
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00002 //
00003 // Original Author:  Gena Kukartsev Mar 11, 2009
00004 // Adapted from,v 1.41
00005 // $Id:,v 1.20 2010/08/06 20:24:12 wmtan Exp $
00006 //
00007 #include <vector>
00008 #include <string>
00010 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalGenericDetId.h"
00011 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalZDCDetId.h"
00012 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalCastorDetId.h"
00013 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalElectronicsId.h"
00014 #include "CalibFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalText2DetIdConverter.h"
00016 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/AllObjects.h"
00017 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00018 #include "CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb/interface/HcalDbOmds.h"
00019 #include "CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb/interface/RooGKCounter.h"
00021 typedef oracle::occi::ResultSet ResultSet;
00022 typedef oracle::occi::SQLException SQLException;
00024 template<class T>
00025 bool HcalDbOmds::from_string(T& t, const std::string& s, std::ios_base& (*f)(std::ios_base&)) {
00026   std::istringstream iss(s);
00027   return !(iss >> f >> t).fail();
00028 }
00030 // get the proper detId from the result of the oracle query
00031 // assumed that channel info comes in from of the ResultSet
00032 // in the following order (some may not be filled):
00033 // 1.objectname, ( values: HcalDetId, HcalCalibDetId, HcalTrigTowerDetId, HcalZDCDetId or HcalCastorDetId)
00034 // 2.subdet, 3.ieta, 4.iphi, 5.depth, 6.type, 7.section, 8.ispositiveeta, 9.sector, 10.module, 
00035 DetId HcalDbOmds::getId(oracle::occi::ResultSet * rs){
00036   std::string _name = rs->getString(1);
00037   //std::cerr << "DEBUG: name - " << _name << std::endl;
00038   if (rs->getString(1).find("HcalDetId")!=std::string::npos){
00039     //std::cerr << "DEBUG: HcalDetId" << std::endl;
00040     return HcalDetId(get_subdetector(rs->getString(2)),
00041                      rs->getInt(3),
00042                      rs->getInt(4),
00043                      rs->getInt(5));
00044   }
00045   else if (rs->getString(1).find("HcalCalibDetId")!=std::string::npos){
00046     //std::cerr << "DEBUG: HcalCalibDetId" << std::endl;
00047     return HcalCalibDetId(get_subdetector(rs->getString(2)),
00048                           rs->getInt(3),
00049                           rs->getInt(4),
00050                           rs->getInt(6));
00051   }
00052   else if (rs->getString(1).find("HcalTrigTowerDetId")!=std::string::npos){
00053     //std::cerr << "DEBUG: HcalTrigTowerDetId" << std::endl;
00054     return HcalTrigTowerDetId(rs->getInt(3),
00055                               rs->getInt(4));
00056   }
00057   else if (rs->getString(1).find("HcalZDCDetId")!=std::string::npos){
00058     //std::cerr << "DEBUG: HcalZDCDetId" << std::endl;
00059     return HcalZDCDetId(get_zdc_section(rs->getString(7)),
00060                         rs->getInt(8)>0,
00061                         rs->getInt(11));
00062   }
00063   else if (rs->getString(1).find("HcalCastorDetId")!=std::string::npos){
00064     //std::cerr << "DEBUG: HcalCastorDetId" << std::endl;
00065     return HcalCastorDetId(rs->getInt(8)>0,
00066                            rs->getInt(9)>0,
00067                            rs->getInt(10));
00068   }
00069   else return 0;
00070 }
00072 bool HcalDbOmds::getObject (oracle::occi::Connection * connection, 
00073                             const std::string & fTag, 
00074                             const std::string & fVersion,
00075                             const int fSubversion,
00076                             const int fIOVBegin,
00077                             const std::string & fQuery,
00078                             HcalPedestals* fObject) {
00079   bool result=true;
00080   if (!fObject) fObject = new HcalPedestals;
00081   int _unit=0;
00082   try {
00083     oracle::occi::Statement* stmt = connection->createStatement(fQuery);
00084     stmt->setString(1,fTag);
00085     //stmt->setString(2,fVersion);
00086     stmt->setInt(2,fIOVBegin);
00088     ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery();
00090     // protection agains NULL values
00091     for (int _i=1; _i!=12; _i++) rs->setMaxColumnSize(_i,128);
00093     RooGKCounter _row(1,100);
00094     _row.setMessage("HCAL channels processed: ");
00095     _row.setPrintCount(true);
00096     _row.setNewLine(true);
00097     //
00098     // The query result must be ordered in the following way
00099     // 1.objectname, ( values: HcalDetId, HcalCalibDetId, HcalTrigTowerDetId, HcalZDCDetId or HcalCastorDetId)
00100     // 2.subdet, 3.ieta, 4.iphi, 5.depth, 6.type, 7.section, 8.ispositiveeta, 9.sector, 10.module, 
00101     // 12. is_adc_counts, 13-16. cap0-3, 17-20. variance0-3
00102     //
00103     while (rs->next()) {
00104       _row.count();
00105       DetId id = getId(rs);
00106       _unit = rs->getInt(12);
00107       float cap0 = rs->getFloat(13);
00108       float cap1 = rs->getFloat(14);
00109       float cap2 = rs->getFloat(15);
00110       float cap3 = rs->getFloat(16);
00111       float variance0 = rs->getFloat(17);
00112       float variance1 = rs->getFloat(18);
00113       float variance2 = rs->getFloat(19);
00114       float variance3 = rs->getFloat(20);
00115       //int ieta = rs->getInt(21);
00116       //int iphi = rs->getInt(22);
00117       //int depth = rs->getInt(23);
00118       //HcalSubdetector subdetector = get_subdetector(rs->getString(24));
00119       //HcalDetId id(subdetector,ieta,iphi,depth);
00120       std::cout << "DEBUG: " << std::endl;
