
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //   COCOA class implementation file
00002 //Id:
00003 //CAT: ALIUtils
00004 //
00005 //   History: v1.0 
00006 //   Pedro Arce
00008 #include "Alignment/CocoaUtilities/interface/ALIUtils.h"
00009 #include "Alignment/CocoaUtilities/interface/GlobalOptionMgr.h"
00011 #include <math.h>
00012 #include <stdlib.h>
00013 #include <iomanip>
00016 ALIint ALIUtils::debug = -1;
00017 ALIint ALIUtils::report = 1;
00018 ALIdouble ALIUtils::_LengthValueDimensionFactor = 1.;
00019 ALIdouble ALIUtils::_LengthSigmaDimensionFactor = 1.;
00020 ALIdouble ALIUtils::_AngleValueDimensionFactor = 1.;
00021 ALIdouble ALIUtils::_AngleSigmaDimensionFactor = 1.;
00022 ALIdouble ALIUtils::_OutputLengthValueDimensionFactor = 1.;
00023 ALIdouble ALIUtils::_OutputLengthSigmaDimensionFactor = 1.;
00024 ALIdouble ALIUtils::_OutputAngleValueDimensionFactor = 1.;
00025 ALIdouble ALIUtils::_OutputAngleSigmaDimensionFactor = 1.;
00026 time_t ALIUtils::_time_now;
00027 ALIdouble ALIUtils::deg = 0.017453293;
00028 ALIbool ALIUtils::firstTime = false;
00029 ALIdouble ALIUtils::maximum_deviation_derivative = 1.E-6;
00031 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00033 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00034 int ALIUtils::IsNumber( const ALIstring& str)
00035 {
00036   int isnum = 1;
00037   int numE = 0;
00038   for(ALIuint ii=0; ii<str.length(); ii++){
00039     if(!isdigit(str[ii]) && str[ii]!='.' && str[ii]!='-' && str[ii]!='+') {
00040       //--- check for E(xponential)
00041       if(str[ii] == 'E' || str[ii] == 'e' ) {
00042         if(numE != 0 || ii == str.length()-1)  {
00043           isnum = 0;
00044           break;
00045         }
00046         numE++;
00047       } else {
00048         isnum = 0; 
00049         break;
00050       }
00051     }
00052   }
00054   return isnum;
00055 }
00058 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00059 //@@ Dump a Hep3DVector with the chosen precision
00060 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00061 void ALIUtils::dump3v( const CLHEP::Hep3Vector& vec, const std::string& msg) 
00062 {
00063   //  double phicyl = atan( vec.y()/vec.x() );
00064   std::cout << msg << std::setprecision(8) << vec;
00065   std::cout << std::endl;
00066   //  std::cout << " " << vec.theta()/deg << " " << vec.phi()/deg << " " << vec.perp() << " " << phicyl/deg << std::endl; 
00067   //  setw(10);
00068   //  std::cout << msg << " x=" << std::setprecision(8) << vec.x() << " y=" << setprecision(8) <<vec.y() << " z=" << std::setprecision(8) << vec.z() << std::endl;
00069   // std::setprecision(8);
00071 }
00074 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00075 //@@
00076 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00077 void ALIUtils::dumprm( const CLHEP::HepRotation& rm, const std::string& msg, std::ostream& out) 
00078 {
00080   out << msg << " xx=" << rm.xx() << " xy=" << rm.xy() << " xz=" << rm.xz() << std::endl;
00081   out << msg << " yx=" << rm.yx() << " yy=" << rm.yy() << " yz=" << rm.yz() << std::endl;
00082   out << msg << " zx=" << rm.zx() << " zy=" << rm.zy() << " zz=" << rm.zz() << std::endl;
00084 }
00087 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00088 //@@ Set the dimension factor to convert input length values and errors to
00089 //@@  the dimension of errors
00090 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00091 void ALIUtils::SetLengthDimensionFactors()
00092 {
00093 //---------------------------------------- if it doesn exist, GlobalOptions is 0
00094   //---------- Calculate factors to convert to meters
00095   GlobalOptionMgr* gomgr = GlobalOptionMgr::getInstance();
00096   ALIint ad = ALIint(gomgr->getGlobalOption("length_value_dimension"));
00098   _LengthValueDimensionFactor = CalculateLengthDimensionFactorFromInt( ad );
00099   ad =  ALIint(gomgr->GlobalOptions()[ ALIstring("length_error_dimension"
00100 ) ]);
00101   _LengthSigmaDimensionFactor = CalculateLengthDimensionFactorFromInt( ad );
00103   //---------- Change factor to convert to error dimensions
00104   //  _LengthValueDimensionFactor /= _LengthSigmaDimensionFactor;
00105   //_LengthSigmaDimensionFactor = 1;
00107   if(ALIUtils::debug >= 6) std::cout <<  _LengthValueDimensionFactor << " Set Length DimensionFactors " << _LengthSigmaDimensionFactor << std::endl; 
00109 }
00112 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00113 //@@ Set the dimension factor to convert input angle values and errors to 
