
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 #loose
00004 hiLooseMTS = cms.PSet(
00005     preFilterName=cms.string(''),
00006     name= cms.string('hiTrkLoose'),
00008    # vertex selection
00009     vtxNumber = cms.int32(-1),
00010     vertexCut = cms.string(''),
00012     #untracked bool copyTrajectories = true // when doing retracking before
00013     copyTrajectories = cms.untracked.bool(True),
00014     copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool(True), ## set to false on AOD
00015     qualityBit = cms.string('loose'), ## set to '' or comment out if you dont want to set the 
00017     chi2n_par = cms.double(9999),                     # version with 1D hits modification
00018     chi2n_no1Dmod_par = cms.double(0.3),                     # normalizedChi2 < nLayers * chi2n_par
00019     res_par = cms.vdouble(99999., 99999.),            # residual parameterization (re-check in HI)
00020     d0_par1 = cms.vdouble(9999., 0.),                 # parameterized nomd0E
00021     dz_par1 = cms.vdouble(9999., 0.),
00022     d0_par2 = cms.vdouble(8.0, 0.0),              # d0E from tk.d0Error
00023     dz_par2 = cms.vdouble(8.0, 0.0),
00024     # Boolean indicating if adapted primary vertex compatibility cuts are to be applied.
00025     applyAdaptedPVCuts = cms.bool(True),
00027     # Impact parameter absolute cuts.
00028     max_z0 = cms.double(1000),
00029     max_d0 = cms.double(1000),
00030     nSigmaZ = cms.double(9999.),
00032    # Cuts on numbers of layers with hits/3D hits/lost hits. 
00033     minNumberLayers = cms.uint32(0),
00034     minNumber3DLayers = cms.uint32(0),
00035     maxNumberLostLayers = cms.uint32(999),
00036     minHitsToBypassChecks = cms.uint32(20),
00038     # Absolute cuts in case of no PV. If yes, please define also max_d0NoPV and max_z0NoPV
00039     applyAbsCutsIfNoPV = cms.bool(False),
00040     keepAllTracks= cms.bool(False),
00042     # parameters for cutting on pterror/pt and number of valid hits
00043     max_relpterr = cms.double(0.1),
00044     min_nhits = cms.uint32(10)
00045     )
00047 hiTightMTS=hiLooseMTS.clone(
00048     preFilterName='hiTrkLoose',
00049     min_nhits = cms.uint32(12),
00050     max_relpterr = cms.double(0.075),    
00051     d0_par2 = cms.vdouble(5.0, 0.0),
00052     dz_par2 = cms.vdouble(5.0, 0.0),
00053     chi2n_no1Dmod_par = cms.double(0.25),    
00054     name= cms.string('hiTrkTight'),
00055     qualityBit = cms.string('tight'), ## set to '' or comment out if you dont want to set the bit
00056     keepAllTracks= cms.bool(True)
00057     )
00059 hiHighpurityMTS= hiTightMTS.clone(
00060     name= cms.string('hiTrkHighPurity'),
00061     preFilterName='hiTrkTight',
00062     min_nhits = cms.uint32(13),
00063     max_relpterr = cms.double(0.05),    
00064     d0_par2 = [3.0, 0.0],
00065     dz_par2 = [3.0, 0.0],
00066     chi2n_no1Dmod_par = cms.double(0.15),    
00067     qualityBit = cms.string('highPurity') ## set to '' or comment out if you dont want to set the bit
00068     )
00070 #typical configuration is six selectors... something like this to
00071 #make cloning easier.
00072 hiMultiTrackSelector = cms.EDProducer("MultiTrackSelector",
00073                                     src = cms.InputTag("hiGeneralTracks"),
00074                                     beamspot = cms.InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"),
00075                                     useVertices = cms.bool(True),
00076                                     useVtxError = cms.bool(True),
00077                                     vertices    = cms.InputTag("hiSelectedVertex"),
00078                                     trackSelectors = cms.VPSet( hiLooseMTS,
00079                                                                 hiTightMTS,
00080                                                                 hiHighpurityMTS)
00081                                     )