00121       //std::cout << "DEBUG: " << id << " " << cap0 << " " << cap1 << " " << cap2 << " " << cap3 << std::endl;
00122       HcalPedestal * fCondObject = new HcalPedestal(id.rawId(), cap0, cap1, cap2, cap3, variance0, variance1, variance2, variance3);
00123       fObject->addValues(*fCondObject);
00124       delete fCondObject;
00125     }
00126     //Always terminate statement
00127     connection->terminateStatement(stmt);
00128   } catch (SQLException& e) {
00129     throw cms::Exception("ReadError") << ::toolbox::toString("Oracle  exception : %s",e.getMessage().c_str()) << std::endl;
00130   }
00131   bool unit_is_adc = false;
00132   if (_unit!=0) unit_is_adc = true;
00133   fObject->setUnitADC(unit_is_adc);
00134   return result;
00135 }
00138 bool HcalDbOmds::getObject (oracle::occi::Connection * connection, 
00139                             const std::string & fTag, 
00140                             const std::string & fVersion,
00141                             const int fSubversion,
00142                             const int fIOVBegin,
00143                             const std::string & fQuery,
00144                             HcalPedestalWidths* fObject) {
00145   bool result=true;
00146   if (!fObject) fObject = new HcalPedestalWidths;
00147   int _unit=0;
00148   try {
00149     oracle::occi::Statement* stmt = connection->createStatement(fQuery);
00150     stmt->setString(1,fTag);
00151     stmt->setInt(2,fIOVBegin);
00153     ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery();
00155     rs->setMaxColumnSize(1,128);
00156     rs->setMaxColumnSize(2,128);
00157     rs->setMaxColumnSize(3,128);
00158     rs->setMaxColumnSize(4,128);
00159     rs->setMaxColumnSize(5,128);
00160     rs->setMaxColumnSize(6,128);
00161     rs->setMaxColumnSize(7,128);
00162     rs->setMaxColumnSize(8,128);
00163     rs->setMaxColumnSize(9,128);
00164     rs->setMaxColumnSize(10,128);
00165     rs->setMaxColumnSize(11,128);
00167     RooGKCounter _row(1,100);
00168     _row.setMessage("HCAL channels processed: ");
00169     _row.setPrintCount(true);
00170     _row.setNewLine(true);
00171     //
00172     // The query result must be ordered in the following way
00173     // 1.objectname, ( values: HcalDetId, HcalCalibDetId, HcalTrigTowerDetId, HcalZDCDetId or HcalCastorDetId)
00174     // 2.subdet, 3.ieta, 4.iphi, 5.depth, 6.type, 7.section, 8.ispositiveeta, 9.sector, 10.module, 
00175     // 12. is_ADC(int), 13-28. covariance00-01-...-10-11-...33
00176     //
00177     while (rs->next()) {
00178       _row.count();
00179       DetId id = getId(rs);
00180       _unit = rs->getInt(12);
00181       float covariance_00 = rs->getFloat(13);
00182       float covariance_01 = rs->getFloat(14);
00183       float covariance_02 = rs->getFloat(15);
00184       float covariance_03 = rs->getFloat(16);
00185       float covariance_10 = rs->getFloat(17);
00186       float covariance_11 = rs->getFloat(18);
00187       float covariance_12 = rs->getFloat(19);
00188       float covariance_13 = rs->getFloat(20);
00189       float covariance_20 = rs->getFloat(21);
00190       float covariance_21 = rs->getFloat(22);
00191       float covariance_22 = rs->getFloat(23);
00192       float covariance_23 = rs->getFloat(24);
00193       float covariance_30 = rs->getFloat(25);
00194       float covariance_31 = rs->getFloat(26);
00195       float covariance_32 = rs->getFloat(27);
00196       float covariance_33 = rs->getFloat(28);
00197       HcalPedestalWidth * fCondObject = new HcalPedestalWidth(id);
00198       fCondObject->setSigma(0,0,covariance_00);
00199       fCondObject->setSigma(0,1,covariance_01);
00200       fCondObject->setSigma(0,2,covariance_02);
00201       fCondObject->setSigma(0,3,covariance_03);
00202       fCondObject->setSigma(1,0,covariance_10);
00203       fCondObject->setSigma(1,1,covariance_11);
00204       fCondObject->setSigma(1,2,covariance_12);
00205       fCondObject->setSigma(1,3,covariance_13);
00206       fCondObject->setSigma(2,0,covariance_20);
00207       fCondObject->setSigma(2,1,covariance_21);
00208       fCondObject->setSigma(2,2,covariance_22);
00209       fCondObject->setSigma(2,3,covariance_23);
00210       fCondObject->setSigma(3,0,covariance_30);
00211       fCondObject->setSigma(3,1,covariance_31);
00212       fCondObject->setSigma(3,2,covariance_32);
00213       fCondObject->setSigma(3,3,covariance_33);
00214       fObject->addValues(*fCondObject);
00215       delete fCondObject;
00216     }
00217     //Always terminate statement
00218     connection->terminateStatement(stmt);
00219   } catch (SQLException& e) {
00220     throw cms::Exception("ReadError") << ::toolbox::toString("Oracle  exception : %s",e.getMessage().c_str()) << std::endl;
00221   }
00222   bool unit_is_adc = false;
00223   if (_unit!=0) unit_is_adc = true;
00224   fObject->setUnitADC(unit_is_adc);
00225   return result;
00226 }
00229 bool HcalDbOmds::getObject (oracle::occi::Connection * connection, 
00230                             const std::string & fTag, 
00231                             const std::string & fVersion,
00232                             const int fSubversion,
00233                             const int fIOVBegin,
00234                             const std::string & fQuery,
00235                             HcalGains* fObject) {
00236   bool result=true;
00237   if (!fObject) fObject = new HcalGains;
00238   try {
00239     oracle::occi::Statement* stmt = connection->createStatement(fQuery);
00240     stmt->setString(1,fTag);
00241     stmt->setInt(2,fIOVBegin);
00243     ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery();
00245     // protection agains NULL values
00246     for (int _i=1; _i!=12; _i++) rs->setMaxColumnSize(_i,128);
00248     RooGKCounter _row(1,100);