00114 //@@  the dimension of errors
00115 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00116 void ALIUtils::SetAngleDimensionFactors()
00117 {
00118 //--------------------- if it doesn exist, GlobalOptions is 0
00119   //---------- Calculate factors to convert to radians
00120   GlobalOptionMgr* gomgr = GlobalOptionMgr::getInstance();
00121   ALIint ad =  ALIint(gomgr->GlobalOptions()[ ALIstring("angle_value_dimension") ]);
00122   _AngleValueDimensionFactor = CalculateAngleDimensionFactorFromInt(ad);
00124   ad =  ALIint(gomgr->GlobalOptions()[ ALIstring("angle_error_dimension"
00125 ) ]);
00126   _AngleSigmaDimensionFactor = CalculateAngleDimensionFactorFromInt(ad);
00128   //---------- Change factor to convert to error dimensions
00129   //  _AngleValueDimensionFactor /= _AngleSigmaDimensionFactor;
00130   //_AngleSigmaDimensionFactor = 1;
00132   if(ALIUtils::debug >= 6) std::cout <<  _AngleValueDimensionFactor <<  "Set Angle DimensionFactors" << _AngleSigmaDimensionFactor << std::endl; 
00134 }
00137 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00138 //@@ Set the dimension factor to convert input length values and errors to
00139 //@@  the dimension of errors
00140 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00141 void ALIUtils::SetOutputLengthDimensionFactors()
00142 {
00143 //---------------------------------------- if it doesn exist, GlobalOptions is 0
00144   //---------- Calculate factors to convert to meters
00145   GlobalOptionMgr* gomgr = GlobalOptionMgr::getInstance();
00146   ALIint ad =  ALIint(gomgr->GlobalOptions()[ ALIstring("output_length_value_dimension") ]);
00147   if( ad == 0 ) ad =  ALIint(gomgr->GlobalOptions()[ ALIstring("length_value_dimension") ]);
00148   _OutputLengthValueDimensionFactor = CalculateLengthDimensionFactorFromInt( ad );
00150   ad =  ALIint(gomgr->GlobalOptions()[ ALIstring("output_length_error_dimension"
00151 ) ]);
00152   if( ad == 0 ) ad =  ALIint(gomgr->GlobalOptions()[ ALIstring("length_error_dimension"
00153 ) ]);
00154   _OutputLengthSigmaDimensionFactor = CalculateLengthDimensionFactorFromInt( ad );
00156   //---------- Change factor to convert to error dimensions
00157   //  _LengthValueDimensionFactor /= _LengthSigmaDimensionFactor;
00158   //_LengthSigmaDimensionFactor = 1;
00160   if(ALIUtils::debug >= 6) std::cout <<  _OutputLengthValueDimensionFactor << "Output Length Dimension Factors" << _OutputLengthSigmaDimensionFactor << std::endl; 
00162 }
00165 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00166 //@@ Set the dimension factor to convert input angle values and errors to 
00167 //@@  the dimension of errors
00168 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00169 void ALIUtils::SetOutputAngleDimensionFactors()
00170 {
00171 //--------------------- if it doesn exist, GlobalOptions is 0
00172   //---------- Calculate factors to convert to radians
00173   GlobalOptionMgr* gomgr = GlobalOptionMgr::getInstance();
00174   ALIint ad =  ALIint(gomgr->GlobalOptions()[ ALIstring("output_angle_value_dimension") ]);
00175   if( ad == 0 ) ad =  ALIint(gomgr->GlobalOptions()[ ALIstring("angle_value_dimension") ]);
00176   _OutputAngleValueDimensionFactor = CalculateAngleDimensionFactorFromInt(ad);
00179   ad =  ALIint(gomgr->GlobalOptions()[ ALIstring("output_angle_error_dimension") ]);
00180   if( ad == 0) ad =  ALIint(gomgr->GlobalOptions()[ ALIstring("angle_error_dimension") ]);
00181   _OutputAngleSigmaDimensionFactor = CalculateAngleDimensionFactorFromInt(ad);
00183   //---------- Change factor to convert to error dimensions
00184   //  _AngleValueDimensionFactor /= _AngleSigmaDimensionFactor;
00185   //_AngleSigmaDimensionFactor = 1;
00187   if(ALIUtils::debug >= 9) std::cout <<  _OutputAngleValueDimensionFactor <<  "Output Angle Dimension Factors" << _OutputAngleSigmaDimensionFactor << std::endl; 
00189 }
00193 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00194 //@@ Calculate dimension factor to convert any length values and errors to meters
00195 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00196 ALIdouble ALIUtils::CalculateLengthDimensionFactorFromString( ALIstring dimstr )
00197 {
00198   ALIdouble valsig = 1.;
00199   ALIstring internalDim = "m";
00200   if(internalDim == "m" ){
00201     if( dimstr == "m" ) {
00202       valsig = 1.;
00203     }else if( dimstr == "mm" ) {
00204       valsig = 1.E-3;
00205     }else if( dimstr == "mum" ) {
