndStrings::histoType( const std::string& type ) {
00285   if ( type.find( sistrip::expertHisto_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::EXPERT_HISTO; }
00286   else if ( type.find( sistrip::summaryHisto_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::SUMMARY_HISTO; }
00287   else if ( type.find( sistrip::undefinedHistoType_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_HISTO_TYPE; } 
00288   else if ( type.empty() ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_HISTO_TYPE; } 
00289   else { return sistrip::UNKNOWN_HISTO_TYPE; }
00290 }
00292 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00293 // 
00294 std::string SiStripEnumsAndStrings::monitorable( const sistrip::Monitorable& mon ) {
00296   // fed cabling
00297   if ( mon == sistrip::FED_CABLING_FED_ID ) { return sistrip::fedCablingFedId_; } 
00298   else if ( mon == sistrip::FED_CABLING_FED_CH ) { return sistrip::fedCablingFedCh_; } 
00299   else if ( mon == sistrip::FED_CABLING_ADC_LEVEL ) { return sistrip::fedCablingAdcLevel_; }
00301   // fast fed cabling
00302   else if ( mon == sistrip::FAST_CABLING_DCU_ID ) { return sistrip::fastCablingDcuId_; } 
00303   else if ( mon == sistrip::FAST_CABLING_LLD_CH ) { return sistrip::fastCablingLldCh_; } 
00304   else if ( mon == sistrip::FAST_CABLING_HIGH_LEVEL ) { return sistrip::fastCablingHighLevel_; }
00305   else if ( mon == sistrip::FAST_CABLING_HIGH_RMS ) { return sistrip::fastCablingHighRms_; }
00306   else if ( mon == sistrip::FAST_CABLING_LOW_LEVEL ) { return sistrip::fastCablingLowLevel_; }
00307   else if ( mon == sistrip::FAST_CABLING_LOW_RMS ) { return sistrip::fastCablingLowRms_; }
00308   else if ( mon == sistrip::FAST_CABLING_MAX ) { return sistrip::fastCablingMax_; }
00309   else if ( mon == sistrip::FAST_CABLING_MIN ) { return sistrip::fastCablingMin_; }
00310   else if ( mon == sistrip::FAST_CABLING_CONNS_PER_FED ) { return sistrip::fastCablingConnsPerFed_; }
00312   // apv timing
00313   else if ( mon == sistrip::APV_TIMING_TIME ) { return sistrip::apvTimingTime_; } 
00314   else if ( mon == sistrip::APV_TIMING_MAX_TIME ) { return sistrip::apvTimingMax_; }
00315   else if ( mon == sistrip::APV_TIMING_DELAY ) { return sistrip::apvTimingDelay_; }
00316   else if ( mon == sistrip::APV_TIMING_ERROR ) { return sistrip::apvTimingError_; }
00317   else if ( mon == sistrip::APV_TIMING_BASE ) { return sistrip::apvTimingBase_; }
00318   else if ( mon == sistrip::APV_TIMING_PEAK ) { return sistrip::apvTimingPeak_; }
00319   else if ( mon == sistrip::APV_TIMING_HEIGHT ) { return sistrip::apvTimingHeight_; }
00321   // fed timing
00322   else if ( mon == sistrip::FED_TIMING_TIME ) { return sistrip::fedTimingTime_; } 
00323   else if ( mon == sistrip::FED_TIMING_MAX_TIME ) { return sistrip::fedTimingMax_; }
00324   else if ( mon == sistrip::FED_TIMING_DELAY ) { return sistrip::fedTimingDelay_; }
00325   else if ( mon == sistrip::FED_TIMING_ERROR ) { return sistrip::fedTimingError_; }
00326   else if ( mon == sistrip::FED_TIMING_BASE ) { return sistrip::fedTimingBase_; }
00327   else if ( mon == sistrip::FED_TIMING_PEAK ) { return sistrip::fedTimingPeak_; }
00328   else if ( mon == sistrip::FED_TIMING_HEIGHT ) { return sistrip::fedTimingHeight_; }
00330   // opto scan
00331   else if ( mon == sistrip::OPTO_SCAN_LLD_GAIN_SETTING ) { return sistrip::optoScanLldGain_; }
00332   else if ( mon == sistrip::OPTO_SCAN_LLD_BIAS_SETTING ) { return sistrip::optoScanLldBias_; }
00333   else if ( mon == sistrip::OPTO_SCAN_MEASURED_GAIN ) { return sistrip::optoScanMeasGain_; }
00334   else if ( mon == sistrip::OPTO_SCAN_ZERO_LIGHT_LEVEL ) { return sistrip::optoScanZeroLight_; }
00335   else if ( mon == sistrip::OPTO_SCAN_LINK_NOISE ) { return sistrip::optoScanLinkNoise_; }
00336   else if ( mon == sistrip::OPTO_SCAN_BASELINE_LIFT_OFF ) { return sistrip::optoScanBaseLiftOff_; }
00337   else if ( mon == sistrip::OPTO_SCAN_LASER_THRESHOLD ) { return sistrip::optoScanLaserThresh_; }
00338   else if ( mon == sistrip::OPTO_SCAN_TICK_HEIGHT ) { return sistrip::optoScanTickHeight_; }
00340   // vpsp scan
00341   else if ( mon == sistrip::VPSP_SCAN_APV_SETTINGS ) { return sistrip::vpspScanBothApvs_; }
00342   else if ( mon == sistrip::VPSP_SCAN_APV0_SETTING ) { return sistrip::vpspScanApv0_; }
00343   else if ( mon == sistrip::VPSP_SCAN_APV1_SETTING ) { return sistrip::vpspScanApv1_; }
00344   else if ( mon == sistrip::VPSP_SCAN_ADC_LEVEL ) { return sistrip::vpspScanAdcLevel_; }
00345   else if ( mon == sistrip::VPSP_SCAN_DIGITAL_HIGH ) { return sistrip::vpspScanDigitalHigh_; }
00346   else if ( mon == sistrip::VPSP_SCAN_DIGITAL_LOW ) { return sistrip::vpspScanDigitalLow_; }
00348   // pedestals / noise
00349   else if ( mon == sistrip::PEDESTALS_ALL_STRIPS ) { return sistrip::pedestalsAllStrips_; }
00350   else if ( mon == sistrip::PEDESTALS_MEAN ) { return sistrip::pedestalsMean_; }
00351   else if ( mon == sistrip::PEDESTALS_SPREAD ) { return sistrip::pedestalsSpread_; }
00352   else if ( mon == sistrip::PEDESTALS_MAX ) { return sistrip::pedestalsMax_; }
00353   else if ( mon == sistrip::PEDESTALS_MIN ) { return sistrip::pedestalsMin_; }
00354   else if ( mon == sistrip::NOISE_ALL_STRIPS ) { return sistrip::noiseAllStrips_; }
00355   else if ( mon == sistrip::NOISE_MEAN ) { return sistrip::noiseMean_; }
00356   else if ( mon == sistrip::NOISE_SPREAD ) { return sistrip::noiseSpread_; }
