
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002                   -  description
00003                              -------------------
00004     begin                : Wed Oct 24 2001
00005     email                :
00006  ***************************************************************************/
00008 /***************************************************************************
00009  *                                                                         *
00010  *           DDDParser sub-component of DDD                                *
00011  *  Nov 25, 2003 : note that comments on DDLRotation are for future        *
00012  *                 changes which break backward compatibility.             *
00013  *                                                                         *
00014  ***************************************************************************/
00016 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLAlgorithm.h"
00017 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLAlgoPosPart.h"
00018 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLBooleanSolid.h"
00019 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLBox.h"
00020 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLCompositeMaterial.h"
00021 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLCone.h"
00022 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLDivision.h"
00023 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLElementaryMaterial.h"
00024 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLEllipticalTube.h"
00025 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLEllipsoid.h"
00026 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLLogicalPart.h"
00027 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLMap.h"
00028 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLNumeric.h"
00029 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLOrb.h"
00030 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLParallelepiped.h"
00031 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLPolyGenerator.h"
00032 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLPosPart.h"
00033 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLPseudoTrap.h"
00034 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLReflectionSolid.h"
00035 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLRotationByAxis.h"
00036 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLRotationAndReflection.h"
00037 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLRotationSequence.h"
00038 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLShapelessSolid.h" 
00039 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLSpecPar.h"
00040 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLSphere.h"
00041 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLString.h"
00042 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLTorus.h"
00043 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLTrapezoid.h"
00044 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLTubs.h"
00045 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/src/DDLVector.h"
00047 #include "DetectorDescription/Base/interface/DDdebug.h"
00048 #include "DetectorDescription/Parser/interface/DDLElementRegistry.h"
00050 #include <iostream>
00052 DDLElementRegistry::DDLElementRegistry( void )
00053 {}
00055 DDLElementRegistry::~DDLElementRegistry( void ) 
00056 {
00057   // Complicated cleanup.  I keep track of DDXMLElements that have
00058   // already been deleted using this vector.  Then delete them one-by-one.
00059   std::vector<DDXMLElement*> toDelete;
00060   for( RegistryMap::const_iterator it = registry_.begin(), end = registry_.end(); it != end; ++it )
00061   {
00062     std::vector<DDXMLElement*>::const_iterator deleteIt = std::find( toDelete.begin(), toDelete.end(), it->second );
00063     if( deleteIt == toDelete.end())
00064     {
00065       toDelete.push_back( it->second );
00066       delete it->second;
00067     }
00068   }
00069 }
00071 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00072 // Implementation
00073 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00074 DDXMLElement*
00075 DDLElementRegistry::getElement( const std::string& name )
00076 {
00077   DCOUT_V('P',"myRegistry_->getElementRegistry(" << name << ")"); 
00079   //  DDXMLElement* myret = instance()->DDXMLElementRegistry::getElement(name);
00080   RegistryMap::iterator it = registry_.find(name);
00081   //   std::cout << "it found name? "<< name << " " ;
00082   //   if (it != registry_.end() ) std::cout << "yes"; else std::cout << "no";
00083   //   std::cout << std::endl;
00084   //   std::cout << "there are " << registry_.size() << " elements-types so far." << std::endl; 
00085   DDXMLElement* myret = NULL;
00086   if( it != registry_.end())
00087   {
00088     myret = it->second;
00089   } else {
00090     //    std::cout << " making first and only " << name << std::endl;
00091     // Make the Solid handlers and register them.