00249     _row.setMessage("HCAL channels processed: ");
00250     _row.setPrintCount(true);
00251     _row.setNewLine(true);
00252     //
00253     // The query result must be ordered in the following way
00254     // 1.objectname, ( values: HcalDetId, HcalCalibDetId, HcalTrigTowerDetId, HcalZDCDetId or HcalCastorDetId)
00255     // 2.subdet, 3.ieta, 4.iphi, 5.depth, 6.type, 7.section, 8.ispositiveeta, 9.sector, 10.module, 
00256     // 12-15. cap0-3
00257     //
00258     while (rs->next()) {
00259       _row.count();
00260       DetId id = getId(rs);
00261       float cap0 = rs->getFloat(12);
00262       float cap1 = rs->getFloat(13);
00263       float cap2 = rs->getFloat(14);
00264       float cap3 = rs->getFloat(15);
00265       //int ieta = rs->getInt(5);
00266       //int iphi = rs->getInt(6);
00267       //int depth = rs->getInt(7);
00268       //HcalSubdetector subdetector = get_subdetector(rs->getString(8));
00269       //HcalDetId id(subdetector,ieta,iphi,depth);
00270       //std::cout << "DEBUG: " << id << " " << cap0 << " " << cap1 << " " << cap2 << " " << cap3 << std::endl;
00271       HcalGain * fCondObject = new HcalGain(id, cap0, cap1, cap2, cap3);
00272       fObject->addValues(*fCondObject);
00273       delete fCondObject;
00274     }
00275     //Always terminate statement
00276     connection->terminateStatement(stmt);
00277   } catch (SQLException& e) {
00278     throw cms::Exception("ReadError") << ::toolbox::toString("Oracle  exception : %s",e.getMessage().c_str()) << std::endl;
00279   }
00280   return result;
00281 }
00284 bool HcalDbOmds::getObject (oracle::occi::Connection * connection, 
00285                             const std::string & fTag, 
00286                             const std::string & fVersion,
00287                             const int fSubversion,
00288                             const int fIOVBegin,
00289                             const std::string & fQuery,
00290                             HcalGainWidths* fObject) {
00291   bool result=true;
00292   if (!fObject) fObject = new HcalGainWidths;
00293   try {
00294     oracle::occi::Statement* stmt = connection->createStatement(fQuery);
00295     stmt->setString(1,fTag);
00296     stmt->setInt(2,fIOVBegin);
00298     ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery();
00300     // protection agains NULL values
00301     for (int _i=1; _i!=12; _i++) rs->setMaxColumnSize(_i,128);
00303     RooGKCounter _row(1,100);
00304     _row.setMessage("HCAL channels processed: ");
00305     _row.setPrintCount(true);
00306     _row.setNewLine(true);
00307     //
00308     // The query result must be ordered in the following way
00309     // 1.objectname, ( values: HcalDetId, HcalCalibDetId, HcalTrigTowerDetId, HcalZDCDetId or HcalCastorDetId)
00310     // 2.subdet, 3.ieta, 4.iphi, 5.depth, 6.type, 7.section, 8.ispositiveeta, 9.sector, 10.module, 
00311     // 12-15. cap0-3
00312     //
00313     while (rs->next()) {
00314       _row.count();
00315       DetId id = getId(rs);
00316       float cap0 = rs->getFloat(12);
00317       float cap1 = rs->getFloat(13);
00318       float cap2 = rs->getFloat(14);
00319       float cap3 = rs->getFloat(15);
00320       //int ieta = rs->getInt(5);
00321       //int iphi = rs->getInt(6);
00322       //int depth = rs->getInt(7);
00323       //HcalSubdetector subdetector = get_subdetector(rs->getString(8));
00324       //HcalDetId id(subdetector,ieta,iphi,depth);
00325       //std::cout << "DEBUG: " << id << " " << cap0 << " " << cap1 << " " << cap2 << " " << cap3 << std::endl;
00326       HcalGainWidth * fCondObject = new HcalGainWidth(id, cap0, cap1, cap2, cap3);
00327       fObject->addValues(*fCondObject);
00328       delete fCondObject;
00329     }
00330     //Always terminate statement
00331     connection->terminateStatement(stmt);
00332   } catch (SQLException& e) {
00333     throw cms::Exception("ReadError") << ::toolbox::toString("Oracle  exception : %s",e.getMessage().c_str()) << std::endl;
00334   }
00335   return result;
00336 }
00339 bool HcalDbOmds::getObject (oracle::occi::Connection * connection, 
00340                             const std::string & fTag, 
00341                             const std::string & fVersion,
00342                             const int fSubversion,
00343                             const int fIOVBegin,
00344                             const std::string & fQuery,
00345                             HcalQIEData* fObject) {
00346   bool result=true;
00347   if (!fObject) fObject = new HcalQIEData;
00348   try {
00349     oracle::occi::Statement* stmt = connection->createStatement(fQuery);
00350     stmt->setString(1,fTag);
00351     stmt->setInt(2,fIOVBegin);
00353     ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery();
00355     rs->setMaxColumnSize(1,128);
00356     rs->setMaxColumnSize(2,128);
00357     rs->setMaxColumnSize(3,128);
00358     rs->setMaxColumnSize(4,128);
00359     rs->setMaxColumnSize(5,128);
00360     rs->setMaxColumnSize(6,128);
00361     rs->setMaxColumnSize(7,128);
00362     rs->setMaxColumnSize(8,128);
00363     rs->setMaxColumnSize(9,128);
00364     rs->setMaxColumnSize(10,128);
00365     rs->setMaxColumnSize(11,128);
00367     RooGKCounter _row(1,100);
00368     _row.setMessage("HCAL channels processed: ");
00369     _row.setPrintCount(true);
00370     _row.setNewLine(true);
00371     //
00372     // The query result must be ordered in the following way
00373     // 1.objectname, ( values: HcalDetId, HcalCalibDetId, HcalTrigTowerDetId, HcalZDCDetId or HcalCastorDetId)
00374     // 2.subdet, 3.ieta, 4.iphi, 5.depth, 6.type, 7.section, 8.ispositiveeta, 9.sector, 10.module, 
00375     // 13-27. cap0_range0_slope, cap0_range1_slope... 33, 28-43. cap0_range0_offset, cap0_range1_offset...