00357   else if ( mon == sistrip::NOISE_MAX ) { return sistrip::noiseMax_; }
00358   else if ( mon == sistrip::NOISE_MIN ) { return sistrip::noiseMin_; }
00359   else if ( mon == sistrip::NUM_OF_DEAD ) { return sistrip::numOfDead_; }
00360   else if ( mon == sistrip::NUM_OF_NOISY ) { return sistrip::numOfNoisy_; }
00361   else if ( mon == sistrip::NOISE_GAUS_ALL_STRIPS ) { return sistrip::noiseGausAllStrips_; }
00362   else if ( mon == sistrip::NOISE_KS_ALL_STRIPS ) { return sistrip::noiseKSAllStrips_; }
00363   else if ( mon == sistrip::NOISE_CHI2_ALL_STRIPS ) { return sistrip::noiseChi2AllStrips_; }
00364   else if ( mon == sistrip::NOISE_BIN_84_ALL_STRIPS) { return sistrip::noiseBin84AllStrips_; }
00365   else if ( mon == sistrip::NOISE_RMS_ALL_STRIPS) { return sistrip::noiseRMSAllStrips_; }
00366   else if ( mon == sistrip::NOISE_SIGNIF_ALL_STRIPS ) { return sistrip::noiseSignif_; }
00368   // fine delay
00369   else if ( mon == sistrip::FINE_DELAY_POS) { return sistrip::fineDelayPos_; }
00370   else if ( mon == sistrip::FINE_DELAY_ERROR) { return sistrip::fineDelayErr_; }
00372   // calibration
00373   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_AMPLITUDE) { return sistrip::calibrationAmplitude_; }
00374   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_TAIL) { return sistrip::calibrationTail_; }
00375   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_RISETIME) { return sistrip::calibrationRiseTime_; }
00376   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_TIMECONSTANT) { return sistrip::calibrationTimeConstant_; }
00377   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_SMEARING) { return sistrip::calibrationSmearing_; }
00378   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_CHI2) { return sistrip::calibrationChi2_; }
00379   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_AMPLITUDE_ALLSTRIPS) { return sistrip::calibrationAmplitudeAS_; }
00380   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_TAIL_ALLSTRIPS) { return sistrip::calibrationTailAS_; }
00381   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_RISETIME_ALLSTRIPS) { return sistrip::calibrationRiseTimeAS_; }
00382   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_TIMECONSTANT_ALLSTRIPS) { return sistrip::calibrationTimeConstantAS_; }
00383   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_SMEARING_ALLSTRIPS) { return sistrip::calibrationSmearingAS_; }
00384   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_CHI2_ALLSTRIPS) { return sistrip::calibrationChi2AS_; }
00385   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_AMPLITUDE_MIN) { return sistrip::calibrationAmplitudeMin_; }
00386   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_TAIL_MIN) { return sistrip::calibrationTailMin_; }
00387   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_RISETIME_MIN) { return sistrip::calibrationRiseTimeMin_; }
00388   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_TIMECONSTANT_MIN) { return sistrip::calibrationTimeConstantMin_; }
00389   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_SMEARING_MIN) { return sistrip::calibrationSmearingMin_; }
00390   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_CHI2_MIN) { return sistrip::calibrationChi2Min_; }
00391   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_AMPLITUDE_MAX) { return sistrip::calibrationAmplitudeMax_; }
00392   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_TAIL_MAX) { return sistrip::calibrationTailMax_; }
00393   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_RISETIME_MAX) { return sistrip::calibrationRiseTimeMax_; }
00394   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_TIMECONSTANT_MAX) { return sistrip::calibrationTimeConstantMax_; }
00395   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_SMEARING_MAX) { return sistrip::calibrationSmearingMax_; }
00396   else if ( mon == sistrip::CALIBRATION_CHI2_MAX) { return sistrip::calibrationChi2Max_; }
00398   // scope mode 
00399   else if ( mon == sistrip::DAQ_SCOPE_MODE_MEAN_SIGNAL ) { return sistrip::daqScopeModeMeanSignal_; }
00401   // unknown
00402   else if ( mon == sistrip::UNDEFINED_MONITORABLE ) { return sistrip::undefinedMonitorable_; }
00403   else { return sistrip::unknownMonitorable_; }
00405 }
00407 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00408 // 
00409 sistrip::Monitorable SiStripEnumsAndStrings::monitorable( const std::string& mon ) {
00411   // fed cabling
00412   if ( mon.find( sistrip::fedCablingFedId_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_CABLING_FED_ID; } 
00413   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fedCablingFedCh_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_CABLING_FED_CH; } 
00414   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fedCablingAdcLevel_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_CABLING_ADC_LEVEL; } 
00416   // fed cabling
00417   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fastCablingDcuId_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FAST_CABLING_DCU_ID; } 
00418   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fastCablingLldCh_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FAST_CABLING_LLD_CH; } 
00419   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fastCablingHighLevel_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FAST_CABLING_HIGH_LEVEL; } 