00092     if (name == "Box")
00093     {
00094       myret = new DDLBox(this);
00095     }
00096     else if (name == "Cone")
00097     {
00098       myret =  new DDLCone(this);
00099     }
00100     else if (name == "Polyhedra" || name == "Polycone")
00101     {
00102       myret = new DDLPolyGenerator(this);
00103     }
00104     else if (name == "Trapezoid" || name == "Trd1")
00105     {
00106       myret = new DDLTrapezoid(this);
00107     }
00108     else if (name == "PseudoTrap")
00109     {
00110       myret = new DDLPseudoTrap(this);
00111     }
00112     else if (name == "Tubs" || name == "Tube" || name == "TruncTubs")
00113     {
00114       myret = new DDLTubs(this);
00115     }
00116     else if (name == "Torus")
00117     {
00118       myret = new DDLTorus(this);
00119     }
00120     else if (name == "ReflectionSolid")
00121     {
00122       myret = new DDLReflectionSolid(this);
00123     }
00124     else if (name == "UnionSolid" || name == "SubtractionSolid"
00125              || name == "IntersectionSolid")
00126     {
00127       myret = new DDLBooleanSolid(this);
00128     }
00129     else if (name == "ShapelessSolid")
00130     {
00131       myret = new DDLShapelessSolid(this);
00132     }
00133     else if (name == "Sphere")
00134     {
00135       myret = new DDLSphere(this);
00136     }
00137     else if (name == "Orb")
00138     {
00139       myret = new DDLOrb(this);
00140     }
00141     else if (name == "EllipticalTube")
00142     {
00143       myret = new DDLEllipticalTube(this);
00144     }
00145     else if (name == "Ellipsoid")
00146     {
00147       myret = new DDLEllipsoid(this);
00148     }
00149     else if (name == "Sphere")
00150     {
00151       myret = new DDLParallelepiped(this);
00152     }
00154     //  LogicalParts, Positioners, Materials, Rotations, Reflections
00155     //  and Specific (Specified?) Parameters
00156     else if (name == "PosPart")
00157     {
00158       myret = new DDLPosPart(this);
00159     }
00160     else if (name == "AlgoPosPart")
00161     {
00162       myret = new DDLAlgoPosPart(this);
00163     }
00164     else if (name == "CompositeMaterial")
00165     {
00166       myret = new DDLCompositeMaterial(this);
00167     }
00168     else if (name == "ElementaryMaterial")
00169     {
00170       myret = new DDLElementaryMaterial(this);
00171     }
00172     else if (name == "LogicalPart")
00173     {
00174       myret = new DDLLogicalPart(this);
00175     }
00176     else if (name == "ReflectionRotation" || name == "Rotation" )
00177     {
00178       myret = new DDLRotationAndReflection(this);
00179     }
00180     else if (name == "SpecPar")
00181     {
00182       myret = new DDLSpecPar(this);
00183     }
00184     else if (name == "RotationSequence")
00185     {
00186       myret = new DDLRotationSequence(this);
00187     }
00188     else if (name == "RotationByAxis")
00189     {
00190       myret = new DDLRotationByAxis(this);
00191     }
00192     // Special, need them around.
00193     else if (name == "SpecParSection") {
00194       myret = new DDXMLElement(this, true);
00195     }
00196     else if (name == "Vector") {
00197       myret = new DDLVector(this);
00198     }
00199     else if (name == "Map") {
00200       myret = new DDLMap(this);
00201     }
00202     else if (name == "String") {
00203       myret = new DDLString(this);
00204     }
00205     else if (name == "Numeric") {
00206       myret = new DDLNumeric(this);
00207     }
00208     else if (name == "Algorithm") {
00209       myret = new DDLAlgorithm(this);
00210     }
00211     else if (name == "Division") {
00212       myret = new DDLDivision(this);
00213     }
00215     // Supporting Cast of elements.
00216     //  All elements which simply accumulate attributes which are then used
00217     //  by one of the above elements.
00218     else if (name == "MaterialFraction" || name == "ParE" || name == "ParS"
00219              || name == "RZPoint" || name == "PartSelector"
00220              || name == "Parameter" || name == "ZSection"
00221              || name == "Translation" 
00222              || name == "rSolid" || name == "rMaterial" 
00223              || name == "rParent" || name == "rChild"
00224              || name == "rRotation" || name == "rReflectionRotation"
00225              || name == "DDDefinition" )
00226     {
00227       myret = new DDXMLElement(this);
00228     }
00230     //  IF it is a new element return a default XMLElement which processes nothing.
00231     //  Since there are elements in the XML which require no processing, they
00232     //  can all use the same DDXMLElement which defaults to anything.  A validated
00233     //  XML document (i.e. validated with XML Schema) will work properly.
00234     //  As of 8/16/2002:  Elements like LogicalPartSection and any other *Section
00235     //  XML elements of the DDLSchema are taken care of by this.
00236     else
00237     {
00238       //        myret = instance()->DDXMLElementRegistry::getElement("***");
00240       myret = new DDXMLElement(this);
00241       //        std::cout << "about to register a " << "***" << std::endl;
00242       //        registry_["***"] = myret;
00243       //        DCOUT_V('P',  "WARNING:  The default (DDLElementRegistry)  was used for "
00244       //                << name << " since there was no specific handler." << std::endl);
00245       //        return myret;
00246     }
00248     // Actually register the thing
00249     //   instance()->registerElement(name, myret);
00250     //      std::cout << "about to register a " << name << std::endl;
00251     registry_[name] = myret;
00252   }
00253   return myret;
00254 }
00256 const std::string&
00257 DDLElementRegistry::getElementName( DDXMLElement* theElement ) const
00258 {
00259   for( RegistryMap::const_iterator it = registry_.begin(), end = registry_.end(); it != end; ++it )
00260     if( it->second == theElement )
00261       return it->first;
00262   return registry_.find( "***" )->first;
00263 }
00265 template class DDI::Singleton<DDLElementRegistry>;