00376     //
00377     while (rs->next()) {
00378       _row.count();
00379       DetId id = getId(rs);
00380       fObject->sort();
00381       float items[32];
00382       for (int _i=0; _i!=32; _i++) items[_i] = rs->getFloat(_i+12);
00383       HcalQIECoder * fCondObject = new HcalQIECoder(id.rawId());
00384       for (unsigned capid = 0; capid < 4; capid++) {
00385         for (unsigned range = 0; range < 4; range++) {
00386           fCondObject->setSlope (capid, range, items[capid*4+range]);
00387         }
00388       }
00389       for (unsigned capid = 0; capid < 4; capid++) {
00390         for (unsigned range = 0; range < 4; range++) {
00391           fCondObject->setOffset (capid, range, items[16+capid*4+range]);
00392         }
00393       }
00394       fObject->addCoder(*fCondObject);
00395       delete fCondObject;
00396     }
00397     //Always terminate statement
00398     connection->terminateStatement(stmt);
00399   } catch (SQLException& e) {
00400     throw cms::Exception("ReadError") << ::toolbox::toString("Oracle  exception : %s",e.getMessage().c_str()) << std::endl;
00401   }
00402   return result;
00403 }
00406 bool HcalDbOmds::getObject (oracle::occi::Connection * connection, 
00407                             const std::string & fTag, 
00408                             const std::string & fVersion,
00409                             const int fSubversion,
00410                             const int fIOVBegin,
00411                             const std::string & fQuery,
00412                             HcalCalibrationQIEData* fObject) {
00413   std::cerr << "NOT IMPLEMENTED!" << std::endl;
00414   return false;
00415 }
00418 bool HcalDbOmds::getObject (oracle::occi::Connection * connection, 
00419                             const std::string & fTag, 
00420                             const std::string & fVersion,
00421                             const int fSubversion,
00422                             const int fIOVBegin,
00423                             const std::string & fQuery,
00424                             HcalElectronicsMap* fObject) {
00425   bool result=true;
00426   if (!fObject) fObject = new HcalElectronicsMap;
00427   try {
00428     oracle::occi::Statement* stmt = connection->createStatement(fQuery);
00429     stmt->setString(1,fTag);
00430     stmt->setInt(2,fIOVBegin);
00432     ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery();
00434     // protection agains NULL values
00435     for (int _i=1; _i!=20; _i++) rs->setMaxColumnSize(_i,128);
00437     RooGKCounter _row(1,100);
00438     _row.setMessage("HCAL channels processed: ");
00439     _row.setPrintCount(true);
00440     _row.setNewLine(true);
00441     //
00442     // The query result must be ordered in the following way
00443     // 1.objectname, ( values: HcalDetId, HcalCalibDetId, HcalTrigTowerDetId, HcalZDCDetId or HcalCastorDetId)
00444     // 2.subdet, 3.ieta, 4.iphi, 5.depth, 6.type, 7.section, 8.ispositiveeta, 9.sector, 10.module, 
00445     // 12. i, 13. crate, 14. slot, 15. tb, 16. dcc, 17. spigot, 18. fiber(slb), 19. fiberchan(slbchan)
00446     //
00447     while (rs->next()) {
00448       _row.count();
00449       DetId id = getId(rs);
00450       std::string _obj_name = rs->getString(1);
00451       int crate = rs->getInt(13);
00452       int slot = rs->getInt(14);
00453       int dcc = rs->getInt(16);
00454       int spigot = rs->getInt(17);
00455       std::string tb = rs->getString(15);
00456       int top = 1;
00457       if (tb.find("b")!=std::string::npos) top = 0;
00458       HcalElectronicsId * fCondObject = 0;
00459       if (_obj_name.find("HcalTrigTowerDetId")!=std::string::npos){
00460         int slbCh = rs->getInt(19);
00461         int slb = rs->getInt(18);
00462         fCondObject = new HcalElectronicsId(slbCh, slb, spigot, dcc,crate,slot,top);
00463       }
00464       else{
00465         int fiberCh = rs->getInt(19);
00466         int fiber = rs->getInt(18);
00467         fCondObject = new HcalElectronicsId(fiberCh, fiber, spigot, dcc);
00468         fCondObject->setHTR(crate,slot,top);
00469       }
00470       if (_obj_name.find("HcalTrigTowerDetId")!=std::string::npos){
00471         fObject->mapEId2tId(*fCondObject, id);
00472       }
00473       else if (_obj_name.find("HcalDetId")!=std::string::npos ||
00474                _obj_name.find("HcalCalibDetId")!=std::string::npos ||
00475                _obj_name.find("HcalZDCDetId")!=std::string::npos){
00476         fObject->mapEId2chId(*fCondObject, id);
00477       }
00478       else {
00479         edm::LogWarning("Format Error") << "HcalElectronicsMap-> Unknown subdetector: " 
00480                                         << _obj_name << std::endl; 
00481       }
00482       delete fCondObject;
00483     }
00484     //Always terminate statement
00485     connection->terminateStatement(stmt);
00486   } catch (SQLException& e) {
00487     throw cms::Exception("ReadError") << ::toolbox::toString("Oracle  exception : %s",e.getMessage().c_str()) << std::endl;
00488   }
00489   fObject->sort ();
00490   return result;
00491 }
00494 bool HcalDbOmds::getObject (oracle::occi::Connection * connection, 
00495                             const std::string & fTag, 
00496                             const std::string & fVersion,
00497                             const int fSubversion,
00498                             const int fIOVBegin,
00499                             const std::string & fQuery,
00500                             HcalChannelQuality* fObject) {
00501   std::cout << " +++++=====> HcalDbOmds::getObject" << std::endl;
00503   bool result=true;
00504   if (!fObject) fObject = new HcalChannelQuality;
00505   try {
00506     oracle::occi::Statement* stmt = connection->createStatement(fQuery);
00507     stmt->setString(1,fTag);
00508     stmt->setInt(2,fIOVBegin);
00510     ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery();
00512     // protection agains NULL values
00513     for (int _i=1; _i!=12; _i++) rs->setMaxColumnSize(_i,128);
00515     RooGKCounter _row(1,100);
00516     _row.setMessage("HCAL channels processed: ");
00517     _row.setPrintCount(true);
00518     _row.setNewLine(true);
00519     //
00520     // The query result must be ordered in the following way
00521     // 1.objectname, ( values: HcalDetId, HcalCalibDetId, HcalTrigTowerDetId, HcalZDCDetId or HcalCastorDetId)