00206       valsig = 1.E-6;
00207     }else if( dimstr == "cm" ) {
00208       valsig = 1.E-2;
00209     }else {
00210       std::cerr << "!!! UNKNOWN DIMENSION SCALING " << dimstr << std::endl <<
00211         "VALUE MUST BE BETWEEN 0 AND 3 " << std::endl;
00212       exit(1);
00213     }
00214   }else if(internalDim == "mm" ){
00215     if( dimstr == "m" ) {
00216       valsig = 1.E3;
00217     }else if( dimstr == "mm" ) {
00218       valsig = 1.;
00219     }else if( dimstr == "mum" ) {
00220       valsig = 1.E-3;
00221     }else if( dimstr == "cm" ) {
00222       valsig = 1.E+1;
00223     }else {
00224       std::cerr << "!!! UNKNOWN DIMENSION SCALING: " << dimstr << std::endl <<
00225         "VALUE MUST BE A LENGTH DIMENSION " << std::endl;
00226       exit(1);
00227     }
00228   }
00230   return valsig;
00231 }
00234 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00235 //@@ Calculate dimension factor to convert any angle values and errors to radians
00236 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00237 ALIdouble ALIUtils::CalculateAngleDimensionFactorFromString( ALIstring dimstr )
00238 {
00239   ALIdouble valsig;
00240   if( dimstr == "rad" ) {
00241     valsig = 1.;
00242   }else 
00243   if( dimstr == "mrad" ) {
00244     valsig = 1.E-3;
00245   }else 
00246   if( dimstr == "murad" ) {
00247     valsig = 1.E-6;
00248   }else 
00249   if( dimstr == "deg" ) {
00250     valsig = M_PI/180.;
00251   }else 
00252   if( dimstr == "grad" ) {
00253     valsig = M_PI/200.;
00254   }else {
00255     std::cerr << "!!! UNKNOWN DIMENSION SCALING: " << dimstr << std::endl <<
00256       "VALUE MUST BE AN ANGLE DIMENSION " << std::endl;
00257     exit(1);
00258   }
00260   return valsig;
00261 }
00263 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00264 //@@ Calculate dimension factor to convert any length values and errors to meters
00265 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00266 ALIdouble ALIUtils::CalculateLengthDimensionFactorFromInt( ALIint ad )
00267 {
00268   ALIdouble valsig;
00269   switch ( ad ) {
00270     case 0:                  //----- metres
00271       valsig = CalculateLengthDimensionFactorFromString( "m" );
00272       break;
00273     case 1:                  //----- milimetres
00274       valsig = CalculateLengthDimensionFactorFromString( "mm" );
00275       break;
00276     case 2:                  //----- micrometres
00277       valsig = CalculateLengthDimensionFactorFromString( "mum" );
00278       break;
00279     case 3:                  //----- centimetres
00280       valsig = CalculateLengthDimensionFactorFromString( "cm" );
00281       break;
00282     default:
00283       std::cerr << "!!! UNKNOWN DIMENSION SCALING " << ad << std::endl <<
00284               "VALUE MUST BE BETWEEN 0 AND 3 " << std::endl;
00285       exit(1);
00286   }
00288   // use microradinas instead of radians
00289   //-  valsig *= 1000000.;
00291   return valsig;
00292 }
00295 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00296 //@@ Calculate dimension factor to convert any angle values and errors to radians
00297 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00298 ALIdouble ALIUtils::CalculateAngleDimensionFactorFromInt( ALIint ad )
00299 {
00300   ALIdouble valsig;
00301   switch ( ad ) {
00302     case 0:                  //----- radians
00303       valsig = CalculateAngleDimensionFactorFromString( "rad" );
00304       break;
00305     case 1:                  //----- miliradians
00306       valsig = CalculateAngleDimensionFactorFromString( "mrad" );
00307       break;
00308     case 2:                  //----- microradians
00309       valsig = CalculateAngleDimensionFactorFromString( "murad" );
00310       break;
00311     case 3:                  //----- degrees
00312       valsig = CalculateAngleDimensionFactorFromString( "deg" );
00313       break;
00314     case 4:                  //----- grads
00315       valsig = CalculateAngleDimensionFactorFromString( "grad" );
00316       break;
00317     default:
00318       std::cerr << "!!! UNKNOWN DIMENSION SCALING " << ad << std::endl <<
00319               "VALUE MUST BE BETWEEN 0 AND 3 " << std::endl;
00320       exit(1);
00321   }
00323   // use microradinas instead of radians
00324   //-  valsig *= 1000000.;
00326   return valsig;
00327 }
00329 /*template<class T>
00330  ALIuint FindItemInVector( const T* item, const std::vector<T*> std::vector )
00331 {
00333 }
00334 */