00420   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fastCablingHighRms_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FAST_CABLING_HIGH_RMS; } 
00421   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fastCablingLowLevel_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FAST_CABLING_LOW_LEVEL; } 
00422   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fastCablingLowRms_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FAST_CABLING_LOW_RMS; } 
00423   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fastCablingMax_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FAST_CABLING_MAX; } 
00424   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fastCablingMin_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FAST_CABLING_MIN; } 
00425   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fastCablingConnsPerFed_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FAST_CABLING_CONNS_PER_FED; }
00427   // apv timing
00428   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::apvTimingTime_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::APV_TIMING_TIME; } 
00429   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::apvTimingMax_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::APV_TIMING_MAX_TIME; }
00430   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::apvTimingDelay_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::APV_TIMING_DELAY; }
00431   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::apvTimingError_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::APV_TIMING_ERROR; }
00432   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::apvTimingBase_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::APV_TIMING_BASE; }
00433   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::apvTimingPeak_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::APV_TIMING_PEAK; }
00434   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::apvTimingHeight_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::APV_TIMING_HEIGHT; }
00436   // fed timing
00437   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fedTimingTime_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_TIMING_TIME; } 
00438   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fedTimingMax_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_TIMING_MAX_TIME; }
00439   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fedTimingDelay_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_TIMING_DELAY; }
00440   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fedTimingError_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_TIMING_ERROR; }
00441   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fedTimingBase_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_TIMING_BASE; }
00442   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fedTimingPeak_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_TIMING_PEAK; }
00443   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fedTimingHeight_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FED_TIMING_HEIGHT; }
00445   // opto scan
00446   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::optoScanLldGain_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::OPTO_SCAN_LLD_GAIN_SETTING; }
00447   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::optoScanLldBias_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::OPTO_SCAN_LLD_BIAS_SETTING; }
00448   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::optoScanMeasGain_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::OPTO_SCAN_MEASURED_GAIN; }
00449   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::optoScanZeroLight_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::OPTO_SCAN_ZERO_LIGHT_LEVEL; }
00450   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::optoScanLinkNoise_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::OPTO_SCAN_LINK_NOISE; }
00451   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::optoScanBaseLiftOff_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::OPTO_SCAN_BASELINE_LIFT_OFF; }
00452   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::optoScanLaserThresh_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::OPTO_SCAN_LASER_THRESHOLD; }
00453   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::optoScanTickHeight_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::OPTO_SCAN_TICK_HEIGHT; }
00455   // vpsp scan
00456   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::vpspScanBothApvs_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::VPSP_SCAN_APV_SETTINGS; }
00457   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::vpspScanApv0_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::VPSP_SCAN_APV0_SETTING; }
00458   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::vpspScanApv1_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::VPSP_SCAN_APV1_SETTING; }
00459   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::vpspScanAdcLevel_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::VPSP_SCAN_ADC_LEVEL; }
00460   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::vpspScanDigitalHigh_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::VPSP_SCAN_DIGITAL_HIGH; }
00461   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::vpspScanDigitalLow_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::VPSP_SCAN_DIGITAL_LOW; }
