
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "DQM/DataScouting/plugins/RazorVarAnalyzer.h"
00003 #include "DataFormats/JetReco/interface/CaloJet.h"
00004 #include "DataFormats/JetReco/interface/CaloJetCollection.h"
00006 #include "DataFormats/EgammaCandidates/interface/Electron.h"
00007 #include "DataFormats/EgammaCandidates/interface/ElectronFwd.h"
00009 #include "DataFormats/MuonReco/interface/Muon.h"
00010 #include "DataFormats/RecoCandidate/interface/RecoChargedCandidate.h"
00012 #include <cmath>
00014 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00015 // A simple constructor which takes as inoput only the name of the PF jet collection
00016 RazorVarAnalyzer::RazorVarAnalyzer( const edm::ParameterSet & conf ):
00017   ScoutingAnalyzerBase(conf),
00018   m_eleCollectionTag(conf.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("eleCollectionName",edm::InputTag("hltPixelMatchElectronsActivity"))),
00019   m_jetCollectionTag(conf.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("jetCollectionName",edm::InputTag("hltCaloJetIDPassed"))),
00020   m_muCollectionTag(conf.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("muCollectionName",edm::InputTag("hltL3MuonCandidates"))),
00021   m_razorVarCollectionTag(conf.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("razorVarCollectionName")){
00022 }
00024 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00025 // Nothing to destroy: the DQM service thinks about everything
00026 RazorVarAnalyzer::~RazorVarAnalyzer(){}
00028 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00029 // Usual analyze method
00030 void RazorVarAnalyzer::analyze( const edm::Event & iEvent, const edm::EventSetup & c ){
00032   //count the number of jets with a minimal selection
00033   edm::Handle<reco::CaloJetCollection> calojets_handle;
00034   iEvent.getByLabel(m_jetCollectionTag,calojets_handle);
00036   unsigned int njets = 0;
00037   for(reco::CaloJetCollection::const_iterator it = calojets_handle->begin(); it != calojets_handle->end(); ++it){
00038     if(it->pt() >= 30. && fabs(it->eta()) <= 3.0){
00039       njets++;
00040     }
00041   }
00043   //count the number of muons
00044   edm::Handle<std::vector<reco::RecoChargedCandidate> > muon_handle;
00045   iEvent.getByLabel(m_muCollectionTag,muon_handle);
00047   unsigned int nmu_loose = 0;
00048   unsigned int nmu_tight = 0;
00049   if(muon_handle.isValid()){
00050     for(std::vector<reco::RecoChargedCandidate>::const_iterator it = muon_handle->begin(); it != muon_handle->end(); ++it){
00051       if(it->pt() >= 15 && fabs(it->eta()) <= 2.1) nmu_tight++;
00052       if(it->pt() >= 10 && fabs(it->eta()) <= 2.4) nmu_loose++;
00053     }
00054   }
00056   //count the number of electrons
00057   edm::Handle<reco::ElectronCollection> ele_handle;
00058   iEvent.getByLabel(m_eleCollectionTag,ele_handle);
00060   unsigned int nele_loose = 0;
00061   unsigned int nele_tight = 0;
00062   if(ele_handle.isValid()){
00063     for(reco::ElectronCollection::const_iterator it = ele_handle->begin(); it != ele_handle->end(); ++it){
00064       if(it->pt() >= 20 && fabs(it->eta()) <= 2.5) nele_tight++;
00065       if(it->pt() >= 10 && fabs(it->eta()) <= 2.5) nele_loose++;
00066     }
00067   }
00069   //now get the box number: {'MuEle':0,'MuMu':1,'EleEle':2,'Mu':3,'Ele':4,'Had':5}
00070   unsigned int box_num = 5;
00071   if(nmu_tight > 0 && nele_tight > 0){
00072     box_num = 0;
00073   }else if(nmu_tight > 0 && nmu_loose > 1){
00074     box_num = 1;
00075   }else if(nele_tight > 0 && nele_loose > 1){
00076     box_num = 2;
00077   }else if(nmu_tight > 0){
00078     box_num = 3;
00079   }else if(nele_tight > 0){
00080     box_num = 4;
00081   }
00083   edm::Handle<std::vector<double> > razorvar_handle;
00084   iEvent.getByLabel(m_razorVarCollectionTag,razorvar_handle);
00086   if(razorvar_handle->size() > 1){
00087     const double MR = razorvar_handle->at(0);
00088     const double R = razorvar_handle->at(1);
00089     m_rsqMRFullyInc->Fill(MR,R*R);
00090     if(njets >= 4) m_rsqMRInc4J->Fill(MR,R*R);
00091     if(njets >= 6) m_rsqMRInc6J->Fill(MR,R*R);
00092     if(njets >= 8) m_rsqMRInc8J->Fill(MR,R*R);
00093     if(njets >= 10) m_rsqMRInc10J->Fill(MR,R*R);
00094     if(njets >= 12) m_rsqMRInc12J->Fill(MR,R*R);
00095     if(njets >= 14) m_rsqMRInc14J->Fill(MR,R*R);
00097     //now fill the boxes
00098     if(box_num == 0) m_rsqMREleMu->Fill(MR,R*R);
00099     if(box_num == 1) m_rsqMRMuMu->Fill(MR,R*R);
00100     if(box_num == 2) m_rsqMREleEle->Fill(MR,R*R);
00101     if(box_num == 3) m_rsqMRMu->Fill(MR,R*R);
00102     if(box_num == 4) m_rsqMREle->Fill(MR,R*R);
00103     if(box_num == 5) m_rsqMRHad->Fill(MR,R*R);
00105     //finally the multijet boxes - think ttbar
00106     //muon boxes: muons are not in jets
00107     if( box_num == 3 && njets >= 4) m_rsqMRMuMJ->Fill(MR,R*R);
00108     //ele boxes: electrons are in jets
00109     else if( box_num == 4 && njets >= 5) m_rsqMREleMJ->Fill(MR,R*R);
00110     //fill the Had box
00111     else if( box_num == 5 && njets >= 6) m_rsqMRHadMJ->Fill(MR,R*R);
00112   }
00114 }
00116 void RazorVarAnalyzer::endRun( edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const & ){
00117 }
00119 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00120 // Function to book the Monitoring Elements.