00336 //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00337 void ALIUtils::dumpDimensions( std::ofstream& fout ) 
00338 {
00339   fout << "DIMENSIONS: lengths = ";
00340   ALIstring internalDim = "m";
00341   if(_OutputLengthValueDimensionFactor == 1. ) { 
00342     fout << "m";
00343   }else if(_OutputLengthValueDimensionFactor == 1.E-3 ) { 
00344     fout << "mm";
00345   }else if(_OutputLengthValueDimensionFactor == 1.E-6 ) { 
00346     fout << "mum";
00347   }else if(_OutputLengthValueDimensionFactor == 1.E-2 ) { 
00348     fout << "cm";
00349   } else {
00350     std::cerr << " !! unknown OutputLengthValueDimensionFactor " << _OutputLengthValueDimensionFactor << std::endl;
00351     exit(1);
00352   }
00354   fout << " +- ";
00355   if(_OutputLengthSigmaDimensionFactor == 1. ) { 
00356     fout << "m";
00357   }else if(_OutputLengthSigmaDimensionFactor == 1.E-3 ) { 
00358     fout << "mm";
00359   }else if(_OutputLengthSigmaDimensionFactor == 1.E-6 ) { 
00360     fout << "mum";
00361   }else if(_OutputLengthSigmaDimensionFactor == 1.E-2 ) { 
00362     fout << "cm";
00363   } else {
00364     std::cerr << " !! unknown OutputLengthSigmaDimensionFactor " << _OutputLengthSigmaDimensionFactor << std::endl;
00365     exit(1);
00366   }
00368   fout << "  angles = ";
00369   if(_OutputAngleValueDimensionFactor == 1. ) { 
00370     fout << "rad";
00371   }else if(_OutputAngleValueDimensionFactor == 1.E-3 ) { 
00372     fout << "mrad";
00373   }else if(_OutputAngleValueDimensionFactor == 1.E-6 ) { 
00374     fout << "murad";
00375   }else if(_OutputAngleValueDimensionFactor == M_PI/180. ) { 
00376     fout << "deg";
00377   }else if(_OutputAngleValueDimensionFactor == M_PI/200. ) { 
00378     fout << "grad";
00379   } else {
00380     std::cerr << " !! unknown OutputAngleValueDimensionFactor " << _OutputAngleValueDimensionFactor << std::endl;
00381     exit(1);
00382   }
00384   fout << " +- ";
00385   if(_OutputAngleSigmaDimensionFactor == 1. ) { 
00386     fout << "rad";
00387   }else if(_OutputAngleSigmaDimensionFactor == 1.E-3 ) { 
00388     fout << "mrad";
00389   }else if(_OutputAngleSigmaDimensionFactor == 1.E-6 ) { 
00390     fout << "murad";
00391   }else if(_OutputAngleSigmaDimensionFactor == M_PI/180. ) { 
00392     fout << "deg";
00393   }else if(_OutputAngleSigmaDimensionFactor == M_PI/200. ) { 
00394     fout << "grad";
00395   } else {
00396     std::cerr << " !! unknown OutputAngleSigmaDimensionFactor " << _OutputAngleSigmaDimensionFactor << std::endl;
00397     exit(1);
00398   }
00399   fout << std::endl;
00401 }
00403 //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00404 double ALIUtils::getFloat( const ALIstring& str ) 
00405 {
00406   //----------- first check that it is a number
00407   if(!IsNumber(str) ) {
00408     std::cerr << "!!!! EXITING: trying to get the float from a string that is not a number " << str << std::endl;
00409     exit(1);
00410   }
00412   return atof( str.c_str() );
00413 }
00416 //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00417 int ALIUtils::getInt( const ALIstring& str ) 
00418 {
00419   //----------- first check that it is an integer
00420   if(!IsNumber(str) ) {
00421     //----- Check that it is a number 
00422     std::cerr << "!!!! EXITING: trying to get the integer from a string that is not a number " << str << std::endl;
00423     exit(1);
00424   } else {
00425     //----- Check that it is not a float, no decimal or E-n
00426     bool isFloat = 0;
00427     int ch = str.find('.');
00428     ALIuint ii = 0;
00429     if(ch != -1 ) {
00430       for( ii = ch+1; ii < str.size(); ii++) {
00431         if( str[ii] != '0' ) isFloat = 1;
00432       }
00433     }
00435     ch = str.find('E');
00436     if(ch != -1 ) ch = str.find('e');
00437     if(ch != -1 ) {
00438       if(str[ch+1] == '-') isFloat = 1;
00439     }
00441     if(isFloat) {
00442       std::cerr << "!!!! EXITING: trying to get the integer from a string that is a float: " << str << std::endl;
00443       std::cerr << ii << " ii "  << ch <<std::endl;
00444       exit(1);
00445     }
00446   }
00447   return int( atof( str.c_str() ) );
00448 }
00452 //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00453 bool ALIUtils::getBool( const ALIstring& str ) 
00454 {
00455    bool val;
00457  //t str = upper( str );
00458   //----------- first check that it is a not number
00459   if( str == "ON" || str == "TRUE"  ) {
00460     val = true;
00461   } else if( str == "OFF" || str == "FALSE" ) {