00463   // pedestals / noise
00464   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::pedestalsAllStrips_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::PEDESTALS_ALL_STRIPS; }
00465   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::pedestalsMean_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::PEDESTALS_MEAN; }
00466   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::pedestalsSpread_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::PEDESTALS_SPREAD; }
00467   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::pedestalsMax_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::PEDESTALS_MAX; }
00468   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::pedestalsMin_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::PEDESTALS_MIN; }
00470   // noiseKS must come before the more general noiseAllStrips, since it contains that string
00471   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::noiseGausAllStrips_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::NOISE_GAUS_ALL_STRIPS; }
00472   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::noiseKSAllStrips_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::NOISE_KS_ALL_STRIPS; }
00473   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::noiseChi2AllStrips_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::NOISE_CHI2_ALL_STRIPS; }
00474   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::noiseBin84AllStrips_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::NOISE_BIN_84_ALL_STRIPS;}
00475   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::noiseRMSAllStrips_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::NOISE_RMS_ALL_STRIPS;}
00476   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::noiseSignif_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::NOISE_SIGNIF_ALL_STRIPS; }
00477   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::noiseAllStrips_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::NOISE_ALL_STRIPS; }
00478   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::noiseMean_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::NOISE_MEAN; }
00479   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::noiseSpread_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::NOISE_SPREAD; }
00480   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::noiseMax_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::NOISE_MAX; }
00481   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::noiseMin_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::NOISE_MIN; }
00482   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::numOfDead_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::NUM_OF_DEAD; }
00483   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::numOfNoisy_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::NUM_OF_NOISY; }
00485   // fine delay
00486   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fineDelayPos_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FINE_DELAY_POS; }
00487   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::fineDelayErr_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::FINE_DELAY_ERROR; }
00489   // calibration
00490   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationAmplitudeAS_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_AMPLITUDE_ALLSTRIPS; }
00491   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationTailAS_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_TAIL_ALLSTRIPS; }
00492   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationRiseTimeAS_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_RISETIME_ALLSTRIPS; }
00493   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationTimeConstantAS_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_TIMECONSTANT_ALLSTRIPS; }
00494   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationSmearingAS_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_SMEARING_ALLSTRIPS; }
00495   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationChi2AS_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_CHI2_ALLSTRIPS; }
00496   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationAmplitudeMin_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_AMPLITUDE_MIN; }
00497   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationTailMin_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_TAIL_MIN; }
00498   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationRiseTimeMin_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_RISETIME_MIN; }
00499   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationTimeConstantMin_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_TIMECONSTANT_MIN; }
00500   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationSmearingMin_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_SMEARING_MIN; }
00501   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationChi2Min_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_CHI2_MIN; }
00502   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationAmplitudeMax_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_AMPLITUDE_MAX; }
00503   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationTailMax_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_TAIL_MAX; }