00121 void RazorVarAnalyzer::bookMEs(){
00123   //the full inclusive histograms
00124   m_rsqMRFullyInc = bookH2withSumw2("rsqMRFullyInc",
00125                                     "M_{R} vs R^{2} (All Events)",
00126                                     400,0.,4000.,
00127                                     50,0.,1.,
00128                                     "M_{R} [GeV]",
00129                                     "R^{2}");
00130   m_rsqMRInc4J = bookH2withSumw2("rsqMRInc4J",
00131                                     "M_{R} vs R^{2} (>= 4j)",
00132                                     400,0.,4000.,
00133                                     50,0.,1.,
00134                                     "M_{R} [GeV]",
00135                                     "R^{2}");
00136   m_rsqMRInc6J = bookH2withSumw2("rsqMRInc6J",
00137                                     "M_{R} vs R^{2} (>= 6j)",
00138                                     400,0.,4000.,
00139                                     50,0.,1.,
00140                                     "M_{R} [GeV]",
00141                                     "R^{2}");
00142   m_rsqMRInc8J = bookH2withSumw2("rsqMRInc8J",
00143                                     "M_{R} vs R^{2} (>= 8j)",
00144                                     400,0.,4000.,
00145                                     50,0.,1.,
00146                                     "M_{R} [GeV]",
00147                                     "R^{2}");
00148   m_rsqMRInc10J = bookH2withSumw2("rsqMRInc10J",
00149                                     "M_{R} vs R^{2} (>= 10j)",
00150                                     400,0.,4000.,
00151                                     50,0.,1.,
00152                                     "M_{R} [GeV]",
00153                                     "R^{2}");
00154   m_rsqMRInc12J = bookH2withSumw2("rsqMRInc12J",
00155                                     "M_{R} vs R^{2} (>= 12j)",
00156                                     400,0.,4000.,
00157                                     50,0.,1.,
00158                                     "M_{R} [GeV]",
00159                                     "R^{2}");
00160   m_rsqMRInc14J = bookH2withSumw2("rsqMRInc14J",
00161                                     "M_{R} vs R^{2} (>= 14j)",
00162                                     400,0.,4000.,
00163                                     50,0.,1.,
00164                                     "M_{R} [GeV]",
00165                                     "R^{2}");
00167   //the by box histograms
00168   m_rsqMREleMu = bookH2withSumw2("rsqMREleMu",
00169                                  "M_{R} vs R^{2} (EleMu box)",
00170                                  400,0.,4000.,
00171                                  50,0.,1.,
00172                                  "M_{R} [GeV]",
00173                                  "R^{2}");
00174   m_rsqMRMuMu = bookH2withSumw2("rsqMRMuMu",
00175                                 "M_{R} vs R^{2} (MuMu box)",
00176                                 400,0.,4000.,
00177                                 50,0.,1.,
00178                                 "M_{R} [GeV]",
00179                                 "R^{2}");
00180   m_rsqMREleEle = bookH2withSumw2("rsqMREleEle",
00181                                   "M_{R} vs R^{2} (EleEle box)",
00182                                   400,0.,4000.,
00183                                   50,0.,1.,
00184                                   "M_{R} [GeV]",
00185                                   "R^{2}");
00186   m_rsqMRMu = bookH2withSumw2("rsqMRMu",
00187                               "M_{R} vs R^{2} (Mu box)",
00188                               400,0.,4000.,
00189                               50,0.,1.,
00190                               "M_{R} [GeV]",
00191                               "R^{2}");
00192   m_rsqMREle = bookH2withSumw2("rsqMREle",
00193                                "M_{R} vs R^{2} (Ele box)",
00194                                400,0.,4000.,
00195                                50,0.,1.,
00196                                "M_{R} [GeV]",
00197                                "R^{2}");
00198   m_rsqMRHad = bookH2withSumw2("rsqMRHad",
00199                                   "M_{R} vs R^{2} (Had box)",
00200                                   400,0.,4000.,
00201                                   50,0.,1.,
00202                                   "M_{R} [GeV]",
00203                                   "R^{2}");
00205   //the by box histograms
00206   m_rsqMRMuMJ = bookH2withSumw2("rsqMRMuMJ",
00207                               "M_{R} vs R^{2} (Mu box >= 4j)",
00208                               400,0.,4000.,
00209                               50,0.,1.,
00210                               "M_{R} [GeV]",
00211                               "R^{2}");
00212   m_rsqMREleMJ = bookH2withSumw2("rsqMREleMJ",
00213                                "M_{R} vs R^{2} (Ele box >= 5j)",
00214                                400,0.,4000.,
00215                                50,0.,1.,
00216                                "M_{R} [GeV]",
00217                                "R^{2}");
00218   m_rsqMRHadMJ = bookH2withSumw2("rsqMRHadMJ",
00219                                  "M_{R} vs R^{2} (Had box >= 6j)",
00220                                  400,0.,4000.,
00221                                  50,0.,1.,
00222                                  "M_{R} [GeV]",
00223                                  "R^{2}");
00226 }