00462     val = false;
00463   } else {
00464     std::cerr << "!!!! EXITING: trying to get the float from a string that is not 'ON'/'OFF'/'TRUE'/'FALSE' " << str << std::endl;
00465     exit(1);
00466   }
00468   return val;
00469 }
00471 //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00472 ALIstring ALIUtils::subQuotes( const ALIstring& str ) 
00473 {
00475   //---------- Take out leading and trailing '"'
00476   if( str.find('"') != 0 || str.rfind('"') != str.length()-1 ) { 
00477     std::cerr << "!!!EXITING trying to substract quotes from a word that has no quotes " << str << std::endl;
00478     exit(1);
00479   }
00481   //  str = str.strip(ALIstring::both, '\"');
00482   //---------- Take out leading and trallling '"'
00483   ALIstring strt = str.substr(1,str.size()-2);
00485   //-  std::cout << " subquotes " << str << std::endl;
00486   //---------- Look for leading spaces
00487   while( strt[0] == ' ' ) {
00488    strt = strt.substr(1,strt.size()-1);
00489   }
00491   //---------- Look for trailing spaces
00492   while( strt[strt.size()-1] == ' ' ) {
00493    strt = strt.substr(0,strt.size()-1);
00494   }
00496   return strt;
00498 }
00500 //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00501 void ALIUtils::dumpVS( const std::vector<ALIstring>& wl , const std::string& msg, std::ostream& outs ) 
00502 {
00503   outs << msg << std::endl;
00504   ALIuint siz = wl.size();
00505   for( ALIuint ii=0; ii< siz; ii++ ){
00506     outs << wl[ii] << " ";
00507     /*  ostream_iterator<ALIstring> os(outs," ");
00508         copy(wl.begin(), wl.end(), os);*/
00509   }
00510   outs << std::endl;
00511 }
00514 //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00515 ALIdouble ALIUtils::getDimensionValue( const ALIstring& dim, const ALIstring& dimType )
00516 {
00517   ALIdouble value;
00518   if( dimType == "Length" ) {
00519     if( dim == "mm" ) {
00520       value = 1.E-3;
00521     }else if( dim == "cm" ) {
00522       value = 1.E-2;
00523     }else if( dim == "m" ) {
00524       value = 1.;
00525     }else if( dim == "mum" ) {
00526       value = 1.E-6;
00527     }else if( dim == "dm" ) {
00528       value = 1.E-1;
00529     }else if( dim == "nm" ) {
00530       value = 1.E-9;
00531     }else {
00532       std::cerr << "!!!!FATAL ERROR:  ALIUtils::GetDimensionValue. " << dim << " is a dimension not supported for dimension type " << dimType << std::endl;
00533       abort();
00534     }
00535   } else if( dimType == "Angle" ) {
00536     if( dim == "rad" ) {
00537       value = 1.;
00538     }else if( dim == "mrad" ) {
00539       value = 1.E-3;
00540     }else if( dim == "murad" ) {
00541       value = 1.E-6;
00542     }else if( dim == "deg" ) {
00543       value = M_PI/180.;
00544     }else if( dim == "grad" ) {
00545       value = M_PI/200.;
00546     }else {
00547       std::cerr << "!!!!FATAL ERROR:  ALIUtils::GetDimensionValue. " << dim << " is a dimension not supported for dimension type " << dimType << std::endl;
00548       abort();
00549     }
00550   }else {
00551       std::cerr << "!!!!FATAL ERROR:  ALIUtils::GetDimensionValue. " << dimType << " is a dimension type not supported " << std::endl;
00552       abort();
00553   }
00555   return value;
00557 }
00560 /*
00561 //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00562 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const CLHEP::HepRotation& rm)
00563 {
00565   return os << " xx=" << rm.xx() << " xy=" << rm.xy() << " xz=" << rm.xz() << std::endl
00566             << " yx=" << rm.yx() << " yy=" << rm.yy() << " yz=" << rm.yz() << std::endl
00567             << " zx=" << rm.zx() << " zy=" << rm.zy() << " zz=" << rm.zz() << std::endl;
00569 }
00570 */
00572 //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00573 std::string ALIUtils::changeName( const std::string& oldName, const std::string& subsstr1,  const std::string& subsstr2 )
00574 {
00576   std::string newName = oldName;
00577   int il = oldName.find( subsstr1 );
00578   //  std::cout << " il " << il << " oldname " << oldName << " " << subsstr1 << std::endl;
00579   while( il >= 0 ) {
00580     newName = newName.substr( 0, il ) + subsstr2 +  newName.substr( il+subsstr1.length(), newName.length() );
00581     //    std::cout << " dnewName " << newName << " " << newName.substr( 0, il ) << " " << subsstr2 << " " << newName.substr( il+subsstr1.length(), newName.length() ) << std::endl;
00582     il = oldName.find( subsstr1, il+1 );  
00583   }