00504   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationRiseTimeMax_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_RISETIME_MAX; }
00505   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationTimeConstantMax_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_TIMECONSTANT_MAX; }
00506   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationSmearingMax_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_SMEARING_MAX; }
00507   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationChi2Max_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_CHI2_MAX; }
00508   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationAmplitude_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_AMPLITUDE; }
00509   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationTail_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_TAIL; }
00510   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationRiseTime_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_RISETIME; }
00511   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationTimeConstant_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_TIMECONSTANT; }
00512   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationSmearing_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_SMEARING; }
00513   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::calibrationChi2_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CALIBRATION_CHI2; }
00515   // scope mode
00516   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::daqScopeModeMeanSignal_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::DAQ_SCOPE_MODE_MEAN_SIGNAL; }
00518   // unknown
00519   else if ( mon.find( sistrip::undefinedMonitorable_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_MONITORABLE; }
00520   else if ( mon.empty() ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_MONITORABLE; }
00521   else { return sistrip::UNKNOWN_MONITORABLE; }
00523 }  
00525 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00526 // 
00527 std::string SiStripEnumsAndStrings::presentation( const sistrip::Presentation& type ) {
00528   if ( type == sistrip::HISTO_1D ) { return sistrip::histo1d_; } 
00529   else if ( type == sistrip::HISTO_2D_SUM ) { return sistrip::histo2dSum_; }
00530   else if ( type == sistrip::HISTO_2D_SCATTER ) { return sistrip::histo2dScatter_; }
00531   else if ( type == sistrip::PROFILE_1D )  { return sistrip::profile1D_; }
00532   else if ( type == sistrip::UNDEFINED_PRESENTATION ) { return sistrip::undefinedPresentation_; }
00533   else { return sistrip::unknownPresentation_; }
00534 }
00536 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00537 // 
00538 sistrip::Presentation SiStripEnumsAndStrings::presentation( const std::string& type ) {
00539   if ( type.find( sistrip::histo1d_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::HISTO_1D; } 
00540   else if ( type.find( sistrip::histo2dSum_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::HISTO_2D_SUM; }
00541   else if ( type.find( sistrip::histo2dScatter_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::HISTO_2D_SCATTER; }
00542   else if ( type.find( sistrip::profile1D_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::PROFILE_1D; }
00543   else if ( type.find( sistrip::undefinedPresentation_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_PRESENTATION; }
00544   else if ( type.empty() ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_PRESENTATION; }
00545   else { return sistrip::UNKNOWN_PRESENTATION; }
00546 }
00548 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00549 // 
00550 std::string SiStripEnumsAndStrings::cablingSource( const sistrip::CablingSource& source ) {
00551   if ( source == sistrip::CABLING_FROM_CONNS ) { return sistrip::cablingFromConns_; } 
00552   else if ( source == sistrip::CABLING_FROM_DEVICES ) { return sistrip::cablingFromDevices_; }
00553   else if ( source == sistrip::CABLING_FROM_DETIDS ) { return sistrip::cablingFromDetIds_; }
00554   else if ( source == sistrip::UNDEFINED_CABLING_SOURCE ) { return sistrip::undefinedCablingSource_; }
00555   else { return sistrip::unknownCablingSource_; }
00556 }
00558 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00559 // 
00560 sistrip::CablingSource SiStripEnumsAndStrings::cablingSource( const std::string& source ) {
00561   if ( source.find( sistrip::cablingFromConns_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CABLING_FROM_CONNS; }
00562   else if ( source.find( sistrip::cablingFromDevices_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CABLING_FROM_DEVICES; }
00563   else if ( source.find( sistrip::cablingFromDetIds_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::CABLING_FROM_DETIDS; }
00564   else if ( source.find( sistrip::undefinedCablingSource_ ) != std::string::npos ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_CABLING_SOURCE; }
00565   else if ( source.empty() ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_CABLING_SOURCE; }
00566   else if ( source == "CONNECTIONS" ) { return sistrip::CABLING_FROM_CONNS; }
00567   else if ( source == "DEVICES" ) { return sistrip::CABLING_FROM_DEVICES; }
00568   else if ( source == "DETIDS" ) { return sistrip::CABLING_FROM_DETIDS; }
00569   else if ( source == "UNDEFINED" ) { return sistrip::UNDEFINED_CABLING_SOURCE; }
00570   else { return sistrip::UNKNOWN_CABLING_SOURCE; }
00571 }