00522     // 2.subdet, 3.ieta, 4.iphi, 5.depth, 6.type, 7.section, 8.ispositiveeta, 9.sector, 10.module, 11.channel_on_off_state
00523     // 12. channel_status_word
00524     //
00525     while (rs->next()) {
00526       _row.count();
00527       DetId id = getId(rs);
00528       int value = rs->getInt(12);
00529       //int ieta = rs->getInt(2);
00530       //int iphi = rs->getInt(3);
00531       //int depth = rs->getInt(4);
00532       //HcalSubdetector subdetector = get_subdetector(rs->getString(5));
00533       //HcalDetId id(subdetector,ieta,iphi,depth);
00534       //std::cout << "DEBUG: " << std::endl;//<< id << " " << zs << std::endl;
00535       HcalChannelStatus * fCondObject = new HcalChannelStatus(id, value);
00536       fObject->addValues(*fCondObject);
00537       delete fCondObject;
00538     }
00539     //Always terminate statement
00540     connection->terminateStatement(stmt);
00541   } catch (SQLException& e) {
00542     throw cms::Exception("ReadError") << ::toolbox::toString("Oracle  exception : %s",e.getMessage().c_str()) << std::endl;
00543   }
00544   return result;
00545 }
00548 bool HcalDbOmds::getObject (oracle::occi::Connection * connection, 
00549                             const std::string & fTag, 
00550                             const std::string & fVersion,
00551                             const int fSubversion,
00552                             const int fIOVBegin,
00553                             const std::string & fQuery,
00554                             HcalRespCorrs* fObject) {
00555   bool result=true;
00556   if (!fObject) fObject = new HcalRespCorrs;
00557   try {
00558     oracle::occi::Statement* stmt = connection->createStatement(fQuery);
00559     stmt->setString(1,fTag);
00560     stmt->setInt(2,fIOVBegin);
00562     ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery();
00564     // protection agains NULL values
00565     for (int _i=1; _i!=12; _i++) rs->setMaxColumnSize(_i,128);
00567     RooGKCounter _row(1,100);
00568     _row.setMessage("HCAL channels processed: ");
00569     _row.setPrintCount(true);
00570     _row.setNewLine(true);
00571     //
00572     // The query result must be ordered in the following way
00573     // 1.objectname, ( values: HcalDetId, HcalCalibDetId, HcalTrigTowerDetId, HcalZDCDetId or HcalCastorDetId)
00574     // 2.subdet, 3.ieta, 4.iphi, 5.depth, 6.type, 7.section, 8.ispositiveeta, 9.sector, 10.module, 
00575     // 12. value
00576     //
00577     while (rs->next()) {
00578       _row.count();
00579       DetId id = getId(rs);
00580       float value = rs->getFloat(12);
00581       //int ieta = rs->getInt(2);
00582       //int iphi = rs->getInt(3);
00583       //int depth = rs->getInt(4);
00584       //HcalSubdetector subdetector = get_subdetector(rs->getString(5));
00585       //HcalDetId id(subdetector,ieta,iphi,depth);
00586       //std::cout << "DEBUG: " << id << " " << value << std::endl;
00587       HcalRespCorr * fCondObject = new HcalRespCorr(id, value);
00588       fObject->addValues(*fCondObject);
00589       delete fCondObject;
00590     }
00591     //Always terminate statement
00592     connection->terminateStatement(stmt);
00593   } catch (SQLException& e) {
00594     throw cms::Exception("ReadError") << ::toolbox::toString("Oracle  exception : %s",e.getMessage().c_str()) << std::endl;
00595   }
00596   return result;
00597 }
00599 // Oracle database connection ownership is transferred here, DO terminate after use
00600 bool HcalDbOmds::getObject (oracle::occi::Connection * connection, 
00601                             const std::string & fTag, 
00602                             const std::string & fVersion,
00603                             const int fSubversion,
00604                             const int fIOVBegin,
00605                             const std::string & fQuery,
00606                             HcalZSThresholds* fObject) {
00607   bool result=true;
00608   if (!fObject) fObject = new HcalZSThresholds;
00609   try {
00610     oracle::occi::Statement* stmt = connection->createStatement(fQuery);
00611     stmt->setString(1,fTag);
00612     stmt->setInt(2,fIOVBegin);
00614     ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery();
00616     // protection agains NULL values
00617     for (int _i=1; _i!=12; _i++) rs->setMaxColumnSize(_i,128);
00619     RooGKCounter _row(1,100);
00620     _row.setMessage("HCAL channels processed: ");
00621     _row.setPrintCount(true);
00622     _row.setNewLine(true);
00623     //
00624     // The query result must be ordered in the following way
00625     // 1.objectname, ( values: HcalDetId, HcalCalibDetId, HcalTrigTowerDetId, HcalZDCDetId or HcalCastorDetId)
00626     // 2.subdet, 3.ieta, 4.iphi, 5.depth, 6.type, 7.section, 8.ispositiveeta, 9.sector, 10.module, 
00627     // 12. zs_threshold
00628     //
00629     while (rs->next()) {
00630       _row.count();
00631       DetId id = getId(rs);
00632       int zs = rs->getInt(12);
00633       //int ieta = rs->getInt(2);
00634       //int iphi = rs->getInt(3);
00635       //int depth = rs->getInt(4);
00636       //HcalSubdetector subdetector = get_subdetector(rs->getString(5));
00637       //HcalDetId id(subdetector,ieta,iphi,depth);
00638       //std::cout << "DEBUG: " << id << " " << zs << std::endl;
00639       HcalZSThreshold * fCondObject = new HcalZSThreshold(id, zs);
00640       fObject->addValues(*fCondObject);
00641       delete fCondObject;
00642     }
00643     //Always terminate statement
00644     connection->terminateStatement(stmt);
00645   } catch (SQLException& e) {
00646     throw cms::Exception("ReadError") << ::toolbox::toString("Oracle  exception : %s",e.getMessage().c_str()) << std::endl;
00647   }
00648   return result;
00649 }
00652 bool HcalDbOmds::getObject (oracle::occi::Connection * connection, 
00653                             const std::string & fTag, 
00654                             const std::string & fVersion,
00655                             const int fSubversion,
00656                             const int fIOVBegin,
00657                             const std::string & fQuery,
00658                             HcalL1TriggerObjects* fObject) {
00659   bool result=true;
00660   if (!fObject) fObject = new HcalL1TriggerObjects;
00661   std::string _tag;
00662   std::string _algo;