00585   return newName;
00586 }
00590 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00591 std::vector<double> ALIUtils::getRotationAnglesFromMatrix( CLHEP::HepRotation& rmLocal, double origAngleX, double origAngleY, double origAngleZ )
00592 {
00593   double pii = acos(0.)*2;
00594   std::vector<double> newang(3);
00595   double angleX = origAngleX;
00596   double angleY = origAngleY;
00597   double angleZ = origAngleZ;
00599   if( ALIUtils::debug >= 4 ) {
00600     std::cout << " angles as value entries: X= " << angleX << " Y= " << angleY << " Z " << angleZ << std::endl;
00601   }
00603   //-  std::cout << name () << " vdbf " << angleX << " " << angleY << " " << angleZ << std::endl;
00604   double rotzx = approxTo0( rmLocal.zx() );
00605   double rotzy = approxTo0( rmLocal.zy() );
00606   double rotzz = approxTo0( rmLocal.zz() );
00607   double rotyx = approxTo0( rmLocal.yx() );
00608   double rotxx = approxTo0( rmLocal.xx() );
00609   if( rotzy == 0. && rotzz == 0. ) {
00610     //check that entry is z angle
00611     newang[0] = angleX;
00612     //beware of aa <==> pii - aa
00613     if( eq2ang( rmLocal.zx(), -1. ) ) {
00614       double aa = asin( rmLocal.xy() );
00615       if( diff2pi( angleZ, - aa + newang[0] ) < diff2pi( angleZ, - pii + aa + newang[0] )  ) {
00616         newang[2] = -aa + newang[0];
00617         if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) std::cout << " newang[0] = -aa + newang[0] " << std::endl;
00618       } else {
00619         newang[2] = -pii + aa + newang[0];
00620         if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) std::cout << " newang[0] = -pii + aa + newang[0] " << newang[0] << " " << aa << " " << newang[2] << std::endl;
00621       }
00622     } else {
00623       double aa = asin( -rmLocal.xy() );
00624       if( diff2pi( angleZ, aa - newang[0] ) < diff2pi( angleZ, pii - aa - newang[0] )  ) {
00625         newang[2] = aa - newang[0];
00626         if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) std::cout << " newang[0] = aa - newang[2] " << std::endl;
00627       } else {
00628         newang[2] = pii - aa - newang[0];
00629         if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) std::cout << " newang[0] = pii - aa - newang[2] " << newang[0] << " " << aa << " " << newang[2] << std::endl;
00630       }
00631     } 
00632   } else {
00633     newang[0] = atan( rotzy / rotzz );
00634     newang[2] = atan( rotyx / rotxx );
00635   }
00636   if( rotzx < -1. ) {
00637     //-    std::cerr << " rotzx too small " << rotzx << " = " << rmLocal.zx() << " " << rotzx-rmLocal.zx() << std::endl;
00638     rotzx = -1.;
00639   } else if( rotzx > 1. ) {
00640     //-    std::cerr << " rotzx too big " << rotzx << " = " << rmLocal.zx() << " " << rotzx-rmLocal.zx() << std::endl;
00641     rotzx = 1.;
00642   }
00643   newang[1] = -asin( rotzx );
00644   if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) std::cout << "First calculation of angles: " << std::endl 
00645                                << " newang[0] " << newang[0] << " " << rotzy << " " << rotzz << std::endl
00646                                << " newang[1] " << newang[1] << " " << rotzx << std::endl
00647                                << " newang[2] " << newang[2] << " " << rotyx << " " << rotxx << std::endl;
00649   //    newang[2] = acos( rmLocal.xx() / cos( newang[1] ) );
00650   //----- CHECK if the angles are OK (there are several symmetries)
00651   //--- Check if the predictions with the angles obtained match the values of the rotation matrix (they may differ for exampole by a sign or more in complicated formulas)
00652   double rotnewxx = cos( newang[1] ) * cos( newang[2] );
00653   double rotnewzz = cos( newang[0] ) * cos( newang[1] );
00654   double rotnewxy = sin( newang[0] ) * sin( newang[1] ) * cos( newang[2] ) - cos( newang[0] )* sin( newang[2] );
00655   double rotnewxz = cos( newang[0] ) * sin( newang[1] ) * cos( newang[2] ) + sin( newang[0] )* sin( newang[2] );
00656   double rotnewyy = sin( newang[0] ) * sin( newang[1] ) * sin( newang[2] ) + cos( newang[0] )* cos( newang[2] );
00657   double rotnewyz = cos( newang[0] ) * sin( newang[1] ) * sin( newang[2] ) - sin( newang[0] )* cos( newang[2] );
00659   bool eqxx = eq2ang( rotnewxx, rmLocal.xx() );
00660   bool eqzz = eq2ang( rotnewzz, rmLocal.zz() );
00661   bool eqxy = eq2ang( rotnewxy, rmLocal.xy() );
00662   bool eqxz = eq2ang( rotnewxz, rmLocal.xz() );
00663   bool eqyy = eq2ang( rotnewyy, rmLocal.yy() );
00664   bool eqyz = eq2ang( rotnewyz, rmLocal.yz() );
00666   //--- Check if one of the tree angles should be changed
00667   if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) {
00668     std::cout << " pred rm.xx " << rotnewxx << " =? " << rmLocal.xx() 
00669          << " pred rm.zz " << rotnewzz << " =? " << rmLocal.zz() 
00670          << std::endl;
00671     std::cout << " eqxx " << eqxx << " eqzz " << eqzz << std::endl;
00672     //-    std::cout << " rotnewxx " << rotnewxx << " = " << rmLocal.xx() << " " << fabs( rotnewxx - rmLocal.xx() ) << " " <<(fabs( rotnewxx - rmLocal.xx() ) < 0.0001) << std::endl;
00673   }
00675   if( eqxx & !eqzz ) {
00676     newang[0] = pii + newang[0];
00677     if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) std::cout << " change newang[0] " << newang[0] << std::endl;
00678   } else  if( !eqxx & !eqzz ) {
00679     newang[1] = pii - newang[1];
00680     if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) std::cout << " change newang[1] " << newang[1] << std::endl;
00681   } else  if( !eqxx & eqzz ) {
00682     newang[2] = pii + newang[2];
00683     if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) std::cout << " change newang[2] " << newang[2] << std::endl;
00684   }
00686   //--- Check if the 3 angles should be changed (previous check is invariant to the 3 changing)
00687   if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) {
00688     std::cout << " pred rm.xy " << rotnewxy << " =? " << rmLocal.xy() 
00689          << " pred rm.xz " << rotnewxz << " =? " << rmLocal.xz() 
00690          << " pred rm.yy " << rotnewyy << " =? " << rmLocal.yy()
00691          << " pred rm.yz " << rotnewyz << " =? " << rmLocal.yz()
00692          << std::endl;
00693     std::cout << " eqxy " << eqxy << " eqxz " << eqxz << " eqyy " << eqyy << " eqyz " << eqyz << std::endl;
00694   }
00696   if( !eqxy || !eqxz || !eqyy || !eqyz ) {
00697     // check also cases where one of the above 'eq' is OK because it is = 0
00698     if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) std::cout << " change the 3 newang " << std::endl;
00699     newang[0] = addPii( newang[0] );
00700     newang[1] = pii - newang[1];
00701     newang[2] = addPii( newang[2] );
00702     double rotnewxy = -sin( newang[0] ) * sin( newang[1] ) * cos( newang[2] ) - cos( newang[0] )* sin( newang[2] );
00703     double rotnewxz = -cos( newang[0] ) * sin( newang[1] ) * cos( newang[2] ) - sin( newang[0] )* sin( newang[2] );
00704     if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) std::cout << " rotnewxy " << rotnewxy << " = " << rmLocal.xy()
00705          << " rotnewxz " << rotnewxz << " = " << rmLocal.xz() << std::endl;
00706   }
00707   if( diff2pi(angleX, newang[0] ) + diff2pi(angleY, newang[1] ) +diff2pi(angleZ, newang[2] )
00708            > diff2pi(angleX, pii+newang[0] ) + diff2pi(angleY, pii-newang[1] ) + diff2pi(angleZ, pii+newang[2] ) ){
00709     // check also cases where one of the above 'eq' is OK because it is = 0
00710     if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) std::cout << " change the 3 newang " << std::endl;
00711     newang[0] = addPii( newang[0] );
00712     newang[1] = pii - newang[1];
00713     newang[2] = addPii( newang[2] );
00714     double rotnewxy = -sin( newang[0] ) * sin( newang[1] ) * cos( newang[2] ) - cos( newang[0] )* sin( newang[2] );
00715     double rotnewxz = -cos( newang[0] ) * sin( newang[1] ) * cos( newang[2] ) - sin( newang[0] )* sin( newang[2] );
00716     if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) std::cout << " rotnewxy " << rotnewxy << " = " << rmLocal.xy()
00717          << " rotnewxz " << rotnewxz << " = " << rmLocal.xz() << std::endl;
00718   }
00720   for (int ii=0; ii<3; ii++) {  
00721     newang[ii] = approxTo0( newang[ii] );
00722   }
00723   //  double rotnewyx = cos( newang[1] ) * sin( newang[2] );
00725   if(  checkMatrixEquations( newang[0], newang[1], newang[2], &rmLocal ) != 0 ){
00726     std::cerr << " wrong rotation matrix " <<  newang[0] << " " << newang[1] << " " << newang[2] << std::endl;
00727     ALIUtils::dumprm( rmLocal, " matrix is " );
00728   }
00729   if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) {
00730     std::cout << "Final angles:  newang[0] " << newang[0] << " newang[1] " << newang[1] << " newang[2] " << newang[2] << std::endl;
00731     CLHEP::HepRotation rot;
00732     rot.rotateX( newang[0] );
00733     ALIUtils::dumprm( rot, " new rot after X ");