00663   try {
00664     oracle::occi::Statement* stmt = connection->createStatement(fQuery);
00665     stmt->setString(1,fTag);
00666     stmt->setInt(2,fIOVBegin);
00668     ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery();
00670     rs->setMaxColumnSize(1,128);
00671     rs->setMaxColumnSize(2,128);
00672     rs->setMaxColumnSize(3,128);
00673     rs->setMaxColumnSize(4,128);
00674     rs->setMaxColumnSize(5,128);
00675     rs->setMaxColumnSize(6,128);
00676     rs->setMaxColumnSize(7,128);
00677     rs->setMaxColumnSize(8,128);
00678     rs->setMaxColumnSize(9,128);
00679     rs->setMaxColumnSize(10,128);
00680     rs->setMaxColumnSize(11,128);
00682     RooGKCounter _row(1,100);
00683     _row.setMessage("HCAL channels processed: ");
00684     _row.setPrintCount(true);
00685     _row.setNewLine(true);
00686     //
00687     // This is two queries in one joined by "UNION" (SQL), not ordered
00688     // One of the queries returns global data: LUT tag name and algo name
00689     // The global data is one raw, and it is ordered in the following way
00690     // 1."fakeobjectname",
00691     // 2."fakesubdetector", 3. -1, 4. -1, 5. -1, 6. -1, 7."fakesection", 8. -1, 9. -1, 10. -1, 11. -1 
00692     // 12. -999999.0, 13. -999999.0, 14. -999999,
00694     //
00695     // The channel query result must be ordered in the following way
00696     // 1.objectname, ( values: HcalDetId, HcalCalibDetId, HcalTrigTowerDetId, HcalZDCDetId or HcalCastorDetId)
00697     // 2.subdet, 3.ieta, 4.iphi, 5.depth, 6.type, 7.section, 8.ispositiveeta, 9.sector, 10.module, 
00699     // 15. 'fake_metadata_name', 16. 'fake_metadata_value'
00700     //
00701     while (rs->next()) {
00702       _row.count();
00703       DetId id = getId(rs);
00704       float average_pedestal = rs->getFloat(12);
00705       float response_corrected_gain = rs->getFloat(13);
00706       int flag = rs->getInt(14);
00707       std::string metadata_name = rs->getString(15);
00708       if (metadata_name.find("lut_tag")!=std::string::npos){
00709         _tag = rs->getString(16);
00710       }
00711       else if (metadata_name.find("algo_name")!=std::string::npos){
00712         _algo = rs->getString(16);
00713       }
00714       HcalL1TriggerObject * fCondObject = new HcalL1TriggerObject(id, average_pedestal, response_corrected_gain, flag);
00715       fObject->addValues(*fCondObject);
00716       delete fCondObject;
00717     }
00718     //Always terminate statement
00719     connection->terminateStatement(stmt);
00720   } catch (SQLException& e) {
00721     throw cms::Exception("ReadError") << ::toolbox::toString("Oracle  exception : %s",e.getMessage().c_str()) << std::endl;
00722   }
00723   fObject->setTagString(_tag);
00724   fObject->setAlgoString(_algo);
00725   return result;
00726 }
00728 bool HcalDbOmds::getObject (oracle::occi::Connection * connection, 
00729                             const std::string & fTag, 
00730                             const std::string & fVersion,
00731                             const int fSubversion,
00732                             const int fIOVBegin,
00733                             const std::string & fQuery,
00734                             HcalValidationCorrs* fObject) {
00735   bool result=true;
00736   if (!fObject) fObject = new HcalValidationCorrs;
00737   try {
00738     oracle::occi::Statement* stmt = connection->createStatement(fQuery);
00739     stmt->setString(1,fTag);
00740     //stmt->setString(2,fVersion);
00741     stmt->setInt(2,fIOVBegin);
00743     ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery();
00745     // protection agains NULL values
00746     for (int _i=1; _i!=12; _i++) rs->setMaxColumnSize(_i,128);
00748     RooGKCounter _row(1,100);
00749     _row.setMessage("HCAL channels processed: ");
00750     _row.setPrintCount(true);
00751     _row.setNewLine(true);
00752     //
00753     // The query result must be ordered in the following way
00754     // 1.objectname, ( values: HcalDetId, HcalCalibDetId, HcalTrigTowerDetId, HcalZDCDetId or HcalCastorDetId)
00755     // 2.subdet, 3.ieta, 4.iphi, 5.depth, 6.type, 7.section, 8.ispositiveeta, 9.sector, 10.module, 
00756     // 12. value
00757     //
00758     while (rs->next()) {
00759       _row.count();
00760       DetId id = getId(rs);
00761       float value = rs->getFloat(12);
00762       //int ieta = rs->getInt(2);
00763       //int iphi = rs->getInt(3);
00764       //int depth = rs->getInt(4);
00765       //HcalSubdetector subdetector = get_subdetector(rs->getString(5));
00766       //HcalDetId id(subdetector,ieta,iphi,depth);
00767       //std::cout << "DEBUG: " << id << " " << value << std::endl;
00768       HcalValidationCorr * fCondObject = new HcalValidationCorr(id, value);
00769       fObject->addValues(*fCondObject);
00770       delete fCondObject;
00771     }
00772     //Always terminate statement
00773     connection->terminateStatement(stmt);
00774   } catch (SQLException& e) {
00775     throw cms::Exception("ReadError") << ::toolbox::toString("Oracle  exception : %s",e.getMessage().c_str()) << std::endl;
00776   }
00777   return result;
00778 }
00781 bool HcalDbOmds::getObject (oracle::occi::Connection * connection, 
00782                             const std::string & fTag, 
00783                             const std::string & fVersion,
00784                             const int fSubversion,
00785                             const int fIOVBegin,
00786                             const std::string & fQuery,
00787                             HcalLutMetadata* fObject) {
00788   bool result=true;
00789   if (!fObject) fObject = new HcalLutMetadata;
00790   try {
00791     oracle::occi::Statement* stmt = connection->createStatement(fQuery);
00792     stmt->setString(1,fTag);
00793     //stmt->setString(2,fVersion);
00794     stmt->setInt(2,fIOVBegin);
00796     ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery();
00798     // protection agains NULL values
00799     for (int _i=1; _i!=12; _i++) rs->setMaxColumnSize(_i,128);
00801     RooGKCounter _row(1,100);
00802     _row.setMessage("HCAL channels processed: ");
00803     _row.setPrintCount(true);
00804     _row.setNewLine(true);
00805     //
00806     // This is two queries in one joined by "UNION" (SQL), not ordered
00807     // One of the queries returns global data: RCTLSB and nominal gain.