00734     rot.rotateY( newang[1] );
00735     ALIUtils::dumprm( rot, " new rot after Y ");
00736     rot.rotateZ( newang[2] );
00737     ALIUtils::dumprm( rot, " new rot ");
00738     ALIUtils::dumprm( rmLocal, " rmLocal " );
00739     //-    ALIUtils::dumprm( theRmGlobOriginal, " theRmGlobOriginal " );
00740   }
00742   //-  std::cout << " before return newang[0] " << newang[0] << " newang[1] " << newang[1] << " newang[2] " << newang[2] << std::endl;
00743   return newang;
00745 }
00747 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00748 double ALIUtils::diff2pi( double ang1, double ang2 ) 
00749 {
00750   double pii = acos(0.)*2;
00751   double diff = fabs( ang1 - ang2 );
00752   diff = diff - int(diff/2./pii) * 2 *pii;
00753   return diff;
00754 }
00757 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00758 bool ALIUtils::eq2ang( double ang1, double ang2 ) 
00759 {
00760   bool beq = true;
00762   double pii = acos(0.)*2;
00763   double diff = diff2pi( ang1, ang2 );
00764   if( diff > 0.00001 ) {
00765     if( fabs( diff - 2*pii ) > 0.00001 ) {
00766       //-      std::cout << " diff " << diff << " " << ang1 << " " << ang2 << std::endl;
00767       beq = false;
00768     }
00769   } else {
00770     beq = true;
00771   }
00773   return beq;
00774 }
00777 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00778 double ALIUtils::approxTo0( double val )
00779 {
00780   double precision = 1.e-9;
00781   if( fabs(val) < precision ) val = 0;
00782   return val;
00783 }
00786 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00787 double ALIUtils::addPii( double val )
00788 {
00789   if( val < M_PI ) {
00790     val += M_PI;
00791   } else {
00792     val -= M_PI;
00793   }
00795   return val;
00796 }
00798 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00799 int ALIUtils::checkMatrixEquations( double angleX, double angleY, double angleZ, CLHEP::HepRotation* rot)
00800 {
00801   //-  std::cout << " cme " << angleX << " " << angleY << " " << angleZ << std::endl;
00802   if( rot == 0 ) {
00803     rot = new CLHEP::HepRotation();
00804     rot->rotateX( angleX );
00805     rot->rotateY( angleY );
00806     rot->rotateZ( angleZ );
00807   }
00808   double sx = sin(angleX);
00809   double cx = cos(angleX);
00810   double sy = sin(angleY);
00811   double cy = cos(angleY);
00812   double sz = sin(angleZ);
00813   double cz = cos(angleZ);
00815   double rotxx = cy*cz;
00816   double rotxy = sx*sy*cz-cx*sz;
00817   double rotxz = cx*sy*cz+sx*sz;
00818   double rotyx = cy*sz;
00819   double rotyy = sx*sy*sz+cx*cz;
00820   double rotyz = cx*sy*sz-sx*cz;
00821   double rotzx = -sy;
00822   double rotzy = sx*cy;
00823   double rotzz = cx*cy;
00825   int matrixElemBad = 0; 
00826   if( !eq2ang( rot->xx(), rotxx ) ) {
00827     std::cerr << " EQUATION for xx() IS BAD " << rot->xx() << " <> " << rotxx << std::endl;
00828     matrixElemBad++;
00829   }
00830   if( !eq2ang( rot->xy(), rotxy ) ) {
00831     std::cerr << " EQUATION for xy() IS BAD " << rot->xy() << " <> " << rotxy << std::endl;
00832     matrixElemBad++;
00833   }
00834   if( !eq2ang( rot->xz(), rotxz ) ) {
00835     std::cerr << " EQUATION for xz() IS BAD " << rot->xz() << " <> " << rotxz << std::endl;
00836     matrixElemBad++;
00837   }
00838   if( !eq2ang( rot->yx(), rotyx ) ) {
00839     std::cerr << " EQUATION for yx() IS BAD " << rot->yx() << " <> " << rotyx << std::endl;
00840     matrixElemBad++;
00841   }
00842   if( !eq2ang( rot->yy(), rotyy ) ) {
00843     std::cerr << " EQUATION for yy() IS BAD " << rot->yy() << " <> " << rotyy << std::endl;
00844     matrixElemBad++;
00845   }
00846   if( !eq2ang( rot->yz(), rotyz ) ) {
00847     std::cerr << " EQUATION for yz() IS BAD " << rot->yz() << " <> " << rotyz << std::endl;
00848     matrixElemBad++;
00849   }
00850   if( !eq2ang( rot->zx(), rotzx ) ) {
00851     std::cerr << " EQUATION for zx() IS BAD " << rot->zx() << " <> " << rotzx << std::endl;
00852     matrixElemBad++;
00853   }
00854   if( !eq2ang( rot->zy(), rotzy ) ) {
00855     std::cerr << " EQUATION for zy() IS BAD " << rot->zy() << " <> " << rotzy << std::endl;
00856     matrixElemBad++;
00857   }
00858   if( !eq2ang( rot->zz(), rotzz ) ) {
00859     std::cerr << " EQUATION for zz() IS BAD " << rot->zz() << " <> " << rotzz << std::endl;
00860     matrixElemBad++;
00861   }
00863   //-  std::cout << " cme: matrixElemBad " << matrixElemBad << std::endl;
00864   return matrixElemBad;
00865 }