00808     // The global data is one raw, and it is ordered in the following way
00809     // 1."fakeobjectname",
00810     // 2."fakesubdetector", 3. -1, 4. -1, 5. -1, 6. -1, 7."fakesection", 8. -1, 9. -1, 10. -1, 11. -1 
00811     // 12. RCTLSB, 13. nominal_gain, 14. -1
00812     //
00813     // The channel query result must be ordered in the following way
00814     // 1.objectname, ( values: HcalDetId, HcalCalibDetId, HcalTrigTowerDetId, HcalZDCDetId or HcalCastorDetId)
00815     // 2.subdet, 3.ieta, 4.iphi, 5.depth, 6.type, 7.section, 8.ispositiveeta, 9.sector, 10.module, 
00816     // 12. rec_hit_calibration, 13. lut_granularity, 14. output_lut_threshold 
00817     //
00818     while (rs->next()) {
00819       if (rs->getString(1).find("fakeobjectname")!=std::string::npos){ // global data
00820         float rctlsb = rs->getFloat(12);
00821         float nominal_gain = rs->getFloat(13);
00822         fObject->setRctLsb(rctlsb);
00823         fObject->setNominalGain(nominal_gain);
00824       }
00825       else{ // channel data
00826         _row.count();
00827         DetId id = getId(rs);
00828         float rcalib = rs->getFloat(12);
00829         uint32_t lut_granularity = rs->getInt(13);
00830         uint32_t output_lut_threshold = rs->getInt(14);
00831         HcalLutMetadatum * fCondObject = new HcalLutMetadatum(id,
00832                                                               rcalib,
00833                                                               lut_granularity,
00834                                                               output_lut_threshold);
00835         fObject->addValues(*fCondObject);
00836         delete fCondObject;
00837       }
00838     }
00839     //Always terminate statement
00840     connection->terminateStatement(stmt);
00841   } catch (SQLException& e) {
00842     throw cms::Exception("ReadError") << ::toolbox::toString("Oracle  exception : %s",e.getMessage().c_str()) << std::endl;
00843   }
00844   return result;
00845 }
00847 // version is needed for the DCS (unlike most other conditions)
00848 bool HcalDbOmds::getObject (oracle::occi::Connection * connection, 
00849                             const std::string & fTag, 
00850                             const std::string & fVersion,
00851                             const int fSubversion,
00852                             const int fIOVBegin,
00853                             const std::string & fQuery,
00854                             HcalDcsValues* fObject) {
00855   bool result=true;
00856   if (!fObject) fObject = new HcalDcsValues;
00857   try {
00858     oracle::occi::Statement* stmt = connection->createStatement(fQuery);
00859     stmt->setString(1,fTag);
00860     stmt->setString(2,fVersion);
00861     stmt->setInt(3,fSubversion);
00862     stmt->setInt(4,fIOVBegin);
00864     std::cout << "DEBUG****** IOV=" << fIOVBegin << std::endl;
00866     ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery();
00868     // protection agains NULL values
00869     for (int _i=1; _i!=9; _i++) rs->setMaxColumnSize(_i,128);
00871     RooGKCounter _row(1,100);
00872     _row.setMessage("HCAL DCS records: ");
00873     _row.setPrintCount(true);
00874     _row.setNewLine(true);
00875     //
00876     // The query for the DCS summary condition
00877     //
00878     // The channel query result must be ordered in the following way
00879     //
00880     // 1. dpname (string)
00881     // 2. lumi section,
00882     // 3. value,
00883     // 4. upper limit,
00884     // 5. lower limit,
00885     // 6. subdetector (string)
00886     // 7. side_ring
00887     // 8. slice
00888     // 9. subchannel
00889     // 10. type (string)
00890     //
00891     while (rs->next()) {
00892       _row.count();
00894       std::string _dpname = rs->getString(1);
00895       //HcalOtherSubdetector subd      = getSubDetFromDpName(_dpname);
00896       //int sidering                   = getSideRingFromDpName(_dpname);
00897       //unsigned int slice             = getSliceFromDpName(_dpname);
00898       //HcalDcsDetId::DcsType dcs_type = getDcsTypeFromDpName(_dpname);
00899       //unsigned int subchan           = getSubChannelFromDpName(_dpname);
00901       HcalOtherSubdetector subd      = getSubDetFromString(rs->getString(6));
00902       int sidering                   = rs->getInt(7);
00903       unsigned int slice             = rs->getInt(8);
00904       unsigned int subchan           = rs->getInt(9);
00905       HcalDcsDetId::DcsType dcs_type = getDcsTypeFromString(rs->getString(10));
00907       HcalDcsDetId newId(subd, sidering, slice, 
00908                          dcs_type, subchan);
00910       int LS = rs->getInt(2);
00911       float val = rs->getFloat(3);
00912       float upper = rs->getFloat(4);
00913       float lower = rs->getFloat(5);
00915       HcalDcsValue * fCondObject = new HcalDcsValue(newId.rawId(),
00916                                                     LS,
00917                                                     val,
00918                                                     upper,
00919                                                     lower);
00921       if (!(fObject->addValue(*fCondObject))) {
00922         edm::LogWarning("Data Error") << "Data for data point " << _dpname
00923                                       << "\nwas not added to the HcalDcsValues object." << std::endl;
00924       }
00925       delete fCondObject;
00926     }
00927     fObject->sortAll();
00928     //Always terminate statement
00929     connection->terminateStatement(stmt);
00930   } catch (SQLException& e) {
00931     throw cms::Exception("ReadError") << ::toolbox::toString("Oracle  exception : %s",e.getMessage().c_str()) << std::endl;
00932   }
00933   return result;
00934 }
00937 bool HcalDbOmds::dumpObject (std::ostream& fOutput, const HcalZSThresholds& fObject) {
00938   return true;
00939 }
00942 HcalSubdetector HcalDbOmds::get_subdetector( std::string _det )
00943 {
00944   HcalSubdetector result;
00945   if      ( _det.find("HB") != std::string::npos ) result = HcalBarrel;
00946   else if ( _det.find("HE") != std::string::npos ) result = HcalEndcap;
00947   else if ( _det.find("HF") != std::string::npos ) result = HcalForward;
00948   else if ( _det.find("HO") != std::string::npos ) result = HcalOuter;
00949   else                                        result = HcalOther;  
00951   return result;
00952 }
00954 HcalZDCDetId::Section HcalDbOmds::get_zdc_section( std::string _section )
00955 {
00956   HcalZDCDetId::Section result;
00957   if      ( _section.find("Unknown") != std::string::npos ) result = HcalZDCDetId::Unknown;
00958   else if ( _section.find("EM") != std::string::npos )   result = HcalZDCDetId::EM;
00959   else if ( _section.find("HAD") != std::string::npos )  result = HcalZDCDetId::HAD;
00960   else if ( _section.find("LUM") != std::string::npos ) result = HcalZDCDetId::LUM;
00961   else                                              result = HcalZDCDetId::Unknown;  
00963   return result;
00964 }
00967 HcalOtherSubdetector HcalDbOmds::getSubDetFromDpName(std::string _dpname){
00968   HcalOtherSubdetector subd;
00969   switch ("HVcrate_")+9)) {
00970   case 'B':
00971     subd = HcalDcsBarrel;
00972     break;
00973   case 'E':
00974     subd = HcalDcsEndcap;
00975     break;
00976   case 'F':
00977     subd = HcalDcsForward;
00978     break;
00979   case 'O':
00980     subd = HcalDcsOuter;
00981     break;
00982   default:
00983     subd = HcalOtherEmpty;
00984     break;
00985   }
00986   return subd;
00987 }
00989 int HcalDbOmds::getSideRingFromDpName(std::string _dpname){
00990   int _side_ring = 1000;
00991   int _side = 10;
00992   int _ring = 100;
00993   switch ("HVcrate_")+9)) {
00994   case 'B':
00995   case 'E':
00996   case 'F':
00997     if ("HVcrate_")+10) == 'M') _side = -1;
00998     else if ("HVcrate_")+10) == 'P') _side = +1;
00999     _ring = 1;
01000       break;
01001   case 'O':
01002     if ("HVcrate_")+11) == 'M') _side = -1;
01003     else if ("HVcrate_")+11) == 'P') _side = +1;
01004     _ring = atoi(&("HVcrate_")+10)));
01005     break;
01006   default:
01007     break;
01008   }
01009   _side_ring = _side * _ring;
01010   return _side_ring;
01011 }
01013 unsigned int HcalDbOmds::getSliceFromDpName(std::string _dpname){
01014   int result = 1000;
01015   HcalDbOmds::from_string<int>(result, _dpname.substr(_dpname.find("/S")+2,2), std::dec);
01016   return (unsigned int)result;
01017 }
01019 unsigned int HcalDbOmds::getSubChannelFromDpName(std::string _dpname){
01020   unsigned int result = 1000;
01021   HcalDbOmds::from_string<unsigned int>(result, _dpname.substr(_dpname.find("/RM")+3,1), std::dec);
01022   return result;
01023 }
01025 // FIXME: adjust to new PVSS data point naming convention
01026 // together with DcsDetId
01027 HcalDcsDetId::DcsType HcalDbOmds::getDcsTypeFromDpName(std::string _dpname){
01028   HcalDcsDetId::DcsType result = HcalDcsDetId::DcsType(15); // unknown
01029   std::string _type = _dpname.substr(_dpname.find("/RM")+4);
01030   if (_type.find("HV")!=std::string::npos) result = HcalDcsDetId::DcsType(1);
01031   return result;
01032 }
01034 HcalOtherSubdetector HcalDbOmds::getSubDetFromString(std::string subdet){
01035   HcalOtherSubdetector subd;
01036   switch ({
01037   case 'B':
01038     subd = HcalDcsBarrel;
01039     break;
01040   case 'E':
01041     subd = HcalDcsEndcap;
01042     break;
01043   case 'F':
01044     subd = HcalDcsForward;
01045     break;
01046   case 'O':
01047     subd = HcalDcsOuter;
01048     break;
01049   default:
01050     subd = HcalOtherEmpty;
01051     break;
01052   }
01053   return subd;
01054 }
01056 HcalDcsDetId::DcsType HcalDbOmds::getDcsTypeFromString(std::string type){
01057   HcalDcsDetId::DcsType result = HcalDcsDetId::DCSUNKNOWN; // unknown
01058   if (type.find("HV")!=std::string::npos) result = HcalDcsDetId::HV;
01059   else if (type.find("BV")!=std::string::npos) result = HcalDcsDetId::BV;
01060   else if (type.find("Cath")!=std::string::npos) result = HcalDcsDetId::CATH;
01061   else if (type.find("Dyn7")!=std::string::npos) result = HcalDcsDetId::DYN7;
01062   else if (type.find("Dyn8")!=std::string::npos) result = HcalDcsDetId::DYN8;
01063   else if (type.find("RM_TEMP")!=std::string::npos) result = HcalDcsDetId::RM_TEMP;
01064   else if (type.find("CCM_TEMP")!=std::string::npos) result = HcalDcsDetId::CCM_TEMP;
01065   else if (type.find("CALIB_TEMP")!=std::string::npos) result = HcalDcsDetId::CALIB_TEMP;
01066   else if (type.find("LVTTM_TEMP")!=std::string::npos) result = HcalDcsDetId::LVTTM_TEMP;
01067   else if (type.find("TEMP")!=std::string::npos) result = HcalDcsDetId::TEMP;
01068   else if (type.find("QPLL_LOCK")!=std::string::npos) result = HcalDcsDetId::QPLL_LOCK;
01069   else if (type.find("STATUS")!=std::string::npos) result = HcalDcsDetId::STATUS;
01070   else if (type.find("DCS_MAX")!=std::string::npos) result = HcalDcsDetId::DCS_MAX;
01071   return result;
01072 }